Lauren Alaina performed the song, “Run” from her new EP, “Getting Over Him,” on ABC’s Good Morning America on Monday (September 7th).

    The Georgia native is currently making her way up the country charts with “Getting Good.”


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    Parker McCollum is closing in at Top 15 on the country charts with his single, “Pretty Heart.” Having the song, which he co-wrote with Randy Montana, being played on the radio and climbing the charts seems to have validated his career choice, especially for his Mom and Dad.

    “It’s honestly really truly just humbling, I think, to look on the charts and know that, I’ll send a screenshot to my parents, my mom and my dad, and I’ll be like, ‘Look how well it’s doing so quickly.’ And I think for them that’s really cool ’cause when I didn’t go to college trying to play country music, I think they lost a little bit of sleep some of those nights wondering where the hell I was and what I was doing,” says Parker. “And so I think it kinda puts their mind at ease a little bit to know that maybe I wasn’t crazy for trying to do this.”

    The Conroe, Texas, native began to garner a lot of attention with the release of his debut independent album, The Limestone Kid, back in 2015, followed by Probably Wrong in 2017. He’s putting the finishing touches on his debut album for MCA Nashville.

    Audio / Parker McCollum says he's been paying close attention to the country charts.


    Parker McCollum (watching charts) OC: …to do this. :29
    “It’s honestly really truly just humbling, I think, to look on the charts and know that, I’ll send a screenshot to my parents, my mom and my dad, and I’ll be like, ‘Look how well it’s doing so quickly.’ And I think for them that’s really cool ’cause when I didn’t go to college trying to play country music, I think they lost a little bit of sleep some of those nights wondering where the hell I was and what I was doing. And so I think it kinda puts their mind at ease a little bit to know that maybe I wasn’t crazy for trying to do this.”

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  • LABOR DAY 2020

    For many decades, Labor Day was seen as a day for workers to voice their complaints and discuss better working conditions and pay.

    U.S. Congress declared Labor Day a national holiday in 1894, and on Monday, September 2nd, we will once again celebrate the people in every occupation whose work and dedication make this nation great. Labor Day in the United States is a holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September. It is a celebration of the American labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of workers.

    Labor Day weekend also signals the unofficial end to summer, and many of the hottest country stars are taking a look back at some of the toughest jobs they had prior to making their mark in music or their dream job now.


    Audio / Adam Hambrick talks about one of his summer jobs when he was growing up in Arkansas.


    Adam Hambrick (Labor Day) OC: …that summer. :41
    “I don’t know if I’ve ever had a bad job. I don’t think I had a bad job, ‘cause I actually enjoyed this job ‘cause I was actually sitting in the air conditioning all day over the summer in Arkansas. It was very monotonous, because I was spending every summer day repairing old fallen-apart medical charts in a heart clinic in Little Rock. I would take all these photos of all these records and re-sort them page-by-page and put ‘em back in the manila folder and re-alphabetize ‘em. But I did bring my computer and watch movies while I did it, so I drank a lot of soda and watched a lot of movies that summer.”

    Audio / Alan Jackson says that working man values have always been a part of his music.


    AJ (working people songs) OC: … appreciate that. :28
    “I’ve always written songs and recorded songs, other people’s songs, about workin’ people, and workin’, the workin’ life ’cause I mean, that’s where I’m from. I mean, I worked…I’d already had jobs and worked as a grown person before I ever even thought about bein’ in the music business, so I come from that background, and…although I hadn’t had a job in a long time (laughs), I still remember a lot about it, you know, and I remember what the lifestyle is, and I still appreciate that.”

    Audio / Billy Currington recalls some of the jobs he had before landing his record deal in 2003.


    Billy Currington (Labor Day) OC: …record deal. :40
    “I started working like at [age] 12, landscaping. This was summer, every summers, and roofing. I started when I was about 16 roofing houses, and that was probably one of my toughest jobs because down there in South Georgia, it gets hot, so doing that every day all summer long. The pawn shop when I moved to Nashville was one of my favorites, even though it was one of my least favorites. The concrete job was my least favorite of all – six years of that, and I couldn’t take it no more. After that job, that was my turning point. Either I’m going to do something else for a living [laughs] or quit and try to really focus on music and get this record deal.”



