Father’s Day is Sunday (June 19th), and we have audio with several of your favorite country stars! See and download below.

    Audio / Carrie Underwood talks about the incredible fathers in her life.


    Carrie Underwood (Father’s Day) OC: …guy all around. 1:18
    “Well, I am very lucky in my life to have two incredible fathers – my own father and then I get to watch my husband be a father to our boys – strong, amazing men, I am very lucky to be around them. Mike as a dad is just super involved in our boys’ lives, very hands on. It takes a team, definitely, to be able to support my crazy life and Mike’s always running around doing a lot of charity things and he’s always meeting with people and he’s on different boards and stuff like that, so we’re very much switching off duties as far as taking boys here and there to school and  sports and to all the extra-curricular activities. I just love that I feel like we’re such a great team. I love it that he gets to now work with Isaiah on sports and things like that, and I know he loves it too. So, I think that’s one of my favorite qualities about Mike is just how hands on of a father he is and very willing to pick up the slack when I’m crazy busy. Obviously, he’s just a very Godly father, as well. He keeps God as the center of our family and gets to teach our boys all about that, as well. So, he’s just a great guy all around.”

    Audio / Caylee Hammack says her father is a good man.


    Caylee Hammack (Dad) OC: …forget that. 1:19
    “My dad has this really unnerving ability to be able to build anything at all just by thinking of it. He can look at something and build it in his mind and build it by hand, and it always works. I’ve always respected him for that. He’s a very hard worker.  He’s worked every day of his life. He’s also kind, even when he doesn’t have to be. He’s the type of guy who always gives money at the light to whoever it is on the street. One of my favorite moments with my dad was when we were driving to Macon, Georgia. I was playing a show that night, and we were driving up and we saw this dog and I could tell she was a mama dog. I could tell she had babies somewhere that she was trying to nurse, and she was so skinny. And I’m a bleeding heart. I get it from my Mama, and I just start crying, and I’m like, ‘That poor dog. She’s starving trying to feed her babies.’ I thought, ‘Poor dog.” And my dad doesn’t say anything, goes up two more blocks and pulls into the McDonalds. And he goes through and he asks me if I wanted anything, and I say no. I just think he’s hungry. He goes and he buys three or four burgers, and then he goes back to that block and he drives around until we find that dog to feed it to ‘em. I just remember looking at him, being like this is what a man is; this is what a good man does, and I’ll never forget that.”

    Audio / Darius Rucker says his mother made him a good father to his three children.


    Darius Rucker (mother’s qualities makes him a great father) OC: …my mom. :45
    “She had a lot great qualities, but she was always, family was first for her. She was always a rock and making sure she took care of us and making sure we had things we needed to have to survive – food and clothes and a home – and seeing that and seeing how hard she worked and all the things she did just really made me the father that I am today. I mean, I’m so crazy and hands-on with my kids. I think it all comes from watching my mom have to struggle so much to support us. And so now, I don’t want me or my wife to ever have to struggle, and I don’t want my kids to ever want or wonder where I am or where there mom is. I want them to always know where we are and always be taken care of, and that all comes from my mom.”


    Audio / Dierks Bentley, the father of three, is very grateful to his own dad for turning him on to country music as a kid.


    Dierks (Father’s Day) OC: …that’s for sure. :10
    “My dad was my biggest influence in country music because my dad loved country radio. So, we always drove around listening to country radio and George Strait, Hank Williams and Randy Travis and all these guys, so. Without him, I wouldn’t be doing this, that’s for sure.”

    Audio / Dierks Bentley explains how being a father (to three children) has changed him.


    Dierks Bentley (how fatherhood has changed him) OC: …different. :07
    “There’s a whole kind of different universe that has opened up that I never knew existed, and I’m not the center of it, which is really cool. It just makes you look at things totally different.”

    Audio / Eric Church describes his father and the qualities he admires in him.


    Eric Church (Father’s Day) OC: …always admired. :29
    “My dad is a great guy, honest guy, very call it like he sees it, which is where I get a lot of that. No BS. I’m gonna tell you how I feel whether you like it or not. I’m that guy, I’m me…My dad’s that way, so I get a lot of that from him. There’s also an honesty and an integrity that my dad carries himself with that I’ve always admired.”

    Audio / Jon Langston looks up to his father and hopes to become just like him.


    Jon Langston (Father’s Day) OC: …just fine. :16
    “My Dad has been my hero all my life. He’s the man I want to be one day when I grow up. I’m thankful for all he’s done for me and the sacrifices he’s made for our family. If I’m half the man he is one day, I’ll be just fine.”



    Jordan Davis (Father’s Day) OC: …my music. :45
    “The thing I love most about my Dad is just his overall love of life. He’s a guy that’s worked hard and is now at a point where he can enjoy it, and he’s living every day to the fullest. That’s something that I’m very thankful that I’ve seen my Dad do and something to learn from. So, that’s probably my favorite quality about the old man, and just the hard work too. My dad ran a furniture business in Shreveport for a long time with his Dad. It was great to grow up and see a guy work hard and helped his Dad build a business from the ground up to a very successful business, and that’s something that I even try to carry over into my music.”



    Josh Turner (Father’s Day) OC: …one of ‘em.  1:05
    “As far as talent and potential, my oldest three, especially, they could do anything they wanted to do if they put their mind to it and their heart was there. My oldest [Hampton] is incredible at playing mandolin. Colby, we kind of noticed him turn the corner lately with the fiddle, and Marion is actually playing a ukulele that’s tuned like the top four strings on a guitar, so in essence, he’s learning how to play guitar. They’ve just kind of started incorporating some singing into some playing, so they’re starting the whole singing and playing at the same time kind of thing, and not only that, they’re even learning to play songs together on their individual instruments. So, it’s amazing to see how much they can learn in such a short amount of time. It makes me realize how much I missed out on when I was that age, ‘cause I did take some music lessons growing up and everything, but I think they feed off of each other honestly. I think that’s why they’re getting so good is because they’re all doing it, not just one of ‘em.”

    Audio / Keith Urban – father to daughters Sunday and Faith -- says there are a number of things that are at the top of the list of being a dad.


