Father’s Day is Sunday, June 16th, and we have audio with many of your favorite country stars!

    Audio / John Osborne of Brothers Osborne talks about celebrating Father’s Day.


    Brothers Osborne (Father’s Day-John) OC: …It’s the best. :37
    “Father’s Day is funny because I look back and think about what Father’s Days, what we did with our dad, and I think he probably just wanted to play outside and be goofy. It’s the same thing that I want to do with my kids. Like for Father’s Day, I don’t want a trophy or anything like that. I just want to hang out with my kids. I want every day to be Father’s Day. If anything, I personally believe as a father, now celebrating my second Father’s Day, Mother’s Day is 100 times more important. They are like superheroes. We just get to join along for the ride. So, it’s a treat for us just to be allowed in the party as far as I’m concerned, but I’ve never been more proud to be a dad, and it’s the best.”

    Audio / John Osborne from Brothers Osborne talks about their dad's choice in music and how music permeated their lives.


    Brothers Osborne (Dad’s music) OC: (John) …anything else. :34
    “Our dad listened to everything from Hank Williams to Willie Nelson to even pop music like Mariah Carey and Tom Petty to Bob Seger. You name it and he listened to it, so we really didn’t think about specific genres. We really just kind of soaked it all in, so we listened to it all at one time. It was just music to us. There wasn’t a day in our house without the radio on or there wasn’t a weekend at our house that there wasn’t a party and people had their guitars out, so music to us is like eating and breathing. It’s just as essential as anything else.”

    Audio / Carrie Underwood talks about the two incredible fathers in her life.


    Carrie Underwood (Father’s Day) OC: …guy all around. 1:18
    “Well, I am very lucky in my life to have two incredible fathers – my own father and then I get to watch my husband be a father to our boys – strong, amazing men, I am very lucky to be around them. Mike as a dad is just super involved in our boys’ lives, very hands on. It takes a team, definitely, to be able to support my crazy life and Mike’s always running around doing a lot of charity things and he’s always meeting with people and he’s on different boards and stuff like that, so we’re very much switching off duties as far as taking boys here and there to school and  sports and to all the extra-curricular activities. I just love that I feel like we’re such a great team. I love it that he gets to now work with Isaiah on sports and things like that, and I know he loves it too. So, I think that’s one of my favorite qualities about Mike is just how hands on of a father he is and very willing to pick up the slack when I’m crazy busy. Obviously, he’s just a very Godly father, as well. He keeps God as the center of our family and gets to teach our boys all about that, as well. So, he’s just a great guy all around.”

    Audio / Caylee Hammack says her father is a good man.


    Caylee Hammack (Dad) OC: …forget that. 1:19
    “My dad has this really unnerving ability to be able to build anything at all just by thinking of it. He can look at something and build it in his mind and build it by hand, and it always works. I’ve always respected him for that. He’s a very hard worker.  He’s worked every day of his life. He’s also kind, even when he doesn’t have to be. He’s the type of guy who always gives money at the light to whoever it is on the street. One of my favorite moments with my dad was when we were driving to Macon, Georgia. I was playing a show that night, and we were driving up and we saw this dog and I could tell she was a mama dog. I could tell she had babies somewhere that she was trying to nurse, and she was so skinny. And I’m a bleeding heart. I get it from my Mama, and I just start crying, and I’m like, ‘That poor dog. She’s starving trying to feed her babies.’ I thought, ‘Poor dog.” And my dad doesn’t say anything, goes up two more blocks and pulls into the McDonalds. And he goes through and he asks me if I wanted anything, and I say no. I just think he’s hungry. He goes and he buys three or four burgers, and then he goes back to that block and he drives around until we find that dog to feed it to ‘em. I just remember looking at him, being like this is what a man is; this is what a good man does, and I’ll never forget that.”

    Audio / Dalton Dover wants to be a good father to his children.


    Dalton Dover (Father’s Day) OC: …is a virtue. :24f
    “So, like growing up, my grandpa was the closest thing to a dad to me, so I want to show my kids the love that I was never, I never got to call anybody Daddy. So I want to be able to show my kids a better life than what I had, which my life was great, but I want to be able to give my children more. I mean, I just want them to know you’re gonna make mistakes, but learn from ‘em, and like my mama taught me, patience is a virtue.”

    Audio / Dalton Dover says his grandfather taught him to be a man.


    Dalton Dover (Father’s Day-grandpa) OC: …I am today. :12
    “My grandfather taught me to be a man. He taught me that handshakes matter. He taught me so much that I could’ve never taught myself, you know? (He) definitely taught me to be a man, the man I am today.”

    Audio / Darius Rucker says his mother made him a good father to his three children.


    Darius Rucker (mother’s qualities makes him a great father) OC: …my mom. :45
    “She had a lot great qualities, but she was always, family was first for her. She was always a rock and making sure she took care of us and making sure we had things we needed to have to survive – food and clothes and a home – and seeing that and seeing how hard she worked and all the things she did just really made me the father that I am today. I mean, I’m so crazy and hands-on with my kids. I think it all comes from watching my mom have to struggle so much to support us. And so now, I don’t want me or my wife to ever have to struggle, and I don’t want my kids to ever want or wonder where I am or where there mom is. I want them to always know where we are and always be taken care of, and that all comes from my mom.”

    Audio / Dierks Bentley enjoys being both dad – to daughters Evie and Jordan and son Knox – and country music performer.


    Dierks Bentley (dad & performer) OC: …to do both. :28
    “When I get home, it’s a totally different reality that I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world. Just hanging with my girls and doing the things we do and seeing life through their eyes, it’s incredible. It takes a man to do it. It’s not a boys’ game. It takes a man to do it. I love the juxtaposition to be able to be that man and to also go on the road and act like I’m 13 years old and play video games all afternoon waiting for the fans to show up. So, it’s really a blessing to be able to do both.”


    Audio / Dierks Bentley, the father of three, is very grateful to his own dad for turning him on to country music as a kid.


    Dierks (Father’s Day) OC: …that’s for sure. :10
    “My dad was my biggest influence in country music because my dad loved country radio. So, we always drove around listening to country radio and George Strait, Hank Williams and Randy Travis and all these guys, so. Without him, I wouldn’t be doing this, that’s for sure.”

    Audio / Eric Church describes his father and the qualities he admires in him.


    Eric Church (Father’s Day) OC: …always admired. :29
    “My dad is a, I’m trying to find the right words to describe him. My dad is a great guy, honest guy, very call it like he sees it, which is where I get a lot of that. No BS. I’m gonna tell you how I feel whether you like it or not. I’m that guy, I’m me…My dad’s that way, so I get a lot of that from him. There’s also an honesty and an integrity that my dad carries himself with that I’ve always admired.”

    Audio / Jon Langston looks up to his father and hopes to become just like him.


    Jon Langston (Father’s Day) OC: …just fine. :16
    “My Dad has been my hero all my life. He’s the man I want to be one day when I grow up. I’m thankful for all he’s done for me and the sacrifices he’s made for our family. If I’m half the man he is one day, I’ll be just fine.”

    Audio / Jordan Davis talks about his children and how they light up his world.


    Jordan Davis (thing he most enjoys about being a dad) OC: …in the world. :24
    “Coming home, having like just a kid excited to see you. It’s like the bad day fixer times 10, you know. I think it makes you realize what’s really important, no matter what it is. You come home from a write where you’re tired or you come home from the road and you’re worn out and you just want to take a nap, but you see the kids and you’re like, ‘Alright. Never mind. I wanna go play wiffle ball in the backyard.’ I don’t know. Seeing them light up when they see you – there’s no better feeling in the world.”



