For many decades, Labor Day was seen as a day for workers to voice their complaints and discuss better working conditions and pay.

    U.S. Congress declared Labor Day a national holiday in 1894, and on Monday, September 6th, we will once again celebrate the people in every occupation whose work and dedication make this nation great. Labor Day in the United States is a holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September. It is a celebration of the American labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of workers.

    Labor Day weekend also signals the unofficial end to summer, and many of the hottest country stars are taking a look back at some of the toughest jobs they had prior to making their mark in music or their dream job now.

    To access artist liners, click here.


    Audio / Adam Hambrick talks about one of his summer jobs when he was growing up in Arkansas.


    Adam Hambrick (Labor Day) OC: …that summer. :41
    “I don’t know if I’ve ever had a bad job. I don’t think I had a bad job, ‘cause I actually enjoyed this job ‘cause I was actually sitting in the air conditioning all day over the summer in Arkansas. It was very monotonous, because I was spending every summer day repairing old fallen-apart medical charts in a heart clinic in Little Rock. I would take all these photos of all these records and re-sort them page-by-page and put ‘em back in the manila folder and re-alphabetize ‘em. But I did bring my computer and watch movies while I did it, so I drank a lot of soda and watched a lot of movies that summer.”

    Audio / Alan Jackson says that working man values have always been a part of his music.


    AJ (working people songs) OC: … appreciate that. :28
    “I’ve always written songs and recorded songs, other people’s songs, about workin’ people, and workin’, the workin’ life ’cause I mean, that’s where I’m from. I mean, I worked…I’d already had jobs and worked as a grown person before I ever even thought about bein’ in the music business, so I come from that background, and…although I hadn’t had a job in a long time (laughs), I still remember a lot about it, you know, and I remember what the lifestyle is, and I still appreciate that.”

    Audio / Billy Currington recalls some of the jobs he had before landing his record deal in 2003.


    Billy Currington (Labor Day) OC: …record deal. :40
    “I started working like at [age] 12, landscaping. This was summer, every summers, and roofing. I started when I was about 16 roofing houses, and that was probably one of my toughest jobs because down there in South Georgia, it gets hot, so doing that every day all summer long. The pawn shop when I moved to Nashville was one of my favorites, even though it was one of my least favorites. The concrete job was my least favorite of all – six years of that, and I couldn’t take it no more. After that job, that was my turning point. Either I’m going to do something else for a living [laughs] or quit and try to really focus on music and get this record deal.”



    Brandon Lay (Labor Day) OC: …a good one. :13
    “You know, I can’t complain too much about Labor Day, ‘cause usually doing landscaping and it had slowed down a little, but the water’s still warm enough to hit the river. I’ve gotten to spend some time out on the lake for Labor Day, so Labor Day’s a good one.”



    Carrie Underwood (Labor Day) OC: …born to do. :59
    “I don’t think I’ve ever had a bad job. I’ve had hard jobs. I’ve had jobs that worked random hours. My first job was at a gas station, and that was a lot of fun actually. While I was working at the gas station, I took another job at a hotel down the street. There was nobody else working there. I had one day of training and then the next day I came in, and the lady that had worked there the longest and was training me just didn’t show. So, the second day at work I was now in charge ‘cause I was now the senior member that was working at the hotel. So, I feel like that one was really challenging to figure my way through it, but I did. My best job is definitely what I do now. I really like being on stage. I really like performing for people and just having fun and singing, because that’s what I feel like I was born to do.”

    Audio / Caylee Hammack says her worst job truly smelled bad.


    Caylee Hammack (Labor Day-worst job) OC: …worst job. (laughs) :38
    “My worst job was working in a nursery, actually. I love kids so I thought I’d be really good at it, but wen you’re the new person coming in, you have to change all the diapers first. So, I was changing 45 diapers a day and it got to the point where everything smelled like baby poop. It literally drove me crazy. I would walk my dog and I would have to go to pick up her poop, and it would smell like baby poop, and I just couldn’t handle it, honestly. The smell of poop warded me away. The children were lovely, but the smell of poop lingered, and I couldn’t handle that job. That was my worst job.” (laughs)

    Audio / Darius Rucker recalls one of his worst jobs before turning to music.


    Darius Rucker (Labor Day) OC: …pizza. :15
    “I was fifteen, and I worked at a pizza place, and the guy decided that at fifteen, that I could not only clean the floors and wash the dishes, but I also had to make pizza. So, for two months, he taught me how to make pizza.”

    Audio / Dierks Bentley makes a living performing for his fans, and he can’t say enough about them.


    Dierks Bentley (Labor Day) OC: …generosity. :26
    “Personally, the fans give me amazement. That’s the only word to really sum it up. I look out in the crowd, you know, usually see a lot of faces and fans are cheering. I know each one of these like from the road-the signs are from California…Michelle and Kayla live up in the Ohio area. They’re all, I just see them, and I’m like, ‘Wow!,’ they’re all from different regions. You know when you’re in a different region of the country and you just see certain fans. These people are way more hard core than I am, and I’m just amazed by their generosity.”

    Audio / Eric Church talks about one of his worst job.