    Keith Urban (Father’s Day) OC: …experience that. :36
    “The first thing is probably just having someone call you dad. I’m like, ‘Omigosh! I’m her dad! That’s amazing.’ That’s probably the first thing to me. I don’t know, I mean, the different personalities that our two daughters have, that’s amazing. It’s such a long list I think. I always say…I think for the people that haven’t had kids – which I hadn’t for a long, long time. I didn’t have kids ‘til later on, and being around it is not the same as having them, you know? I realize that it’s not something that can be explained until you actually sort of have it, so I’m glad I got to experience that.”

    Audio / Keith Urban talks about the qualities he inherited from both of his parents.


    Keith Urban (parents qualities) OC: …both of those. :23
    “He was very artistic and creative, my dad, and very detailed, and I think his attention to detail I definitely inherited from him. And my mom was very much a people person, very social. My dad was a bit more shy and quiet, but my mom was very social. I think those two really wonderful attributes, I was lucky enough to inherit both of those.t

    Audio / Kip Moore talks about his late father’s influence on his music career, and how he’d play classics on their fishing trips.


    Kip Moore (Father’s Day-dad’s influence) OC: …of us singin’ ‘em. :29
    “He would just play all those classic records – Little River Band, Jackson Brown, Springsteen, Seeger, Willie Nelson, the Red-Headed Stranger, Kristofferson, Sam Cook – like classic music. He’d be singing the songs and telling us why it was such good music. And I looked up to him so much, that’s the music I gravitated towards and that’s what I continue to listen to. Whenever I think about those old fishing trips, that’s what I think about is on the way down there, him singing those songs and all of us singin’ ‘em.”

    Audio / Luke Bryan talks about the life lessons his own father taught him.


    Luke Bryan (Father’s Day-life lessons) OC: …live by that. :46
    “Well, my dad was, I always just go back to the life lessons that always started either in a fishing boat or hunting somewhere, and that’s why I’ve always kind of been a champion of those types of behaviors certainly with your boys and your children because you get to spend time and hand down values. My dad was always big on just hard work and being good to people and a handshake is the contract. A handshake is your bond, your word. His famous saying always was, ‘Do something right the first time and you won’t have to go back and do it over again.’ I won’t say I batted a thousand perfectly on that, but I’ve kind of tried to live by that.”



    Maddie & Tae (Father’s Day) OC: …for Father’s Day. :26
    “So, for Father’s Day, I made my Dad – I think it was right before I moved to Nashville – I made my Dad this little photo book where it had like his quotes that have stuck with me my whole life and then some pictures, and it was really funky. It looks horrible. It’s not put together, but that’s one of his favorite gifts that he’s ever gotten, and I cherish that ugly photo book thing that I made for him for Father’s Day.”


    Audio / Parker McCollum credits his father and grandfather with his work ethic and drive to be successful.


    Parker McCollum (male influences) OC: …a good place. :50
    “As far as my Dad, he’s like a real-life superhero. I mean the most incredible, self-disciplined, work ethic. I get my entire work ethic, I think, from him and my granddad, who’s actually my mom’s dad. I’m so lucky the kind of people that I come from, like I had no choice to go out and work hard and try to be successful. My brother definitely – that creative, artistic side of my brain I think it really was…he kind of catered to that when I was a kid. He really put a lot of emphasis on me showing that some love and some attention in trying to be creative and write songs and stuff. But I just think my work ethic and kind of drive to do things the right way come from my dad and my granddad, for sure. Just lucky to have that. I always say if everybody had a granddad like I had, the world would be a really good place.”

    Audio / Priscilla Block talks about her father.


    Priscilla Block (father) OC: …from my dad. :49
    “So, my dad has honestly been my rock star, my whole life. He was the one to bring me to Nashville when I was 15, once I wrote my first song. He’s just really supported me. He was the one driving me to all of my try-outs for every single show I tried out for. And my dad’s taught me a lot. He’s a hard worker, and that’s where my work ethic comes from is my dad. You know, I’m one of five kids, and he always found a way…there was a lot of rough times growing up, and he always found a way to pull through and just keep going, and I think that’s why I stayed in Nashville as long as I have – it comes from my dad.”

    Audio / Travis Denning says his father is his best friend.


    Travis Denning (Father’s Day) OC: …for sure. :43
    “My dad – I call him ‘Diamond Dave’ and a lot of other people do too. Honestly, I don’t know if I drink more with anybody else more than my Dad. I think a super cool thing now is getting older and knowing that I’m starting to get more and more sustained as a human that it’s like my parents get to be friends now with me and my sister, which is such a cool thing. And so, yeah, me and my Dad – we love music and we love heavy metal and we love all that. We get to go to concerts and football games and drink beer and just enjoy that cool part of a father and a son and a mother and a son where now we get to be friends and it’s really cool. My Dad is my best friend, for sure.”

    Audio / Tyler Hubbard says his children have re-energized him and have channeled the little boy inside of him.


    Tyler Hubbard (Father’s Day) OC: …just so special. 1:01
    “Well, I think being a dad is one of the most special gifts in the world. I’m getting to watch kids grow up – a big responsibility, but also a lot of joy. I mean, so much fun, and to have three little kids, man, it’s a house full of energy. It’s a whole lot of fun. And one of the coolest things about it that I’ve found is it helps me kind of channel my inner child. It takes me back to being a kid and how much fun just jumping on the trampoline and playing basketball and playing outside and all that really is and how good it is for us. I’ve lost that for quite a few years, getting wrapped up in my career and working hard and just prioritizing that over being a kid and just playing. So, it’s been really healthy and helpful to me to have these kids running around to just kind of channel that little boy inside of me and the person that I want to be and it’s been really healthy and really fun and kind of re-energized me creatively as well as a songwriter and as an artist. So, I’m really thankful to be a dad. Love those three little kids more than anything in the world, and it’s just so special.”

    Audio / Vince Gill talks about the qualities he hopes for his children.


    Vince Gill (Father’s Day) OC: …feels like. :33
    “Kindness-hopefully make them kind and that’s all we got. Five great kids, a couple of grandkids. Those grandkids are the complete light of my life. You know, they just show up and the rest of the world can kiss my you-know-what. (laughs)  I say, ‘We’re just gonna go swing in the backyard; we’re gonna wrestle on the bed; we’re gonna eat those Goldfish (crackers), you know? And nothing else kind of seems to matter. And then I think what I love seeing, more than anything, for my kid to finally understand what it means to love, and it’s awesome to see my kid finally get it what that unconditional love really looks like and feels like.”


