April 1, 2020

UMG NASHVILLE COVID-19 QUARANTINE AUDIO AND LINERS: Carrie, Sam, Keith, Jordan, Kip, Maddie and Tae, Travis, Adam, Brothers Osborne, Lauren, Shania and more

We will continue to update this story as we try to navigate our way through uncharted territory during this global pandemic.  Keep checking back.

Country Music Stars and the entire country music industry and country music fans seem to be some of the first to show up to lend a helping hand, a voice and a song to get all of us through tough times…as is in the case of the deadly tornado that ripped through Middle Tennessee in early March to this deadly disease spreading over the entire globe.

Some of your favorite country stars are live streaming performances, answering your questions, revealing what they are doing to pass the time while social distancing and giving a message of hope to the rest of us.

Find audio below as well as some recent social posts.


































Audio cut x cut


Carrie Underwood reveals what she and her family of four have been doing during this time of social distancing.

Carrie Underwood (what she’s been doing) OC: …everybody else. :38
“Hi, this is Carrie Underwood. I am dealing with the social distancing much like everybody else. We are just at home, and we are trying to get out and explore when the weather’s nice enough to do so. We are so lucky that we have some land around us that we get to get outside and get some of our energy out, especially with a five-year-old, for Isaiah, trying to come up with crafts. I’ve been cooking a lot. My house is spotless. [laughs] But just trying to do what I can work-wise as much as I can at home and trying not to worry and praying much like everybody else.”


Carrie Underwood reveals her favorite TV shows.

Carrie Underwood (A Million Little Things) OC: …shows, as well. :24
“My favorite show? It depends on what time of year it is, to be honest. We do guilty watch The Bachelor or Bachelorette. I love The Walking Dead when that’s on. I do like A Million Little Things when that’s on. It seems like maybe when one of my favorite shows ends, it’s like another one starts back up again. But we watch a lot of murder-mystery type shows, as well.”


LINER Carrie Underwood (Coronavirus liner)


LINER Carrie Underwood (Coronavirus liner) 2



Kip Moore (what he’s been doing) OC: …skateboard game. :47
“I’m doing a lot of the same things I’ve always done to stay healthy. I’m trying to eat right, take care of my body. But I have followed the guidelines of quarantining myself. I’m trying to do everything asked of me. I’m currently in the mountains and I’m rock climbing. I’m completely solo. I’m off the grid. I’ve stocked up on a lot of frozen meats. I’ve got a little lodge up here in Kentucky, so I’m hanging out here, so that’s where I’m spending my time. I’ve always wanted to learn Spanish. I’ve always been able to dabble in it, but I want to get better at it. So, the first thing I did was I downloaded the dual lingo app, and it’s very elementary. Every single morning, I try to spend 45 minutes to an hour with that app, and the other thing that I’ve been trying to do is I have been outside trying to work on my skateboard game.”





Jordan Davis (message during quarantine) OC: …you guys. :28
“Hey everybody, it’s Jordan Davis. I hope everybody is staying healthy and safe during the social distancing. I know we’re catching up on some movies and some TV shows and also just spending a lot of time with my daughter and my wife, trying to get back into catching up on some books and just kind of re-centering and slowing down a little bit. I hope everybody’s kind of doing that. I hope everybody, like I said, stays healthy and safe, and I look forward to being back out and playing music for you guys.”


Sam Hunt reveals what he has been doing during this time of social distancing.

Sam Hunt (what he’s been doing) OC: …than later. :37
“We’re doing well. We’re stocked up on groceries and supplies and we live south of town. We just moved into a little cabin out in the woods about five months ago, so we’re getting some time in the new place, getting to know it a little bit. There’s some woods behind the house we can go and walk in, and we’re doing that now after we binged out on Netflix and Youtube, and got some dogs. I’ve got a little bird dog puppy, I’ll get out in the yard, trying to train, so I’ll mess with him a little bit. But getting to spend some time around the house, taking it easy, but I’m hoping this thing passes sooner than later.”


Sam Hunt binged the Netflix show, Tiger King.

Sam Hunt (Tiger King) OC: …playing out there. :24
“I have watched Tiger King, yup. I saw it about a week ago when it came out and thought this is about to blow up. The whole thing was wild, you know. I feel like that guy was just down the road from where I grew up. I feel like I knew that guy and a lot of those characters in that show, but maybe that’s why I liked it because it was so familiar to me. But there’s a lot of drama playing out there.”


LINER Sam Hunt (general COVID-19 LINER) 2


LINER Keith Urban (COVID-19 LINER)


Travis Denning explains what he's been doing during this time of social distancing.

Travis Denning (what he’s been doing) OC: …spring break. :19
Hey y’all this is Travis Denning. Honestly, I’ve been just trying to kind of keep the spirits up, you know. Been hunkered down, trying to eat really well, work out when I can, watch a lot of movies, and I am enjoying some alcoholic beverages because at least it makes it feel a little bit like a really long spring break.”


Travis Denning reveals the most recent TV show he binged, as well as a movie he enjoyed during our social distancing.

Travis Denning (TV show and movie) OC: …amazing. :21
“My favorite show right now that I just watched was ‘The Outsider’ on HBO. It is TERRIFYING, it is so good, great story line and Steven King is a genius. A movie I just watched I really liked too is ‘Once Upon a Time In Hollywood.’ Quentin Tarantino is one of my favorite directors and he’s amazing.”