    Jordan Davis (Father’s Day) OC: …my music. :45
    “The thing I love most about my Dad is just his overall love of life. He’s a guy that’s worked hard and is now at a point where he can enjoy it, and he’s living every day to the fullest. That’s something that I’m very thankful that I’ve seen my Dad do and something to learn from. So, that’s probably my favorite quality about the old man, and just the hard work too. My dad ran a furniture business in Shreveport for a long time with his Dad. It was great to grow up and see a guy work hard and helped his Dad build a business from the ground up to a very successful business, and that’s something that I even try to carry over into my music.”

    Audio / Jordan Davis talks about getting his kids outside, which is something his father did for him.


    Jordan Davis (what he wants to pass on to his kids) OC: …is special. :31
    “My dad got us outside; he got us outdoors early, you know? We didn’t have to like to hunt and fish, but you were going to the camp. You didn’t have to hunt if you didn’t want to, but you were going to the camp and be outside, and I really want to continue that with them. We’ve got a hunting camp in Arkansas, and you know just getting them around the fire and just getting them to small town living in Arkansas is special.”



    Josh Turner (Father’s Day) OC: …one of ‘em.  1:05
    “As far as talent and potential, my oldest three, especially, they could do anything they wanted to do if they put their mind to it and their heart was there. My oldest [Hampton] is incredible at playing mandolin. Colby, we kind of noticed him turn the corner lately with the fiddle, and Marion is actually playing a ukulele that’s tuned like the top four strings on a guitar, so in essence, he’s learning how to play guitar. They’ve just kind of started incorporating some singing into some playing, so they’re starting the whole singing and playing at the same time kind of thing, and not only that, they’re even learning to play songs together on their individual instruments. So, it’s amazing to see how much they can learn in such a short amount of time. It makes me realize how much I missed out on when I was that age, ‘cause I did take some music lessons growing up and everything, but I think they feed off of each other honestly. I think that’s why they’re getting so good is because they’re all doing it, not just one of ‘em.”

    Audio / Kylie Morgan says she got her work ethic from her father.


    Kylie Morgan (Father’s Day) OC: …work for it. :29
    “I think what I most admire about my dad is the fact of how hard he works. He’s definitely given me that from the beginning. I’ve seen the struggles and the ups and the downs and the late nights and the early mornings that he’s done my whole life to support our family, and that’s truly given me a sense of accomplishment, even from a young age that I knew I was going to be a hard worker. And he told me even from when I was little, he said, ‘Baby, you can have anything you want. You’ve just got to work for it.’”

    Audio / Luke Bryan talks about the life lessons his father taught him.


    Luke Bryan (Father’s Day-life lessons) OC: …live by that. :46
    “Well, my dad was, I always just go back to the life lessons that always started either in a fishing boat or hunting somewhere, and that’s why I’ve always kind of been a champion of those types of behaviors certainly with your boys and your children because you get to spend time and hand down values. My dad was always big on just hard work and being good to people and a handshake is the contract. A handshake is your bond, your word. His famous saying always was, ‘Do something right the first time and you won’t have to go back and do it over again.’ I won’t say I batted a thousand perfectly on that, but I’ve kind of tried to live by that.”



    Maddie & Tae (Father’s Day) OC: …for Father’s Day. :26
    “So, for Father’s Day, I made my Dad – I think it was right before I moved to Nashville – I made my Dad this little photo book where it had like his quotes that have stuck with me my whole life and then some pictures, and it was really funky. It looks horrible. It’s not put together, but that’s one of his favorite gifts that he’s ever gotten, and I cherish that ugly photo book thing that I made for him for Father’s Day.

    Audio / Mickey Guyton says her husband Grant is a very present father to their son, Grayson.


    Mickey Guyton (husband Grant as a dad) OC: …hands-on dad. :33
    “The quality I most admire about my husband as a father is he is a very hands-on dad, and he’s been a hands-on dad since the very beginning since I found out I was pregnant. And like he would go and get me a fresh juice and ginger every single day, and then once my son Grayson was born, it’s crazy, like he just wants to be there every step of the way. Like we are a very equal household when it comes to taking care of our son, and I think that is the best thing ever is to watch him be such a hands-on dad.”

    Audio / Parker McCollum and his wife Hallie Ray are so excited to become parents.


    Parker McCollum (feeling about becoming a dad) OC: …over the moon. :28
    “Heck, right now it’s real quiet and sleep good and real rested, and all that stuff. It probably won’t be that way for much longer. Man, we are so blessed. Hallie Ray’s like a prodigy mom. She was born to be a mother, like that is her calling. She wants to do that so bad. That’s all she’s ever talked about she wants to be a mama. The fact that it’s going so well, and God’s been so good to us, and he’s healthy, I’m just excited about it and she is too. She’s over the moon.”



    Parker McCollum (male influences) OC: …a good place. :50
    “As far as my Dad, he’s like a real-life superhero. I mean the most incredible, self-disciplined, work ethic. I get my entire work ethic, I think, from him and my granddad, who’s actually my mom’s dad. I’m so lucky the kind of people that I come from, like I had no choice to go out and work hard and try to be successful. My brother definitely – that creative, artistic side of my brain I think it really was…he kind of catered to that when I was a kid. He really put a lot of emphasis on me showing that some love and some attention in trying to be creative and write songs and stuff. But I just think my work ethic and kind of drive to do things the right way come from my dad and my granddad, for sure. Just lucky to have that. I always say if everybody had a granddad like I had, the world would be a really good place.”

    Audio / Priscilla Block talks about her father.


    Priscilla Block (father) OC: …from my dad. :49
    “So, my dad has honestly been my rock star, my whole life. He was the one to bring me to Nashville when I was 15, once I wrote my first song. He’s just really supported me. He was the one driving me to all of my try-outs for every single show I tried out for. And my dad’s taught me a lot. He’s a hard worker, and that’s where my work ethic comes from is my dad. You know, I’m one of five kids, and he always found a way…there was a lot of rough times growing up, and he always found a way to pull through and just keep going, and I think that’s why I stayed in Nashville as long as I have – it comes from my dad.”

    Audio / Sam Hunt says his favorite time of the day with his family of four.


    Sam Hunt (his two kids) OC: …bit of it. :20
    “I still just sit there and look at ‘em sometimes in the morning at breakfast like, ‘how did this happen?’ It feels like overnight. We’ve got two now. There are four of us sitting here, or four of us in the car when we’re driving down the road. Two years ago, it was just Hannah and I. But it’s going great. I think breakfast is my favorite time of the day. We get up and sit around the table we’re having a blast. I’m loving every bit of it.”

    Audio / Sam Hunt says his father taught him a lot about being a man and knowing the right thing.


    Sam Hunt (Father’s Day) OC: …he’s great. :27
    “I’m obviously biased about my parents, but I’ve been around a lot of great men of integrity, but he is by far the best man that I know. He’s just taught me so much about being a man, doing the right thing, knowing the difference between right and wrong. And even though I don’t always follow his lead, I definitely know better because of him, and that means a whole lot to me. I was just really fortunate to have him as a dad, and he’s great.”

    Audio / Travis Denning says his father is his best friend.


