Jordan Davis didn’t always have the fine beard he’s sporting these days. He just started growing it long about four years ago, and it was pretty unruly at first.

    “For a little while, it was pretty wild,” Jordan says. “I started playing shows, and I…didn’t want to shave my face, but where my beard was at was not, it was not a good look. So, I just kind of started grooming it and taking care of it, and luckily, I was just blessed with some good genes in growing a beard. I’ve got to give that to my mom and my dad. Thank y’all.” He does clarify that his facial hair is due more to his dad’s side.

    Jordan, who’s climbing the country charts with his debut single, “Singles You Up,” will hit the road with labelmate Kip Moore on his Plead the Fifth Tour, kicking off October 19th in Bowling Green, Ohio.


    Video / Jordan Davis Singles You Up Lyric Video

  • LABOR DAY 2017: AJ, Billy, Canaan, Darius, Dierks, Keith, Kip, Lady A, Luke and many more

    For many decades, Labor Day was seen as a day for workers to voice their complaints and discuss better working conditions and pay.

    U.S. Congress declared Labor Day a national holiday in 1894, and on Monday, September 4th, we will once again celebrate the people in every occupation whose work and dedication make this nation great. Labor Day in the United States is a holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September. It is a celebration of the American labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of workers.

    Labor Day weekend also signals the unofficial end to summer, and many of the hottest country stars are taking a look back at some of the toughest jobs they had prior to making their mark in music or talking about their dream job now.

    Audio / Alan Jackson says that working man values have always been a part of his music.


    AJ (working people songs) OC: … appreciate that. :28
    “I’ve always written songs and recorded songs, other people’s songs, about workin’ people, and workin’, the workin’ life ’cause I mean, that’s where I’m from. I mean, I worked…I’d already had jobs and worked as a grown person before I ever even thought about bein’ in the music business, so I come from that background, and…although I hadn’t had a job in a long time (laughs), I still remember a lot about it, you know, and I remember what the lifestyle is, and I still appreciate that.”

    Audio / Billy Currington recalls some of the jobs he had before landing his record deal in 2003.


    Billy Currington (Labor Day) OC: …record deal. :40
    “I started working like at [age] 12, landscaping. This was summer, every summers, and roofing. I started when I was about 16 roofing houses, and that was probably one of my toughest jobs because down there in South Georgia, it gets hot, so doing that every day all summer long. The pawn shop when I moved to Nashville was one of my favorites, even though it was one of my least favorites. The concrete job was my least favorite of all – six years of that, and I couldn’t take it no more. After that job, that was my turning point. Either I’m going to do something else for a living [laughs] or quit and try to really focus on music and get this record deal.”

    Audio / Canaan Smith talks about the bad jobs he had before signing a publishing deal and later a record deal.


    Canaan Smith (worst jobs) OC: …of that. [laughs] :54
    “I’ve had some terrible jobs. I was a janitor for a while, and I mopped floors, vacuums all kinds of, picking up dog poop, taking out trash, just basically somebody’s beyatch [laughs], that was my job. I did that for two-and-a-half years before I signed a publishing deal. Before that, actually my very first job, I got fired from. It was some sort of candy/chocolate store. My mom dropped me off one time, and I went to work and I was like I think I can do this, and then two shifts later I just didn’t show up because I didn’t understand the concept of having to look at a schedule to see when you come in. I just didn’t show. I just thought they’d call me, ‘Hey, we need you to come in.’ I didn’t know. I was 15 years old, and never worked and that kind of stuff. I always cut grass when I was a kid and cleaned golf clubs – whatever I could do to make some money. But, yeah, I got fired from my first job. I’m pretty proud of that.” [laughs]

    Audio / Darius Rucker recalls one of his worst jobs before turning to music.


    Darius Rucker (Labor Day) OC: …pizza. :15
    “I was fifteen, and I worked at a pizza place, and the guy decided that at fifteen, that I could not only clean the floors and wash the dishes, but I also had to make pizza. So, for two months, he taught me how to make pizza.”

    Audio / Dierks Bentley makes a living performing for his fans, and he can’t say enough about them.


