Father’s Day is Sunday, June 16th, and we have audio with many of your favorite country stars!

    Audio / John Osborne of Brothers Osborne talks about celebrating Father’s Day.


    Brothers Osborne (Father’s Day-John) OC: …It’s the best. :37
    “Father’s Day is funny because I look back and think about what Father’s Days, what we did with our dad, and I think he probably just wanted to play outside and be goofy. It’s the same thing that I want to do with my kids. Like for Father’s Day, I don’t want a trophy or anything like that. I just want to hang out with my kids. I want every day to be Father’s Day. If anything, I personally believe as a father, now celebrating my second Father’s Day, Mother’s Day is 100 times more important. They are like superheroes. We just get to join along for the ride. So, it’s a treat for us just to be allowed in the party as far as I’m concerned, but I’ve never been more proud to be a dad, and it’s the best.”

    Audio / John Osborne from Brothers Osborne talks about their dad's choice in music and how music permeated their lives.


    Brothers Osborne (Dad’s music) OC: (John) …anything else. :34
    “Our dad listened to everything from Hank Williams to Willie Nelson to even pop music like Mariah Carey and Tom Petty to Bob Seger. You name it and he listened to it, so we really didn’t think about specific genres. We really just kind of soaked it all in, so we listened to it all at one time. It was just music to us. There wasn’t a day in our house without the radio on or there wasn’t a weekend at our house that there wasn’t a party and people had their guitars out, so music to us is like eating and breathing. It’s just as essential as anything else.”

    Audio / Carrie Underwood talks about the two incredible fathers in her life.


    Carrie Underwood (Father’s Day) OC: …guy all around. 1:18
    “Well, I am very lucky in my life to have two incredible fathers – my own father and then I get to watch my husband be a father to our boys – strong, amazing men, I am very lucky to be around them. Mike as a dad is just super involved in our boys’ lives, very hands on. It takes a team, definitely, to be able to support my crazy life and Mike’s always running around doing a lot of charity things and he’s always meeting with people and he’s on different boards and stuff like that, so we’re very much switching off duties as far as taking boys here and there to school and  sports and to all the extra-curricular activities. I just love that I feel like we’re such a great team. I love it that he gets to now work with Isaiah on sports and things like that, and I know he loves it too. So, I think that’s one of my favorite qualities about Mike is just how hands on of a father he is and very willing to pick up the slack when I’m crazy busy. Obviously, he’s just a very Godly father, as well. He keeps God as the center of our family and gets to teach our boys all about that, as well. So, he’s just a great guy all around.”

    Audio / Caylee Hammack says her father is a good man.


    Caylee Hammack (Dad) OC: …forget that. 1:19
    “My dad has this really unnerving ability to be able to build anything at all just by thinking of it. He can look at something and build it in his mind and build it by hand, and it always works. I’ve always respected him for that. He’s a very hard worker.  He’s worked every day of his life. He’s also kind, even when he doesn’t have to be. He’s the type of guy who always gives money at the light to whoever it is on the street. One of my favorite moments with my dad was when we were driving to Macon, Georgia. I was playing a show that night, and we were driving up and we saw this dog and I could tell she was a mama dog. I could tell she had babies somewhere that she was trying to nurse, and she was so skinny. And I’m a bleeding heart. I get it from my Mama, and I just start crying, and I’m like, ‘That poor dog. She’s starving trying to feed her babies.’ I thought, ‘Poor dog.” And my dad doesn’t say anything, goes up two more blocks and pulls into the McDonalds. And he goes through and he asks me if I wanted anything, and I say no. I just think he’s hungry. He goes and he buys three or four burgers, and then he goes back to that block and he drives around until we find that dog to feed it to ‘em. I just remember looking at him, being like this is what a man is; this is what a good man does, and I’ll never forget that.”

    Audio / Dalton Dover wants to be a good father to his children.


    Dalton Dover (Father’s Day) OC: …is a virtue. :24f
    “So, like growing up, my grandpa was the closest thing to a dad to me, so I want to show my kids the love that I was never, I never got to call anybody Daddy. So I want to be able to show my kids a better life than what I had, which my life was great, but I want to be able to give my children more. I mean, I just want them to know you’re gonna make mistakes, but learn from ‘em, and like my mama taught me, patience is a virtue.”

    Audio / Dalton Dover says his grandfather taught him to be a man.


    Dalton Dover (Father’s Day-grandpa) OC: …I am today. :12
    “My grandfather taught me to be a man. He taught me that handshakes matter. He taught me so much that I could’ve never taught myself, you know? (He) definitely taught me to be a man, the man I am today.”

    Audio / Darius Rucker says his mother made him a good father to his three children.


    Darius Rucker (mother’s qualities makes him a great father) OC: …my mom. :45
    “She had a lot great qualities, but she was always, family was first for her. She was always a rock and making sure she took care of us and making sure we had things we needed to have to survive – food and clothes and a home – and seeing that and seeing how hard she worked and all the things she did just really made me the father that I am today. I mean, I’m so crazy and hands-on with my kids. I think it all comes from watching my mom have to struggle so much to support us. And so now, I don’t want me or my wife to ever have to struggle, and I don’t want my kids to ever want or wonder where I am or where there mom is. I want them to always know where we are and always be taken care of, and that all comes from my mom.”

    Audio / Dierks Bentley enjoys being both dad – to daughters Evie and Jordan and son Knox – and country music performer.


    Dierks Bentley (dad & performer) OC: …to do both. :28
    “When I get home, it’s a totally different reality that I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world. Just hanging with my girls and doing the things we do and seeing life through their eyes, it’s incredible. It takes a man to do it. It’s not a boys’ game. It takes a man to do it. I love the juxtaposition to be able to be that man and to also go on the road and act like I’m 13 years old and play video games all afternoon waiting for the fans to show up. So, it’s really a blessing to be able to do both.”


    Audio / Dierks Bentley, the father of three, is very grateful to his own dad for turning him on to country music as a kid.


    Dierks (Father’s Day) OC: …that’s for sure. :10
    “My dad was my biggest influence in country music because my dad loved country radio. So, we always drove around listening to country radio and George Strait, Hank Williams and Randy Travis and all these guys, so. Without him, I wouldn’t be doing this, that’s for sure.”

    Audio / Eric Church describes his father and the qualities he admires in him.


    Eric Church (Father’s Day) OC: …always admired. :29
    “My dad is a, I’m trying to find the right words to describe him. My dad is a great guy, honest guy, very call it like he sees it, which is where I get a lot of that. No BS. I’m gonna tell you how I feel whether you like it or not. I’m that guy, I’m me…My dad’s that way, so I get a lot of that from him. There’s also an honesty and an integrity that my dad carries himself with that I’ve always admired.”

    Audio / Jon Langston looks up to his father and hopes to become just like him.


    Jon Langston (Father’s Day) OC: …just fine. :16
    “My Dad has been my hero all my life. He’s the man I want to be one day when I grow up. I’m thankful for all he’s done for me and the sacrifices he’s made for our family. If I’m half the man he is one day, I’ll be just fine.”

    Audio / Jordan Davis talks about his children and how they light up his world.


    Jordan Davis (thing he most enjoys about being a dad) OC: …in the world. :24
    “Coming home, having like just a kid excited to see you. It’s like the bad day fixer times 10, you know. I think it makes you realize what’s really important, no matter what it is. You come home from a write where you’re tired or you come home from the road and you’re worn out and you just want to take a nap, but you see the kids and you’re like, ‘Alright. Never mind. I wanna go play wiffle ball in the backyard.’ I don’t know. Seeing them light up when they see you – there’s no better feeling in the world.”