    Audio / LINER Alan Jackson (Father’s Day)


    “Hey, I’m Alan Jackson, wishing you a Happy Father’s Day.”


    Audio / LINER Billy Currington (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everybody! I’m Billy Currington, wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day!”

    Audio / LINER Brothers Osborne (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! This is TJ, and I’m John, and we are Brothers Osborne, wishing all you fathers out there a very Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Carrie Underwood (Father’s Day)


    “Hey, I’m Carrie Underwood, wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Catie Offerman (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everybody, this is Catie Offerman. For all you fathers out there, Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Caylee Hammack (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all! This is Caylee Hammack. For all you Dads out there, Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Chrissy Metz (Father’s Day)


    “Hey, this is Chrissy Metz, wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Darius Rucker (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! What’s up? This is Darius Rucker wishing you a Happy Father’s Day.”


    Audio / LINER Eric Church (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! This is Eric Church, wishing you a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Gary Allan (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! This is Gary Allan, and I want to wish all the dads out there a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Langston (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Jon Langston, wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Pardi (Happy Father’s Day)


    “Jon Pardi here. Happy Father’s Day to all you father’s out there.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Pardi (Father’s Day) beer


    “Hey! It’s Jon Pardi, wishing all the fathers out there a very Happy Father’s Day. Here’s to you,  Senior.  Insert beer can opening sample (sound effect). (laughs)

    Audio / LINER Jordan Davis (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! I’m Jordan Davis, wishing you all a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Josh Turner (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all! This is Josh Turner, and I just want to wish all you father’s out there a Happy Father’s Day!”

    Audio / LINER Kacey Musgraves (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! It’s Kacey Musgraves. Happy Father’s Day!”

    Audio / LINER Keith Urban (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everyone! It’s Keith Urban, wishing all you Dads out there a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Kylie Morgan (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Kylie Morgan. Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER LBT (Father’s Day)


    “Hi! This is Little Big Town, wishing all you father’s a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Luke Bryan (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! This is Luke Bryan, wishing all the Fathers out there a very Happy Father’s Day. Here’s to you, Dad.”

    Audio / LINER Maddie & Tae (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everybody! I’m Maddie and I’m Tae, wishing all you fathers out there a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Parker McCollum (Father’s Day)


    “Hey Everybody, I’m Parker McCollum, wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day.”


    Audio / LINER Priscilla Block (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! It’s Priscilla Block. For all you fathers – Happy Father’s Day!”


    Audio / LINER Reba McEntire (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everybody, this is Reba McEntire, wishing all you dads a Happy Father’s Day.”


    Audio / LINER Sam Hunt (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! This is Sam Hunt. To all you fathers out there, Happy Father’s Day!”

    Audio / LINER Shania Twain (Father’s Day)


    “Hi! This is Shania Twain. Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Travis Denning (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Travis Denning, wishing all you fathers out there a very Happy Father’s Day. Happy Father’s Day, Diamond Dave.”

    Audio / LINER Tyler Hubbard (Father's Day) 1


    “Hey y’all, it’s Tyler Hubbard. Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Vince Gill (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everybody! It’s Vince, and I just wanted to wish you a Happy Father’s Day. Wish mine was still around.”



    Mother’s Day is on Sunday, May 8th, and some of your favorite country artists are celebrating the mothers in their lives this weekend. In 1914, Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation designating Mother’s Day, held on the second Sunday in May, as a national holiday to honor mothers.

    Audio / Alan Jackson lost his sweet Mama several years ago, and he wrote a song for her funeral, “Where Her Heart Has Always Been,” which is now included on his album Where Have You Gone.


    Alan Jackson (song for mother)…really, really sweet. :51
    “I think one song on there, especially I wrote my mama died three or four years ago, four years ago maybe.  I don’t remember now. But I wrote it for her funeral, that’s “Where Her Heart Has Always Been.”  And I really love that track.  It’s just really – I tried to write it in a way that I know she would appreciate it. And then after we had cut it and we were just about to finalize the record, my sister sent a recording of mama reading from the Bible for a Christmas story or something from a few years ago that I hadn’t heard, or I don’t remember if I had ever heard it.  And I thought that would be cool to put that on there.  So, we tried to pick a little piece of that that didn’t sound so Christmasy and put on there on the front end and that made it really, really sweet.”

    Audio / Carrie Underwood says she doesn’t really have any Mother’s Day traditions.


    Carrie Underwood (Mother’s Day traditions) OC: …even more so. :38
    “We don’t really have like any Mother’s Day traditions. I feel like I remember me and Dad making breakfast for Mom like once as a kid. I’m pretty sure we just made a giant mess in the kitchen and we never did that again, so. Being on the other side of things, I obviously don’t expect anything, but my husband’s really good at getting presents from quote unquote Isaiah. It’s really sweet, because he likes to bring me things. He’s such a sweet little guy, and anytime he’s outside, he’ll pick me flowers and things. So, I’m like, ‘You’re learning. You’ve already got me wrapped around your finger, and then you do stuff like that, and it’s even more so.’”

    Audio / Caylee Hammack describes the qualities she most admires in her mother.


    Caylee Hammack (Mother’s Day) 1 OC: …love fully. :53
    “I love that my Mom is a no-nonsense woman. I love that she always speaks her mind and she’s super stubborn, because she handed it down to me and it’s come in handy, to be honest. She’s a great cook. I wish I was half the cook that she is. She’s obsessive about Tupperware and plates, which I used to hate, but now as an adult whenever I break a dish or something, I just call her, and I know that I have one on standby. I love that she loves random things so that I can squirrel them away and take them to Nashville sometimes. And I love that she loves big. She either gives all of her heart or nothing at all; she always gives all of her heart. She loves, you know, she has a bleeding heart, and I think that’s just one of the most beautiful traits in the world is to love fully.”

    Audio / Darius Rucker recalls one of his favorite memories of his mother.