    Brandon Lay (Labor Day) OC: …a good one. :13
    “You know, I can’t complain too much about Labor Day, ‘cause usually doing landscaping and it had slowed down a little, but the water’s still warm enough to hit the river. I’ve gotten to spend some time out on the lake for Labor Day, so Labor Day’s a good one.”



    Carrie Underwood (Labor Day) OC: …born to do. :59
    “I don’t think I’ve ever had a bad job. I’ve had hard jobs. I’ve had jobs that worked random hours. My first job was at a gas station, and that was a lot of fun actually. While I was working at the gas station, I took another job at a hotel down the street. There was nobody else working there. I had one day of training and then the next day I came in, and the lady that had worked there the longest and was training me just didn’t show. So, the second day at work I was now in charge ‘cause I was now the senior member that was working at the hotel. So, I feel like that one was really challenging to figure my way through it, but I did. My best job is definitely what I do now. I really like being on stage. I really like performing for people and just having fun and singing, because that’s what I feel like I was born to do.”

    Audio / Caylee Hammack says her worst job truly smelled bad.


    Caylee Hammack (Labor Day-worst job) OC: …worst job. (laughs) :38
    “My worst job was working in a nursery, actually. I love kids so I thought I’d be really good at it, but wen you’re the new person coming in, you have to change all the diapers first. So, I was changing 45 diapers a day and it got to the point where everything smelled like baby poop. It literally drove me crazy. I would walk my dog and I would have to go to pick up her poop, and it would smell like baby poop, and I just couldn’t handle it, honestly. The smell of poop warded me away. The children were lovely, but the smell of poop lingered, and I couldn’t handle that job. That was my worst job.” (laughs)

    Audio / Darius Rucker recalls one of his worst jobs before turning to music.


    Darius Rucker (Labor Day) OC: …pizza. :15
    “I was fifteen, and I worked at a pizza place, and the guy decided that at fifteen, that I could not only clean the floors and wash the dishes, but I also had to make pizza. So, for two months, he taught me how to make pizza.”

    Audio / Dierks Bentley makes a living performing for his fans, and he can’t say enough about them.


    Dierks Bentley (Labor Day) OC: …generosity. :26
    “Personally, the fans give me amazement. That’s the only word to really sum it up. I look out in the crowd, you know, usually see a lot of faces and fans are cheering. I know each one of these like from the road-the signs are from California…Michelle and Kayla live up in the Ohio area. They’re all, I just see them, and I’m like, ‘Wow!,’ they’re all from different regions. You know when you’re in a different region of the country and you just see certain fans. These people are way more hard core than I am, and I’m just amazed by their generosity.”

    Audio / Eric Church talks about one of his worst job.


    Eric Church (Labor Day-odd jobs) OC: …bought at 2am. 1:27
    “I had an awful job. I’ve had a lot of awful jobs…my worst one was when I first came to Nashville. I got a job at the Shop at Home Network. I worked midnight, graveyard, midnight to eight. That was bad enough but then I would work all night, go home, shower and then I had writing appointments all day because I was trying to get a career started. I’d go write songs and get meetings just trying to get signed. And end up getting done at 3 of 4 with all of that, I’d go home, take a shower or sleep for a little bit and then I had to be at work again at midnight. So the schedule was bad enough, however, what I had to do at the job…I sold knives from midnight to 7 or 8am. And, anytime somebody calls you at 3 or 4am and needs 200 knives for $19.95, it’s automatically an alarming situation. And I just, I was young and I’d been in a lot of these people’s shoes, I had done this…I knew they were drunk. I knew what they had done. They’d just come home from the bar, flipped on Shop at Home and said, ‘You know what? I need that.’ So the reason the job didn’t last long for me is that I was maybe the worst salesmen in history because I ended up talking a lot of these people out of it, I’d say, ‘I’ll tell you what man, go to bed, call me, I’ll be here in the morning. If you get up in the morning and want these knives you call me back.’ Because I knew what was going to happen, you know. They bought 200 knives for $19.95…first of all some of these people you didn’t know whether you should call the cops. What do you need 200 knives for? Even though I’m selling them…what do you need them for? So, it was awful doing that job. And then they got rid of me because, they were like, ‘You’re the worst. I can’t believe you’re talking people out of it.’ I was like, ‘Man I know…I’ve been there.’ [laughs] I’d want some to talk me out of buying some of the stuff I’ve bought at 2am.”