    Jordan Davis (Father’s Day) OC: …my music. :45
    “The thing I love most about my Dad is just his overall love of life. He’s a guy that’s worked hard and is now at a point where he can enjoy it, and he’s living every day to the fullest. That’s something that I’m very thankful that I’ve seen my Dad do and something to learn from. So, that’s probably my favorite quality about the old man, and just the hard work too. My dad ran a furniture business in Shreveport for a long time with his Dad. It was great to grow up and see a guy work hard and helped his Dad build a business from the ground up to a very successful business, and that’s something that I even try to carry over into my music.”

    Audio / Jordan Davis talks about getting his kids outside, which is something his father did for him.


    Jordan Davis (what he wants to pass on to his kids) OC: …is special. :31
    “My dad got us outside; he got us outdoors early, you know? We didn’t have to like to hunt and fish, but you were going to the camp. You didn’t have to hunt if you didn’t want to, but you were going to the camp and be outside, and I really want to continue that with them. We’ve got a hunting camp in Arkansas, and you know just getting them around the fire and just getting them to small town living in Arkansas is special.”



    Josh Turner (Father’s Day) OC: …one of ‘em.  1:05
    “As far as talent and potential, my oldest three, especially, they could do anything they wanted to do if they put their mind to it and their heart was there. My oldest [Hampton] is incredible at playing mandolin. Colby, we kind of noticed him turn the corner lately with the fiddle, and Marion is actually playing a ukulele that’s tuned like the top four strings on a guitar, so in essence, he’s learning how to play guitar. They’ve just kind of started incorporating some singing into some playing, so they’re starting the whole singing and playing at the same time kind of thing, and not only that, they’re even learning to play songs together on their individual instruments. So, it’s amazing to see how much they can learn in such a short amount of time. It makes me realize how much I missed out on when I was that age, ‘cause I did take some music lessons growing up and everything, but I think they feed off of each other honestly. I think that’s why they’re getting so good is because they’re all doing it, not just one of ‘em.”

    Audio / Kylie Morgan says she got her work ethic from her father.


    Kylie Morgan (Father’s Day) OC: …work for it. :29
    “I think what I most admire about my dad is the fact of how hard he works. He’s definitely given me that from the beginning. I’ve seen the struggles and the ups and the downs and the late nights and the early mornings that he’s done my whole life to support our family, and that’s truly given me a sense of accomplishment, even from a young age that I knew I was going to be a hard worker. And he told me even from when I was little, he said, ‘Baby, you can have anything you want. You’ve just got to work for it.’”

    Audio / Luke Bryan talks about the life lessons his father taught him.


    Luke Bryan (Father’s Day-life lessons) OC: …live by that. :46
    “Well, my dad was, I always just go back to the life lessons that always started either in a fishing boat or hunting somewhere, and that’s why I’ve always kind of been a champion of those types of behaviors certainly with your boys and your children because you get to spend time and hand down values. My dad was always big on just hard work and being good to people and a handshake is the contract. A handshake is your bond, your word. His famous saying always was, ‘Do something right the first time and you won’t have to go back and do it over again.’ I won’t say I batted a thousand perfectly on that, but I’ve kind of tried to live by that.”



    Maddie & Tae (Father’s Day) OC: …for Father’s Day. :26
    “So, for Father’s Day, I made my Dad – I think it was right before I moved to Nashville – I made my Dad this little photo book where it had like his quotes that have stuck with me my whole life and then some pictures, and it was really funky. It looks horrible. It’s not put together, but that’s one of his favorite gifts that he’s ever gotten, and I cherish that ugly photo book thing that I made for him for Father’s Day.

    Audio / Mickey Guyton says her husband Grant is a very present father to their son, Grayson.


    Mickey Guyton (husband Grant as a dad) OC: …hands-on dad. :33
    “The quality I most admire about my husband as a father is he is a very hands-on dad, and he’s been a hands-on dad since the very beginning since I found out I was pregnant. And like he would go and get me a fresh juice and ginger every single day, and then once my son Grayson was born, it’s crazy, like he just wants to be there every step of the way. Like we are a very equal household when it comes to taking care of our son, and I think that is the best thing ever is to watch him be such a hands-on dad.”

    Audio / Parker McCollum and his wife Hallie Ray are so excited to become parents.


    Parker McCollum (feeling about becoming a dad) OC: …over the moon. :28
    “Heck, right now it’s real quiet and sleep good and real rested, and all that stuff. It probably won’t be that way for much longer. Man, we are so blessed. Hallie Ray’s like a prodigy mom. She was born to be a mother, like that is her calling. She wants to do that so bad. That’s all she’s ever talked about she wants to be a mama. The fact that it’s going so well, and God’s been so good to us, and he’s healthy, I’m just excited about it and she is too. She’s over the moon.”



    Parker McCollum (male influences) OC: …a good place. :50
    “As far as my Dad, he’s like a real-life superhero. I mean the most incredible, self-disciplined, work ethic. I get my entire work ethic, I think, from him and my granddad, who’s actually my mom’s dad. I’m so lucky the kind of people that I come from, like I had no choice to go out and work hard and try to be successful. My brother definitely – that creative, artistic side of my brain I think it really was…he kind of catered to that when I was a kid. He really put a lot of emphasis on me showing that some love and some attention in trying to be creative and write songs and stuff. But I just think my work ethic and kind of drive to do things the right way come from my dad and my granddad, for sure. Just lucky to have that. I always say if everybody had a granddad like I had, the world would be a really good place.”

    Audio / Priscilla Block talks about her father.


    Priscilla Block (father) OC: …from my dad. :49
    “So, my dad has honestly been my rock star, my whole life. He was the one to bring me to Nashville when I was 15, once I wrote my first song. He’s just really supported me. He was the one driving me to all of my try-outs for every single show I tried out for. And my dad’s taught me a lot. He’s a hard worker, and that’s where my work ethic comes from is my dad. You know, I’m one of five kids, and he always found a way…there was a lot of rough times growing up, and he always found a way to pull through and just keep going, and I think that’s why I stayed in Nashville as long as I have – it comes from my dad.”

    Audio / Sam Hunt says his favorite time of the day with his family of four.


    Sam Hunt (his two kids) OC: …bit of it. :20
    “I still just sit there and look at ‘em sometimes in the morning at breakfast like, ‘how did this happen?’ It feels like overnight. We’ve got two now. There are four of us sitting here, or four of us in the car when we’re driving down the road. Two years ago, it was just Hannah and I. But it’s going great. I think breakfast is my favorite time of the day. We get up and sit around the table we’re having a blast. I’m loving every bit of it.”

    Audio / Sam Hunt says his father taught him a lot about being a man and knowing the right thing.


    Sam Hunt (Father’s Day) OC: …he’s great. :27
    “I’m obviously biased about my parents, but I’ve been around a lot of great men of integrity, but he is by far the best man that I know. He’s just taught me so much about being a man, doing the right thing, knowing the difference between right and wrong. And even though I don’t always follow his lead, I definitely know better because of him, and that means a whole lot to me. I was just really fortunate to have him as a dad, and he’s great.”

    Audio / Travis Denning says his father is his best friend.