    Travis Denning (Father’s Day) OC: …for sure. :43
    “My dad – I call him ‘Diamond Dave’ and a lot of other people do too. Honestly, I don’t know if I drink more with anybody else more than my Dad. I think a super cool thing now is getting older and knowing that I’m starting to get more and more sustained as a human that it’s like my parents get to be friends now with me and my sister, which is such a cool thing. And so, yeah, me and my Dad – we love music and we love heavy metal and we love all that. We get to go to concerts and football games and drink beer and just enjoy that cool part of a father and a son and a mother and a son where now we get to be friends and it’s really cool. My Dad is my best friend, for sure.”

    Audio / Tyler Hubbard says being a father to his three children is a huge gift to him.


    Tyler Hubbard (Father’s Day) OC: …just so special. 1:01
    “Well, I think being a dad is one of the most special gifts in the world. I’m getting to watch kids grow up – a big responsibility, but also a lot of joy. I mean, so much fun, and to have three little kids, man, it’s a house full of energy. It’s a whole lot of fun. And one of the coolest things about it that I’ve found is it helps me kind of channel my inner child. It takes me back to being a kid and how much fun just jumping on the trampoline and playing basketball and playing outside and all that really is and how good it is for us. I’ve lost that for quite a few years, getting wrapped up in my career and working hard and just prioritizing that over being a kid and just playing. So, it’s been really healthy and helpful to me to have these kids running around to just kind of channel that little boy inside of me and the person that I want to be and it’s been really healthy and really fun and kind of re-energized me creatively as well as a songwriter and as an artist. So, I’m really thankful to be a dad. Love those three little kids more than anything in the world, and it’s just so special.”

    Audio / Vince Gill talks about the qualities he hopes for his children.


    Vince Gill (Father’s Day) OC: …feels like. :33
    “Kindness-hopefully make them kind and that’s all we got. Five great kids, a couple of grandkids. Those grandkids are the complete light of my life. You know, they just show up and the rest of the world can kiss my you-know-what. (laughs)  I say, ‘We’re just gonna go swing in the backyard; we’re gonna wrestle on the bed; we’re gonna eat those Goldfish (crackers), you know? And nothing else kind of seems to matter. And then I think what I love seeing, more than anything, for my kid to finally understand what it means to love, and it’s awesome to see my kid finally get it what that unconditional love really looks like and feels like.”




    Audio / LINER Alan Jackson (Father’s Day)


    “Hey, I’m Alan Jackson, wishing you a Happy Father’s Day.”


    Audio / LINER Billy Currington (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everybody! I’m Billy Currington, wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day!”

    Audio / LINER Brad Paisley (Father’s Day)


    Hi! This is Brad Paisley, wishing all the dads out there a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Brothers Osborne (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! This is TJ, and I’m John, and we are Brothers Osborne, wishing all you fathers out there a very Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Bryce Leatherwood (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everybody, this is Bryce Leatherwood. This is to all the Dads out there, I’m wishing you a Happy Father’s Day. Thank y’all for what y’all do, and God bless.”

    Audio / LINER Carrie Underwood (Father’s Day)


    “Hey, I’m Carrie Underwood, wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Catie Offerman (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everybody! This is Catie Offerman. For all you fathers out there, Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Caylee Hammack (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all! This is Caylee Hammack. For all you Dads out there, Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Chrissy Metz (Father’s Day)


    “Hey, this is Chrissy Metz, wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Dalton Dover (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Dalton Dover, wishing you a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Darius Rucker (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! What’s up? This is Darius Rucker wishing you a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Dillon James (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Dillon James. To all the Dads out there, Happy Father’s Day.”


    Audio / LINER Eric Church (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! This is Eric Church, wishing you a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Langston (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Jon Langston, wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Pardi (Happy Father’s Day)


    “Jon Pardi here. Happy Father’s Day to all you father’s out there.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Pardi (Father’s Day) beer


    “Hey! It’s Jon Pardi, wishing all the fathers out there a very Happy Father’s Day. Here’s to you,  Senior.  Insert beer can opening sample (sound effect). (laughs)

    Audio / LINER Jordan Davis (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! I’m Jordan Davis, wishing you all a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Josh Ross (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Josh Ross. To all the dads out there, wishing you a Happy Father’s Day.”


    Audio / LINER Josh Turner (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all! This is Josh Turner, and I just want to wish all you father’s out there a Happy Father’s Day!”

    Audio / LINER Kacey Musgraves (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! It’s Kacey Musgraves. Happy Father’s Day!”

    Audio / LINER Keith Urban (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everyone! It’s Keith Urban, wishing all you Dads out there a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Kylie Morgan (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Kylie Morgan. Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER LBT (Father’s Day)


    “Hi! This is Little Big Town, wishing all you father’s a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Luke Bryan (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! This is Luke Bryan, wishing all the Fathers out there a very Happy Father’s Day. Here’s to you, Dad.”

    Audio / LINER Maddie & Tae (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everybody! I’m Maddie and I’m Tae, wishing all you fathers out there a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Mickey Guyton (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everybody, this is Mickey Guyton, wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Parker McCollum (Father’s Day)


    “Hey Everybody, I’m Parker McCollum, wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day.”


    Audio / LINER Priscilla Block (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! It’s Priscilla Block. For all you fathers – Happy Father’s Day!”


    Audio / LINER Sam Hunt (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! This is Sam Hunt. To all you fathers out there, Happy Father’s Day!”

    Audio / LINER Shania Twain (Father’s Day)


    “Hi! This is Shania Twain. Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER The War And Treaty (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everybody! We are The War And Treaty, and to all the fathers out there all around the world – Happy Father’s Day to you.”

    Audio / LINER Timothy Wayne (Father's Day)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Timothy Wayne, wishing all the fathers out there a very Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Travis Denning (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Travis Denning, wishing all you fathers out there a very Happy Father’s Day. Happy Father’s Day, Diamond Dave.”

    Audio / LINER Vince Gill (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everybody! It’s Vince, and I just wanted to wish you a Happy Father’s Day. Wish mine was still around.”


    Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for honoring and mourning the U.S. military personnel who have died while serving in the United States armed forces. It is observed on the last Monday of May.

    Memorial Day, originally known as Decoration Day, originated after the American Civil War to commemorate the fallen Union soldiers of the Civil War. However, by the turn of the 20th century, Memorial Day honored Americans who have sacrificed their lives in all wars.


    Audio / LINER Brad Paisley (Memorial Day)


    Audio / LINER Brothers Osborne (Memorial Day)


    “Hey y’all, we’re Brothers Osborne. Please take time to remember all those who made the ultimate sacrifice during this Memorial Day Weekend.”

    Audio / LINER Bryce Leatherwood (Memorial Day)




    “Hi Everyone! This is Carrie Underwood, please take time to remember all those who made the ultimate sacrifice during this Memorial Day Weekend.”

    Audio / LINER Caylee Hammack (Memorial Day)


    “It’s Caylee Hammack, taking time to remember those we’ve lost on this Memorial Day weekend.”

    Audio / LINER Dalton Dover (Memorial Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Dalton Dover, just taking the time to remember the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice this Memorial Day Weekend.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Langston (Memorial Day)


    “Hi! I’m Jon Langston. Take time to remember our fallen heroes during this Memorial Day weekend.”

    Audio / LINER Jordan Davis (Memorial Day) 1


    “Hey-I’m Jordan Davis, taking time to remember all of our fallen heroes on this Memorial Day weekend.”