    George Strait (first time on radio) OC: …records I’ve put out. :26
    “I took it to a radio station in San Antonio KKYX, and a guy named Jerry King put it on and played it while I ran out to the car to listen to it on the radio. So, it’s just been relationships like that through the years that I’ve had with different people. I don’t know, they’ve just supported me so much and have been very open to the records I’ve put out.”




    Jon Langston (Labor Day) OC: …is the bomb. :45
    “The worst job – it wasn’t bad – I could just say growing up and stuff and in high school, I was working for my dad. It was a great job, working at the shop. One day I got tired of working for my dad. I thought it’d be smart to go work for somebody else and so I went to work at Chik-fil-a for a family friend, and I’m just not made for cooking chicken. But, I told my dad, ‘Hey, can I come back to work?’ (laughs) So, yeah, I mean, Chik-fil-a a great place to work if you’re into that kind of thing, but not me. But Chik-fil-a is m favorite fast food restaurant of all time. I mean, I will go to war for Chik-fil-a. I eat there probably three or four times a week. Chik-fil-a is the bomb.”

    Audio / Jon Pardi talks about his worst job, which was at a grocery store.


    Jon Pardi (Labor Day) OC: …so bored! :17
    “The worst job I ever had was at Hometown Grocery Store. I didn’t want to work, I was 15, and I did not want to work at the grocery store. Bagging was fun, but they sent me down the aisles to pull up cans and turn ‘em around and face ‘em, and I would just get so bored!”



    Jordan Davis (Labor Day) OC: …worst job. :41
    “[My] worst job was probably whenever I got out of school I started working for an environmental group in Baton Rouge, and I was doing actual environmental work at first. I went to my boss probably about four months in and told him that I was going to move to Nashville and write songs. Luckily enough, he let me stay on, but I became the weedeater guy for the landscaping side of the business. I seriously weedeated eight hours a day. The only break I would get would be in-between yard to yard. So, like we would be in the car and I would try to doze off for like 10 minutes. I was covered in grass in the middle of the summer in Baton Rouge. It was awful. That was definitely the worst job.”



    Keith Urban (Labor Day) OC: …amazing. :22
    “Seeing people connect to the music is absolutely, hands-down the biggest reward for me, especially when you go to a place you’ve never been to before and it’s all these people, I mean lots of people out there. You’ve never met a single one of ‘em and they’re singing every word, and you realize that it’s not just a pretty melody and everything, but they get the songs. It’s amazing.”

    Audio / Kip Moore recalls his worst job...ever.


    Kip Moore (Labor Day-worst job) OC: …than that. :21
    “I’d have to say my worst job ever was laying sod in the south Georgia heat. There’s nothing than that, especially when somebody would think that you’re waiting for the next sod patch to be thrown to you and you got your back turned, and all of a sudden, that big ole piece of sod hits you right on the back. You got nowhere to clean up, and you’re just stuck with dirt on your back for the rest of the day. It doesn’t get any worse than that.”



    Audio / Luke Bryan talks about the different jobs he worked in and around Leesburg, Georgia, before heading to Nashville to pursue a career in music.


    Luke Bryan (Labor Day-jobs) OC: …Nashville… 1:07
    “At age 12 thru 13, I worked at Rubos IGA Supermarket in Leesburg, GA. I worked during the summers on Monday and Tuesday. I stocked and cleaned up the produce.  They paid me under the table…I peeled off all of the brown lettuce. Let’s see, when I was 15, I was a cashier at K-Mart for two months. I worked at K-Mart for two months, and then I reverted back to Rubos because it didn’t really make sense for me to drive all the way into Albany and work for K-Mart. The benefits were great though-you’d get an hour-long on the blue light special. So I started back at Rubos, and then I quit Rubos and worked for my Dad-just awful just driving tractors through cotton all day, and spraying pesticides that eventually would turn your hair green. And then at some point, I started playing guitar. And well, after college I went back and worked for my dad and continued to spray and haul fertilizer around. And then I moved to Nashville…”


    Platinum-selling No. 1 singer-songwriter Lauren Alaina releases her brand-new EP, Getting Over Him TODAY. The EP includes six self-penned songs, embodying confidence, empowerment and resilience, and is available now at all major digital service providers.