    Darius Rucker (favorite memory of his mother) OC: …my Mom’s song. :34
    “Oh goodness! A lot of great memories of her, but probably one of my favorite memories, I was a young kid, probably eight or nine, and she was in the kitchen cooking and listening to the gospel station and Shirley Caesar’s ‘No Charge’ came on and she was singing ‘No Charge.’ I just remember I ran into our living room which was adjoined to our kitchen and I just sat there and I just listened to her sing that song, and I remember thinking, ‘Wow! What an amazing voice.’ That’s just always a memory I’ve always had, and that song still to this day when I hear it just moves me because that was my mom’s song.”

    Audio / Darius Rucker talks about the unwavering support he felt from his mother (who passed away several years ago).


    Darius Rucker (Mother) OC: …in my corner. :44
    “My mom was just always great. She worked a lot. She was a nurse and she worked a lot. She took a lot of overtime and stuff to make sure we could live basically, but she always just so supportive, ever since I was a kid. I was always a music kid. Growing up in an African-American neighborhood, I was never that guy who was gonna be pigeonholed to let people say I could only listen to this and I could only do this, because I was African-American. She always supported whatever I wanted to do, whatever I wanted to listen to, wherever I wanted to go, she always had my back. Going to college and everything, she was my biggest supporter and never let my brothers and sisters knock me down or try to tell me I can’t do this or that. All of my success comes because my mother was always in my corner.”

    Audio / Dierks Bentley talks about Mother’s Day in regards to his wife, Cassidy.


    Dierks (Mother’s Day) OC: …for sure. :20
    “When it’s your actual mom, you know, there’s some slack there, but when with your wife – any touring husband, anyone who tours who has kids and a wife back home, it’s tough man. It’s a lot of work. So, I definitely need to step up to think of something great to do this Sunday, for sure.”

    Audio / Eric Church says he’s learned quite a bit from his mom.


    Eric Church (Mother’s Day) OC: …as a man. :57
    “My mom, even though my dad won’t like this, my mom is by far the toughest person that I’ve met. She’s tough. One of those people that’s been through a lot in her life, adversity wise and never complains, always really resilient with anything that’s happened to her. And it’s just that attitude, the positive attitude, regardless of what has happened that I think is the one thing that I got from her. With career, she’s always been a person that’s been really positive through times that I couldn’t find a positive streak, [laughs] and she was always really positive, and very much believes in tough it out, keep working hard, and that’s her motto with stuff like that. I’ve always been impressed with that stuff. Then musically, she’s where I get my talent from, musically. She sings great, always has, her mom sang great. I owe my musical chops to her. And she still sings some. So, career-wise, I owe her everything. And just in life-wise she’s given me a lot of the qualities that it has taken for me to get me where I am. Not only as a musician, but as a man.”

    Audio / Jon Pardi says his mother, Shelly, is an angel.


    Jon Pardi (Mother’s Day) OC: …worrying about me. :29
    “My mom’s always been there for me. First of all, she’s a great mom. She’s an angel. She takes care of people that aren’t even in the family. She’s always been like that, and she’s a great mother. She’s always proud, and she’s always there supporting and being a great mom. She’s just a good human being. There’s not one mean bone in her body. And she cries about every time I talk to her. She always worries about me. I have to tell her, ‘Stop worrying about me.’”



    Jordan Davis (Mother’s Day) OC: …Mother’s Day. :30 [laughs]
    “I’m a Mama’s Boy. I love my Mom, and it’s the way she finds the good in everything. With my Mom, as opposed to finding anything negative, she’s gonna find something positive first. That’s something I really hope I can be more like her on; one of the many things I wish I could be more like my mom on. My mom, she loves flowers, so we’ll get her flowers or take her to, we’re slowly getting her into sushi, so we love to take Mom out to sushi spots on Mother’s Day.” [laughs]

    Audio / Keith Urban explains why his wife Nicole Kidman is an extraordinary mother to their two children, Sunday and Faith.


    Keith Urban (Nicole is extraordinary mother) OC: …to see. :45
    “She’s an extraordinary mum, she really, really is. Those girls are very, very lucky, and I feel very lucky that the children I should have in this world happen to be with Nic. I don’t know anything about raising kids and Nic does, and that comes in extremely, um, it’s really made for an experience I wouldn’t have had without that. Her patience, her recognizing them as people and not just little kids is really extraordinary. Her attention to honoring their feelings and listening to them right from day one – really being attentive to that is not how I was raised at all, so it’s really beautiful to see.”

    Audio / Little Big Town’s Kimberly Schlapman says she always dreamed of being a mother…and her dream came true nearly 15 years ago when she gave birth to daughter, Daisy (July 27, 2007). In 2017, she and her family welcomed daughter Dolly Grace.


    LBT (Mother’s Day) OC: …for my mother. :34
    “Being a mother is a life-long dream for me. When I was a kid, that’s what I wanted to be is a mama. It took a long time. I wasn’t ever sure that I would be, but I am now, and it’s the greatest gift of my life. And as I’m a mother now, I see what my mother gave up and her sacrifices and her love and how she made us the most important thing in her life, and that’s what I strive to do for my little girl. It’s the most important job I have, and it’s the most responsibility that I have, and I try to live up to a great example that I had for my mother.”



    Maddie & Tae (Mother’s Day-Tae) OC: …was so fun. :25
    TAE: “To this day one of the best surprises I’ve ever pulled off was on Mother’s Day three years ago. ‘Cause my mom’s birthday always tends to fall on Mother’s Day Weekend – it’s coming up – and my mom and dad were coming into Nashville and I was like, ‘Okay-this has got to be a big weekend. It’s Mother’s Day, her birthday and the weather was going to be beautiful, so I planned this awesome surprise where we would drive first – she wouldn’t know where we were going, and then we ended up going canoeing down the Harpeth River [located south of Nashville], and it was so fun.”

    Audio / Maddie & Tae’s Maddie Marlow says her mother is great at balancing life and that a hug from her mother can fix almost anything.