    Dierks Bentley (Labor Day) OC: …generosity. :26
    “Personally, the fans give me amazement. That’s the only word to really sum it up. I look out in the crowd, you know, usually see a lot of faces and fans are cheering. I know each one of these like from the road-the signs are from California…Michelle and Kayla live up in the Ohio area. They’re all, I just see them, and I’m like, ‘Wow!,’ they’re all from different regions. You know when you’re in a different region of the country and you just see certain fans. These people are way more hard core than I am, and I’m just amazed by their generosity.”

    Audio / Eric Church talks about one of his worst job.


    Eric Church (Labor Day-odd jobs) OC: …bought at 2am. 1:27
    “I had an awful job. I’ve had a lot of awful jobs…my worst one was when I first came to Nashville. I got a job at the Shop at Home Network. I worked midnight, graveyard, midnight to eight. That was bad enough but then I would work all night, go home, shower and then I had writing appointments all day because I was trying to get a career started. I’d go write songs and get meetings just trying to get signed. And end up getting done at 3 of 4 with all of that, I’d go home, take a shower or sleep for a little bit and then I had to be at work again at midnight. So the schedule was bad enough, however, what I had to do at the job…I sold knives from midnight to 7 or 8am. And, anytime somebody calls you at 3 or 4am and needs 200 knives for $19.95, it’s automatically an alarming situation. And I just, I was young and I’d been in a lot of these people’s shoes, I had done this…I knew they were drunk. I knew what they had done. They’d just come home from the bar, flipped on Shop at Home and said, ‘You know what? I need that.’ So the reason the job didn’t last long for me is that I was maybe the worst salesmen in history because I ended up talking a lot of these people out of it, I’d say, ‘I’ll tell you what man, go to bed, call me, I’ll be here in the morning. If you get up in the morning and want these knives you call me back.’ Because I knew what was going to happen, you know. They bought 200 knives for $19.95…first of all some of these people you didn’t know whether you should call the cops. What do you need 200 knives for? Even though I’m selling them…what do you need them for? So, it was awful doing that job. And then they got rid of me because, they were like, ‘You’re the worst. I can’t believe you’re talking people out of it.’ I was like, ‘Man I know…I’ve been there.’ [laughs] I’d want some to talk me out of buying some of the stuff I’ve bought at 2am.”

    Audio / Eric Paslay talks about his first job…printing logos on fanny packs.


    Eric Paslay (Labor Day) OC: …could print. :34
    “My first official job was working at a screen printing place in Texas during the summer in a metal building that had no AC. We printed on fanny packs – really cool — and these other little bags. And it was eye doctors that, some company if you bought supplies through them, they’d put your logo on fanny packs for your customers to put in a drawer somewhere. Fanny packs are cool, if you like ‘em. You know, we’d like time ourselves to see how many fanny packs you could print.”

    Audio / Jon Pardi talks about his worst job, which was at a grocery store.


    Jon Pardi (Labor Day) OC: …so bored! :17
    “The worst job I ever had was at Hometown Grocery Store. I didn’t want to work. I was 15, and I did not want to work at the grocery store. Bagging was fun, but they sent me down the aisles to pull up cans and turn ‘em around and face ‘em, and I would just get so bored!”

    Audio / Jordan Davis, whose debut single is making its way up the country charts, talks about his worst job.


    Jordan Davis (Labor Day) OC: …worst job. :41
    “[My] worst job was probably whenever I got out of school I started working for an environmental group in Baton Rouge, and I was doing actual environmental work at first. I went to my boss probably about four months in and told him that I was going to move to Nashville and write songs. Luckily enough, he let me stay on, but I became the weedeater guy for the landscaping side of the business. I seriously weedeated eight hours a day. The only break I would get would be in-between yard to yard. So, like we would be in the car and I would try to doze off for like 10 minutes. I was covered in grass in the middle of the summer in Baton Rouge. It was awful. That was definitely the worst job.”

    Audio / Kip Moore recalls his worst job...ever.