    Eric Church (Labor Day-odd jobs) OC: …bought at 2am. 1:27
    “I had an awful job. I’ve had a lot of awful jobs…my worst one was when I first came to Nashville. I got a job at the Shop at Home Network. I worked midnight, graveyard, midnight to eight. That was bad enough but then I would work all night, go home, shower and then I had writing appointments all day because I was trying to get a career started. I’d go write songs and get meetings just trying to get signed. And end up getting done at 3 of 4 with all of that, I’d go home, take a shower or sleep for a little bit and then I had to be at work again at midnight. So the schedule was bad enough, however, what I had to do at the job…I sold knives from midnight to 7 or 8am. And, anytime somebody calls you at 3 or 4am and needs 200 knives for $19.95, it’s automatically an alarming situation. And I just, I was young and I’d been in a lot of these people’s shoes, I had done this…I knew they were drunk. I knew what they had done. They’d just come home from the bar, flipped on Shop at Home and said, ‘You know what? I need that.’ So the reason the job didn’t last long for me is that I was maybe the worst salesmen in history because I ended up talking a lot of these people out of it, I’d say, ‘I’ll tell you what man, go to bed, call me, I’ll be here in the morning. If you get up in the morning and want these knives you call me back.’ Because I knew what was going to happen, you know. They bought 200 knives for $19.95…first of all some of these people you didn’t know whether you should call the cops. What do you need 200 knives for? Even though I’m selling them…what do you need them for? So, it was awful doing that job. And then they got rid of me because, they were like, ‘You’re the worst. I can’t believe you’re talking people out of it.’ I was like, ‘Man I know…I’ve been there.’ [laughs] I’d want some to talk me out of buying some of the stuff I’ve bought at 2am.”



    George Strait (first time on radio) OC: …records I’ve put out. :26
    “I took it to a radio station in San Antonio KKYX, and a guy named Jerry King put it on and played it while I ran out to the car to listen to it on the radio. So, it’s just been relationships like that through the years that I’ve had with different people. I don’t know, they’ve just supported me so much and have been very open to the records I’ve put out.”

    Audio / Jon Langston says he's just not cut out for cooking chicken, but he is made for performing on stage.


    Jon Langston (Labor Day) OC: …is the bomb. :45
    “The worst job – it wasn’t bad – I could just say growing up and stuff and in high school, I was working for my dad. It was a great job, working at the shop. One day I got tired of working for my dad. I thought it’d be smart to go work for somebody else and so I went to work at Chik-fil-a for a family friend, and I’m just not made for cooking chicken. But, I told my dad, ‘Hey, can I come back to work?’ (laughs) So, yeah, I mean, Chik-fil-a a great place to work if you’re into that kind of thing, but not me. But Chik-fil-a is my favorite fast food restaurant of all time. I mean, I will go to war for Chik-fil-a. I eat there probably three or four times a week. Chik-fil-a is the bomb.”

    Audio / Jon Pardi talks about his worst job, which was at a grocery store.


    Jon Pardi (Labor Day) OC: …so bored! :17
    “The worst job I ever had was at Hometown Grocery Store. I didn’t want to work, I was 15, and I did not want to work at the grocery store. Bagging was fun, but they sent me down the aisles to pull up cans and turn ‘em around and face ‘em, and I would just get so bored!”

    Audio / Jordan Davis talks about his worst job.


    Jordan Davis (Labor Day) OC: …worst job. :41
    “[My] worst job was probably whenever I got out of school I started working for an environmental group in Baton Rouge, and I was doing actual environmental work at first. I went to my boss probably about four months in and told him that I was going to move to Nashville and write songs. Luckily enough, he let me stay on, but I became the weedeater guy for the landscaping side of the business. I seriously weedeated eight hours a day. The only break I would get would be in-between yard to yard. So, like we would be in the car and I would try to doze off for like 10 minutes. I was covered in grass in the middle of the summer in Baton Rouge. It was awful. That was definitely the worst job.”

    Audio / Keith Urban has never had another job other than performing, and he loves watching people connect to his music.


    Keith Urban (Labor Day) OC: …amazing. :22
    “Seeing people connect to the music is absolutely, hands-down the biggest reward for me, especially when you go to a place you’ve never been to before and it’s all these people, I mean lots of people out there. You’ve never met a single one of ‘em and they’re singing every word, and you realize that it’s not just a pretty melody and everything, but they get the songs. It’s amazing.”

    Audio / Kip Moore recalls his worst job...ever.


    Kip Moore (Labor Day-worst job) OC: …than that. :21
    “I’d have to say my worst job ever was laying sod in the south Georgia heat. There’s nothing than that, especially when somebody would think that you’re waiting for the next sod patch to be thrown to you and you got your back turned, and all of a sudden, that big ole piece of sod hits you right on the back. You got nowhere to clean up, and you’re just stuck with dirt on your back for the rest of the day. It doesn’t get any worse than that.”

    Audio / Kylie Morgan says being on the road performing for people is her “happy place.”