    The rising superstar celebrates the release of her EP with national tv performance on ABC’s Good Morning America (Monday, Sept 7). Alaina will also appear on the 55th Academy of Country Music Awards on Wed, Sept 16th on the CBS Television Network.

    Alaina, who had just wrapped her sold-out first ever headlining That Girl Was Me Tour before the COVID pandemic, has been anxious to play music LIVE for her fans again. To celebrate the release of Getting Over Him directly with her fans, Alaina has partnered with VYE Live for a virtual livestream concert on September 12 at 7 PM CT. Tickets for virtual admission are on sale now HERE.

    The Georgia native was just announced as the host of the upcoming new Circle TV series, Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith, the inspirational series, premiering Tuesday, October 6, based off the namesake book Jesus Calling ® (Thomas Nelson). In tandem, Alaina is also featured on the cover of the popular Jesus Calling magazine (Spring 2020) and is featured in an episode of Stories of Faith, “Loving Yourself and Knowing Who You Are” HERE.

    The award-winning singer/songwriter was a featured guest this week on Entertainment Tonight to talk about her new music and she spoke to E! News to talk about her EP. The multi-award winner will have upcoming features and interviews coming in PEOPLE Magazine (9/11 print issue), People.com, People Now, CMT Hot 20 (9/12) as well as Circle Sessions airing on Circle TV (October 14) and on Circle All Access YouTube (Oct 17). More features and appearances to be announced soon.

    Alaina and her Getting Over Him EP has already received rave reviews including American Songwriter saying “What Do You Think Of?,” the duet with pop sensation Lukas Graham, is “stunning” and that “Alaina paints with such vivid colors that it’s like you’re experiencing the fall-out, too.”

    The Tennessean, who calls Alaina a “heart-on-her-sleeve singer” with a “standout voice,” spoke to her about her healing through her music and the Getting Over Him EP saying she delivers a “subtly powerful performance” on the “standout track” of the EP, “What Do You Think Of?” (the duet with Lukas Graham).

    E! News calls this EP the “most empowering music of her career.”

    Features have also run in USA TODAY, Hollywood Life, FoxNews.com, CMT.com, PopCulture.com, Nashville Lifestyles, Country Now, Sounds Like Nashville, Taste of Country, The Boot and more.


    Getting Over Him EP Track Listing:

    1. Run   (Lauren Alaina/Ben Johnson/Kennedi)
    2. If I Was A Beer   (Lauren Alaina/David Garcia/Hardy)
    3. Bar Back   (Lauren Alaina/David Garcia/Hilary Lindsay)
    4. Getting Over Him -Jon Pardi   (Lauren Alaina/Paul DiGiovanni/Emily Weisband)
    5. Seen You In Your Hometown   (Lauren Alaina/Ben Johnson/ Kennedi)
    6. What Do You Think Of? -Lukas Graham   (Lauren Alaina/Johan Carlsson/ Asia Whiteacre)

    Alaina, one of the hottest rising female artists in country music, continues to make her way up the country singles chart with her current radio single “Getting Good,” the title track to the EP. Last month the Georgia native released, across all digital platforms, a special mix of “Getting Good” which features her friend/mentor and fellow Georgia native, superstar Trisha Yearwood.

    In the last few months, Alaina has most recently performed on the 40th annual broadcast of the top-rated PBS special A Capitol Fourth performing “This Land Is My Land,” CMA Summer Stay-Cay livestream special where she performed “Women of Summer” with Lindsay Ell and Cassadee Pope as well as “Say It With a Song” Game with Devin Dawson and HARDY as well as CMT’s Benefit Concert for Love & Acceptance and she and her friend Kane Brown performed their 5XPlatinum-selling “What Ifs” on the recent nationally-televised CMA Best of Fest on ABC.


    ***Lauren will perform “Run” from her new EP Monday morning (September 7th) on ABC’s Good Morning America.

    Audio / LINER Lauren Alaina (new EP available now)


    Audio / Lauren Alaina talks about writing for her new EP.


