Crowe Boys – Press Image


Crowe Boys have been making music since both could pick up an instrument. Their music was an integral part of their families traveling lifestyle. While aspect of their career have changed over the years, the underlying message of their music has not. Being positive and sharing hope has always been their trademark. Now, a couple of decades later, that is still the case.  

 Their sound today is reviving and hopeful; remembering adventure, yet revealing honesty of life and hardships. There have been milestones that contribute to what many of their songs are about… Losing family members, falling in love, and the joys of becoming a parent. The music can speak depth or strum joy. It has purpose and intention, eager to share with the world. 



Play Video

Crowe Boys – Let Me Feel Alone (Official Audio)

Play Video

Crowe Boys – Bootstraps (Official Audio Video)