    Kylie Morgan (the road is her happy place) OC: …that’s me. :48
    “The road is truly my happy place. I love going to sleep and not knowing where I’m going to be the next day. I love hotel beds. I literally just eat and breathe the road. It is truly an adventure all the time, and I knew even when I was little that I had to do something where I traveled because I love the feeling of it. I love experiencing new things, and the fact that I truly feel like what I do is not a job. And the fact that I get to see the world, meet so many amazing people, have a one-on-one connection through my music, I never have to work a day in my life because I would do this for free. It is one of the most liberating feelings to finish a song and see someone turn to someone and go, ‘Omigod, that’s me.’”

    Audio / Luke Bryan talks about the different jobs he worked in and around Leesburg, Georgia, before heading to Nashville to pursue a career in music.


    Luke Bryan (Labor Day-jobs) OC: …Nashville… 1:07
    “At age 12 thru 13, I worked at Rubos IGA Supermarket in Leesburg, GA. I worked during the summers on Monday and Tuesday. I stocked and cleaned up the produce.  They paid me under the table…I peeled off all of the brown lettuce. Let’s see, when I was 15, I was a cashier at K-Mart for two months. I worked at K-Mart for two months, and then I reverted back to Rubos because it didn’t really make sense for me to drive all the way into Albany and work for K-Mart. The benefits were great though-you’d get an hour-long on the blue light special. So I started back at Rubos, and then I quit Rubos and worked for my Dad-just awful just driving tractors through cotton all day, and spraying pesticides that eventually would turn your hair green. And then at some point, I started playing guitar. And well, after college I went back and worked for my dad and continued to spray and haul fertilizer around. And then I moved to Nashville…”

    Audio / Priscilla Block had a lot of side jobs when she was trying to make it in the music business, including cleaning Airbnbs.


    Priscilla Block (Labor Day) OC: …didn’t care. :34
    “Cleaning Airbnbs, and that was really interesting ‘cause you’d find some crazy things in those Airbnbs. Those bachelorette parties, all I’m saying is I want to be invited next time. I was kind of sad that I had to be the house cleaner and I wasn’t at the bachelorette party. It was great! You’d go in and sometimes there’d be extra food, alcohol. When I walked in and I would see White Claws in the fridge, I’m, ‘Bingo, baby! Let’s go!’ I don’t know if I was supposed to be taking the alcohol, but I didn’t care.”



    Travis Denning (Labor Day) OC: …right for it. :13
    “I’ve always played music. I mean, my first gig was when I was 16-years-old. That was what I did. And as soon as I found out I could make money doing it, I thought I’d much rather make money doing this than anything else, so I went right for it.”



  • NEWS AND NOTES: Alan Jackson, Mickey Guyton, Brothers Osborne, Kylie Morgan

    Alan Jackson is set to headline the benefit concert, “Where I Come From,” on Saturday (June 26th) to help raise funds for his hometown, which was impacted by spring tornadoes. The show will help citizens of Newnan, Georgia, which was devastated by a powerful EF-4 tornado on March 26th. Alan and his wife Denise were born and raised in Newnan. His portion of the show will stream live on his Facebook page beginning at 8:30pm ET.


    Alan Jackson and Mickey Guyton are set to perform during A Capitol Fourth on the Fourth of July on PBS beginning at 8pm ET. Vanessa Williams, Gladys Knight, Jimmy Buffett, Jimmie Allen and Train are also among the stars performing during the special.


    Mickey Guyton, Brothers Osborne and Kane Brown are on the cover of Billboard’s Country Power Players issue. The accompanying article talks with all three acts about Country Music’s more inclusive future. Check out the article here.

    Kylie Morgan is taking part in Cracker Barrel’s Care It Forward initiative in which she is mentored by hit songwriter and producer Shane McAnallyCeCe Winans, Jennifer Nettles and Christian singer Tauren Wells are also taking part.




    Kylie Morgan released her debut EP Love, Kylie today – listen HERE. Produced by Shane McAnally and Ben Johnson, Love, Kylie is wrapped in charisma and filled with personal stories from the talented Oklahoma native. Kylie co-wrote every song on the EP alongside a talented roster of songwriters including Emily Weisband, Shane McAnally, Geoffrey Warburton, Ben Johnson, and more. Kylie’s honest, down-to-earth style reveals a transparency and vulnerability in the stories she tells.

    “This EP is the most personal thing I’ve ever created,” says Kylie of releasing her first collection of songs. “Every song is a chapter in my life, and I can’t wait for you all to listen and help me write the rest of the story.”

    On Kylie’s brazen, “I Only Date Cowboys,” Billboard draws comparison to Kylie’s childhood hero, Shania Twain, stating, “The rock-rooted country song’s hook does bear some similarity to “That Don’t Impress Me Much,” but more importantly, it helps Kylie solidify her place as one to watch.”

    “‘Break Things’ is written as a warning label,” declares American Songwriter. “It’s an apathetic approach to romance, a liability waiver that does not promise safe-handling of fragile hearts. The punchy single offers a light-hearted, yet deep self-reflection. With equal parts wit and candor, Kylie waves her red flags for all potential suitors to see.”

    The EP closes with “Mad I Need You,” a swinging, melodic love song from the perspective of a passionately independent woman who is coming to terms with being in love.