    Travis Denning (Father’s Day) OC: …for sure. :43
    “My dad – I call him ‘Diamond Dave’ and a lot of other people do too. Honestly, I don’t know if I drink more with anybody else more than my Dad. I think a super cool thing now is getting older and knowing that I’m starting to get more and more sustained as a human that it’s like my parents get to be friends now with me and my sister, which is such a cool thing. And so, yeah, me and my Dad – we love music and we love heavy metal and we love all that. We get to go to concerts and football games and drink beer and just enjoy that cool part of a father and a son and a mother and a son where now we get to be friends and it’s really cool. My Dad is my best friend, for sure.”

    Audio / Tyler Hubbard says being a father to his three children is a huge gift to him.


    Tyler Hubbard (Father’s Day) OC: …just so special. 1:01
    “Well, I think being a dad is one of the most special gifts in the world. I’m getting to watch kids grow up – a big responsibility, but also a lot of joy. I mean, so much fun, and to have three little kids, man, it’s a house full of energy. It’s a whole lot of fun. And one of the coolest things about it that I’ve found is it helps me kind of channel my inner child. It takes me back to being a kid and how much fun just jumping on the trampoline and playing basketball and playing outside and all that really is and how good it is for us. I’ve lost that for quite a few years, getting wrapped up in my career and working hard and just prioritizing that over being a kid and just playing. So, it’s been really healthy and helpful to me to have these kids running around to just kind of channel that little boy inside of me and the person that I want to be and it’s been really healthy and really fun and kind of re-energized me creatively as well as a songwriter and as an artist. So, I’m really thankful to be a dad. Love those three little kids more than anything in the world, and it’s just so special.”

    Audio / Vince Gill talks about the qualities he hopes for his children.


    Vince Gill (Father’s Day) OC: …feels like. :33
    “Kindness-hopefully make them kind and that’s all we got. Five great kids, a couple of grandkids. Those grandkids are the complete light of my life. You know, they just show up and the rest of the world can kiss my you-know-what. (laughs)  I say, ‘We’re just gonna go swing in the backyard; we’re gonna wrestle on the bed; we’re gonna eat those Goldfish (crackers), you know? And nothing else kind of seems to matter. And then I think what I love seeing, more than anything, for my kid to finally understand what it means to love, and it’s awesome to see my kid finally get it what that unconditional love really looks like and feels like.”




    Audio / LINER Alan Jackson (Father’s Day)


    “Hey, I’m Alan Jackson, wishing you a Happy Father’s Day.”


    Audio / LINER Billy Currington (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everybody! I’m Billy Currington, wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day!”

    Audio / LINER Brad Paisley (Father’s Day)


    Hi! This is Brad Paisley, wishing all the dads out there a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Brothers Osborne (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! This is TJ, and I’m John, and we are Brothers Osborne, wishing all you fathers out there a very Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Bryce Leatherwood (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everybody, this is Bryce Leatherwood. This is to all the Dads out there, I’m wishing you a Happy Father’s Day. Thank y’all for what y’all do, and God bless.”

    Audio / LINER Carrie Underwood (Father’s Day)


    “Hey, I’m Carrie Underwood, wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Catie Offerman (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everybody! This is Catie Offerman. For all you fathers out there, Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Caylee Hammack (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all! This is Caylee Hammack. For all you Dads out there, Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Chrissy Metz (Father’s Day)


    “Hey, this is Chrissy Metz, wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Dalton Dover (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Dalton Dover, wishing you a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Darius Rucker (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! What’s up? This is Darius Rucker wishing you a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Dillon James (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Dillon James. To all the Dads out there, Happy Father’s Day.”


    Audio / LINER Eric Church (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! This is Eric Church, wishing you a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Langston (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Jon Langston, wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Pardi (Happy Father’s Day)


    “Jon Pardi here. Happy Father’s Day to all you father’s out there.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Pardi (Father’s Day) beer


    “Hey! It’s Jon Pardi, wishing all the fathers out there a very Happy Father’s Day. Here’s to you,  Senior.  Insert beer can opening sample (sound effect). (laughs)

    Audio / LINER Jordan Davis (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! I’m Jordan Davis, wishing you all a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Josh Ross (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Josh Ross. To all the dads out there, wishing you a Happy Father’s Day.”


    Audio / LINER Josh Turner (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all! This is Josh Turner, and I just want to wish all you father’s out there a Happy Father’s Day!”

    Audio / LINER Kacey Musgraves (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! It’s Kacey Musgraves. Happy Father’s Day!”

    Audio / LINER Keith Urban (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everyone! It’s Keith Urban, wishing all you Dads out there a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Kylie Morgan (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Kylie Morgan. Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER LBT (Father’s Day)


    “Hi! This is Little Big Town, wishing all you father’s a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Luke Bryan (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! This is Luke Bryan, wishing all the Fathers out there a very Happy Father’s Day. Here’s to you, Dad.”

    Audio / LINER Maddie & Tae (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everybody! I’m Maddie and I’m Tae, wishing all you fathers out there a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Mickey Guyton (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everybody, this is Mickey Guyton, wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Parker McCollum (Father’s Day)


    “Hey Everybody, I’m Parker McCollum, wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day.”


    Audio / LINER Priscilla Block (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! It’s Priscilla Block. For all you fathers – Happy Father’s Day!”


    Audio / LINER Sam Hunt (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! This is Sam Hunt. To all you fathers out there, Happy Father’s Day!”

    Audio / LINER Shania Twain (Father’s Day)


    “Hi! This is Shania Twain. Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER The War And Treaty (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everybody! We are The War And Treaty, and to all the fathers out there all around the world – Happy Father’s Day to you.”

    Audio / LINER Timothy Wayne (Father's Day)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Timothy Wayne, wishing all the fathers out there a very Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Travis Denning (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Travis Denning, wishing all you fathers out there a very Happy Father’s Day. Happy Father’s Day, Diamond Dave.”

    Audio / LINER Vince Gill (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everybody! It’s Vince, and I just wanted to wish you a Happy Father’s Day. Wish mine was still around.”


    The 59th Annual ACM Awards will take place Thursday (May 11th) with a star-studded cast of nominees, performers and presenters.

    Presenters include Jordan Davis (who has four nominations), as well as Little Big Town, Alabama, BRELAND, Tyler Cameron, Sara Evans, Carin León, Ashley McBryde, Dion and Rozene Pride, Noah Reid, Richard Sherman, Charissa Thompson, Randy Travis and Clay Walker

    Previously announced performers include Chris Stapleton, Parker McCollum, host Reba McEntire, Jelly Roll, Lainey Wilson, Thomas Rhett, Cody Johnson, Miranda Lambert, Kane Brown and Jason Aldean. Post Malone, Kelsea Ballerini and Noah Kahan, Nate Smith and Avril Lavigne, Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani will also perform.

    The reigning ACM Entertainer of the Year Chris Stapleton has five nods, including one for Entertainer of the Year, as well as his ninth consecutive nomination for Male Artist of the Year, an award he’s won three times in the past. Chris is also up for Album of the Year (Higher – Artist & Producer nominations) and Artist-Songwriter of the Year.

    Morgane Stapleton receives her first nomination as a producer on her husband Chris Stapleton’s album Higher. 

    Jordan Davis earns four nominations, including Single of the Year (“Next Thing You Know”), Song of the Year (“Next Thing You Know” – Artist & Songwriter nominations) and Visual Media of the Year (“Next Thing You Know”).

    Parker McCollum is nominated for a pair of awards, including Single of the Year and Visual Media of the Year for “Burn It Down.”