    Maddie & Tae (Mother’s Day-Maddie) OC: (Maddie) …everything’s okay. :51
    MADDIE: “She is so good at balancing is what I’m trying to say. My Mom is such a great balancer, but as I’m coming into our adulthood, and all that kind of stuff, she’s very conscious about when I’m trying to be perfect and have everything in order with everything. And she’s like, you can’t. You can’t do that. Life, you have to figure out how you’re going to deal with the curveballs that are thrown out you. Are you going to catch them and whine out about it or are you going to catch them and move on? Like you have to just go with what’s thrown at you. And my Dad’s been a really, really good supporter on just not letting life’s trials bring you down and letting them just be learning tools and all of that. But, most of the time, a Mama hug can really fix anything.” TAE: “Ahh…it’s the best.” MADDIE: “If my Mom hugs me while I’m crying, everything’s okay. There’s just something about it. I’m grown, but, my Mom, if she hugs me, everything’s okay.”

    Audio / Parker McCollum talks about his mother's great qualities.


    Parker McCollum (Mother’s Day) OC: …those from her. :20
    “I mean, she’s just a fantastic woman who went above and beyond for us as kids to always make sure, probably even when we weren’t able to have things, she still made those happen. Everybody says I look like her. She’s just an incredibly caring and very, very sincere person, so I would hope I got those from her.”

    Audio / Sam Hunt talks about his mother.


    Sam Hunt (Mother’s Day) OC: … with my mom. 1:10
    “I knew I had a great mother, and I was blessed and lucky to be born into my family, but until I got out into the real world, I didn’t realize how unique and rare and how much I really hit the lottery with her. She’s raised in the South, and she is all the things that a lot of Southern women are, the good things, but selfless is the word that comes to mind right off the bat. Her life has been devoted to me, my brothers and our family for as long as I can remember her. So, her life revolved around us and that was something that the love that she showed us through those sacrifices has been, I know, a huge part of my ability to go out into the world and cope with all the things that come my way. I’m standing on firm ground, I know, because I grew up in a loving household and that started with my mom.”

    Audio / Shania Twain says it’s such a joy to be a parent.


    Shania Twain (joy to be a parent) OC: …means everything. :14
    “It’s such a joy to be a parent. So, I relate to all the mums out there who are getting all their love and appreciation from their kids, and I hope, when you’re a kid, a child of somebody, show your mum you love her, because it means everything.”



    Travis Denning (Mother’s Day) OC: …like crazy. :29
    “You know, my favorite thing about my mom, especially as I get older, is realizing how much me and her have in common. I just love that she’s passionate about music. She loves it. I mean, she’s turned me on to a lot of artists, but at the core like she’s still Mom. She reminds me to do things and does these things which that I couldn’t live without. I love that we get to be friends, we get to be best friends, but at the same time, she’s still Mom and she still loves me and my sister like crazy.”



    Video / Mickey Guyton talks to ABC's Good Morning America about being a mother to son Grayson.


    Audio / LINER Brothers Osborne (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey! What’s up guys! We’re Brothers Osborne, wishing all you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Carrie Underwood (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey everyone. I’m Carrie Underwood, wishing all you mothers out there a very, very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Catie Offerman (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Catie Offerman, wishing all of you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Caylee Hammack (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Caylee Hammack, sending this out to my mom and all the other mothers out there – I hope all of you have a wonderful Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Chrissy Metz (Mother’s Day)


    “Hi! It’s Chrissy Metz, wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Darius (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, what’s up? This is Darius Rucker, hoping you have a Happy Mother’s Day.

    Audio / LINER Dierks (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey, y’all! This is Dierks Bentley, wishing all you mothers out there a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Eric Church (Mother’s Day) 1


    “Hey everybody! This is Eric Church, wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Eric Church (Mother’s Day) 2


    “Hey everybody! This is Eric Church, hoping you have a Happy Mother’s Day. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.”

    Audio / LINER George Strait (Mother’s Day)


    “Hi! This is George Strait, wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Langston (Mother’s Day)


    Hi, I’m Jon Langston, wishing all the mothers a very Happy Mother’s Day. Love ya, Mom.

    Audio / LINER Jon Pardi (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Jon Pardi. I want to wish all the mamas out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Jordan Davis (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey! I’m Jordan Davis, wishing all the mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day. Love ya, Mom.”

    Audio / LINER Josh Turner (Mother’s Day)


    “Hi! This is Josh Turner, wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Kacey Musgraves (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey! It’s Kacey Musgraves. To all you mothers out there, Happy Mother’s Day!”


    Audio / LINER Keith Urban (Mother’s Day)


    “Hi everyone, it’s Keith Urban. Hoping all the mothers out there have a very, very Happy Mother’s Day. Love ya, Mom!”

    Audio / LINER Kylie Morgan (Mother’s Day)


    Hey y’all, this is Kylie Morgan, wishing all of you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER LBT (Mother’s Day)


    “(ALL) Hi! This is Little Big Town. (KIMBERLY) We want to wish all you mothers out there a Happy Mother’s Day. I love ya, Mama!”

    Audio / LINER Luke Bryan (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey! It’s Luke Bryan, hoping all you mothers out there have a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Maddie & Tae (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey everybody. I’m Maddie & I’m Tae and we’re Maddie & Tae, wishing all you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day. I love ya, Mom.”

    Audio / LINER Mickey Guyton (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey, this is Mickey Guyton, wishing all you mothers out there a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Parker McCollum (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey everybody, I’m Parker McCollum, wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Priscilla Block (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey, it’s Priscilla Block wishing all you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Sam Hunt (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey! This is Sam Hunt, wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Shania Twain (Mother’s Day)


    “Hi! This is Shania Twain. Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Travis Denning (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Travis Denning, wishing all the mothers a very Happy Mother’s Day. Love you, Mom.”


    Audio / LINER Brothers Osborne (Easter)


    LINER Brothers Osborne (Easter)
    Hey, we’re Brothers Osborne. Happy Easter.

    Audio / LINER Carrie Underwood (Easter)


    Hey everybody, this is Carrie Underwood, wishing you a very Happy Easter.

    Audio / LINER Catie Offerman (Easter)


    Hey everybody, this is Catie Offerman, wishing you a very Happy Easter.

    Audio / LINER Caylee Hammack (Easter)


    Hey y’all, this is Caylee Hammack, wishing you a Happy Easter.

    Audio / LINER Chrissy Metz (Easter)


    Hi, it’s Chrissy Metz, and I’m wishing you a very Happy Easter.

    Audio / LINER Dierks Bentley (Easter)


    Hey, it’s Dierks Bentley, wishing you a very Happy Easter.