    Along with the EP, Kylie released the official music video for the lead track on the EP, “Shoulda,” a heavy up-tempo with a sassy, rapid-fire vocal about the should’ve known betters when dabbling with an ex – watch HERE.

    Love, Kylie Track Listing
    1. Shoulda (Kylie Morgan, Shane McAnally, Ben Johnson)
    2. I Only Date Cowboys (Kylie Morgan, Nate Kenyon, Jay Allen)
    3. Outdoor Voices (Kylie Morgan, Emily Falvey, Benjamin Joel Johnson)
    4. Break Things (Kylie Morgan, Aaron Eshuis, James McNair, Nicolette Hayford)
    5. Cheating On You (Kylie Morgan, Benjamin Joel Johnson, Geoffrey Warburton, Jeffrey Garrison)
    6. Mad I Need You (Kylie Morgan, Nicholas Oliver Ruth, Emily Weisband) 

    About Kylie Morgan:
    Kylie starting writing songs at the age of 12 and gained national attention from music producers and television executives after releasing her music independently. This early success led Kylie to begin making regular trips to Nashville, crafting her voice and polishing her songwriting. When she turned 19, she made the decision to call Music City home. Recognizing Kylie’s unique talent, the SMACKSongs team signed her to their roster under the guidance of GRAMMY Award-winning songwriters, Shane McAnally and Josh Osborne. To give fans a glimpse into her upbringing and passion to pursue music, Kylie returned to her hometown of Newcastle, OK to film her “Hometown Heartland” series. Fans can watch all six episodes HERE. An avid yoga enthusiast, Kylie has earned her official Yoga Alliance Certification and participates in yoga daily. While stuck at home and unable to tour, Kylie created the #namasteathome series where fans can participate in short yoga flows/light workouts, watch HERE. Kylie was previously selected as one of three artists for the CMA KixStart program and was named as one of VEVO’s 2021 DSCVR Artists to Watch. The only country artist to make the list, the program highlights 19 of the world’s top emerging artists poised to break out over the next year. As part of the program, Kylie recorded acoustic performances of “Shoulda” as well as “Cuss A Little” which can be viewed HERE. Kylie has been named to several Artists to Watch lists including CMT, SiriusXM On The Horizon, Taste of Country and Pandora. Kylie has previously toured with artists including Dan + Shay, Little Big Town, Maren Morris, Kip Moore, Gavin DeGraw, Brett Eldredge and Billy Currington.

    For a full list of tour dates, news, images and more, visit www.KylieMorgan.com


    Audio / Kylie Morgan talks about the song "Shoulda," which is featured on her debut EP, "Love, Kylie."


    Kylie Morgan (Shoulda) OC: …same feeling. :15
    “I wanted to write a song that honestly was my relationship with quarantine – all the things we shouldn’t be doing, we all wanted to do. I also love having a good song to be able to work out to and roll your windows down and sing at the top of your lungs. I hope it gives you that same feeling.”

    Video /


    EMI Records Nashville’s Kylie Morgan is set to release her debut EP Love, Kylie on Friday (June 11th) – pre-order the new album HERE.

    Kylie co-wrote all six songs on her new EP and reveals a transparency and vulnerability that compels listeners to peel back the layers of her story.


    “My brand-new and very first EP, Love, Kylie, is so important to me. I wanted to be able to put into words the emotions that you don’t know how to explain. Every song is from me to you,” says Kylie.

    Produced by Shane McAnally and Ben Johnson, Kylie details her journey through relationships, life as an artist, and life experiences.

    When it came time to name the EP, Kylie reached back to her early publishing pitches for inspiration. She named the EP Love, Kylie, which was the way she ended each pitch email. She found the sign-off made people feel like they were friends, and that’s how she hopes they feel listening to the EP. “It’s a pretty vulnerable state,” she said of releasing her first collection of songs. “I realized that every song that I’ve been writing has been either about me, about my family, about a friend, about someone I know. I wanted the whole EP to feel like a cohesive story and for every song to feel like a chapter.”

    Kylie, a vivacious, auburn-haired spitfire with a powerful voice, a sharp songwriting pen and a keen sense of her artistry, released her new song “I Only Date Cowboys” a couple of weeks ago. The fiery new track is vintage Kylie, giving listeners a glimpse into her personality – listen HERE. Additionally, Kylie released her official music video for the lead track on the EP, “Shoulda,” a heavy up-tempo with a sassy, rapid-fire vocal about the should’ve known betters when dabbling with an ex – watch HERE.

