June 15, 2012


Little Big Town hit the road with Rascal Flatts on their Changed Tour. The trek, which also features the Eli Young Band and Eden’s Edge, kicks off Friday (June 15th) in Hartford, Connecticut. They’re expected to visit 60 cities on the tour, which is currently scheduled to wrap in mid-October. 

LBT’s Karen Fairchild is thrilled to check out both the crowds and their tourmates when they hit the road. ““I can’t wait to see what their crowd is like! I mean we’ve never toured with them, so I don’t even know, but [their fans are] fiercely loyal to them,” she says. “We’ve been friends of theirs forever, and we’ve never toured together. We’ve really only done two shows in a decade, I think, together.” 

Rascal Flatts recently told Country Weekly that they have teamed up with Little Big Town to record the Grand Funk Railroad classic “We’re An American Band,” which Gary says they will perform with Little Big Town during the encore of their shows during the show. 

LBT is currently making waves on the country charts with their latest single, “Pontoon.” 

AUDIO: Little Big Town talk about going on the road with Rascal Flatts. 

LBT (RF Tour) OC: (Karen) …exciting too! [laughs] :22 

KAREN: “I can’t wait to see what their crowd is like! I mean we’ve never toured with them, so I don’t even know, but [their fans are] fiercely loyal to them!” PHILLIP: “I, for some reason, expect a lot of energy, (KAREN: “Me too!”) a high-energy crowd. I mean, that’s exciting to us, I think.” KAREN: “I expect a lot of pretty girls…” PHILLIP: “That’s exciting, too!” KAREN: “…swooning over…(laughs) listen to Phillip, that’s exciting too! [laughs]” 

AUDIO: Little Big Town can’t wait to check out the Rascal Flatts show. 

LBT (RF Tour) 2 OC: …and again and again. :20

KAREN: “I can’t wait to see the Flatts’ show. We’ve been friends of theirs forever, and we’ve never toured together. We’ve really only done two shows in a decade, I think, together. (KIMBERLY: “Probably.”) And then CMA Fest last year when we did the collaboration, I think maybe that’s what inspired the whole thing was like, ‘This is fun. We should it do it again and again and again.”

Audio cut x cut


LBT (RF tour)


LBT (RF tour) 2


LINER LBT (hope to see y'all at the show tonight)