    Kip Moore (Labor Day-worst job) OC: …than that. :21
    “I’d have to say my worst job ever was laying sod in the south Georgia heat. There’s nothing than that, especially when somebody would think that you’re waiting for the next sod patch to be thrown to you and you got your back turned, and all of a sudden, that big ole piece of sod hits you right on the back. You got nowhere to clean up, and you’re just stuck with dirt on your back for the rest of the day. It doesn’t get any worse than that.”

    Audio / Keith Urban talks about performing for fans.


    Keith Urban (Labor Day) OC: …amazing. :22
    “Seeing people connect to the music is absolutely, hands-down the biggest reward for me, especially when you go to a place you’ve never been to before and it’s all these people, I mean lots of people out there. You’ve never met a single one of ‘em and they’re singing every word, and you realize that it’s not just a pretty melody and everything, but they get the songs. It’s amazing.”

    Audio / Charles Kelley of Lady Antebellum tells us what he used to do to make a buck before finding success as a musician.


    Lady A (Labor Day) OC: …I had a lot of crummy jobs. :31
    CK “I used to…” HS: “… knock out asbestos walls.” CK: “I did that for a long time. But even before that, I used to do lawn care every summer. Oh, man, I do not miss that. Just glad those days are over. I get out here and play music for a living. It’s a lot more fun. But yeah, I used to do that, and I used to work as a bag boy at a golf course once. I did that for a couple of summers. I had a lot of crummy jobs.”

    Audio / Luke Bryan talks about the different jobs he worked in and around Leesburg, Georgia, before heading to Nashville to pursue a career in music.


    Luke Bryan (Labor Day-jobs) OC: …Nashville… 1:07
    “At age 12 thru 13, I worked at Rubos IGA Supermarket in Leesburg, GA. I worked during the summers on Monday and Tuesday. I stocked and cleaned up the produce.  They paid me under the table…I peeled off all of the brown lettuce. Let’s see, when I was 15, I was a cashier at K-Mart for two months. I worked at K-Mart for two months, and then I reverted back to Rubos because it didn’t really make sense for me to drive all the way into Albany and work for K-Mart. The benefits were great though-you’d get an hour-long on the blue light special. So I started back at Rubos, and then I quit Rubos and worked for my Dad-just awful just driving tractors through cotton all day, and spraying pesticides that eventually would turn your hair green. And then at some point, I started playing guitar. And well, after college I went back and worked for my dad and continued to spray and haul fertilizer around. And then I moved to Nashville…”





    Multi-PLATINUM singer/songwriter Kip Moore announced today that he will hit the road this fall for his headlining PLEAD THE FIFTH TOUR, kicking off on Oct0ber 19th in Bowling Green, OH.  Moore, who has trail-blazed his own path with his reputation-making live show, also revealed a stacked lineup announcing that Drake White and Jordan Davis will join him on the dates. Tickets for the must-see tour will go on sale on Aug. 18 at 10am CT here.
    “Our live show has been such a focus for me and the band for many years,” said Moore. “We are constantly woodshedding and trying to come up with new ways to engage the loyal fan base we’ve developed such a bond with. I’ve always felt Drake is cut from the same cloth and his focus has always seemed to be on the things that matter. We’ve been talking about touring for years and we’re finally going to get that chance. It’ll be a blast to see what we come up with, and also see Jordan Davis build his fan base out here with us.”
    Moore is also currently gearing up for the release of his highly-anticipated third studio album SLOWHEART (Sept. 8) available for pre-order now, and exclusively premiered the futuristic and concept-driven music video for “The Bull” on Billboard, available to watch here. The exclusive debut today marks the first track Moore has shared from the upcoming release, revered by Rolling Stone as a “leave-it-on-the table LP,” in addition to his current Top 15 single, “More Girls Like You.”