    Love, Kylie Track Listing
    1. Shoulda (Kylie Morgan, Shane McAnally, Ben Johnson)
    2. I Only Date Cowboys (Kylie Morgan, Nate Kenyon, Jay Allen)
    3. Outdoor Voices (Kylie Morgan, Emily Falvey, Benjamin Joel Johnson)
    4. Break Things (Kylie Morgan, Aaron Eshuis, James McNair, Nicolette Hayford)
    5. Cheating On You (Kylie Morgan, Benjamin Joel Johnson, Geoffrey Warburton, Jeffrey Garrison)
    6. Mad I Need You (Kylie Morgan, Nicholas Oliver Ruth, Emily Weisband) 


    About Kylie:
    The Oklahoma native starting writing songs at the age of 12 and gained national attention from music producers and television executives after releasing her music independently. This early success led Kylie to begin making regular trips to Nashville, crafting her voice and polishing her songwriting. When she turned 19, she made the decision to call Music City home. Recognizing Kylie’s unique talent, the SMACKSongs team signed her to their roster under the guidance of GRAMMY Award-winning songwriters, Shane McAnally and Josh Osborne. To give fans a glimpse into her upbringing and passion to pursue music, Kylie returned to her hometown of Newcastle, OK to film her “Hometown Heartland” series. Fans can watch all six episodes HERE. An avid yoga enthusiast, Kylie has earned her official Yoga Alliance Certification and participates in yoga daily. While stuck at home and unable to tour, Kylie created the #namasteathome series where fans can participate in short yoga flows/light workouts, watch HERE. Kylie was previously selected as one of three artists for the CMA KixStart program and was named as one of VEVO’s 2021 DSCVR Artists to Watch. The only country artist to make the list, the program highlights 19 of the world’s top emerging artists poised to break out over the next year. As part of the program, Kylie recorded acoustic performances of “Shoulda” as well as “Cuss A Little” which can be viewed HERE. Kylie has been named to several Artists to Watch lists including CMT, SiriusXM On The Horizon, Taste of Country and Pandora. Kylie has previously toured with artists including Dan + Shay, Little Big Town, Maren Morris, Kip Moore Gavin DeGraw, Brett Eldredge and Billy Currington.

    For a full list of tour dates, news, images and more, visit www.KylieMorgan.com


    Audio / Kylie Morgan says her debut EP, Love, Kylie, is very important to her.


    Kylie Morgan (EP brief) OC: …me to you. :11
    “My brand-new and very first EP, Love, Kylie, is so important to me. I wanted to be able to put into words the emotions that you don’t know how to explain. Every song is from me to you.”

    Audio / Kylie Morgan says she wrote "I Only Date Cowboys" when she saw her boyfriend -- now fiance -- back up a trailer and thought it was so attractive.


    Kylie Morgan (I Only Date Cowboys) OC: …cowboy hat. :27
    “My song ‘I Only Date Cowboys’ was thought of when my boyfriend backed up a trailer for the very first time and I was super impressed. I knew that that was a trait that he learned on the farm, and I knew that so many girls would find that attractive. (laughs) I wrote the song ‘I Only Date Cowboys’ in hopes to target that certain audience that can’t say no to a guy in a cowboy hat.”

    Video /


    Kylie Morgan is set to release her debut EP Love, Kylie tomorrow (June 11th). Kylie co-wrote all six songs on her new EP, and the collection reveals a transparency and vulnerability that compels listeners to peel back the layers of her story.

    Produced by Shane McAnally and Ben Johnson, Kylie details her journey through relationships, life as an artist, and life experiences and see the EP trailer right here:


    When it came time to name the EP, Kylie reached back to her early publishing pitches for inspiration. She named the EP Love, Kylie, which was the way she ended each pitch email. She found the sign-off made people feel like they were friends, and that’s how she hopes they feel listening to the EP. “It’s a pretty vulnerable state,” she said of releasing her first collection of songs. “I realized that every song that I’ve been writing has been either about me, about my family, about a friend, about someone I know. I wanted the whole EP to feel like a cohesive story and for every song to feel like a chapter.”

    Kylie, a vivacious, auburn-haired spitfire with a powerful voice, a sharp songwriting pen and a keen sense of her artistry, released her new song “I Only Date Cowboys” a couple of weeks ago. The fiery new track is vintage Kylie, giving listeners a glimpse into her personality – listen HERE. Additionally, Kylie released her official music video for the lead track on the EP, “Shoulda,” a heavy up-tempo with a sassy, rapid-fire vocal about the should’ve known betters when dabbling with an ex – watch HERE.

    Love, Kylie Track Listing
    1. Shoulda (Kylie Morgan, Shane McAnally, Ben Johnson)
    2. I Only Date Cowboys (Kylie Morgan, Nate Kenyon, Jay Allen)
    3. Outdoor Voices (Kylie Morgan, Emily Falvey, Benjamin Joel Johnson)
    4. Break Things (Kylie Morgan, Aaron Eshuis, James McNair, Nicolette Hayford)
    5. Cheating On You (Kylie Morgan, Benjamin Joel Johnson, Geoffrey Warburton, Jeffrey Garrison)
    6. Mad I Need You (Kylie Morgan, Nicholas Oliver Ruth, Emily Weisband) 