    Brothers Osborne’s nomination for Duo of the Year marks their 17th ACM nomination and the tenth year in a row being nominated for ACM Duo of the Year, an award the pair has brought home four times, including last year.

    Kacey Musgraves’ two nominations this year brings her total nominations count to 27, including eight nominations for Female Artist of the Year. She won the award in 2018, the same year she won Album of the Year for Golden Hour. She is nominated for Female Artist of the Year and Music Event of the Year (“I Remember Everything” w/ Zach Bryan).

    Little Big Town receives its 18th nomination for Group of the Year, which ties the group for the all-time record of 18 nominations for Group of the Year held by Alabama. Little Big Town has been nominated in the category every year since 2005, with the exception of 2011.

    Maddie & Tae are nominated for Duo of the Year, along with Brothers Osborne and The War And Treaty.

    Kassi Ashton and Kylie Morgan have earned their first ACM nomination, which is for New Female Artist of the Year.

    Eric Church is nominated for Music Event of the Year for “Man Made A Bar,” along with Morgan Wallen.

    The ACM Country Kickoff at The Star features performances from nearly every ACM New Artist nominee this year, including Kassi Ashton, Kylie Morgan, Ashley CookeHannah EllisKameron Marlowe, Megan MoroneyNeon UnionRestless RoadDylan ScottConner SmithNate Smith, and Tigirlily Gold. More artists are set to hit the Carhartt Stage in Frisco on Tuesday (May 14th) and Wednesday (May 15th), including Chayce BeckhamAnnie Bosko, Tyler BradenTiera KennedyJenna PauletteAlana SpringsteenMatt Stell, and more.

    There will also be special performances on Tuesday (May 14th) night starting at 8pm CT for Live From the ACM Awards: ACM New Artist Winners Celebration, where the New Artists of the Year category winners for the ACM Awards will be revealed. Country Heat Weekly Podcast hosts Kelly Sutton and Amber Anderson will emcee the show, which will air live on the Amazon Music channel on Twitch.

    Another event leading up to Thursday night’s (May 16th) ACM Awards, Parker McCollum will serve as the headliner for the ACM Lifting Lives LIVE, presented by Choctaw Casinos & Resorts, the tentpole fundraising event of ACM Awards Week, which brings together artists, industry members, and fans for an all-star concert. The event will take place on the golfing green at Topgolf The Colony on May 15th.

    In its second year in Texas, Parker McCollum and Friends: ACM Lifting Lives LIVE, which will also feature performances by Jordan Davis, among others, will raise money and awareness for ACM Lifting Lives, which works to improve lives through the power of music with a specific focus on health-related initiatives that use music therapy as a way of healing.

    The 59th Annual ACM Awards, hosted by Reba McEntire, will stream live from Ford Center at The Star in Frisco, Texas on May 16th at 8pm ET/7pm CT/5pm PT on Prime Video.  You can also catch the official red carpet coverage on Prime Video, the Amazon Music Channel on Twitch and P, the Amazon Music Channel on Twitch and Amazon Live, starting at 7pm ET/6pm CT/4pm PT.



    • Kane Brown
    • Luke Combs
    • Jelly Roll
    • Cody Johnson
    • Chris Stapleton
    • Morgan Wallen
    • Lainey Wilson


    • Kelsea Ballerini
    • Ashley McBryde
    • Megan Moroney
    • Kacey Musgraves
    • Lainey Wilson


    • Luke Combs
    • Jelly Roll
    • Cody Johnson
    • Chris Stapleton
    • Morgan Wallen


    • Brooks & Dunn
    • Brothers Osborne 
    • Dan + Shay
    • Maddie & Tae 
    • The War And Treaty


    • Flatland Cavalry
    • Lady A
    • Little Big Town 
    • Old Dominion
    • Zac Brown Band


    • Kassi Ashton
    • Ashley Cooke
    • Hannah Ellis
    • Kylie Morgan 
    • Megan Moroney


    • ERNEST
    • Kameron Marlowe
    • Dylan Scott
    • Conner Smith
    • Nate Smith


    • Neon Union
    • Restless Road
    • Tigirlily Gold


    ALBUM OF THE YEAR [Awarded to Artist(s)/Producer(s)/Record Company–Label(s)]

    Gettin’ Old – Luke Combs
    Producer: Chip Matthews, Jonathan Singleton, Luke Combs
    Record Company-Label: River House Artists / Columbia Nashville

     Higher – Chris Stapleton
    Producer: Chris Stapleton, Dave Cobb, Morgane Stapleton
    Record Company-Label: Mercury Nashville

    Leather – Cody Johnson
    Producers: Trent Willmon
    Record Company-Label: CoJo Music LLC / Warner Music Nashville LLC

    One Thing At A Time – Morgan Wallen
    Producers: Joey Moi, Cameron Montgomery, Charlie Handsome, Jacob Durrett
    Record Company-Label: Big Loud Records / Republic Records / Mercury Records

    Rolling Up the Welcome Mat (For Good) – Kelsea Ballerini
    Producers: Kelsea Ballerini, Alysa Vanderheym
    Record Company-Label: Black River Entertainment

    SINGLE OF THE YEAR [Awarded to Artist(s)/Producer(s)/Record Company–Label(s)]

    Burn It Down – Parker McCollum
    Producer: Jon Randall

    Record Company-Label: MCA Nashville

    Fast Car – Luke Combs
    Producers: Luke Combs, Chip Matthews, Jonathan Singleton
    Record Company-Label: River House Artists / Columbia Nashville

    Last Night – Morgan Wallen
    Producer: Joey Moi, Charlie Handsome
    Record Company-Label: Big Loud Records / Republic Records / Mercury Records

    Need A Favor – Jelly Roll
    Producer: Austin Nivarel
    Record Company-Label: Stoney Creek Records / BMG Nashville

    Next Thing You Know – Jordan Davis
    Producer: Paul DiGiovanni

    Record Company-Label: MCA Nashville


    SONG OF THE YEAR [Awarded to Songwriter(s)/Publisher(s)/Artist(s)]

    Fast Car – Luke Combs
    Songwriters: Tracy Chapman
    Publishers: Purple Rabbit

    Heart Like A Truck – Lainey Wilson
    Songwriters: Dallas Wilson, Lainey Wilson, Trannie Anderson
    Publishers: Sony / ATV Countryside; Songs of Riser House; Songs of Wild Cat Well Music

    Next Thing You Know – Jordan Davis
    Songwriters: Chase McGill, Greylan James, Jordan Davis, Josh Osborne

    Publishers: Family Farm Songs; Hold On Can I Get A Number 1 Music; Songs of Universal Inc.