    PLEAD THE FIFTH Tour Dates:

    10/19 Bowling Green, OH  
    10/20 Elkhart, IN
    10/21 Niagara Falls, ON
    10/26 Pittsburgh, PA
    10/27 Grand Rapids, MI
    11/2 Madison, WI
    11/3 Indianapolis, IN
    11/4 Detroit, MI
    11/15 Clive, IA 
    11/16 Wichita, KS
    11/17 Austin, TX
    11/18 Fort Worth, TX  
    11/30 Norfolk, VA
    12/1 Northfield, OH
    12/2 Columbus, OH
    Multi-PLATINUM singer/songwriter Kip Moore’s upcoming third studio album on MCA Nashville, SLOWHEART will be released on Sept. 8.  Having navigated the path from the staggering success of the release of his smash-hit and recently certified PLATINUM debut album UP ALL NIGHT which also spawned three No. One hit singles, to the resounding critical acclaim that followed with his sophomore offering, WILD ONES heralded as “an impressively singular release from Music Row” by The Guardian, Moore has hit his stride with SLOWHEART. He co-wrote 11 out of 13 tracks, and was the sole producer on seven of the tracks, as well as co-producing five more on the collection that is “between the rough edges of Americana, rock and the evocative storytelling of country, produced to let every guitar lick ring true and every edge and wail of Moore’s voice reverberate raw but strong” (Rolling Stone). Co-written by Moore, his current Top 15 single “More Girls Like You,” is the fastest rising single of his career so far and is receiving praise from critics such as Entertainment Weeklydeclaring he “has made a name for himself weaving vignettes of Southern, blue-collar life and love into rollicking country anthems.” Following an extended break, Moore is back out on the road playing some of country music’s biggest festivals this year, as well as his recently announced headlining PLEAD THE FIFTH TOUR kicking off on 10/19 and  headlining dates in U.K this fall stopping in Birmingham, UK (10/2), Manchester, UK (10/3), Glasgow, UK (10/4) and culminating in a special show as part of Country Music Week in London, UK at O2 Shepherd’s Bush Empire on 10/6. Moore will also return to Ireland later this summer for Harvest 2017, stopping in Westport, IE (8/26) and Enniskillen, IE (8/27.) For more information and a full list of tour dates, visit kipmoore.net.

    Audio / Kip Moore talks about his Plead the Fifth Tour.


    Kip Moore (Plead the Fifth Tour) OC: …a whole lot. :19
    “We’re gonna do a fall tour. I’m taking out Drake White. That’ll start in late September, and I’m super stoked about that. Me and Drake have been talking about touring together for a long time. Drake’s been a good friend. He’s a kindred spirit, and I think that this is gonna be one of my most fond memories of touring that I’m gonna have. So, I’m looking forward to it a whole lot.”


    Jordan Davis has been receiving a lot of compliments and questions about his well-coiffed beard, which is one of the first things you notice about the new artist, besides his awesome talent.

    How does the Louisiana native keep the beard looking so good? The first part of his regimen is of course a good cut, and beard oil is definitely an essential part of the beard grooming process.

    “It’s just like the hair on the top of my head, like I got to shampoo it. I’ve got to condition it,” Jordan explains. “I usually get out of the shower, I run a beard comb through it, and then I get it where I want it and then I use a beard oil. It’s usually about a 20-minute process, as sad as I am to say that. [laughs] But, then you have to keep it groomed, keep the length long, but keep it tight on the sides.”

    Jordan’s been doing the media rounds lately surrounding the release of his debut single, “Singles You Up,” and many of the interviewers are asking about his extraordinary facial hair. “It’s definitely become a pretty big talking point, and I get a lot of questions if they can touch my beard. I don’t know if they want to see if it’s, I don’t know, maybe they don’t think it’s real. Let me go on record: This is 100% real, 100% my beard. I’ll always have a career path as being the mall Santa if this music thing doesn’t work out.”

    Audio / Jordan Davis explains his beard care regimen and what he does to keep it looking so good.


    Jordan Davis (Beard care) OC: …my beard up. :42
    “The best present is either a beard comb, or I’ll get a new beard oil. I got a peppermint beard oil one time, so I walked around all day smelling peppermint. It was awesome. It’s just like the hair on the top of my head, like I got to shampoo it. I’ve got to condition it. I usually get out, I run a beard comb through it, and then I get it where I want it and then I use a beard oil. It’s usually about a 20-minute process, as sad as I am to say that. But, then you have to keep it groomed, keep the length long, but keep it tight on the sides. It’s so funny when I’m going in to get my hair cut when I’m just like, I don’t really care how you cut my hair on top, but don’t screw my beard up.” [laughs]

    Audio / Jordan Davis says he gets a lot of questions about his beard.