    About Kylie:
    The Oklahoma native starting writing songs at the age of 12 and gained national attention from music producers and television executives after releasing her music independently. This early success led Kylie to begin making regular trips to Nashville, crafting her voice and polishing her songwriting. When she turned 19, she made the decision to call Music City home. Recognizing Kylie’s unique talent, the SMACKSongs team signed her to their roster under the guidance of GRAMMY Award-winning songwriters, Shane McAnally and Josh Osborne. To give fans a glimpse into her upbringing and passion to pursue music, Kylie returned to her hometown of Newcastle, OK to film her “Hometown Heartland” series. Fans can watch all six episodes HERE. An avid yoga enthusiast, Kylie has earned her official Yoga Alliance Certification and participates in yoga daily. While stuck at home and unable to tour, Kylie created the #namasteathome series where fans can participate in short yoga flows/light workouts, watch HERE. Kylie was previously selected as one of three artists for the CMA KixStart program and was named as one of VEVO’s 2021 DSCVR Artists to Watch. The only country artist to make the list, the program highlights 19 of the world’s top emerging artists poised to break out over the next year. As part of the program, Kylie recorded acoustic performances of “Shoulda” as well as “Cuss A Little” which can be viewed HERE. Kylie has been named to several Artists to Watch lists including CMT, SiriusXM On The Horizon, Taste of Country and Pandora. Kylie has previously toured with artists including Dan + Shay, Little Big Town, Maren Morris, Kip Moore Gavin DeGraw, Brett Eldredge and Billy Currington.

    For a full list of tour dates, news, images and more, visit www.KylieMorgan.com



    Audio / LINER AJ (4th of July)


    “Hey! This is Alan Jackson, wishing you a happy and safe Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Billy Currington (4th of July)


    “Hey guys! I’m Billy Currington, wishing you a Happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Brandon Lay (Fourth of July)


    “What’s up, everybody? This is Brandon Lay, wishing you a Happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Bros Osborne (Fourth of July)


    “Hey y’all! I’m John, and I’m TJ, and we are Brothers Osborne, wish you a very Happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Carrie Underwood (Fourth of July)


    “Hi! This is Carrie Underwood wishing you a Happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Caylee Hammack (Fourth of July)


    “Hey y’all! This is Caylee Hammack wishing you a safe and Happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Caylee Hammack (Independence Day)


    “Hey y’all! This is Caylee Hammack. Happy Independence Day, everybody!”

    Audio / LINER Chrissy Metz (Fourth of July)


    “Hey! This is Chrissy Metz, wishing you a safe and Happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Darius (4th of July)


    “Hey y’all, what’s up? This is Darius Rucker, wishing you a very, very happy Fourth of July!”

    Audio / LINER Dierks Bentley (4th of July)


    “Hey everybody! This is Dierks Bentley, wishing you a Happy and safe Fourth of July.

    Audio / LINER Eric Church (4th of July)


    “Hey this is Eric Church, wishing you a very happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Gary Allan (4th of July)


    “Hey! This is Gary Allan. Happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Langston (Fourth of July)


    “Hey y’all, this is Jon Langston wishing you a safe and Happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Pardi (4th of July)


    “Hi, it’s Jon Pardi, wishing you a happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Jordan Davis (Fourth of July)


    “Hey! I’m Jordan Davis, wishing you a Happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Keith Urban (summer)


    Hey everybody, Keith Urban here, wanting to wish you all a fantastic and safe summer. Enjoy the sunshine. Hopefully, you’ll get to spend some time with the ones you love, and hopefully, we’ll also get to see you out on the road.”

    Audio / LINER Kylie Morgan (Fourth of July)


    “Hey y’all. This is Kylie Morgan, wishing you a safe and Happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Lauren Alaina (4th of July)


    “Hey! It’s Lauren Alaina. Have a safe and happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER LBT (4th of July)


    “Hey! We’re Little Big Town. Happy Fourth of July!”

    Audio / LINER Luke Bryan (4th of July)


    “Hey! This is Luke Bryan, wishing you a very happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Maddie & Tae (Fourth of July)


    “Hey everybody! I’m Maddie, and I’m Tae and we’re Maddie & Tae, wishing you a safe and happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Mickey Guyton (4th of July)


    “Hey! This is Mickey Guyton, wishing you a Happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Parker McCollum (Fourth of July)


    “Hey everybody. I’m Parker McCollum, wishing you a Happy and safe Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Priscilla Block (Fourth of July)


    “Hey, it’s Priscilla Block, wishing you a safe and Happy Fourth of July.”


    Audio / LINER Sam Hunt (Fourth of July)


    “Hey everybody! This is Sam Hunt, wishing you a safe and happy Fourth of July.”

    Audio / LINER Travis Denning (Fourth of July)


    “Hey y’all! It’s Travis Denning, wishing you a safe and Happy Fourth of July.”


  • NEWS AND NOTES: Little Big Town, Brothers Osborne, Jon Pardi, Dierks Bentley, Billy Currington, Priscilla Block, Vince Gill

    Little Big Town has introduced a new flavor to their wine in a can offerings — Pontoon Punch is now available, so grab a koozie and let’s go taste this bit of summertime in a can.

    Brothers Osborne will perform during the 2021 Concert For Love & Acceptance on Wednesday (June 30th). Gavin DeGraw, Kristin Chenoweth, Terri Clark, Kathy Mattea, Rissi Palmer, Michael Ray, Tenille Townes, Locash and many others will also perform during the show, which will be livestreamed exclusively on CMT’s Facebook and YouTube channels. Ty Herndon and Cody Alan will co-host.