    Audio / LINER Keith Urban (Memorial Day)


    “Hi everyone, this is Keith Urban. Now please take time to remember all those who sacrificed their lives during this Memorial Day Weekend.”

    Audio / LINER Kylie Morgan (Memorial Day Weekend)


    “Hey, this is Kylie Morgan, taking time to remember those we’ve lost on this Memorial Day Weekend.”

    Audio / LINER LBT (Memorial Day)


    “Hi! This is Little Big Town, take time to remember our fallen heroes during this Memorial Day Weekend.”

    Audio / LINER Luke Bryan (Memorial Day-fallen heroes)


    “Hey! It’s Luke Bryan. Please take time to remember our fallen heroes this Memorial Day.”

    Audio / LINER Maddie & Tae (Memorial Day)


    “Hey everybody. I’m Maddie & I’m Tae, and we’re Maddie & Tae. Take time to remember our fallen heroes during this Memorial Day weekend.”

    Audio / LINER Priscilla Block (Memorial Day)


    “Hey-this is Priscilla Block, taking time to remember those we’ve lost on this Memorial Day Weekend.

    Audio / LINER Parker McCollum (Memorial Day)


    “Hey everybody, I’m Parker McCollum, taking time to remember all of our fallen heroes during this Memorial Day weekend.”

    Audio / LINER The War And Treaty (Memorial Day)


    “We’re The War And Treaty, and we’re taking time to remember all those who made the ultimate sacrifice this Memorial Day Weekend. Salute to all my battle buddies.”

    Audio / LINER Timothy Wayne (Memorial Day Weekend)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Timothy Wayne. I just wanted to take time to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice this Memorial Day Weekend.”

    Audio / LINER Travis Denning (Memorial Day)


    “Hey y’all—it’s Travis Denning. Take time to remember our fallen heroes during this Memorial Day weekend.”



    Lauded by Billboard for his “powerful voice,” UMG Nashville/Mercury Records recording artist Dalton Dover has premiered the official music video for his rollicking track “Bury Me In This Bar” with CMT, CMT Music and Paramount Times Square Billboard ahead of the single’s official country radio add date on Monday (May 13th).



    “I feel like the concept of this video takes the song to the next level. It really paints you a picture of what it’d look like to actually be buried in a bar,” Dover shared with CMT.com. “I think the fun and lively nature of this song is represented well in this video and I hope fans see that and instantly smile and sing along!”

    “Bury Me In This Bar” was written by Dover with Dan Isbell, Jamie Davis and Benjy Davis, and produced by longtime collaborator Matt McVaney (McV), as MusicRow praises, “Dover continues his winning ways with this romping, stomping honky tonker with flourishes of steel and galloping rhythm. Thirsty for real country music? Belly up to this bar. You need the song on your playlist, now more than ever.”

    “This is one of my favorite songs I’ve ever been a part of writing,” Dover shares. “We really wanted to capture the fun and energy of those ‘90s country bar anthems that you just can’t skip or resist singing along with when you hear it. I believe it’s one that would make my heroes proud, and we can’t wait to hear people sing it with us on the road.”

    As the follow-up to Dover’s first official single “Giving Up On That,” which was most added at country radio upon its debut, “Bury Me In This Bar” earned notable playlisting upon its release, including Amazon’s Brand New Music and Breakthrough Country; Apple Music’s Best New Songs and Apple Music Country; Pandora’s New Country station; Spotify’s New Music Friday, New Boots, New Music Friday Country and the cover of Country Frequency; and YouTube’s RELEASED and Country’s New Crop.

    Dover will perform across multiple stages at CMA Fest, including the Billboard Presents Bud Light Backyard lineup on June 7th at Tin Roof Nashville and Dr. Pepper Amp Stage at Ascend Park on Sunday, June 9th.

    He recently embarked on his first headlining club tour, the Never Giving Up On That Tour, and he will perform at festivals across the U.S. this summer before heading out to support Sam Hunt on the Locked Up Tour this fall.

    Dalton Dover Tour Dates

    June 7 // Billboard Presents Bud Light Backyard at Tin Roof Nashville // Nashville, TN

    June 8 // Hueytown Park // Hueytown, AL

    June 9 // CMA Fest at Dr. Pepper Amp Stage at Ascend Park // Nashville, TN

    June 20-22 // Country Jam // Mack, CO

    June 28 // Country Fest 2024 // Cadott, WI

    July 4 // I-105 Country Freedom Fest // Quarryville, PA

    Aug. 10 // Hollywood Outdoors // Grantville, PA*

    Aug. 15 // CMAC // Canandaigua, NY*

    Aug. 17 // Lasso Festival // Montreal, QC

    Sept. 18 // Pepsi Live at Rogers Arena // Vancouver, BC*

    Sept. 20 // Scotiabank Saddledome // Calgary, AB*

    Sept. 21 // Rogers Place // Edmonton, AB*

    Sept. 23 // SaskTel Centre // Saskatoon, SK*

    Sept. 24 // Canada Life Centre // Winnipeg, MB*

    Sept. 27 // Canadian Tire Cengtre // Ottawa, ON*

    Sept. 28 // Budweiser Gardens // London, ON*


    “Bury Me In This Bar” lyrics and credits available for download HERE.


    Audio / LINER Brothers Osborne (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey! What’s up guys! We’re Brothers Osborne, wishing all you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Bryce Leatherwood (Mother's Day)


    “Hey everybody, this is Bryce Leatherwood. This goes out to all the Mamas out there who work hard every day. We love ya, and thank you for what y’all do every day. Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Carrie Underwood (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey everyone. I’m Carrie Underwood, wishing all you mothers out there a very, very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Catie Offerman (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Catie Offerman, wishing all of you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Caylee Hammack (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Caylee Hammack, sending this out to my mom and all the other mothers out there – I hope all of you have a wonderful Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Chrissy Metz (Mother’s Day)


    “Hi! It’s Chrissy Metz, wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Dalton Dover (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey, I’m Dalton Dover. Happy Mother’s Day, y’all.”

    Audio / LINER Darius (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, what’s up? This is Darius Rucker, hoping you have a Happy Mother’s Day.

    Audio / LINER Dierks (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey, y’all! This is Dierks Bentley, wishing all you mothers out there a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Dillon James (Mother's Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Dillon James, wishing you all a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Eric Church (Mother’s Day) 1


    “Hey everybody! This is Eric Church, wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER George Strait (Mother’s Day)


    “Hi! This is George Strait, wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Langston (Mother’s Day)


    Hi, I’m Jon Langston, wishing all the mothers a very Happy Mother’s Day. Love ya, Mom.

    Audio / LINER Jon Pardi (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Jon Pardi. I want to wish all the mamas out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Jordan Davis (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey! I’m Jordan Davis, wishing all the mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day. Love ya, Mom.”

    Audio / LINER Josh Ross (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Josh Ross. Happy Mother’s Day.”


    Audio / LINER Josh Turner (Mother's Day)


    “Hi! This is Josh Turner, wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Kacey Musgraves (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey! It’s Kacey Musgraves. To all you mothers out there, Happy Mother’s Day!”


    Audio / LINER Keith Urban (Mother’s Day)


    “Hi everyone, it’s Keith Urban. Hoping all the mothers out there have a very, very Happy Mother’s Day. Love ya, Mom!”

    Audio / LINER Kylie Morgan (Mother’s Day)


    Hey y’all, this is Kylie Morgan, wishing all of you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER LBT (Mother’s Day)


    “(ALL) Hi! This is Little Big Town. (KIMBERLY) We want to wish all you mothers out there a Happy Mother’s Day. I love ya, Mama!”