    The Painter – Cody Johnson
    Songwriters: Benjy Davis, Kat Higgins, Ryan Larkins
    Publishers: Big Music Machine; BMG Platinum Songs US; Nashblonde Music; Pompano Run Music; Songs for Ellie May; Sony / ATV Tree Publishing; Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Group; Well That Was Awkward Music

    Tennessee Orange – Megan Moroney
    Songwriters: Ben Williams, David Fanning, Megan Moroney, Paul Jenkins
    Publishers: 33 Creative; Bone Bone Creative; Sony / ATV Tree Publishing

    MUSIC EVENT OF THE YEAR [Awarded to Artist(s)/Producer(s)/Record Company–Label(s)]

    Can’t Break Up Now – Old Dominion, Megan Moroney
    Producers: Brad Tursi, Geoff Sprung, Matthew Ramsey, Trevor Rosen, Whit Sellers, Ross Copperman, Kristian Bush
    Record Company-Label: Three Up Three Down, LLC / Columbia Nashville

    Different ‘Round Here – Riley Green (Ft. Luke Combs)
    Producer: Dann Huff
    Record Company-Label: BMLG Records


    I Remember Everything – Zach Bryan (feat. Kacey Musgraves)
    Producer: Zach Bryan
    Record Company-Label: Belting Bronco Records / Warner Records, Inc


    Man Made A Bar – Morgan Wallen (feat. Eric Church)
    Producer: Joey Moi
    Record Company-Label: Big Loud Records / Mercury Records / Republic Records


    Save Me – Jelly Roll (with Lainey Wilson)
    Producers: Zach Crowell, David Ray Stevens
    Record Company-Label: Stoney Creek Records / BMG Nashville


    VISUAL MEDIA OF THE YEAR [Awarded to Producer(s)/Director(s)/Artist(s)]

    Burn It Down – Parker McCollum
    Producers: Christen Pinkston &Wesley Stebbins-Perry

    Director: Dustin Haney

    Human – Cody Johnson
    Producer: Christen Pinkston &Wesley Stebbins-Perry
    Director: Dustin Haney

    In Your Love – Tyler Childers
    Producer: Kacie Barton, Whitney Wolanin, Nicholas Robespierre, Ian Thorton, Silas House
    Director: Bryan Schlam

    Next Thing You Know – Jordan Davis
    Producer: Jamie Stratakis

    Director: Running Bear (Stephen Kinigopoulos, Alexa Stone)

    Tennessee Orange – Megan Moroney
    Producer: Lauren Starr, Saul Levitz, Laura Burhenn
    Director: Jason Lester


    • Zach Bryan
    • ERNEST
    • HARDY
    • Chris Stapleton
    • Morgan Wallen


    Audio / ACM reigning Entertainer of the Year Chris Stapleton talks about his nominated Album of the Year, Higher.


    Chris Stapleton (Higher album) OC: …on this record. :56
    “One thing that’s probably notable about the record to me is it’s the first one that we’ve put out that doesn’t contain a cover, so there’s no covers on this record. So, in that way, I guess you could say it should be more intrinsically whatever we do. So, there’s definitely some exploration of the edges of what that is, and certainly some moments of stretching out vocally and trying to see what that is. There’s some different stuff on this record, I think, and I think it’s really great. I think it’s something that people will enjoy. I think there’s something on it for everybody, which is kind of always my goal. If you’re a kind of a hardcore traditional country person, there’s a song on there for that somewhere. If you leaned into more of the R&B side of what we do, there’s stuff on there for that. If you like the rock side of things that we do, there’s stuff on there for that. And there’s some really great songs on here. I’m excited about the songs on this record.”

    Audio / Jordan Davis has four nominations going into Thursday night's ACM Awards, and he talked about the morning the nominations came out.


    Jordan Davis (2024) OC: …shakes out. :32
    “So, when I actually found out that I was nominated, I was driving to rehearsals and I totally forgot that the nominations were coming out that morning, and I looked down and I had 18 text messages, and I was like, ‘Oh, I must’ve gotten nominated.’ (laughs) So, I wasn’t expecting it, I really wasn’t. I mean, I love that song to death. There’s a lot of amazing songs out this year, so I truly just started calling people and saying thank you and already looking forward to being down in Dallas and seeing how this thing shakes out.”

    Audio / Jordan Davis talks about being nominated for one of his songs at the ACM Awards.


    Jordan Davis (awards nominations) OC: …a song acknowledged. :38
    “Nominations are truly wins. I don’t think any of us really do it for awards. They’re definitely special, but yeah, to be acknowledged by the ACMs for having a song up for Song of the Year, to me, I just go back to watching the ACMs with my family and seeing that award every year and now here I am for a chance to be up there, and I don’t know. It’s just kind of full circle. So, for me, it shows how special country music is, these award shows, but also too, it makes you feel like you’re doing something right enough to get a song acknowledged.”


    Audio / Jordan Davis talks about his ACM-nominated song, "What My World Spins Around."


    Jordan Davis (WMWSA song) OC: …any faster. :47
    “It’s special because of what the song means to me. A lot of the messages, a lot of the comments I get on this are that there’s a spot for everybody on this – married, unmarried, engaged, grandparent, expecting a baby for the first time – there’s a spot for you in it. I’m hoping, that in all honesty, I think where I wrote the song from was you know being a touring musician and being gone for half the year and even in four years of having a kid, I’ve already missed a lot of stuff. I hope that that slows down, or at least I’m able to kinda really cherish some of the moments that I’m at home. So, aybe that’s it. Maybe it’s just seeing people slow down a little bit and realize that time’s moving fast and we don’t need to make it move any faster.”



    Brothers Osborne (ACM 2023 win) OC: …very grateful for that. :52
    JOHN: “You know, it’s absolutely crazy. I mean, the best way for us to stay grounded is when it happens…it’s a blur on stage. You know, you have an idea of what you’re going to say, it never comes out right. And then, I walked backstage, and we get a million texts from friends, my wife, from family and stuff like that, and it reminds you constantly of where you came from and the journey that you took. There will be a day where we won’t even be nominated, and that’s okay. The reality is nothing is permanent, and we’re fortunately in a position now where we can kind of swim and bask in the glory of something, and that being this country music community has lifted us on their shoulders for years now, and we’d be nothing without them and I’m very grateful for that.”



    Parker McCollum (Burn It Down video) OC: …turned out great. :38
    “Man, the video was pretty easy, actually. I talked to Dustin, the director, and I was like, ‘Man, I feel like wherever we are, we’re just blowing stuff up and so let’s go blow some stuff up and burn it down.’ And he had a great vision out there in New Mexico. We were in the desert, I mean, the desert, desert. You couldn’t, it was like the ocean, but sand; the middle of the ocean but sand. And it was actually really cold in the morning, then it got really hot at night and then the smoke and the fire and they’re wanting me to walk through it over and over, take after take after take. I’m walking through like this chemical burning black smoke. I’m like this is really risking it for a music video, but it turned out great.”

    Audio / Maddie & Tae talk about their Duo of the Year nomination.


    Maddie & Tae (Duo nomination) OC: (MADDIE) …super fun. :24
    “Having that nomination was like, ‘Oh, wow, our peers still feel like we’re doing something special and do still believe in us.’ And that was like a really nice like spirit lifter where we were like, ‘Omigosh. We are doing something right, and we’re making music that people are enjoying,’ and that was just a huge, huge compliment. And we’re nominated with some of our favorite people in the industry, so super fun.”

    Audio / The members of Little Big Town talk about winning their very first award at the ACMs.


    LBT (ACM first award) OC: (KAREN) …so much fun. :24
    JIMI: “The ACM Awards – is that the first?” KAREN: “The first award we ever won? Yeah. We won New Vocal Group. (KIMBERLY: “Yup.”) I can’t even remember what year that was.” KIMBERLY: “I was pregnant. It was 2007.” KAREN: “That’s right. That’s right ‘cause you bounced all the way up. We were like, don’t go into labor.” (LAUGHS) KIMBERLY: “That was our first award ever!” KAREN: “Very special, and this awards show is always like so much fun.”