    Jon Pardi is set to make his first appearance on the Ellen DeGeneres Show on Monday (July 5th).


    Dierks Bentley, along with Tim McGraw and Thomas Rhett, will headline this year’s Watershed Music and Camping Festival taking place July 30th – August 1st. Jon Pardi, Billy Currington, Priscilla Block, Kylie Morgan, Kelsea Ballerini, Gabby Barrett, Blanco Brown, Morgan Evans, Randy Houser, HARDY and Ashley McBryde will also perform during the three day festival at The Gorge Amphitheatre in George, Washington.

    Vince Gill recently donated the late Roy Acuff‘s legendary fiddle to the Country Music Hall of Fame’s permanent collection. Vince bought the instrument earlier this year. Acuff first began playing it after it was gifted to him by American soldiers during World War II.  On view to the public now—just in time to celebrate othe Fourth of July—Acuff’s fiddle debuts in a spotlight exhibit in the museum’s upper-level galleries.

  • NEWS AND NOTES: Carrie Underwood, Kacey Musgraves, George Strait, Kylie Morgan

    Carrie Underwood is featured on NEEDTOBREATHE‘s new single, “I Wanna Remember.” “I have been a huge fan of NEEDTOBREATHE forever and I was so honored when the stars aligned and Bear agreed to lend his incredible vocals to a song on my recent gospel album,” says Carrie. “Needless to say, I was thrilled when he and the band invited me to be a part of their new project.  I love the song and have had the best time getting to know and sing with these amazingly talented guys.”As you may recall, NTB’s Bear Rinehart contributed vocals to “Nothing But the Blood of Jesus” on her recent gospel album, My Savior. 




    Kacey Musgraves appears on the cover of the new issue of Elle magazine, in which she talks about new music, emotions and navigating her life since the release of her Grammy award-winning album, Golden Hour. Check it the cover story here.


    George Strait will headline the 20th Anniversary of Austin City Limits Festival this October. The festival will feature a diverse lineup of acts with 8 stages and more than 125 performances over the course of  two weekends — October 1st – 3rd and October 8th – 10th. The ACL festival will include performances by Jon Pardi, Tanya Tucker, Cam, Billie Eilish, Stevie Nicks, Miley Cyrus, Erykah Badu, Megan Thee Stallion, Dababy, Machine Gun Kelly, Greta Van Fleet and many more. For additional information, go to aclfestival.com.


    Kylie Morgan just premiered the music video for her song, “Shoulda,” on CMT. “I co-wrote this song over Zoom back when we thought quarantine would be over in a few months,” Kylie previously said in a press release. “Even in those first few weeks I was going crazy wanting to get back to ‘normal.’ I wanted to go sit at a bar, hug a stranger or most of all, play more shows. So, I put all of those feelings into this song by highlighting we want what we can’t have and want to do what we shouldn’t. Once this is all behind us, my dream is to play this song in a stadium full of people with everyone singing the words back to me. I hope this is our anthem for all the things we shoulda done.”






    Here are some Mother’s Day liners from UMG Nashville artists, including Adam Hambrick, Brandon Lay, Brothers Osborne, Carrie Underwood, Caylee Hammack, Chrissy Metz, Darius Rucker, Dierks Bentley, Eric Church, George Strait, Jon Langston, Jon Pardi, Jordan Davis, Josh Turner, Kacey Musgraves, Kassi Ashton, Keith Urban, Kip Moore, Kylie Morgan, Lauren Alaina, Little Big Town, Luke Bryan, Maddie & Tae, Mickey Guyton, Parker McCollum, Priscilla Block, Sam Hunt, Shania Twain, Travis Denning and more!


    Audio / LINER Adam Hambrick (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey everybody, I’m Adam Hambrick, wishing all the mother’s a very Happy Mother’s Day. Love you, Mom.”

    Audio / LINER Brandon Lay (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey everybody, this is Brandon Lay, wishing all the mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day. Thanks, Mom.”

    Audio / LINER Brothers Osborne (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey! What’s up guys! We’re Brothers Osborne, wishing all you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Carrie Underwood (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey everyone. I’m Carrie Underwood, wishing all you mothers out there a very, very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Caylee Hammack (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Caylee Hammack, sending this out to my mom and all the other mothers out there – I hope all of you have a wonderful Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Chrissy Metz (Mother’s Day)


    “Hi! It’s Chrissy Metz, wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Darius (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, what’s up? This is Darius Rucker, hoping you have a Happy Mother’s Day.

    Audio / LINER Darius (Mother’s Day) 2


    “Hey! What’s up? This is Darius Rucker, wishing all you mothers a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Dierks (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey, y’all! This is Dierks Bentley, wishing all you mothers out there a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Eric Church (Mother’s Day) 1


    “Hey everybody! This is Eric Church, wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Eric Church (Mother’s Day) 2


    “Hey everybody! This is Eric Church, hoping you have a Happy Mother’s Day. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.”

    Audio / LINER George Strait (Mother’s Day)


    “Hi! This is George Strait, wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Langston (Mother’s Day)


    Hi, I’m Jon Langston, wishing all the mothers a very Happy Mother’s Day. Love ya, Mom.

