Back to news 12/15/13



Audio / LINER Jase (Duck the Halls)

LINER Jase (Duck the Halls)
“Hey y’all, this is Jase Robertson. Why don’t you Duck the Halls with us this Christmas? It’s a Robertson Family Christmas.”

Audio / LINER Jase (Happy Holidays)

LINER Jase (Happy Holidays)
“Hey y’all, this is Jase Robertson. Have a Happy Holidays.”

Audio / LINER Jep (Happy Holiday Season)

LINER Jep (Happy Holiday Season)
“Hey! This is Jep from the Robertson Family, wishing everybody a happy and joyous holiday season.”

Audio / LINER Jep (Merry & Hairy Christmas)

LINER Jep (Merry & Hairy Christmas)
“Hey y’all! This is Jep Robertson, wishing you a Merry and Hairy Christmas.”

Audio / LINER Jessica (Merry Christmas)

LINER Jessica (Merry Christmas)
“Hi! This is Jessica Robertson, wishing you a very Merry Christmas.”

Audio / LINER Korie (Merry Christmas)

LINER Korie (Merry Christmas)
“Hi! This is Korie Robertson, wishing you a very Merry Christmas.”

Audio / LINER Miss Kay (Happy & Joyous Season)

LINER Miss Kay (Happy & Joyous Season)
“This is Miss Kay from the Robertson Family, wishing everybody a joyous and happy season.”

Audio / LINER Missy (Merry Christmas)

INER Missy (Merry Christmas)
“Hi! This is Missy Robertson, wishing you a very Merry Christmas.”

Audio / LINER Phil (Duck the Halls)

LINER Phil (Duck the Halls)
“Hey y’all, this is Phil Robertson, why don’t you Duck the Halls with us this Christmas? It’s a Robertson Family Christmas.”

Audio / LINER Phil (Merry Christmas)

LINER Phil (Merry Christmas)
“Hi! This is Phil, wishing you a very Merry Christmas.”

Audio / LINER Uncle Si (Happy Holiday)

LINER Uncle Si (Happy Holiday)
“Hey y’all! This is Uncle Si. Have a Happy Holiday.”

Audio / LINER Uncle Si (Merry Christmas)

LINER Uncle Si (Merry Christmas)
“Hey! This is Uncle Si, wishing you a very Merry Christmas.”

Audio / LINER Willie Robertson (Merry Christmas)

LINER Willie (Merry Christmas)
“Hey, it’s Willie Robertson, wishing you a very Merry Christmas.”

Audio / Jase (favorite Christmas memory)

AUDIO: Jase Robertson recalls one of his favorite Christmas memories.

Jase (favorite Christmas memory) OC: …duck hunting. :52
JASE:  “My favorite Christmas memory is probably the time that I got down at my dad’s house right before daylight because we were going duck hunting – it was Christmas Eve – and I see smoke everywhere. I went into his house and there’s a hole right in front of the fireplace that is huge, and he has a sledgehammer and he’s just (sighs), making the hole bigger. I said ‘What happened?’ He’s like, ‘House caught on fire.’  And so I’m like, ‘Hmm, well I guess so much for my dad going duck hunting.’ And I said, ‘Well, we’re going to go ahead and go to the blind, and he’s like, ‘Oh I’m coming with you.’ ‘Well, you’ve got a big hole in the middle of your floor. He’s like, ‘Well, what do you want me to do about it?’  He said, ‘We got the fire out.’ So, I learned something there — If you have a fire at your house during duck season, you need to put it out before daylight, ‘cause we’re going duck hunting.”

Audio / Jase (favorite Christmas movie)

AUDIO: Jase Robertson talks about his favorite Christmas movie.

Jase (favorite Christmas movie) OC: …Outlaw Josie Wells. :27
“Yeah I get a lot of flack over my favorite Christmas movie, ‘cause it’s probably the Outlaw Josie Wells. People are like, ‘What does that have to do with Christmas?’ I’m like in that journey that he took, I’m sure they had Christmas somewhere in there, and it just gets me excited during the Christmas spirit. My favorite classic Christmas movie I guess would be Christmas Vacation. We have a tradition where we always watch that, but it’s not Outlaw Josie Wells.”

Audio / Jep (strangest Christmas gift)

AUDIO: Jep Robertson talks about his strangest Christmas gift.

Jep (strangest Christmas gift) OC: …no thanks. :08
“I think the strangest gift I ever got was somebody gave me a Duck Commander t-shirt.  I can get those for free. So, thanks but no thanks. [laughs]”

Audio / Korie (favorite Christmas memory)

AUDIO: Korie Robertson, Willie’s wife, recalls her favorite Christmas memory of her son, John Luke.

Korie (favorite Christmas memory) OC: …baby Jesus. :26
“My favorite Christmas memory is when John Luke was a baby, he got to play baby Jesus and we did it at the mall. They set up this huge like nativity scene, and I was Mary and John Luke was baby Jesus. He had a pacifier. He loved his pacifier, so it was probably the only baby Jesus that was sucking a pacifier. But it’s okay. We made it, and he did great.  He was so cute.  I still have those pictures and remember him at that little age playing baby Jesus.”

Audio / Miss Kay (favorite Christmas gift)

AUDIO: Miss Kay, the matriarch of the Robertson Family, talks about her favorite Christmas memory and Christmas gift all wrapped up in one.

Miss Kay (favorite Christmas gift) OC: …was wonderful. :40
“My favorite Christmas memory is when Phil and I came back together after we had the hard time and we were separated, when we came back together that first Christmas, we were in a little bitty apartment and we were apart and then we were back together, and Phil gave me – had a big ole box under the tree, and of course I couldn’t wait to see what it was because he’s not a gift buyer, and it was a wonderful set of pots and pans. Anybody else would have said, ‘Well, that’s not personal,’ but it was very personal for me. And for Phil to give me a gift and even have it wrapped, I’m telling you, it was wonderful.”

Audio / Uncle Si (favorite Christmas Eve & Christmas Day)

AUDIO: Uncle Si explains what the Robertson Family does for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Uncle Si (Christmas Eve & Christmas Day) OC: …family meal. :09
“Look, here’s what we do on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, okay? The Robertsons gets together around a table, okay, for a big family meal.”

Audio / Uncle Si (Christmas present)

AUDIO: Uncle Si explains what he’d like for Christmas this year.

Uncle Si (Christmas present) OC: …is hunt. :11
“Here’s what I want from Santa, Okay?  And Santa, are you listening? I want some time off, Okay? Give me a break more than a couple of hours. I want like a month to do what I like to do, which is hunt.”

[[21]AUDIO: Duck the Halls’ Willie Robertson recalls his favorite Christmas memory.

Willie (favorite Christmas memory) OC: …ever. :22
“My favorite Christmas memory was probably the year that we got our third son, Will.  Just how we got him and it was in December.  He came to us and I never forget having him right behind John Luke and Sadie and just a special Christmas with a newborn there and taking care of him.

Audio / Willie (favorite Christmas meal)

AUDIO: Duck the Halls’ Willie Robertson recalls his favorite Christmas memory.

Willie (favorite Christmas meal) OC: …it’s awesome. :33
“My favorite Christmas meal would have to be down at my parents eating fried shrimp and crawfish balls and crawfish pie. For some reason we do a big seafood thing. So there’s some dressing but more of the dressing and duck and all that is at Thanksgiving and for some reason at Christmas we want to blow out with a big Cajun seafood meal. So we all help out and throw in and help cook it and it’s awesome.”


Video / The Robertsons - Uncle Si's Favorite Christmas Memory