    Jordan Davis (Beard care) 2 OC: …doesn’t work out. :26
    “It’s definitely become a pretty big talking point, and I get a lot of questions if they can touch my beard. I don’t know if they want to see if it’s, I don’t know, maybe they don’t think it’s real. Let me go on record: This is 100% real, 100% my beard. I’ll always have a career path as being the mall Santa if this music thing doesn’t work out.” [laughs]

    Video / Jordan Davis' lyric video for 'Singles You Up'


    Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776, declaring independence from Great Britain. The holiday is commonly associated with fireworks displays, parades, barbecues and concerts. Some of your favorite country stars take time to remember their Fourth of July traditions, memories and what the holiday really means to them.

    Audio / Alan Jackson recalls one of the coolest Fourth of July memories he’s ever enjoyed.


    AJ (fave 4th of July memory) OC: …very cool. :58
    Well, this one is hard to beat. A couple of years ago, maybe longer than that now, I had an old boat in Florida. It’s like an old antique motor yacht, and it was kind of a cool old boat. I had taken that boat, I’ve always wanted to take it up north like to New York and up in that area, up in the northeast where it’s so pretty. So, we took the boat up there and Denise and the girls, we all went up. They like going to New York City, which I don’t really care about going to the city. So, I got to stay in my boat there at the harbor tied up, which was cool anyway. So they spent time in the city a few days and then that was Fourth of July, and we went out in the Hudson River that night and they shot the fireworks off and we were anchored out in front of the Statue of Liberty and New York City was behind us, and the Statue of Liberty and the fireworks were going off sitting on that boat. That was the coolest thing and my girls still talk about that. I mean, that was the coolest thing on Fourth of July I can ever remember. I can’t top that one probably. It was emotional sitting there watching the Statue of Liberty and thinking about all that. It was very cool.”

    Audio / Billy Currington talks about his favorite Fourth of July memories.


    Billy Currington (4th of July) OC: …of my life. :16
    “My best memories would be hanging out with my mom, brother and sister on the beach on Tybee Island right off the coast of Savannah, Georgia. We’d go there every year, and we’d light our own fireworks and watch the ones that they had for us. They were the best times, some of the best times of my life.”

    Audio / Canaan Smith talks about his Fourth of July memories growing up in Williamsburg, Virginia.


    Canaan Smith (Fireworks July Fourth) OC: …kinds of stuff. :39
    “Williamsburg, Virginia has a great fireworks display. It’s one of the best in the nation, they say or something like that. We’d go to the Governor’s Palace. They have a big lawn, and we’d sit out there and lay a blanket down. This was before I was old enough to drink, but we probably tried to sneak some in anyhow. And we’d just watch the [show], you know they’d have the grand finale, which always blew my mind ‘cause just when you thought it was over, they’d start bringing out all of the tricks and it just gets crazy. We did that on a regular basis. Other times, we’d do stuff in our own yard. We had a big yard when we were growing up with a dirt track in the back, and our neighbor’s yard was equally as big, so when you put ‘em together, we had a massive area to be destructive and do whatever we wanted. So, we blew up all kinds of stuff.”

    Audio / Darius Rucker talks about what the Fourth of July means to him.


    Darius Rucker (4th of July) 1 OC: …in the world. :24
    “The Fourth of July to me is a day to celebrate freedom. We get to travel all over the world and see a lot of stuff, and I’ve been to a lot of countries that aren’t like ours and that’s when you really appreciate the fact that you can do whatever you want. As long as you’re willing to deal with the consequences, you can do whatever you want, you know?  [I] appreciate those soldiers who died for us to be sitting here doing this, and we live in the greatest country in the world.”

    Audio / Darius Rucker enjoys setting off fireworks.