    Audio / LINER Luke Bryan (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey! It’s Luke Bryan, hoping all you mothers out there have a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Maddie & Tae (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey everybody. I’m Maddie & I’m Tae and we’re Maddie & Tae, wishing all you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day. I love ya, Mom.”

    Audio / LINER Mickey Guyton (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey, this is Mickey Guyton, wishing all you mothers out there a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Parker McCollum (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey everybody, I’m Parker McCollum, wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Priscilla Block (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey, it’s Priscilla Block wishing all you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Sam Hunt (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey! This is Sam Hunt, wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Shania Twain (Mother’s Day)


    “Hi! This is Shania Twain. Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Travis Denning (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Travis Denning, wishing all the mothers a very Happy Mother’s Day. Love you, Mom.”

    Audio / LINER Tyler Hubbard (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Tyler Hubbard, wishing all you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”



    As he gears up to kick off his headlining Never Giving Up On That Tour next week, Dalton Dover delivers his new single via UMG Nashville/Mercury Records with the rollicking “Bury Me In This Bar.”

    “This is one of my favorite songs I’ve ever been a part of writing,” Dover shares. “We really wanted to capture the fun and energy of those ‘90s country bar anthems that you just can’t skip or resist singing along with when you hear it. I believe it’s one that would make my heroes proud, and we can’t wait to hear people sing it with us on the road.”


    Written by Dalton Dover, Dan Isbell, Jamie Davis and Benjy Davis, and produced by longtime collaborator Matt McVaney (McV), “Bury Me In This Bar” is laced with steel guitar and punctuated with hard rock hits amid the Georgia native’s dynamic vocals:


                Yeah, there’s one thing you can count on

                Ain’t no one getting out of

                This wake up, working, wild world alive

                Some folks prefer a casket

                Some get turned to ashes

                But I got other plans for when I die


                Oh, bury me in this bar

                Where the women and the whiskey ain’t too far

                Yeah, my soul is meant to belong

                Underneath that neon

                Smiling to the sound of a steel guitar

                I’ll rest in peace where all my people are

                Bury me in this bar


    Today’s release follows Take Me Home: Covers which showcases Dover’s roots and influences growing up in Georgia, with Billboard calling it a “well-curated, fresh take on a collection of classics,” as MusicRow lauds him as “one of our finest young country voices.”

    After wrapping up a string of shows supporting Larry Fleet, along with joining BRELAND & Friends at Ryman Auditorium earlier this week, Dover will embark on his headlining Never Giving Up On That Tour next Friday, April 5 in Houston, Texas. Tickets are on sale now at DaltonDoverOfficial.com.

    Following his Nissan Stadium Platform Stage debut last summer, Dover is set to perform at the Dr. Pepper Amp Stage at CMA Fest on June 9. For more information, visit CMAFest.com.


    Dalton Dover Tour Dates 

    April 5 // House of Blues – Bronze Peacock // Houston, TX

    April 6 // The Lot // Mansfield, TX

    April 13 // The Open Chord // Knoxville, TN

    April 19 // Kings Hall // Everett, WA

    April 20 // Coast City Country // Vancouver, Canada

    April 26 // Terminal South // Tifton, GA

    April 27 // Capitol Theatre // Macon, GA

    May 4 // Burr Park // Dalton, GA

    June 9 // CMA Fest // Nashville, TN

    June 20-22 // Country Jam // Mack, CO

    June 28 // Country Fest 2024 // Cadott, WI

    July 4 // I-105 Country Freedom Fest // Quarryville, PA

    Aug. 10 // Hollywood Outdoors* // Grantville, PA

    Aug. 15 // CMAC* // Canandaigua, NY

    Aug. 16 // Fallsview Casino Resort* // Niagara Falls, ON

    Aug. 17 // Lasso Festival // Montreal, QC


    *Supporting Sam Hunt

     “Bury Me In This Bar” lyrics and credits available for download HERE.

    About Dalton Dover:
    Lauded by MusicRowas a “master country talent,” Dalton Dover’s new single “Bury Me In This Bar” is available now via UMG Nashville/Mercury Records. Released earlier this year, Take Me Home: Covers showcases his roots and influences growing up in Georgia. His debut radio single “Giving Up On That” was the most-added track at Country Radio upon its debut with 60 first week adds and can be found on his EP Never Giving Up On That, featuring eight tracks including “Night To Go,” “Baby I Am,” “Hear About A Girl” and more. Named a 2024 Tidal Artist to Watch, Pandora 2023 Artist to Watch, an Amazon Music 2023 Breakthrough Artist to Watch: Country Class and a member of CMT’s LISTEN UP 2023 Class, he will embark on his headlining Never Giving Up On That Tour in April 2024. Dover made his Grand Ole Opry debut in December 2022, followed by his international debut in 2023 at C2C: Country to Country Festival’s CMA Songwriters Series and performances across four stages at CMA Fest, including the Nissan Stadium Platform stage. In addition to playing Luke Combs’ Whiskey Jam Bootleggers Tailgate Party, he’s supported Sam Hunt, Chase Rice, Parker McCollum, Larry Fleet and Priscilla Block. By the age of 16, Dover had picked up a guitar and started teaching himself to play, yet it was his grandfather who turned him on to country music and artists such as Keith Whitley, Rhett Akins, Joe Diffie and Steve Wariner. Performances at local bars soon followed along with sharing covers of some of his favorite songs on TikTok. It was there he caught the ear of producer Matt McV and A&R veteran and founder of Droptine, Jim Catino, who quickly signed Dover. His debut track “You Got a Small Town,” produced by McV, quickly garnered critical acclaim from Billboard, MusicRow, Country Now and Wide Open Country. With his debut and his follow-up “Baby I Am” earning notable playlisting, Dover was named a Spotify Hot Country 2022 Artist to Watch along with a spotlight as Billboard’s February Country Rookie of the Month and a nod for MusicRow’s 2022 Discovery Artist of the Year. For more information, visit DaltonDoverOfficial.com or follow along on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and Facebook.

    Audio / Dalton Dover talks about his new song, "Bury Me In This Bar."


    Dalton Dover (Bury Me In This Bar) OC: …fun as we did. :43
    “‘Bury Me In This Bar,’ man, we wrote this song, and I grew up listening to artists like Keith Whitley, Merle Haggard, Conway (Twitty). You know, as I grew up I started getting into Brooks & Dunn and Joe Diffie and Toby Keith. I mean the list just goes on and on. When we wrote ‘Bury Me In This Bar,’ I wanted to write a song that would make my ‘90s Country heroes proud and my Country Music heroes in general proud, and I feel like we’ve done that with ‘Bury Me In This Bar.’ It’s fun. If you’re in a bar, drinking a cold beer, you’re just hanging out with your friends and ‘Bury Me In This Bar’ comes on, you’re gonna vibe, and I would like to think y’all would love it just as much fun as we do. I hope that you know as you guys are listening and whatever you may be doing while you’re listening, you’re having as much fun as we did.”

    Audio / LINER Dalton Dover (Bury Me In This Bar) 1


    Audio / LINER Dalton Dover (Bury Me In This Bar) 2


    Audio / LINER Dalton Dover (Bury Me In This Bar) 3


    Audio / LINER Dalton Dover (Bury Me In This Bar) 4


    Audio / LINER Dalton Dover (Bury Me In This Bar) 5


    Audio / LINER Dalton Dover (Bury Me In This Bar) 6


    Video /


    Easter is this Sunday (March 31st), and we’ve got liners from some of your favorite country “peeps.”