    Audio / LINER Eric Church (Easter)


    Hey Everybody, it’s Eric Church, wishing you a very Happy Easter.

    Audio / LINER Jon Langston (Easter)


    Hi, I’m Jon Langston, wishing you a Happy Easter.

    Audio / LINER Jon Pardi (Easter)


    Hi, it’s Jon Pardi. Happy Easter.

    Audio / LINER Jordan Davis (Easter)


    Hey, I’m Jordan Davis. Happy Easter.

    Audio / Jordan Davis talks about his Easter holidays when he was growing up in Louisiana.


    Jordan Davis (Easter) OC: …that holiday was. :53
    “We would always have the Easter Egg Hunt before church. You know, my mom, she would dress us in these ridiculous, pastel-colored, gosh, good Lord, I’m sorry for saying this, but the worst part about Easter for me is some of the photos I have of what my mom dressed us in. It was hideous! But yeah, that was it growing up. We would have our Easter Egg Hunt, and I think for me early on, and probably like a lot of kids, Easter was another Sunday where it was a very mini, mini Christmas. We’d get some candy, every once in a while, we’d get a present, something that we wanted, we’d go to church, and everybody looked great. It was like the day to wear the new dress or the guys had these crazy ties on or something like that. And it really wasn’t until, I think, I was able to kinda hit my high school years and kind of start to strengthen my faith that I realized how special that holiday was.”

    Audio / LINER Kylie Morgan (Easter)


    Hey y’all, this is Kylie Morgan, wishing you a very Happy Easter.

    Audio / LINER LBT (Easter)


    Hey! We’re Little Big Town. Happy Easter!

    Audio / LINER Maddie and Tae (Easter)


    Hey, it’s Maddie and Tae, wishing you a very Happy Easter.



    Maddie & Tae (Easter) OC: (Maddie) …hope and joy. :51
    TAE: “Easters growing up for the Dye fam, my side, is  when I was younger, we’d go to my grandparents a lot and we’d do the whole Easter egg hunt and we’d go to church. My parents would always dress us up in these really cute springy outfits. But, yeah, Easter with family is always so much fun.” MADDIE: “Our Easter was very similar. My grandma would always get us this white chocolate cross with little flowers on it. It was so delicious. And me and my sister typically had matching dresses, which annoyed me at the time, but looking back it was precious. But Easter for us, Tae and I love us some Jesus! That is our favorite dude ever! (TAE: “That’s what Easter means.”) And so Easter is all about praising Jesus for his sacrifice so that we can know God and Him and just live a life full of purpose and hope and joy.”

    Audio / LINER Parker McCollum (Easter)


    Hey, this is Parker McCollum. Happy Easter, everyone.

    Audio / LINER Priscilla Block (Easter)


    Hey, it’s Priscilla Block, wishing you a very Happy Easter.

    Audio / LINER Travis Denning (Easter)


    Hey y’all—I’m Travis Denning. Happy Easter.


  • NEWS AND NOTES: Kacey Musgraves, Mickey Guyton, Taylor Swift, Caylee Hammack, Keith Urban

    Kacey Musgraves will perform during the inaugural Palomino Festival at the Rose Bowl in Southern California July 9th. Willie Nelson, Jason Isbell, Turnpike Troubadours, Orville Peck, Morgan Wade and Old Crow Medicine Show will also perform. Tickets go on sale Friday (April 1st).


    Mickey Guyton is among the special guests at BRELAND’s upcoming benefit for Nashville’s Oasis Center taking place at Nashville’s historic Ryman Auditorium on April 12th. Kane Brown, Russell Dickerson and Charles Kelley are also part of the lineup.

    Taylor Swift is set to receive an honorary doctorate for Fine Arts from New York University, and she will speak at the college’s commencement taking place at Yankee Stadium May 18th.

    Caylee Hammack, who just wrapped up a tour with Darius Rucker, will head out on the road on Brad Paisley‘s World Tour 2022, along with Tracy Lawrence, Scotty McCreery and Tenille Townes. Tickets go on sale Friday (April 1st). The tour is set to kick off on May 27th at the Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, CT. Guests will vary by market.

    Keith Urban‘s “One Too Many” featuring P!nk is winner of the 2022 Queensland Music ‘Highest Selling Single Award.’ 



    Tuesday (March 8th) is International Women’s Day, which is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. International Women’s Day has been observed since the early 1900’s.

    Many of your favorite female country artists are also celebrating this day in honor of women everywhere and of their influences and inspirations.




    Carrie Underwood (Musical influences) OC: …do it too. :54
    “I think my biggest influences musically, or career-wise, would have to be women like Reba, like Dolly, like Faith Hill, like Martina McBride. You see all of these women just juggle everything masterfully and many of them are moms and they’re superstars and they’re talented, and you know, I know how hard they work because I’m in their shoes somewhat and doing the same juggling. You know, you have the kids and the career and you’re just trying to crush everything you do and being pulled in a million different directions. And to see women like that who are just beautiful and smart and strong and talented, knowing that they have come first and they’re still getting to do what they love and they’re still getting to be the mom and the wife and all the things – that’s just such an inspiration to me and just lets me know that I can do it too.”



    Carrie Underwood (biggest female influence) OC: …ever had. :25
    “I would say my biggest female influence would have to be my Mom. She was the first person that I was around that really taught me what it was like to be a woman, to be a Mom, to be a wife, to be a daughter and a sister. And just watching her and how she did everything with grace and integrity and she’s so strong. I mean, she was just the best role model anybody could have ever had.”



    “Hey, this is Carrie Underwood, and today is International Women’s Day. Let’s celebrate and encourage the achievements of women and girls around the world today and every day.”



    “Hi, this is Carrie Underwood, and March is National Women’s month. Celebrate and encourage the achievements of women and girls everywhere today and every day.”



    “Hey y’all, this is Catie Offerman. Happy International Women’s Day. This is such a special chance for all of us to celebrate each other and all the women around the globe and all their amazing accomplishments. We love you!”



    Caylee Hammack (Loretta Lynn and professional inspirations) OC: …look up to. :31
    “My first concert ever was Loretta Lynn. I was 13 years old and I got to see her in Columbus, Georgia. I begged my Dad to bring me, and I just remembered sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to see what she’d sing or say next. Loretta Lynn has been such an inspiration to me and all of the women who came before me – Patsy Cline, Tammy Wynette, Dolly Parton, Reba McEntire, all the way to Miranda Lambert and the legends of today. It’s unreal how many amazing women I have been given in this world to look up to.”