    The War and Treaty (ACM 2023 nomination) OC: (Tanya) …country music. 1:13
    “Hey everybody! I’m Tanya, and I’m Michael, and we’re The War and Treaty. (Michael) This morning, April 13th, we woke up and to be able to see Bobby Bones do the nominations for the ACMS ad get to the category of Duo of the Year, and we were just callin’ ‘em out. We were like, ‘Brooks & Dunn,’ ‘Dan + Shay,’ and we were like ‘Brothers Osborne,’ Brothers Osborne, yes! Dan + Shay, Dan + Shay, and we was like, ‘Yes.’ We were like, ‘Maddie & Tae,’ we was like ‘Yes,’ and then time slowed down. They were like The War and Treaty. And honestly, we burst into tears, we screamed, we yelled, we high-fived, we hugged our manager, Christina. In our minds then traveled back in time and forward. We traveled to Charly Pride, DeFord Bailey and Ray Charles, and we were like, ‘I hope they’re seeing this wherever they are, and I hope they’re dancing and high-fiving as well. Thank you, ACMs.” TANYA: “Thank you so much to the ACMs and everybody who’s nominated and all of our peers in country music.”

    Audio / An emotional Kylie Morgan is blown away by her ACM nomination for New Female Artist of the Year at this year's ACM Awards.


    Kylie Morgan (ACM 2024 reaction) OC: …so excited. :19
    “I truly still can’t believe that this is actually happening. I’ve been watching the ACMs since I was a little girl, just watching all of my heroes win awards and walk down the red carpet. And the fact that I am now one of those people just absolutely blows my mind and I’m just so thankful and so excited.”


    ACM New Female Vocalist of the Year nominee Kylie Morgan celebrates Mother’s Day early with the release of “Scratching the Surface (Mama’s Song).” The sentimental track, written by Kylie, spotlights the special bond between a mother and daughter and speaks to the sacrifices mothers make for their children. The lyrics beautifully weave a story of gratitude and hope, straight from a daughter to her mother.


    Your past ain’t your purpose

    You’re only scratching the surface

    Hold on, you deserve it

    “I wrote ‘Scratching the Surface (Mama’s Song)’ as a sense of hope for my mama. She is newly an empty nester with my baby sister going off to college, and I felt the sense of her feeling like her purpose was now in her past,” shared Kylie. “I then surprised my mom by singing it live with my sister on stage. After sharing it on social media, it turns out millions of mama’s and daughters felt the same way, which moved this song to the front of the line when it came to my next release. With Mother’s Day coming up, I truly hope this song brings healing and validation to everyone out there with this same feeling.”

    Fans keep up with the singer-songwriter on her highly engaged social media pages, which is where Kylie debuted “Scratching the Surface (Mama’s Song).” Following the huge reaction from fans and followers online, Kylie released the song just in time for Mother’s Day. Kylie continues on her headlining “Making It Up As I Go” Tour, with a recent stop on Stagecoach’s Mane Stage and will be joining Walker Hayes on his “Same Drunk Tour.”


    May 10 Jergel’s Rhythm Grille – Warrendale, PA

    May 11 8 Seconds Saloon – Indianapolis, IN

    May 18 Summerfest Day Party – Kansas City, MO

    May 30 PNC Pavilion – Cincinnati, OH*

    May 31 The Mill Terre Haute – Terre Haute, IN*

    June 01 Jolt Credit Union Event Park – Saginaw, MI*

    June 22 Barefoot Country Music Fest – Wildwood, NJ

    June 27 Country Fest – Cadott, WI

    June 28 Lakes Jam – Brainerd, MN

    July 05 Hollywood Casino at Penn National Race Course – Grantville, PA*

    July 06 Long Island Community Hospital Amphitheater – Cavendish, Prince Edward Island

    July 14 Devon Lakeshore Amphitheater – Decatur, IL*

    July 20 Buffalo Run Casino and Resort – Miami, OK

    Aug 04 Voices of America Country Music Fest – West Chester, OH

    Aug 12 Hayden Homes Amphitheater – Bend, OR*

    Aug 14 Sandy Amphitheater – Sandy, UT

    Aug 15 Amphitheater at Las Colonias Park – Grand Junction, CO*

    Aug 17 Sunset Amphitheater – Colorado Springs, CO

    Aug 29 Empower Federal Credit Union – Syracuse, NY*

    Aug 30 Maine Savings Amphitheater – Bangor, ME

    Aug 31 Hartford Healthcare Amphitheater – Bridgeport, CT

    Sep 01 Broadview Stage at SPAC – Saratoga Springs, NY*

    Sep 27 Ford Center – Evansville, IN

    Sep 28 Great Southern Bank Arena – Springfield, MO

    Oct 10 The Theater at MGM National Harbor – Oxon Hill, MD

    Oct 11 MGM Music Hall at Fenway – Boston, MA

    Oct 12 Freedom Mortgage Pavilion – Camden, NJ

    Oct 18 Goldensky Festival 2024 – Sacramento, CA

    *Walker Hayes “Same Drunk Tour” date


    Audio / Kylie Morgan talks about the inspiration behind "Scratching the Surface (Mama's Song)."


    Kylie Morgan (Scratching the Surface inspiration) OC: …to live for. :27
    “So, my mom is actually a newly empty nester. My little sister just went off to college. I moved to Nashville when I was 19 years old, and she’s kind of to the point where she feels like her past has been, you know, all the things that she has done has been the reason for her existence, and I wanted to write this as a tribute to her and all the mamas out there that have so much to look forward to. Even after their babies grow up and move on, we never leave them in our hearts, and at the end of the day, they still have so much to live for.”

    Audio / Kylie Morgan talks about what she hopes for people listening to her new song "Scratching The Surface."


    Kylie Morgan (hopes for fans for STS) OC: …need lovin’. :13
    “At the end of the day, I hope fans hear this song and just want to call their mom and tell them how much they love them and just remind them that they have so much more to look forward to and just a kindly reminder that mamas always need lovin’.”

    Audio / LINER Kylie Morgan (Scratching the Surface) 1


    Audio / LINER Brothers Osborne (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey! What’s up guys! We’re Brothers Osborne, wishing all you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Bryce Leatherwood (Mother's Day)


    “Hey everybody, this is Bryce Leatherwood. This goes out to all the Mamas out there who work hard every day. We love ya, and thank you for what y’all do every day. Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Carrie Underwood (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey everyone. I’m Carrie Underwood, wishing all you mothers out there a very, very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Catie Offerman (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Catie Offerman, wishing all of you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Caylee Hammack (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Caylee Hammack, sending this out to my mom and all the other mothers out there – I hope all of you have a wonderful Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Chrissy Metz (Mother’s Day)


    “Hi! It’s Chrissy Metz, wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Dalton Dover (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey, I’m Dalton Dover. Happy Mother’s Day, y’all.”

    Audio / LINER Darius (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, what’s up? This is Darius Rucker, hoping you have a Happy Mother’s Day.

    Audio / LINER Dierks (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey, y’all! This is Dierks Bentley, wishing all you mothers out there a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Dillon James (Mother's Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Dillon James, wishing you all a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Eric Church (Mother’s Day) 1


    “Hey everybody! This is Eric Church, wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER George Strait (Mother’s Day)


    “Hi! This is George Strait, wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Langston (Mother’s Day)


    Hi, I’m Jon Langston, wishing all the mothers a very Happy Mother’s Day. Love ya, Mom.

    Audio / LINER Jon Pardi (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Jon Pardi. I want to wish all the mamas out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Jordan Davis (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey! I’m Jordan Davis, wishing all the mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day. Love ya, Mom.”

    Audio / LINER Josh Ross (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Josh Ross. Happy Mother’s Day.”