    Audio / LINER Anne Wilson (Easter)


    “Hey, it’s Anne Wilson, wishing you a Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Brad Paisley (Easter)


    “Hey everybody, it’s Brad Paisley. Happy Easter.”


    Audio / LINER Brothers Osborne (Easter)


    “Hey, we’re Brothers Osborne. Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Carrie Underwood (Easter)


    “Hey everybody, this is Carrie Underwood, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Catie Offerman (Easter)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Catie Offerman, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Caylee Hammack (Easter)


    “Hey y’all, this is Caylee Hammack, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Chrissy Metz (Easter)


    “Hi, it’s Chrissy Metz, and I’m wishing you a very Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Dalton Dover (Easter)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Dalton Dover. Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Darius Rucker (Easter)


    “Hey y’all, what’s up? This is Darius Rucker. Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Dierks Bentley (Easter)


    “Hey, it’s Dierks Bentley, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Eric Church (Easter)


    “Hey everybody, it’s Eric Church, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Langston (Easter)


    “Hi, I’m Jon Langston, wishing you a Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Pardi (Easter)


    “Hi, it’s Jon Pardi. Happy Easter.”


    Audio / LINER Jordan Davis (Easter)


    “Hey, I’m Jordan Davis. Happy Easter.”



    Jordan Davis (Easter) OC: …that holiday was. :53
    “We would always have the Easter Egg Hunt before church. You know, my mom, she would dress us in these ridiculous, pastel-colored, gosh, good Lord, I’m sorry for saying this, but the worst part about Easter for me is some of the photos I have of what my mom dressed us in. It was hideous! But yeah, that was it growing up. We would have our Easter Egg Hunt, and I think for me early on, and probably like a lot of kids, Easter was another Sunday where it was a very mini, mini Christmas. We’d get some candy, every once in a while, we’d get a present, something that we wanted, we’d go to church, and everybody looked great. It was like the day to wear the new dress or the guys had these crazy ties on or something like that. And it really wasn’t until, I think, I was able to kinda hit my high school years and kind of start to strengthen my faith that I realized how special that holiday was.”

    Audio / LINER Josh Ross (Easter)


    “Hey! I’m Josh Ross. Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Kylie Morgan (Easter)


    “Hey y’all, this is Kylie Morgan, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”


    Audio / LINER LBT (Easter)


    “Hey! We’re Little Big Town. Happy Easter.”


    Audio / LINER Maddie & Tae (Easter)


    “Hey, it’s Maddie & Tae, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”




    Maddie & Tae (Easter) OC: (Maddie) …hope and joy. :51
    TAE: “Easters growing up for the Dye fam, my side, is  when I was younger, we’d go to my grandparents a lot and we’d do the whole Easter egg hunt and we’d go to church. My parents would always dress us up in these really cute springy outfits. But, yeah, Easter with family is always so much fun.” MADDIE: “Our Easter was very similar. My grandma would always get us this white chocolate cross with little flowers on it. It was so delicious. And me and my sister typically had matching dresses, which annoyed me at the time, but looking back it was precious. But Easter for us, Tae and I love us some Jesus! That is our favorite dude ever! (TAE: “That’s what Easter means.”) And so Easter is all about praising Jesus for his sacrifice so that we can know God and Him and just live a life full of purpose and hope and joy.”

    Audio / LINER Parker McCollum (Easter)


    “Hey, this is Parker McCollum. Happy Easter, everyone.”


    Audio / LINER Priscilla Block (Easter)


    “Hey, it’s Priscilla Block, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”


    Audio / LINER Reba McEntire (Easter)


    “Hey everybody, this is Reba McEntire, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”


    Audio / LINER Travis Denning (Easter)


    “Hey y’all, I’m Travis Denning. Happy Easter.”


    Dalton Dover is on the road with Larry Fleet playing several dates on The Earned It Tour, and he says he and Larry bonded while on the road with Parker McCollum.

    “I met Larry when I was out with Parker McCollum. We played a couple shows together,” says Dalton. “Larry was so kind. We talked, and man, we just connected right off the bat, and it’s gonna be so much fun going out on the road, and I’m excited. Anytime you’re able to go on the road and meet fans and play your songs and pour your heart out to people who want to listen, it’s awesome, so I couldn’t be more grateful for Larry and everybody in his camp for having us out. I know it’s going to be a great time, and I’m really excited about it.”

    The next stop on the trek is Thursday (February 29th) in Birmingham, Alabama.

    Dalton just released a three-song EP, Take Me Home: Covers, which features his takes on the late John Denver‘s “Take Me Home, Country Roads,” Vince Gill’s “Go Rest High On That Mountain” with backing vocals from the 22x GRAMMY winner himself and a rousing performance of Alabama’s “Mountain Music.”



    Audio / Dalton Dover talks about going on the road with Larry Fleet.


    Dalton Dover (Larry Fleet Tour) OC: …excited about it. :32
    “I’m going on tour with Larry Fleet on his Earned It Tour, and I’m really excited. I met Larry when I was out with Parker McCollum. We played a couple shows together. Larry was so kind. We talked, and man, we just connected right off the bat, and it’s gonna be so much fun going out on the road, and I’m excited. Anytime you’re able to go on the road and meet fans and play your songs and pour your heart out to people who want to listen, it’s awesome, so I couldn’t be more grateful for Larry and everybody in his camp for having us out. I know it’s going to be a great time, and I’m really excited about it.”


    Rising country artist Dalton Dover releases Take Me Home: Covers via UMG Nashville/Mercury Records, a musical journey that pays homage to his roots while honoring some of the songs that laid the groundwork for the artist and songwriter he is today. Also out today is the official music video for “Go Rest High On That Mountain,” shot in Georgia, near Dover’s childhood home.


    LISTEN to Take Me Home Covers | HERE

    “My grandfather is the person that introduced me to country music. He’d play his records, and I remember thinking, ‘I want to do that. I want to tell stories and write songs that are relatable to everyone,’” shares Dover. “The songs we chose are timeless, so I wanted to stay faithful to the spirit of each one, but I loved getting to put some of my own style into it too.”

    The project includes Vince Gill’s “Go Rest High On That Mountain” with backing vocals from the 22x GRAMMY winner himself and a rousing performance of Alabama’s “Mountain Music.” The Georgia native introduced the collection with John Denver’s “Take Me Home, Country Roads,” with MusicRow praising, “Think again, if you think you’ve heard this oldie often enough. Dover’s slowed-down, gentle, caressing, thoughtful reading of the lyric brings a whole new dimension to the song,” as Wide Open Country observes, “By singing one we all know, Dover drew attention to his smooth twang and his innate ability to make us feel the emotions packed in every line.”

    After honing his live show with festival dates and supporting acts such as Luke Combs, Tyler Hubbard, Sam Hunt, Parker McCollum, Justin Moore and Chase Rice, Dover will join Larry Fleet on The Earned It Tour later this month ahead of his headlining Never Giving Up On That Tour kicking off in April. Tickets are on sale now at DaltonDoverOfficial.com.

    Dover is signed with United Talent Agency for worldwide booking representation in all areas, along with Sony Music Publishing Nashville in partnership with Droptine Music Publishing. For more information, visit DaltonDoverOfficial.com or follow along on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and Facebook.