LINER Travis Denning (COVID-19 LINER)

“Hey y’all! This is Travis Denning, and I just wanna let y’all know that we’re all in this together, and we’re all gonna get through it together. Be safe, be kind, and I hope to see ya soon.”


Lauren Alaina talks about social distancing.

Lauren Alaina (social distancing) OC: …to our lives. :58
“Hi this is Lauren Alaina. I am not the best at social distancing, it’s a little bit hard for me. Obviously as a 25-year-old girl who lives alone, that can be kind of crazy to be at home alone, but I know the importance of it and I think right now it’s not about me or about you, it’s about all of us. We’re all in this together and we have to take the necessary precautions to stop this horrible, horrible virus, and as hard as it is for me, I am doing everything I can to be safe and clean and do my part and I think we all have to do that right now. And I’m writing on Zoom, which is an app that I can connect with, it’s a video app that I can connect with the other songwriters and hopefully I can finish this album in this time and have that ready to go when we all get back to our lives.”


Lauren Alaina sends a heartfelt message to her fans.

Lauren Alaina (message to fans) OC: …see you soon. :38
“To my fans, I know this is a scary time I’m scared with you. But I think we need to try to focus on the positive and the positive is that we are getting time with our family and our friends even if it’s on FaceTime, we are getting time to spend with people. Even if it’s not face-to-face we have endless time to connect with people. And I think we’ve all done a really good job through Instagram and Facebook and Twitter and all of our social medias to stay in touch with one another, and I think this is an opportunity to remember how much people mean to you and to tell them. Be safe, be kind, and I hope to see you soon.”


Lauren Alaina talks about some of her hobbies during this time of social isolation.

Lauren Alaina (favorite hobbies) OC: …what to do. :28
“My favorite hobbies are cleaning, writing songs, singing, reading. I like to send memes back and forth with my family. My dad and I literally send memes all day long and now we’re doing it obsessively because we’re both sitting around trying to figure out what to do.”


Adam Hambrick sends a message out during this time of social distancing.

Adam Hamrick (COVID-19 message) OC: …than we’ve been. :31
“Hey this is Adam Hambrick. I’m gonna be honest — this whole thing has scared me more than I like to be scared, ‘cause it’s just kind of a wild time to be alive. But, I have a lot of faith in people and I have a lot of faith in America and I really feel like this is a thing that we’re gonna get through and, just like we’ve just like we’ve gotten through other hard times in history of our country. And I believe if we’ll be patient, and be kind, and be careful we’ll come out on the other side of this better, and hopefully more united than we’ve been.


Maddie & Tae talk about what they've been doing during this time of social distancing.

Maddie & Tae (what they’ve been doing) OC: …guilty. :41
“Hi this is Maddie & Tae and this is such a really crazy time with the Coronavirus and all this social distancing, so Tae and I are just trying to keep ourselves busy and encouraged. (Maddie) – “I’ve been working out, using the Fit52 app from our friend Carrie Underwood and reading her book called ‘Stay the Path.’ I’ve been gardening, reading books.” (Tae)- “Yeah, it’s really important to I think just fill your soul with as much good as you can because it’s really easy and I have fallen into this just being really anxious and kind of wondering what’s ahead but, just whatever you got to do to fill your soul do that and don’t feel guilty.”


Maddie & Tae talk about some of the TV shows and movies they're catching up on.

Maddie & Tae (what they’ve been doing) 2 OC: …you soon. 1:22
(Maddie)- “Tae, what are some of your favorite hobbies right now with this social distancing?”  (Tae)- “My favorite hobbies have always been Netflix, still Netflix. Watching movies, just spending time with my family trying to, to quiet, just hangout. Cook – learning how to be a better cook, I’m an awful cook.” (Maddie)- “Yes I’ve enjoyed cookie from home, knowing what’s going in my body. Also DIY — get on Pinterest and find some cute home décor that you can make. I’m going to be doing some projects today for my garden and some spring décor. Even if it turns out ugly it’s still going to be good for your soul.” Tae- “What’s your favorite show right now? I’m watching Westworld and it’s crazy it’s on HBO I think.”Maddie- “Yea I’m watching Walking Dead from the beginning, but I don’t recommend that for anxious people. There’s one show called Good Girls that I really really love. I think the first two seasons are on Netflix now and that is a great watch. My favorite movie is The Holiday. That makes me happy every single time I watch it. What’s your favorite movie? Wait I know your favorite movie.” Tae- “Favorite movie, well I have lots, but I love anything. I just watched, um, it’s called Ready or Not and I watched The Invisible Man two scary movies. Ready or Not’s a good comedy scary it’s so good.” (Maddie) – “Tae loves scary movies. Me not so much I’m more of your rom-com girl.”


Tae- “Yea. Alright y’all be safe, be kind, and we hope to see you soon.”




Brothers Osborne's John Osborne sends a message during this time of social distancing.

Brothers Osborne (COVID-19) OC: …been four days. :40
“What’s up, y’all? It’s Brothers Osborne. We just want to let you guys know these are really odd times that we’re all going through, you know, it’s a really extraordinary moment. We are all very isolated, but strangely we’re all going through this together. And I think it’s very, very important just to give each other a call – call a loved one, call your Mom, call your dad, call anyone, call someone that you haven’t talked to in years. I think it’s very important to stay very connected. Even though we’re physically isolated we don’t have to be spiritually or emotionally isolated from people, so just give people a call and while you’re at it, take a damn shower already. It’s been four days!”


LINER Brothers Osborne (COVID-19)