    Audio / LINER Josh Turner (Mother's Day)


    “Hi! This is Josh Turner, wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Kacey Musgraves (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey! It’s Kacey Musgraves. To all you mothers out there, Happy Mother’s Day!”


    Audio / LINER Keith Urban (Mother’s Day)


    “Hi everyone, it’s Keith Urban. Hoping all the mothers out there have a very, very Happy Mother’s Day. Love ya, Mom!”

    Audio / LINER Kylie Morgan (Mother’s Day)


    Hey y’all, this is Kylie Morgan, wishing all of you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER LBT (Mother’s Day)


    “(ALL) Hi! This is Little Big Town. (KIMBERLY) We want to wish all you mothers out there a Happy Mother’s Day. I love ya, Mama!”

    Audio / LINER Luke Bryan (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey! It’s Luke Bryan, hoping all you mothers out there have a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Maddie & Tae (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey everybody. I’m Maddie & I’m Tae and we’re Maddie & Tae, wishing all you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day. I love ya, Mom.”

    Audio / LINER Mickey Guyton (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey, this is Mickey Guyton, wishing all you mothers out there a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Parker McCollum (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey everybody, I’m Parker McCollum, wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Priscilla Block (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey, it’s Priscilla Block wishing all you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Sam Hunt (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey! This is Sam Hunt, wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Shania Twain (Mother’s Day)


    “Hi! This is Shania Twain. Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Travis Denning (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Travis Denning, wishing all the mothers a very Happy Mother’s Day. Love you, Mom.”

    Audio / LINER Tyler Hubbard (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Tyler Hubbard, wishing all you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”


  • ACM NOMINATIONS 2024: Chris, Brothers Osborne, Eric, Jordan, Parker, Maddie & Tae, Little Big Town, Kacey, Kassi,Kylie and more

    The nominations for the 59th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards were announced today (April 9th), and Universal Music Group has several nominated artists.

    The reigning ACM Entertainer of the Year Chris Stapleton has five nods, including one for Entertainer of the Year, as well as his ninth consecutive nomination for Male Artist of the Year, an award he’s won three times in the past. Chris is also up for Album of the Year (Higher – Artist & Producer nominations) and Artist-Songwriter of the Year.

    Morgane Stapleton receives her first nomination as a producer on her husband Chris Stapleton’s album Higher. 

    Jordan Davis earns four nominations, including Single of the Year (“Next Thing You Know”), Song of the Year (“Next Thing You Know” – Artist & Songwriter nominations) and Visual Media of the Year (“Next Thing You Know”).


    Brothers Osborne’s nomination for Duo of the Year marks their 17th ACM nomination and the tenth year in a row being nominated for ACM Duo of the Year, an award the pair has brought home four times, including last year.

    Kacey Musgraves’ two nominations this year brings her total nominations count to 27, including eight nominations for Female Artist of the Year. She won the award in 2018, the same year she won Album of the Year for Golden Hour. She is nominatied for Female Artist of the Year and Music Event of the Year (“I Remember Everything” w/ Zach Bryan).

    2022’s New Male Artist of the Year Parker McCollum received two nominations for Single of the Year (“Burn It Down”) and Visual Media of the Year (“Burn It Down”).


    Little Big Town receives its 18th nomination for Group of the Year, which ties the group for the all-time record of 18 nominations for Group of the Year held by Alabama. Little Big Town has been nominated in the category every year since 2005, with the exception of 2011.

    Maddie & Tae are nominated for Duo of the Year, along with Brothers Osborne and The War And Treaty.


    Kassi Ashton and Kylie Morgan have earned their first ACM nomination, which is for New Female Artist of the Year.



    Eric Church is nominated for Music Event of the Year for “Man Made A Bar,” along with Morgan Wallen.

    The 59th Annual ACM Awards will stream live from Ford Center at The Star in Frisco, Texas on May 16th at 8pm ET/7pm CT/5pm PDT on Prime Video.  You can also catch offical red carpet coverage on Prime Video, the Amazon Music Channel on Twitch and P, the Amazon Music Channel on Twitch and Amazon Live, starting at 7 p.m. EDT/6 p.m. CDT/4 p.m. PDT.


    • Kane Brown
    • Luke Combs
    • Jelly Roll
    • Cody Johnson
    • Chris Stapleton
    • Morgan Wallen
    • Lainey Wilson


    • Kelsea Ballerini
    • Ashley McBryde
    • Megan Moroney
    • Kacey Musgraves
    • Lainey Wilson


    • Luke Combs
    • Jelly Roll
    • Cody Johnson
    • Chris Stapleton
    • Morgan Wallen


    • Brooks & Dunn
    • Brothers Osborne 
    • Dan + Shay
    • Maddie & Tae 
    • The War And Treaty


    • Flatland Cavalry
    • Lady A
    • Little Big Town 
    • Old Dominion
    • Zac Brown Band


    • Kassi Ashton
    • Ashley Cooke
    • Hannah Ellis
    • Kylie Morgan 
    • Megan Moroney


    • ERNEST
    • Kameron Marlowe
    • Dylan Scott
    • Conner Smith
    • Nate Smith


    • Neon Union
    • Restless Road
    • Tigirlily Gold


    ALBUM OF THE YEAR [Awarded to Artist(s)/Producer(s)/Record Company–Label(s)]

    Gettin’ Old – Luke Combs
    Producer: Chip Matthews, Jonathan Singleton, Luke Combs
    Record Company-Label: River House Artists / Columbia Nashville

     Higher – Chris Stapleton
    Producer: Chris Stapleton, Dave Cobb, Morgane Stapleton
    Record Company-Label: Mercury Nashville

    Leather – Cody Johnson
    Producers: Trent Willmon
    Record Company-Label: CoJo Music LLC / Warner Music Nashville LLC

    One Thing At A Time – Morgan Wallen
    Producers: Joey Moi, Cameron Montgomery, Charlie Handsome, Jacob Durrett
    Record Company-Label: Big Loud Records / Republic Records / Mercury Records

    Rolling Up the Welcome Mat (For Good) – Kelsea Ballerini
    Producers: Kelsea Ballerini, Alysa Vanderheym
    Record Company-Label: Black River Entertainment

    SINGLE OF THE YEAR [Awarded to Artist(s)/Producer(s)/Record Company–Label(s)]

    Burn It Down – Parker McCollum
    Producer: Jon Randall

    Record Company-Label: MCA Nashville

    Fast Car – Luke Combs
    Producers: Luke Combs, Chip Matthews, Jonathan Singleton
    Record Company-Label: River House Artists / Columbia Nashville

    Last Night – Morgan Wallen
    Producer: Joey Moi, Charlie Handsome
    Record Company-Label: Big Loud Records / Republic Records / Mercury Records

    Need A Favor – Jelly Roll
    Producer: Austin Nivarel
    Record Company-Label: Stoney Creek Records / BMG Nashville

    Next Thing You Know – Jordan Davis
    Producer: Paul DiGiovanni
    Record Company-Label: MCA Nashville


    SONG OF THE YEAR [Awarded to Songwriter(s)/Publisher(s)/Artist(s)]

    Fast Car – Luke Combs
    Songwriters: Tracy Chapman
    Publishers: Purple Rabbit

    Heart Like A Truck – Lainey Wilson
    Songwriters: Dallas Wilson, Lainey Wilson, Trannie Anderson
    Publishers: Sony / ATV Countryside; Songs of Riser House; Songs of Wild Cat Well Music


    Next Thing You Know – Jordan Davis
    Songwriters: Chase McGill, Greylan James, Jordan Davis, Josh Osborne

    Publishers: Family Farm Songs; Hold On Can I Get A Number 1 Music; Songs of Universal Inc.