    Lauren Alaina (writing for new EP) OC: …where I am. :59
    “I’ve always written from a really vulnerable place. It’s very important to me as a songwriter. Some of these songs that I’ve been writing in the last year though, feel really different because they’re not about me, really. They’re about the way that someone treated me and hurt me. And that feels really scary to me to put that out. “What Do You Think Of” is one of my favorite songs on the EP, but it also scares me the most because it’s from a really broken and sad place and someone else made me feel that way. ‘Road Less Travelled,’ a lot of my sadness came from my own insecurities and my own feelings. And this music is kind of someone else did things to make me feel this way. And so that adds a whole layer of fear and anxiety almost. I don’t know what to do, but I just know that I have to say it and it’s where I am.”

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    Luke Bryan, Eric Church and Mickey Guyton havebeen added to the list of performers at this year’s ACM Awards. They’re joined by Kane Brown, Dan + Shay, Morgan Wallen, Florida Georgia Line and more. Luke will perform his 25th No. 1 smash; two-week chart-topper “One Margarita;” Church will give an unforgettable rendition of his latest single, “Stick That in Your Country Song;” and Mickey, who has one of the best voices in the business will perform her critically-acclaimed “What Are You Gonna Tell Her.” For the first time in the show’s history, the awards will take place in Nashville, broadcasting from three iconic Country Music venues: Grand Ole Opry House, Nashville’s historic Ryman Auditorium and The Bluebird Cafe. As previously announced, artists performing at the Ryman include Kelsea Ballerini, Gabby Barrett, Riley Green, Maren MorrisOld Dominionand Thomas Rhett featuring Jon Pardi, and Tenille Townes. Artists at The Bluebird Cafe include Jimmie AllenLuke CombsMiranda Lambert featuring songwriters Natalie Hemby and Luke Dick, and Tim McGraw. Hosted by reigning ACM Entertainer of the Year and 15-time ACM Award winner Keith Urban, the 55th ACADEMY OF COUNTRY MUSIC AWARDS will be broadcast on Wednesday, September 16th (live 8:00-11:00pm ET/delayed PT) on CBS and available to stream on demand on CBS All Access.

    Lauren Alaina has been tapped to host a new show on the Grand Ole Opry’s Circle Network, “Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith.” Some of Lauren’s guests will include Jay DeMarcus of Rascal Flatts, Craig Morgan, Randy Travis and his wife Mary, Rita Wilson, Darryl Worley, actress Kristin Chenoweth and many others.  “There are a lot of things that are important to me in life, but Jesus is number one,” says Lauren. “There’s no better compliment than someone recognizing my faith and asking me to help share God’s word.” The faith-based show will premiere October 6th at 8:30pm ET.



    Capitol Records Nashville / Buena Vista Records’ Adam Hambrick unveiled his latest release titled, Top Down, Southbound, comprised of his two new songs “Sunshine State of Mind” and “Do The Math.” The project is the first of three releases, which Adam playfully describes as ‘Flip Sides,’ a series of two track releases bound together by a common thread. Written by Adam Hambrick, Kelly Archer, and Gordie Sampson, the hypnotic “Sunshine State of Mind” creates a mood evocative of driving down a warm Spanish coast. The poignant “Do The Math,” penned by Hambrick, David Fanning, and Nick Donley, measures a man’s pain by adding up the drinks he uses to drown it.

    “The title Top Down Southbound actually comes out of the song, ‘Sunshine State of Mind,’” says Adam. “It’s a feeling. It’s a feeling that I think the way love is supposed to feel, and I think at its best is an easy drive down the highway with the sunshine coming through the windshield and music on the radio. When love is at its best, I think it’s that kind of feel-good groove.”

    Adam will continue to drop Flip Sides through the Fall and the beginning of 2021, culminating into a complete body of work. Adam’s music has been spotlighted by Associated Press, CMT, Forbes, Huffington Post, People, Rolling Stone, among many others. Adam previously released his Amazon Original cover of Alan Jackson’s classic hit, “Midnight In Montgomery,” and has written a multitude of songs including No. 1 hits for Dan + Shay (“How Not To”) and Justin Moore (“Somebody Else Will”).

    Audio / Adam Hambrick talks about the title of his flipside two-song collection.