    Caylee Hammack (Loretta Lynn) OC: …should listen. :28
    “My female idol growing up was Loretta Lynn. I was 13 when I got to see her live in-concert for the very first time. It was my first concert ever, and I will always remember sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to just see what she was gonna sing or say next. The power she had on stage is something you don’t see much; there’s a magic there. I think that when a woman tells her story – a woman like Loretta Lynn – everyone should listen.”



    Caylee Hammack (Miranda, Ashley, Tenille) OC: …more grateful. :46
    “I could on and on about Loretta Lynn and Patsy Cline and Tammy Wynette and Reba and Dolly, but I want to actually mention a few friends that I’ve recently made in this year of quarantine and that’s Miranda Lambert and Ashley McBryde and Tenille Townes, these women that I’ve really gotten to connect with over this time in random group messages and such. I‘m just so very grateful that not only do I have women that have paved the way for us coming up in the country music industry, but I also have amazing women around me that I get to celebrate every single time that they put a new song out or win an award. I feel like I’ve found a family in country music, in the women of country music and I just couldn’t be more grateful.”



    Kacey Musgraves (women in Country Music) OC: …of it all. :37
    “I look at people like Loretta Lynn and Dolly Parton, songwriters who were sassy and intelligent and beautiful and also intelligent and humorous. They inspired me, and if I can be at all any part of that in carrying that on, then I feel like,  that’s just the icing on the cake for me, and I feel like I’ve done my job.”

    Audio / Kassi Ashton says one of her most memorable moments watching a female artist is when The Chicks performed “Sin Wagon” on the 2000 CMA Awards.


    Kassi Ashton (female artist-first memory) OC: …want to do. :24
    “When I think of my most memorable moment as a country music fan of a female artist, it would have to be when I was really little sitting crisscross-applesauce on the carpet looking up at the TV watching the Chicks perform on the CMA Awards. They were performing ‘Sin Wagon.’ There were CGI flames on the screen and gates opened up and they just tore it up. It’s still to this day is one of my favorite performances to watch over and over on Youtube. I remember looking up at the screen and thinking that that is exactly what I want to do.”



    Kylie Morgan (International Women’s Day) OC: …so young. :21
    “For me, International Women’s Day is not only about women supporting women but also looking up to other women. And the very first tiny woman, actually, I ever looked up to was Shirley Temple. Not only was she a child star, but she never let her age hold her back. And I feel like I continue to grow up with that mentality and why I started my career so young.”



    Loretta Lynn (which songs had most impact) OC: …double hits. :10
    “‘You Ain’t Woman Enough (To Take My Man)’ and ‘Fist City’ is another one. They both hit women, you know? I wrote them about other women at the time and myself too, so I think that’s why they were double hits.”



    Maddie & Tae (women most admire) OC: (Maddie) …everybody! :43
    “I definitely can’t pick just one inspiring woman in my life, because I’ve been blessed by many. (TAE INTERRUPTS) Yeah, I was gonna say Tae is definitely one that inspires me always for many different reasons. You are really good at living in the moment, I feel like; very good at being present and I always pick that up from you every time we hang out. (TAE SAYS, “Your joy inspires me.”) My mom, she is just a baddie and amazing. I would say our manager Haley. She is just so great at balancing work life and family life, and I really admire that. And I would say, I don’t know. All the women in my life – my sister, my sister-in-laws, my mother-in-law. I love ‘em all. My grandma…everybody!”

    Audio / LINER MADDIE & TAE (IWD)


    “We’re Maddie & Tae on International Women’s Day.”



    Mickey Guyton (started with LeAnn) OC: …done. :24
    “I was eight-years-old, and my church, I grew up singing in the church, and my church drove to Arlington [Texas] from Waco to go see a Texas Rangers baseball game. We were all the way up in the nosebleed section, and the announcer says, ‘Please rise as 10-year-old LeAnn Rimes sings the National Anthem,’ and that was before ‘Blue’ came out. I was already stuck on her, and then when ‘Blue’ came out, I was just like done.”



    Mickey Guyton (on pursuing a career as a singer) OC: …all those people. :50
    “It wasn’t like something where I was like, ‘Dad, I want to be a professional singer.’ It wasn’t until I was older when I finally admitted it. When you say something like that, it’s pretty crazy. What are we normally supposed to be? We’re supposed to be a teacher, a doctor, a lawyer, go to school and for me to even say that was just kind of crazy. So, I took an interest in singing. I started doing solos in the church choir or the school had a talent show. I’d bring my boom box, and I’d sing ‘I Will Always Love You.’ I was just mesmerized by big-voiced women, so from LeAnn, I started listening to Dolly and Patsy Cline and Patty Loveless and Reba McEntire and Faith Hill and Martina McBride, all those people.”



    Mickey Guyton (why the song Sister is so important to her) OC: …out there. :21
    “As a woman, we need our sisters and this song is just so important for women, for girls, for everyone right now, to show solidarity and support for each other. No matter what it is that you believe, no matter what it is that you do, this song is exactly that for every woman out there.”



    Priscilla Block (Dolly Parton) OC: …me some Dolly. :19
    “Hey-this is Priscilla Block, and I would say one female country legend that I look up to would be Dolly Parton. I love how honest she is, and she’s always just embraced who she is as a woman, and I love that so much, you know. Big hair, big hoops and you know what’s next. I love me some Dolly.”



    Priscilla Block (Mom) OC: …in the butt. :25
    “I would honestly say one of the most inspiring women in my life is my mom because she raised five kids, and honestly had no clue what she was doing, but kind of always just made life so fun. She was there when we needed to laugh and when we needed to cry, and she was also there when we needed a little kick in the butt.”

    Audio / Priscilla Block says her favorite compliment from another woman is that she helps make them feel confident about themselves.


    Priscilla Block (favorite compliment from another woman) OC: …means the world. :18
    “I would say that my favorite compliment that I’ve received from a woman is that I made them feel comfortable in their own skin. You know, it’s something that doesn’t come easy all of the time, and it’s something that I’ve worked on my whole life on feeling comfortable, so when another girl says, ‘Yeah, you make me feel confident,’ it means the world.”