    Darius Rucker (fireworks) OC: …off once. :15
    “Oh, I love fireworks. We had the bottle rocket fights and all that good stuff. I was the typical little crazy kid, you know. In South Carolina, it was always legal, so we shot fireworks when it was legal. We did all that sort of stuff. I almost blew my hand off once.”

    Audio / Dierks Bentley explains why he is so patriotic.


    Dierks Bentley (4th of July-patriotic) OC: …all the time. :17
    “I’m extremely patriotic. I love this country, and I love the history of this country. I read books on this country. I spend my time on the road traveling physically throughout the country. The soldiers and their families are constantly on my mind. We work closely with the Wounded Warriors Project. We think about this stuff all the time.”

    Audio / Easton Corbin recalls his family’s tradition on the Fourth of July.


    Easton Corbin (Fourth of July) OC: …clown around. :28
    “Fourth of July, I remember growing up and having cookouts, and course we did the whole fireworks thing. I remember my uncle, he’d always get fireworks and bring down like from Alabama, because in Florida, you couldn’t get the bottle rockets and stuff, so he’d always go up to Alabama, ‘cause they live in Tallahassee, which was close to the [state] line. So, he would go over the line and get the good fireworks and bring ‘em down to my Grandma’s for me and my cousin, and we’d just hang out all day and shoot off fireworks and clown around.”

    Audio / Eric Church recalls his family activities on the Fourth of July holiday.


    Eric Church (4th of July) OC: …freedoms. 1:17
    “The Fourth of July for me, growing up we would always go to the lake, we didn’t live on the lake but we would all go to the lake. Had a buddy who had a pontoon and we would always get on the pontoon and you go out and you’d tie all the pontoons together and just have a big time. This was before, I was younger then, the adults were having more fun than we were, you know it was just to go swim in the water and shoot off fireworks. Basically, water tailgating is what it was. And then as we got older, same thing…we would just, us younger kids had our own boat and we had as much fun as the adults.”

    Audio / Jordan Davis says the Fourth of July is a great time to appreciate the rights and freedoms we have as a nation.


    Jordan Davis (Fourth of July) 1 OC: …an American. :18
    “I think Fourth of July weekend is a special time to really sit back and be thankful for what we have – thankful to our military, thankful for family and for friends, just a time to really sit back and appreciate how great it is to be an American.”


    Audio / Jordan Davis talks about some of his favorite childhood Fourth of July memories.


    Jordan Davis (Fourth of July) 2 OC: …really cool. :17
    “Probably baseball games, firework shows at baseball games. We’d go to Shreveport Captains games, so yeah, we’d do that or barbecues and fireworks. I can remember being on the lake for a couple of Fourth of Julys. We’d take the boat out and we’d watch the downtown fireworks show from the boat, which was really cool.”

    Audio / Josh Turner, who will perform in Baytown, Texas on Independence Day, talks about the fireworks “wars” his family would have when he was growing up.


    Josh Turner (fireworks) OC: …of money. [laughs] :20
    “Yeah, we had fireworks around, especially my Daddy’s family. All the individual families had a lot of competition with each other and tried to outdo each other to try to see who had the biggest and baddest fireworks and all that. [laughs] My daddy, I think, was the smartest one. He just went out and bought maybe $25 worth of fireworks and let everybody else put on the big show, so he saved a lot of money.” [laughs]

    Audio / Keith Urban recalls coming over to America for the first time.


    Keith Urban (coming to America 1st time) OC: …as I could. :39
    “1989 was the first year I came to the States, and it had always been my goal, but I had no plan on how to get here. It was just a case of keep playing, keep getting better at what you do, and then hopefully, somehow, some way I’ll end up over here. The guy who was managing me at the time, we just planned a trip over here – it was actually for the New Music Seminar in New York. And we came over for that, and then we did a trip down to Nashville, and I was shopping my little demo around. I think I humored everybody more than anything else [laughs] with my tragic, ill-fitting demo for the time. So, I left there, but I was just so committed to coming back as quick as I could.”

    Audio / Kip Moore says he’s very proud of the U.S. military and can’t imagine having to do what they do to protect the United States.