    Adam Hambrick (title Top Down) OC: …feel-good groove. :29
    “The title Top Down Southbound actually comes out of the song, ‘Sunshine State of Mind/’ It’s a feeling. It’s a feeling that I think the way love is supposed to feel, and I think at its best is an easy drive down the highway with the sunshine coming through the windshield and music on the radio. When love is at its best, I think it’s that kind of feel-ggod groove.”


    – Today, Quibi announced their new series with the ‘90s influenced band Hot Country Knights. Dierks Bentley serves as Executive Producer of the 10-episode mockumentary, alongside manager Mary Hilliard Harrington and Critical Content’s Jenny Daly and Tom Forman. After 30 wasted years and countless bad decisions, Bentley attempts to rescue the band and give them one more shot at glory with a new album THE K IS SILENT (Capitol Records Nashville) and their first nationwide tour. Although some thought this moment would never happen, fans will be able to follow the Knights’ career on Quibi.

    Download the Quibi app in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store now. Enjoy 14 days free. Sign up at www.Quibi.com for this offer. Free trial not available in Quebec.

    Famous for never giving up on the dream of the ‘90s, the Hot Country Knights are comprised of band leader Douglas (“Doug”) Douglason, lead bass player Trevor Travis, lead guitarist Marty Ray (“Rayro”) Roburn, keytar/fiddle player Terotej (“Terry”) Dvoraczekynski, steel guitarist Barry Van Ricky and percussionist Monte Montgomery. With tongue firmly in cheek, the Knights revive a comedic element which has long been integral to the Country genre, but has rarely been seen since the days of Grand Ole Opry stars like String Bean Akeman, Minnie Pearl and others. With organic euphoria of live Country music and its truly gratifying lyrics, their debut album THE K IS SILENT, continues to hit critics “like a lightning bolt of testosterone and sex appeal” (The Chive). Produced by Dierks Bentley, who also serves as a co-writer on over half of the 10 brawny tracks, their debut record serves up one of the most musically satisfying debut albums since 1999. Dubbed by Variety as a “full Spinal Tap-like musical-comedy act” the dedicated road warriors have basically lived out of a van their entire existence. For more information on the Hot Country Knights visit www.hotcountryknights.com.

    Dierks Bentley continues to be a dominant voice for the genre with over 6.4 billion digital streams. Reaching a new creative high while “making music designed to challenge” (New York Times), Bentley co-wrote 10 of 13 tracks on THE MOUNTAIN, which earned him the highest debut sales of his career and became his seventh chart-topping album. Bentley has amassed countless nominations from the ACMs, CMAs, Billboard Music Awards and more while also earning 14 GRAMMY  nominations. The multi-Platinum singer/songwriter has created professional endeavors outside of the music with his Flag & Anthem partnership creating the exclusive lifestyle collection, Desert Son, along with his “Dierks Bentley’s Whiskey Row” franchise hosting five locations. Capacity crowds are a common occurrence during Bentley’s headlining runs, most recently his 2019 BURNING MAN TOUR, and his three-day SEVEN PEAKS FESTIVAL in Buena Vista, CO. For more information visit www.dierks.com.

    Critical Content is a leading global independent content studio. Launched in October of 2015, the company focuses on unscripted and scripted programming for broadcast, cable and digital platforms.  Critical Content currently has more than 50 projects in production for more than 30 different networks. Recent series include “Catfish” (MTV), “Very Cavallari” (E!), “StayHere” (Netflix), “Get a Room with Carson & Thom” (Bravo), “Ozzy and Jack’s World Detour” (A&E), “Who Shot Biggie & Tupac?” (FOX), “Caribbean Pirate Treasure” (Travel Channel), “The Case Of: JonBenét Ramsey” (CBS, Netflix), “The Great Food Truck Race” (Food Network), “Disney’s Fairytale Weddings” (Freeform), “Racing Wives” (CMT), HOME FREE (FOX), “American Spring Live” (PBS), “Portals To Hell” (Travel), “Hanging With The Hendersons” (Animal Plant), “StartUp” (Crackle, Amazon), and “Limitless” (CBS).
    Quibi is a mobile-first media technology platform bringing together the best of Silicon Valley and Hollywood. Headquartered in Los Angeles, Quibi is the first entertainment platform built for easy, on-the-go mobile viewing, allowing today’s leading studios and creative talent to tell original stories in an entirely new way. For more information visit www.quibi.com. Follow Quibi on Facebook @QuibiUS and on Twitter @Quibi.