    Audio / LINER Jon Pardi (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Jon Pardi. I want to wish all the mamas out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Jordan Davis (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey! I’m Jordan Davis, wishing all the mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day. Love ya, Mom.”

    Audio / LINER Josh Turner (Mother’s Day)


    “Hi! This is Josh Turner, wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Kacey Musgraves (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey! It’s Kacey Musgraves. To all you mothers out there, Happy Mother’s Day!”


    Audio / LINER Keith Urban (Mother’s Day)


    “Hi everyone, it’s Keith Urban. Hoping all the mothers out there have a very, very Happy Mother’s Day. Love ya, Mom!”

    Audio / LINER Kylie Morgan (Mother’s Day)


    Hey y’all, this is Kylie Morgan, wishing all of you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER LBT (Mother’s Day)


    “(ALL) Hi! This is Little Big Town. (KIMBERLY) We want to wish all you mothers out there a Happy Mother’s Day. I love ya, Mama!”

    Audio / LINER Luke Bryan (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey! It’s Luke Bryan, hoping all you mothers out there have a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Maddie & Tae (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey everybody. I’m Maddie & I’m Tae and we’re Maddie & Tae, wishing all you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day. I love ya, Mom.”

    Audio / LINER Parker McCollum (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey everybody, I’m Parker McCollum, wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Priscilla Block (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey, it’s Priscilla Block wishing all you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Sam Hunt (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey! This is Sam Hunt, wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Shania Twain (Mother’s Day)


    “Hi! This is Shania Twain. Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Travis Denning (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Travis Denning, wishing all the mothers a very Happy Mother’s Day. Love you, Mom.”



    EMI Nashville’s Kylie Morgan releases a brand-new song “Shoulda” today, listen HERE. Cowritten with Shane McAnally and Ben Johnson, the upbeat tune centers on Kylie reminiscing and regretting the decision to go out the night before.

    “I cowrote this song over Zoom back when we thought quarantine would be over in a few months,” shares Kylie. “Even in those first few weeks I was going crazy wanting to get back to ‘normal.’ I wanted to go sit at a bar, hug a stronger or most of all play more shows. So I put all of those feelings into this song by highlighting we want what we can’t have and want to do what we shouldn’t. Once this is all behind us, my dream is to play this song in a stadium full of people with everyone singing the words back to me. I hope this is our anthem for all the things we shoulda done.”

    Recently, Kylie was named as one of VEVO’s 2021 DSCVR Artists to Watch as the only country artist. The program highlights 19 of the world’s top emerging artists poised to break out over the next year. As part of the program, Kylie recorded acoustic performances of “Shoulda” as well as “Cuss A Little” which can be viewed HERE. Past alumni of VEVO’s DSCVR series include Billie Eilish, Sam Smith, Maggie Rogers and Alessia Cara.

    Last fall, Kylie dropped her new song “Cuss A Little” featuring fellow SMACKSongs songwriter Walker Hayes, listen HERE. The tongue in cheek tune is yet another display of Morgan’s authentic and natural storytelling ability paired with her unique sound. It’s a catchy and relatable track that continues to reveal Kylie’s irresistible personality. “Cuss A Little” and “Shoulda” follow the impressive success of Kylie’s track “Break Things” which has continued to accumulate remarkable streaming numbers since its release. The infectious track hit both the Spotify US and Global Viral Charts and was also selected as part of the Amazon Weekly One program. Kylie released the official video for “Break Things” which can be viewed HERE. In an exclusive with People.com, fans can also watch the behind the scene footage for the “Break Things” video.

    The Oklahoma native starting writing songs at the age of 12 and gained national attention from music producers and television executives after releasing her music independently. This early success led Kylie to begin making regular trips to Nashville, crafting her voice and polishing her songwriting. When she turned 19, she made the decision to call Music City home. Recognizing Kylie’s unique talent, the SMACKSongs team signed her to their roster under the guidance of GRAMMY Award-winning songwriters, Shane McAnally and Josh Osborne.

    To give fans a glimpse into her upbringing and passion to pursue music, Kylie returned to her hometown of Newcastle, OK to film her “Hometown Heartland” series. Fans can watch all six episodes HERE.

    An avid yoga enthusiast, Kylie has earned her official Yoga Alliance Certification and participates in yoga daily. While stuck at home and unable to tour, Kylie created the #namasteathome series where fans can participate in short yoga flows/light workouts, watch HERE.

    Kylie was previously selected as one of three artists for the CMA KixStart program where she will receive unique opportunities to participate in events as well as connect with industry professionals.  Kylie has been named to several Artists to Watch lists including CMT, SiriusXM On The Horizon, Taste of Country and Pandora. Kylie has previously toured with artists including Dan + Shay, Little Big Town, Maren Morris, Kip Moore Gavin DeGraw, Brett Eldredge and Billy Currington. Kylie is currently in the studio working on her debut album with producers Shane McAnally and Ben Johnson.

    For a full list of tour dates, news, images and more, visit www.KylieMorgan.com

     Fans can listen to a special playlist HERE