    Kip Moore (Fourth of July-soldiers) OC: …every day. :32
    “I’m a very, very patriotic person, proud of the country that I live in, and I’m very proud of what those guys do for us each and every day, and I don’t take it for granted one bit. My grandparents were in the military, fought wars, and I’ve seen the battle that they go through, just the horror of remember things. When I start to think that I’m half-way tough, I realize how I’m not one bit when I talk to soldiers when I’m out and realize the things that they go through. I can’t imagine facing what those guys face every day.”

    Audio / Lady Antebellum’s Hillary Scott talks about her favorite Fourth of July memories.


    Lady A (4th of July-Hillary) OC: …on my hand. :29
    “For many, many years in a row, we would be up at the lake for Fourth of July, and having those memories of being on the boat and going tubing and skiing and enjoying being out in the summertime, great weather on the water. But, then for me, Fourth of July was when [husband] Chris [Tyrell] proposed. So, I got proposed to on July 2nd up at the lake, the same lake I grew up going to, and so that’s probably the biggest highlight of Fourth of July to me – getting a rock on my hand.”

    Audio / Every year, Lady Antebellum’s Dave Haywood celebrates his birthday along with America’s big day.


    Lady A (Fourth of July-Dave) OC: …and America. :45
    “July fourth is always, for me, my birthday week. My birthday is July 5th so we grew up going on family trips to the beach. We would d always go to Hilton Head, South Carolina and always take trips for my birthday, so that’s always a fun time of the year…watch fireworks. I think my best memory would be my birthday party when I was 9 or 10 years old. We went to the batting cages and I remember I was swinging so hard, it was 100 degrees outside, I was swinging in the batting cage and ended up passing out right there in the batting cage. You’re trying so hard to hit the ball, you’re a kid and you really don’t realize how much water you should be drinking and [CHARLES: “Dave was that kid.”] I was that kid who was on the ground in the batting cage, people fanning and pouring water all over my face. Happy Birthday to me and America.”

    Audio / Little Big Town’s Karen Fairchild talks about the big sacrifices the military AND their families make to keep this country free.


    LBT (military) OC: (Karen) …whenever we can. (Kimberly: “Yeah.”) :22
    “It’s such a huge sacrifice what these men and women do for us, and not only the ones that are serving, but the families that are left here at home. I mean, it’s just a huge commitment that they make, and what an honor. We love to be able to sing for them and entertain them and to say thank you whenever we can.” (Kimberly: “Yeah.”)

    Audio / Luke Bryan recalls one of his favorite Fourth of July memories.


    Luke Bryan (4th of July memories) OC: …we used to. :21
    “Some of my favorite Fourth of July memories were spent on Lake Blackshear down in Georgia with my family. I was always kind of in charge of driving home from Tennessee and picking up all the fireworks and my nieces and nephews always got excited when I rolled in because they knew I had all the fireworks. But, it was always a great memory, and I miss not getting to do that as much as we used to.”

    Audio / Sam Hunt talks about what he and his family did over the Fourth of July holiday when he was growing up in Georgia.


    Sam Hunt (Fourth of July) OC: …good time. :39
    “My granddad on the other side of my family, he would always take a lot of pride…fireworks were actually, I’m from Georgia, and most of them were illegal, I’m pretty sure, growing up. But over in Alabama, that’s where all the firework stands were, and we only had to drive 10, 15 minutes to get to the Alabama line, so we could go get a bundle of fireworks pretty easy. But he would always take a lot of pride in going and finding all the good stuff, and coming back with a  big pile. He’d have his torch out there at the end of the driveway and we’d all eat homemade ice cream and put down towels on the driveway and he’d shoot off fireworks for 30-45 minutes. Such a good time.”




    Audio / LINER AJ (4th of July)


    “Hey! This is Alan Jackson, wishing you a happy and safe Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Billy Currington (4th of July)


    “Hey guys! I’m Billy Currington, wishing you a Happy Fourth of July.”


    Audio / LINER Bros Osborne (Fourth of July)


    “Hey y’all! I’m John, and I’m TJ, and we are Brothers Osborne, wish you a very Happy Fourth of July.”