    Lauren Alaina is set to release a new six-song EP on Friday (September 4th). Lauren co-wrote every track on the new collection, which is an emotional take on getting over lost loves.

    “The last couple of years of my life have been very interesting to say the least.  I spent the last 10 years in the public eye.  And I spent the first few years really working on myself and learning to love myself and becoming the person that I am now.  I was 15 when I started out, so I was a child.  And I became a woman and most of my music up until now has been about that,” says Lauren. “About coming into my own.  And then I had a couple of really public relationships that ended very publicly.  And I wrote this 6-song EP called GETTING OVER HIM about how I handled that.  And I really kept quiet and I didn’t say much because when there are other people involved, it always makes me nervous on what the right thing is to say and when I’m in the middle of the feelings, I don’t wanna get emotional.  I don’t wanna say the wrong thing from an emotional standpoint.  So, I waited until I was healed, and I addressed everything that’s happened over the last couple of years. And it’s kind of my response of how I learned to love myself and continued to love myself when others didn’t.

    Getting Over Him features two duets, including the title track duet with her labelmate and friend Jon Pardi. The Georgia native also enlisted International pop sensation Lukas Graham to duet with her on her most vulnerable and heartbreaking “What Do You Think Of.”

    Getting Over Him EP Track List:

    1. Run — Lauren Alaina/Ben Johnson/Kennedi
    2. If I Was A Beer – Lauren Alaina/David Garcia/Hardy
    3. Bar Back – Lauren Alaina/David Garcia/Hilary Lindsay
    4. Getting Over Him (duet with Jon Pardi) – Lauren Alaina/Paul DiGiovanni/Emily Weisband
    5. Seen You In Your Hometown — Lauren Alaina/Ben Johnson/ Kennedi
    6. What Do You Think Of? (duet with Lukas Graham) – Lauren Alaina/Johan Carlsson/ Asia Whiteacre

    Alaina, one of the hottest rising female artists in country music, is making her way up the country singles chart with her current radio single “Getting Good.” The vocal powerhouse recently released a special mix of “Getting Good” which features her friend/mentor, superstar Trisha Yearwood.


    Lauren will do her first ever livestream, performing tunes from her new EP, as well as some of her older songs, on September 12th.


    Alaina has most recently performed on the 40th annual broadcast of the top-rated PBS special “A Capitol Fourth performing “This Land Is My Land,” CMA Summer Stay-Cay livestream special where she performed “Women of Summer” with Lindsay Ell and Cassadee Pope as well as “Say It With a Song” Game with Devin Dawson and HARDY as well as CMT’s Benefit Concert for Love & Acceptance and she and her friend Kane Brown performed their 5XPlatinum-selling “What Ifs” on the recent nationally-televised CMA Best of Fest on ABC.


    Audio / Lauren Alaina talks about her new EP, Getting Over Him.


    Lauren Alaina (Getting Over Him EP) 1 OC: …others didn’t. 1:15

    “The last couple of years of my life have been very interesting to say the least.  I spent the last 10 years in the public eye.  And I spent the first few years really working on myself and learning to love myself and becoming the person that I am now.  I was 15 when I started out, so I was a child.  And I became a woman and most of my music up until now has been about that,” says Lauren. “About coming into my own.  And then I had a couple of really public relationships that ended very publicly.  And I wrote this 6-song EP called GETTING OVER HIM about how I handled that.  And I really kept quiet and I didn’t say much because when there are other people involved, it always makes me nervous on what the right thing is to say and when I’m in the middle of the feelings, I don’t wanna get emotional.  I don’t wanna say the wrong thing from an emotional standpoint.  So, I waited until I was healed, and I addressed everything that’s happened over the last couple of years. And it’s kind of my response of how I learned to love myself and continued to love myself when others didn’t.”

    Audio / Lauren Alaina covers a lot of emotional ground on her new EP, Getting Over Him.