    Dalton Dover Tour Dates: 

    Feb. 13 // Grand Ole Opry // Nashville, TN

    Feb. 15 // ETSU Martin Center for the Arts* // Johnson City, TN

    Feb. 16 // The Ritz* // Raleigh, NC

    Feb. 17 // Tabernacle* // Atlanta, GA

    Feb. 29 // Iron City Bham* // Birmingham, AL

    March 1 // The Fillmore Charlotte* // Charlotte, NC

    March 2 // The National* // Richmond, VA

    March 7 // KUZZ Class of 2024 Show at Buck Owens’ Crystal Palace // Bakersfield, CA

    March 14 // Jannus Live* // St. Petersburg, FL

    March 15 // The Ranch Concert Hall & Saloon* // Fort Myers, FL

    March 16 // Clewiston Sugar Festival // Clewiston, FL

    March 26 // Breland & Friends 2024 at Ryman Auditorium // Nashville, TN

    April 5 // House of Blues – Bronze Peacock // Houston, TX

    April 6 // The Lot // Mansfield, TX

    April 11 // 40 Watt Club // Athens, GA

    April 12 // The Barrelhouse Ballroom // Chattanooga, TN

    April 13 // The Open Chord // Knoxville, TN

    April 20 // Coast City Country // Vancouver, Canada

    April 26 // Terminal South // Tifton, GA

    April 27 // Capitol Theatre // Macon, GA

    June 20-22 // Country Jam // Mack, CO

    June 28 // Country Fest 2024 // Cadott, WI

    July 4 // I-105 Country Freedom Fest // Quarryville, PA

    Aug. 17 // Lasso Festival // Montreal, Quebec


    *Supporting Larry Fleet


    About Dalton Dover:
    Lauded by MusicRow as a “master country talent,” Dalton Dover’s latest release Take Me Home: Covers showcases his roots and influences growing up in Georgia. His debut radio single “Giving Up On That” via UMG Nashville/Mercury Records was the most-added track at Country Radio upon its debut with 60 first week adds and can be found on his latest EP Never Giving Up On That, featuring eight tracks including “Night To Go,” “Baby I Am,” “Hear About A Girl,” and more. Named a 2024 Tidal Artist to Watch, Pandora 2023 Artist to Watch, an Amazon Music 2023 Breakthrough Artist to Watch: Country Class and a member of CMT’s LISTEN UP 2023 Class, he will embark on his headlining Never Giving Up On That Tour in early 2024. Dover made his Grand Ole Opry debut in December 2022, followed by his international debut in 2023 at C2C: Country to Country Festival’s CMA Songwriters Series before joining Chase Rice on the Way Down Yonder Tour. This summer, Dover performed across four stages at CMA Fest, including the Nissan Stadium Platform stage and played Luke Combs’ Whiskey Jam Bootleggers Tailgate Party at Gillette Stadium in July. By the age of 16, Dover had picked up a guitar and started teaching himself to play, yet it was his grandfather who turned him on to country music and artists such as Keith Whitley, Rhett Akins, Joe Diffie and Steve Wariner. Performances at local bars soon followed along with sharing covers of some of his favorite songs on TikTok. It was there he caught the ear of producer Matt McV and A&R veteran and founder of Droptine, Jim Catino, who quickly signed Dover. His debut track “You Got a Small Town,” produced by McV, quickly garnered critical acclaim from Billboard, MusicRow, Country Now and Wide Open Country. With his debut and his follow-up “Baby I Am” earning notable playlisting, Dover was named a Spotify Hot Country 2022 Artist to Watch along with a spotlight as Billboard’s February Country Rookie of the Month and a nod for MusicRow’s 2022 Discovery Artist of the Year. For more information, visit DaltonDoverOfficial.com or follow along on InstagramTikTokTwitter and Facebook.

  • SUPER BOWL 2024

    This Sunday (February 11th), millions of people around the world, including some of your favorite country stars, will be tuning in to the Super Bowl (the Big Game) as the Kansas City Chiefs take on the San Francisco 49ers.

    Check out all the action from the Big Game from Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas on CBS with the kickoff scheduled at 6:30pm ET/5:30pm CT. Make sure to tune in early to catch Reba McEntire performing the National Anthem, as well as Post Malone performing “America the Beautiful” and Andra Day singing “Lift Every Voice and Sing.”

    Chris Stapleton performed a critically-acclaimed version of the National Anthem at last year’s Super Bowl. He posted an encouraging note to those involved in Sunday’s (February 11th) Big Game. He wrote, “Singing the National Anthem at last year’s Super Bowl was a career highlight. Best of luck to all the players, staff, coaches & performers taking the field this weekend.” He tagged Reba, Post Malone and Andra Day.





    Billy Currington (football fan) OC: …love football. :36
    “I’m a big football fan. I mean, when I was growing up, if you asked me who my favorite team is now, I couldn’t tell you. But when I was a kid, it was the Dallas Cowboys. And I don’t know if it was because my mom bought my brother a Pittsburgh Steelers pennant, for some reason, and bought me a Dallas Cowboys pennant, and of course over the year I fell in love with the Cowboys, and then I wanted a jersey the next Christmas, and then the next one, I wanted [more Cowboys stuff]. So, I became a long-term fan with those guys. But I like it all now that I’m older. I’ll watch any game; it doesn’t matter who’s playing. But [I] love football.”

    Audio / Carrie Underwood loves football and loves being a part of Sunday Night Football.


    Carrie Underwood (loves being a part of SNF) OC: …my whole life. :54
    “I love being the voice of Sunday Night Football because I grew up watching football…from birth. I’m from Oklahoma – we’re a football state. It’s just a part of the country that everybody has their teams and there’s such an energy about it. We would drive down to Dallas and watch the Cowboys play whenever we could. There’s just something about being at a live sporting event or watching it on TV. You have your favorites. They have their rivals. There’s an excitement to it that really, it’s unlike anything else, so being a small part of that is absolutely amazing. It’s been so wonderful working with everybody at SNF, and I count myself very lucky and very blessed that I get to be a small part of something that I’ve loved my whole life.”



    Darius Rucker (football) OC: …football season. :20
    “Ever since I was five years old, I’ve loved football, and I love how physical it is. I love the chess match of the game. I love the speed of the game. I love college football, but for me watching pro football is better because the speed is so much more. For me, there’s two times a year, man — football season and waiting for football season.”

    Audio / Dierks Bentley says having two daughters who are big Taylor Swift fans has allowed him to stay in the house to watch all of the football games he wants.


    Dierks Bentley (Super Bowl 2024) OC: …Santa Tracker. :50
    “I have been watching every single playoff game. It’s the great thing. In my house is the Kansas City Chiefs because my daughters love Taylor (Swift). Any dad out there that has daughters knows what I’m talking about. She has made football much easier to watch at my house. Everybody’s down with it now, so I’ve been able to watch a lot of playoff games with my family, which is amazing. I’m not out there in the garage. I’m allowed to be in the main part of the house watching football, and it’s so fun. As far as the Super Bowl goes, I have no idea who’s going to win, but I’m there for the whole thing. I’m there for the pre-show concerts, the introductions, our National Anthem, the half-time show and of course, the game. It’s going to be awesome. I have no idea who’s going to win, but I just hope Taylor Swift makes her flight from Japan back to the game, because that’s what we all want to see. That’s going to be the most followed flight. It’ll be followed more than the Santa Tracker.”