    Audio / A few years ago, Taylor Swift said Reba McEntire was one of her favorite people in the world.


    Taylor Swift (Reba) OC: …factored in. :33
    “Reba is absolutely one of my favorite people on this planet. And yk, I think when you’re making your way up in the music industry, you have all these heroes and the reasons why they’re your heroes are one thing, and then as soon as you kind of get in the industry, your guidelines change a little bit. For me, my heroes now are great people first and great artists second – people that I just feel strive to be great people and kind people first before anything else gets factored in.”


    Keith Urban
    Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
    Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

    The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
    In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.

    Carrie Underwood
    The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
    While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.

    And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap,
    Had just settled down for a long winter’s nap

    Kimberly from Little Big Town
    When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
    I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.

    TJ Osborne
    Away to the window I flew like a flash,
    Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

    John Osborne
    The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
    Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below.

    Tae from Maddie & Tae
    When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
    But a miniature sleigh, and eight tinny reindeer.

    Jimi from Little Big Town
    With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
    I knew in a moment it must be St Nick.

    Lauren Alaina
    More rapid than eagles his reindeer they came,
    And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

    “Now Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
    On, Comet! On, Cupid! On Donner and Blitzen!

    Caylee Hammack
    To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
    Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!”

    Dierks Bentley
    So up to the house-top the reindeer they flew,
    With the sleigh full of Toys, and St Nicholas too

    Darius Rucker
    And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
    The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.

    As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
    Down the chimney St Nicholas came with a bound.

    Jordan Davis
    He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
    And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.

    Maddie from Maddie & Tae
    A bundle of Toys he had flung on his back,
    And he looked like a peddler, just opening his pack.

    Karen from Little Big Town
    His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
    His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!

    Jon Pardi
    His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
    And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow.

    The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
    And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.

    Brandon Lay
    He had a broad face and a little round belly,
    That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly!

    He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
    And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself!

    Phillip from Little Big Town
    A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
    Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

    Josh Turner
    He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
    And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.

    Luke Bryan
    And laying his finger aside of his nose,
    And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose!

    He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
    And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.

    Alan Jackson
    But I heard him exclaim, as he drove out of sight,
    “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!”



    Audio / Twas The Night Before Christmas (produced)


    Audio / Twas The Night Before Christmas (dry, no music bed)

  • NEWS AND NOTES: Reba McEntire, Alan Jackson, George Strait, Caylee Hammack, Josh Turner and more

    If you happened to miss the premiere of Reba McEntire‘s Lifetime holiday movie, Christmas in Tune, you’re in luck. The channel will air encore presentations of the movie several times throughout the month, including December 4th, December 16th, December 21st and December 24th.

    Alan Jackson, Reba McEntire, George Strait, Shania Twain, Trace Adkins, Vince Gill, Suzy Bogguss, Deana Carter and many more are featured on the new compilation 90s Country Christmas. Click here to download or stream.


    Caylee Hammack shared her tour diary from her dates opening up for Chris Stapleton. Check it out below.


    Josh Turner talked to People about his new holiday song, “Soldier’s Gift,” his first-ever Christmas album, King Size Manger, and his holiday tour.


  • CHRISTMAS 2021: Caylee Hammack

    Caylee Hammack pretty much owes her music career to Buddy, the Elf. She says Elf, starring Will Ferrell, is her favorite Christmas movie, because she started singing “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” when she was a young girl, and her dad thought she had a great voice.

    “That is the whole reason I started singing was that song,” Caylee recalls. “I was leaning up against the kitchen island when they played ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ in the movie, Elf, and I was singing along to it. I was 13 when it came out. And my dad said, ‘Caylee, you can actually sing.’ I was like, ‘No, don’t make fun of me.’ We were always tease each other, so I thought he was teasing me.’ And he’s like, ‘No, Caylee, I think you should try it,’ and that’s when I signed up for this little talent show in my hometown and I completely embarrassed myself. I sang, ‘I Will Survive,’ and I froze on the first lines – ‘At first I was afraid, I was p-pe-pet-petrified.’ And completely flunked it, but the whole reason I tried out for it is because my dad heard me singing in the kitchen to ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ in the Elf movie. So, Elf is probably my favorite Christmas movie.”

    The ever-crafty and creative Caylee recalls her favorite Christmas present one year. “My favorite Christmas present was my mom and dad gave me an art table that had a light underneath it so I could trace things, and I had a place for all my markers and shelves for all my paper and I was just so excited. I was so excited. So, I got a craft table and they wrapped everything that year in Hello Kitty wrapping paper. Yup! That was my favorite Christmas.”

    Caylee  recorded a version of Dolly Parton’s “Hard Candy Christmas” as part of this year’s Spotify Singles: Holiday Edition playlist and campaign.

    Audio / Caylee Hammack reveals her favorite Christmas movie and why.


    Caylee Hammack (why Elf is her favorite Christmas movie) OC: …Christmas movie. :53
    “I have to say Elf, because that is the whole reason I started singing was that song. I was leaning up against the kitchen island when they played ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ in the movie, Elf, and I was singing along to it. I was 13 when it came out. And my dad said, ‘Caylee, you can actually sing.’ I was like, ‘No, don’t make fun of me.’ We were always tease each other, so I thought he was teasing me.’ And he’s like, ‘No, Caylee, I think you should try it,’ and that’s when I signed up for this little talent show in my hometown and I completely embarrassed myself. I sang, ‘I Will Survive,’ and I froze on the first lines – ‘At first I was afraid, I was p-pe-pet-petrified.’ And completely flunked it, but the whole reason I tried out for it is because my dad heard me singing in the kitchen to ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ in the Elf movie. So, Elf is probably my favorite Christmas movie.”

    Audio / Caylee Hammack talks about her favorite Christmas present growing up.


    Caylee Hammack (favorite Christmas present) OC: …23
    “My favorite Christmas present was my mom and dad gave me an art table that had a light underneath it so I could trace things, and I had a place for all my markers and shelves for all my paper and I was just so excited. I was so excited. So, I got a craft table and they wrapped everything that year in Hello Kitty wrapping paper. Yup! That was my favorite Christmas.”

    Video /