    Lauren Alaina (Getting Over Him EP) 2 OC: … six-song EP. :51
    “Up until now in my career I feel like most my songs have really been about myself.  And these songs kind of feel like they’re about other people and how they treated me or how I responded to certain situations I was in. And really I think that Road Less Travelled was so important for me to write before I wrote this music because I learned how to be vulnerable and how to be honest about myself and that really kind of set me up to be vulnerable and honest about other things that happened to me.  And I’m really proud of it. I think that I covered all of the emotions I felt.  Anger, sadness, happiness.  New love; what’s gonna happen for me next.  Grrrr!  Meh! All of the emotions are all wrapped up into this one six-song EP. “

    Audio / Lauren Alaina talks about naming her new EP, Getting Over Him.


    Lauren Alaina (Getting Over Him EP) 3 OC: …little break-up. :31
    “The first EP was Getting Good, and then I was trying to name this EP. Most of the songs are about getting over him. It felt like the overall theme of this EP was ‘getting over him’ and how I did that. Even the ones that are love songs now, or… like “Seeing You In Your Hometown” is about a newer love and how you feel about that. Well, that was part of getting over him, so it kind of just made sense. All of them just made sense. My little break-up.”

    Audio / LINER Lauren Alaina (new EP available this week)


    Audio / LINER Lauren Alaina (new EP available Friday)


    Chris Stapleton had just finished recording his new album “Starting Over,” set to be released in November, when the coronavirus pandemic hit.

    Asked by “CBS This Morning” co-host Anthony Mason about whether he had any doubts releasing new music amid the global health crisis, the notoriously private singer said “of course” he did.

    “I think everybody has doubts about everything they’re doing in every moment right now,” he said.

    The 42-year-old artist has been riding out the pandemic at his home, an hour outside of Nashville, Tennessee, with his wife and five children. He admitted the cloistered way of life is not always easy.

    “There’s good days and bad days,” he said. “If anybody tells you that they haven’t reached a near breaking point mentally in these times, I think they’re probably lying to you.”

    Stapleton said he had asked his wife for a mountain bike for his birthday in April, and now spends time riding it through the woods.

    “It’s helped tremendously, in a centering kinda way,” he said.

    Starting out as a Nashville-based songwriter before becoming a solo star, Stapleton mined his deep catalog of work for his latest album. He recorded most of it at RCA Studio A in Nashville, where he made his earlier solo albums — including “Traveller,” his breakthrough debut and the best-selling country album of the last decade.

    “Recording to me is, you’re trying to capture magic, you know, as much as you can… the magic of a moment,” he said.

    Stapleton said it was his wife, Morgane, who lets him know when a song is just right.

    “And she’s not wrong,” he said. “Me and Dave Cobb may be listed as producers on the record, but my wife is generally the producer of my life… I used to say she has excellent taste in everything but men.”

    Like many artists, Stapleton wishes he could take his album on the road and play in front of crowds.


    Darius Rucker knows what people need more than ever in the summer of 2020…beer and sunshine, which just so happena to be the title of his brand new song! In “Beers and Sunshine,” he suggests turning off the TV and turning on the good times, and when Darius is looking to have a good time in the sunshine he heads to the golf course with his son, Jack.

    Golf has been a passion of Darius’ for years, and that is something he has proudly passed down to his teenage son. A round of golf is not just a chance for the two to play their favorite sport, but as anyone who has a shared interested with their kids knows, it’s an opportunity to bond, have discussions that normally wouldn’t happen and create lasting memories for both father and son. This is a tradition that the two plan to continue for the rest of their lives.

    “You know, having my son be a golfer and love it the way that he does is so amazing for me because you know we could do it for the rest of our lives. We could play from different tees and we could play together for as long as we can physically play. I just look forward to those times with him…and the times we’ve already had have been amazing.”

    He’s currently shooting up the country charts with his latest single, “Beers and Sunshine.”


    Audio / Darius Rucker loves the fact his son Jack enjoys his favorite past time, golfing, just as much as he does.


    Darius Rucker (son Jack golfing) OC: …been amazing. :17
    “You know, having my son be a golfer and love it the way that he does is so amazing for me because you know we could do it for the rest of our lives. We could play from different tees and we could play together for as long as we can physically play. I just look forward to those times with him…and the times we’ve already had have been amazing.”

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