    Audio / LINER Canaan Smith (Fourth of July)


    “Hey! What’s up guys? I’m Canaan Smith, wishing you a safe and happy Fourth of July!”


    Audio / LINER Clare Dunn (Fourth of July)


    “Hey! This is Clare Dunn, wishing you a very Happy Fourth of July.”


    Audio / LINER Darius (4th of July)


    “Hey y’all, what’s up? This is Darius Rucker, wishing you a very, very happy Fourth of July!”

    Audio / LINER Darius (Happy Birthday, America)


    “Happy Birthday, America!”

    Audio / LINER Dierks Bentley (4th of July)


    Hey everybody! This is Dierks Bentley, wishing you a Happy and safe Fourth of July.

    Audio / LINER Easton Corbin (4th of July)


    “Hey! This is Easton Corbin. Have a safe and happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Eric Church (4th of July)


    “Hey this is Eric Church, wishing you a very happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Eric Paslay (4th of July)


    “Hey! This is Eric Paslay, wishing you a very happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Gary Allan (4th of July)


    “Hey! This is Gary Allan. Happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Pardi (4th of July)


    “Hi, it’s Jon Pardi, wishing you a happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Jordan Davis (Fourth of July)


    “Hey! I’m Jordan Davis, wishing you a happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Keith Urban (summer)


    Hey everybody, Keith Urban here, wanting to wish you all a fantastic and safe summer. Enjoy the sunshine. Hopefully, you’ll get to spend some time with the ones you love, and hopefully, we’ll also get to see you out on the road.”

    Audio / LINER Lady A (4th of July)


    “Hi! This is Charles, Hillary and Dave of Lady Antebellum, wishing you a happy and safe Fourth of July weekend.”

    Audio / LINER Lauren Alaina (4th of July)


    “Hey! It’s Lauren Alaina. Have a safe and happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER LBT (4th of July)


    “Hey! We’re Little Big Town. Happy Fourth of July!”

    Audio / LINER Luke Bryan (4th of July)


    “Hey! This is Luke Bryan, wishing you a very happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Mickey Guyton (4th of July)


    “Hey! This is Mickey Guyton, wishing you a Happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Sam Hunt (Fourth of July)


    “Hey everybody! This is Sam Hunt, wishing you a safe and happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Toby Keith (Fourth of July)


    “Hi! It’s Toby Keith, wishing you a safe Fourth of July.”


    Jordan Davis has just hit the airwaves with his debut release, “Singles You Up.” The new MCA Nashville artist co-wrote the song with Steven Dale Jones and Justin Ebach, after they congratulated Justin on his recent engagement. They felt that Ebach was pretty smart that he didn’t “single her up,” and then the song was written in minutes.

    “‘Singles You Up’ was written with two buddies of mine back in Nashville. One of ‘em had just gotten engaged, and when he came in we were congratulating him on it, and the saying ‘You’re smart enough not to single her up’ was thrown up, and I think we all kind of knew that we needed to write that,” says Jordan. “We actually wrote it really, really quick, I mean right when we got done, we knew we had something special. So, we have a blast playing it, and I can’t be happier that it’s my debut single.”

    A little tidbit about the newcomer — he studied resource conservation at Louisiana State University.

    Audio / Jordan Davis talks about his debut song, “Singles You Up.”


    Jordan Davis (Singles You Up) 1 OC: …lot to me. :29
    “‘Singles You Up’ was written with two buddies of mine back in Nashville. One of ‘em had just gotten engaged, and when he came in we were congratulating him on it, and the saying ‘You’re smart enough not to single her up’ was thrown up, and I think we all kind of knew that we needed to write that. We actually wrote it really, really quick, I mean right when we got done, we knew we had something special. So, we have a blast playing it, and I can’t be happier that it’s my debut single. It’s a song that means a lot to me.”

    Audio / LINER Jordan Davis (Singles You Up)


    Be on the lookout for MCA Nashville’s newest artist, Jordan Davis! Check out the first look below.

    Video / Jordan Davis EPK