    Audio / Jon Langston says his favorite team in the NFL is the Atlanta Falcons.


    Jon Langston (Atlanta Falcons) OC: …cool place too. :17
    “Favorite team in the NFL is the Falcons. You know, growing up an hour from Atlanta, I just loved the Falcons, I guess, and going to the games and stuff. Going to the Georgia Dome was a pretty big deal, and we got to play there in high school and stuff, and it’s sad to see that it’s gone, but Mercedes Benz is a pretty cool place too.”

    Audio / Jon Pardi has been a fan of the San Francisco 49ers since he was a little boy.


    Jon Pardi (football) OC: …two great teams. :12
    “I grew up playing football and it was always the 9ers, you know? Like we looked up to those guys. I looked up to the 49ers. It was like our local team, and I guess I just never lost that spark from when they went to the Super Bowl.”



    Keith (Nicole and football) OC: …new to me. :04

    “She’s a big NFL fan, and she sort of turned me on to it.”

    Audio / From the last time the Kansas City Chiefs squared off against the San Francisco 49ers, Little Big Town's Jimi Westbrook and Phillip Sweet gave their thoughts.


    LBT (Super Bowl 2020) OC: (Phillip) …win this game. :29
    JIMI: “This game is gonna be fun. Of course, my team is the Tennessee Titans, so I don’t have quite the heart connection that I do with these two teams. (Phillip: “I like Mahomes though.”) But I’m excited because I think it’s gonna be a great game. They match up very interestingly, and I think it’s gonna be fun to watch. I don’t think anybody’s gonna stop Mahomes, though. Shew. The 49er defense, they are for real.” PHILLIP: “If you can pick apart the 49er defense, you can win this game.”



    LBT (football story) OC: …my lip. :40
    “I was the quarterback to my powder puff team. I was running the ball and I came around the corner – this was in high school – and a foreign exchange student, I think her name was Inga (KIMBERLY: “Inga.”), and I didn’t want to fumble ‘cause my brother and my dad were there, and I come from this very athletic family, so I held onto the ball. I knew I was going to go down, so I let my head hit first and I bit all the way through, but I didn’t fumble and I had a hole in my face, though. The sad thing is that it was just flag football, but I left my flags on and cleats and everything, ‘cause it looked cool, and I had blood running all down my jersey. I went to the emergency room like that, and they sewed up my lip.”



    Luke Bryan (Super Bowl food) OC: …over again. :22
    “Definitely Super Bowl is like the queso, the Frito Lay scoops with the Ro-tel situation. I guess it’s like, what’s the black-eyed pea stuff too? All of that, just stuff that you can sit there and have lots of sodium, and then just, it’s like Thanksgiving all over again.”



    Priscilla Block (Football/Super Bowl food) OC: …what happens. :23
    “I mean, I feel like the Super Bowl is like just such a fun day. I’m really excited for the half-time show. I feel like that’s usually why I’m there, is to watch the anthem and the half-time show, but yes, excited to eat all the bad things. And I’m honestly, I don’t feel pulled any way this year. I wish the (Tennessee) Titans were in it, but we’ll see what happens.”



    Reba McEntire (full circle moment National Anthem) OC: …they asked me. :35
    “It’s absolutely amazing coming full circle, 50 years after being discovered by Red Steagall me singing the National Anthem at the National Finals Rodeo in Oklahoma City. That was in 1974. Little did I know, I had no idea 50 years I’d be singing (laughs) the National Anthem at this year’s Super Bowl. Omigosh. I don’t even have the imagination to say that I would be doing something like this. I’m absolutely thrilled to pieces that they asked me.”



    Reba McEntire (football fan) OC: …at the Super Bowl. :42
    “I’ve always liked football, even in high school. As the Singing McEntires and being a part of the Kiowa High School Cowboy Band in Kiowa, Oklahoma where I went to school for 12 years, we were part of the half-time entertainment there at the school. We’d pull the trailer out and we’d play at half-time for our football games, and then my boyfriend, Rex Linn, absolutely loves college football. I really get into that, and I cheer for the Longhorns in Austin, Texas. And now getting to sing at the Super Bowl, I think Rex was more excited than I was, if that’s at all possible. I’m a huge, a huge fan of the Kansas City Chiefs, so I will be cheering them on at the Super Bowl.”

    Audio / Since she's performing at this year's Super Bowl, Reba McEntire gives her suggestions for some snacks you can make for your own Big Game celebration.


    Reba McEntire (Super Bowl snacks) OC: …gonna be great. :30
    “Omigosh, wouldn’t it be neat if we could cook up some recipes out of my Not That Fancy book and you know, like the ranch dressing from Reba’s Place, that’s my restaurant in Atoka, Oklahoma, with chicken tenders and the beer cheese dip? Okay, if y’all don’t know what I’m talking about, get online and get the Not That Fancy book. It’s pretty cool, lots of pictures and what it’s supposed to look like when you get through making it. That’s gonna be great.”



    Sam Hunt (Super Bowl & music) OC: …combined there. :24
    “It’s become such a massive pop culture event, and I love that they’ve incorporated music and entertainment with the sport itself and the entertainment value that comes from that. It encompasses just a strong representation of American culture, and I’m a huge music fan, obviously, and I’m a huge sports fan, so those are two of my favorite worlds combined there.”



    Sam Hunt (Peyton Manning) OC: …with music. :39
    “When I was in high school, I went to a camp called the Manning Academy, and it’s a quarterback camp down in Louisiana. And I got to spend some time with Peyton and Eli, and they have another brother [Cooper]. I’ve followed [Peyton’s] career for a long time,” he says. “Actually, a couple of years ago, I was at a concert of Kenny Chesney’s in Denver, and I was standing there side stage and Jake Owen was there. He had opened up for [Kenny], and I’ve been a friend of his for a little while, and he turned and introduced me to the guy behind us, who I wasn’t aware of at the time, but it turned out to be Peyton Manning. He was just a really nice guy, and it was just pretty cool to be on the stage with two people who inspired me in two different arenas, with Peyton with football and Kenny with music.”

    Audio / Travis Denning predicts the Kansas City Chiefs will win the Super Bowl.


    Travis Denning (Super Bowl 2024) 1 OC: …very clutch. :13
    “I believe the Kansas City Chiefs are gonna win the Super Bowl. I just think Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs in the post season are just built different. They’ve been there before. They’re just used to it. I think they’re very clutch.”

    Audio / Travis Denning says he's looking forward to seeing Taylor Swift at this year's Super Bowl.


    Travis Denning (Super Bowl 2024) 2 OC: …love story. :09
    “Honestly, I’m looking forward to hopefully seeing Taylor Swift in the crowd. I think it’s been awesome this year to see her. Her and Travis Kelce’s just got an All-American love story.”

    Audio / Travis Denning reveals his go-to Super Bowl snack.


    Travis Denning (go-to Super Bowl snack) OC: …other pick. :05
    “My go-to Super Bowl snack is buffalo chicken dip, obviously. There’s no other pick.”

    Audio / Travis Denning gives his thoughts on singing the National Anthem.


    Travis Denning (National Anthem) OC: …your life. :27
    “The National Anthem, I think, is one of the hardest songs to sing that we sing regularly in this country. It’s essentially two very full octave ranges and every note matters. It has to be powerful. It takes an amazing singer to sing it. And the other thing that’s hard about is if you sing it great, everybody goes ‘that was cool,’ and then they forget about it two minutes later, and if you mess it up, they remember it for the rest of your life.”