    The Painter – Cody Johnson
    Songwriters: Benjy Davis, Kat Higgins, Ryan Larkins
    Publishers: Big Music Machine; BMG Platinum Songs US; Nashblonde Music; Pompano Run Music; Songs for Ellie May; Sony / ATV Tree Publishing; Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Group; Well That Was Awkward Music


    Tennessee Orange – Megan Moroney
    Songwriters: Ben Williams, David Fanning, Megan Moroney, Paul Jenkins
    Publishers: 33 Creative; Bone Bone Creative; Sony / ATV Tree Publishing


    MUSIC EVENT OF THE YEAR [Awarded to Artist(s)/Producer(s)/Record Company–Label(s)]

    Can’t Break Up Now – Old Dominion, Megan Moroney
    Producers: Brad Tursi, Geoff Sprung, Matthew Ramsey, Trevor Rosen, Whit Sellers, Ross Copperman, Kristian Bush
    Record Company-Label: Three Up Three Down, LLC / Columbia Nashville

    Different ‘Round Here – Riley Green (Ft. Luke Combs)
    Producer: Dann Huff
    Record Company-Label: BMLG Records


    I Remember Everything – Zach Bryan (feat. Kacey Musgraves)
    Producer: Zach Bryan
    Record Company-Label: Belting Bronco Records / Warner Records, Inc


    Man Made A Bar – Morgan Wallen (feat. Eric Church)
    Producer: Joey Moi
    Record Company-Label: Big Loud Records / Mercury Records / Republic Records


    Save Me – Jelly Roll (with Lainey Wilson)
    Producers: Zach Crowell, David Ray Stevens
    Record Company-Label: Stoney Creek Records / BMG Nashville


    VISUAL MEDIA OF THE YEAR [Awarded to Producer(s)/Director(s)/Artist(s)]

    Burn It Down – Parker McCollum
    Producers: Christen Pinkston &Wesley Stebbins-Perry

    Director: Dustin Haney


    Human – Cody Johnson
    Producer: Christen Pinkston &Wesley Stebbins-Perry
    Director: Dustin Haney

    In Your Love – Tyler Childers
    Producer: Kacie Barton, Whitney Wolanin, Nicholas Robespierre, Ian Thorton, Silas House
    Director: Bryan Schlam

    Next Thing You Know – Jordan Davis
    Producer: Jamie Stratakis

    Director: Running Bear (Stephen Kinigopoulos, Alexa Stone)

    Tennessee Orang
    e – Megan Moroney
    Producer: Lauren Starr, Saul Levitz, Laura Burhenn
    Director: Jason Lester


    • Zach Bryan
    • ERNEST
    • HARDY
    • Chris Stapleton
    • Morgan Wallen




    Chris Stapleton (Higher album) OC: …on this record. :56
    “One thing that’s probably notable about the record to me is it’s the first one that we’ve put out that doesn’t contain a cover, so there’s no covers on this record. So, in that way, I guess you could say it should be more intrinsically whatever we do. So, there’s definitely some exploration of the edges of what that is, and certainly some moments of stretching out vocally and trying to see what that is. There’s some different stuff on this record, I think, and I think it’s really great. I think it’s something that people will enjoy. I think there’s something on it for everybody, which is kind of always my goal. If you’re a kind of a hardcore traditional country person, there’s a song on there for that somewhere. If you leaned into more of the R&B side of what we do, there’s stuff on there for that. If you like the rock side of things that we do, there’s stuff on there for that. And there’s some really great songs on here. I’m excited about the songs on this record.”



    Chris Stapleton (ACM 2023 win) OC: …take it. :13
    “I’m humbled by it and feel very thankful to the people that voted for me for it and think I’m deserving of that, but I’ll take it. I’ll take it.”



    Jordan Davis (Next Thing You Know) OC: …whole lotta people. :47
    “You know, there’s no chorus to this song. And I think it’s really cool that all we do is repeat ‘Next Thing You Know’ throughout it, but when you’re trying to write songs for a, a job, not putting a chorus on it is a fast way to get it thrown into the garbage can, and I think that makes me more proud of this song in that this is what we wanted to do with it and we just wanted to be as honest as possible in how fast life goes. I remember leaving, telling somebody like when they were like, ‘Did you write today?’ And I was like, ‘Yeah.’ They said, ‘Did you get anything good?’ I was like, ‘Yeah, we wrote a song that doesn’t even have a chorus.’ And I got the look of like, ‘Well, we’ll probably never hear that one,’ and little did I know it would connect with a whole lotta people.”

    Audio / Parker McCollum talks about shooting the video for "Burn It Down."


    Parker McCollum (Burn It Down video) OC: …turned out great. :38
    “Man, the video was pretty easy, actually. I talked to Dustin, the director, and I was like, ‘Man, I feel like wherever we are, we’re just blowing stuff up and so let’s go blow some stuff up and burn it down.’ And he had a great vision out there in New Mexico. We were in the desert, I mean, the desert, desert. You couldn’t, it was like the ocean, but sand; the middle of the ocean but sand. And it was actually really cold in the morning, then it got really hot at night and then the smoke and the fire and they’re wanting me to walk through it over and over, take after take after take. I’m walking through like this chemical burning black smoke. I’m like this is really risking it for a music video, but it turned out great.”


    Easter is this Sunday (March 31st), and we’ve got liners from some of your favorite country “peeps.”

    Audio / LINER Anne Wilson (Easter)


    “Hey, it’s Anne Wilson, wishing you a Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Brad Paisley (Easter)


    “Hey everybody, it’s Brad Paisley. Happy Easter.”


    Audio / LINER Brothers Osborne (Easter)


    “Hey, we’re Brothers Osborne. Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Carrie Underwood (Easter)


    “Hey everybody, this is Carrie Underwood, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Catie Offerman (Easter)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Catie Offerman, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Caylee Hammack (Easter)


    “Hey y’all, this is Caylee Hammack, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Chrissy Metz (Easter)


    “Hi, it’s Chrissy Metz, and I’m wishing you a very Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Dalton Dover (Easter)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Dalton Dover. Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Darius Rucker (Easter)


    “Hey y’all, what’s up? This is Darius Rucker. Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Dierks Bentley (Easter)


    “Hey, it’s Dierks Bentley, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Eric Church (Easter)


    “Hey everybody, it’s Eric Church, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Langston (Easter)


    “Hi, I’m Jon Langston, wishing you a Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Pardi (Easter)


    “Hi, it’s Jon Pardi. Happy Easter.”


    Audio / LINER Jordan Davis (Easter)


    “Hey, I’m Jordan Davis. Happy Easter.”



    Jordan Davis (Easter) OC: …that holiday was. :53
    “We would always have the Easter Egg Hunt before church. You know, my mom, she would dress us in these ridiculous, pastel-colored, gosh, good Lord, I’m sorry for saying this, but the worst part about Easter for me is some of the photos I have of what my mom dressed us in. It was hideous! But yeah, that was it growing up. We would have our Easter Egg Hunt, and I think for me early on, and probably like a lot of kids, Easter was another Sunday where it was a very mini, mini Christmas. We’d get some candy, every once in a while, we’d get a present, something that we wanted, we’d go to church, and everybody looked great. It was like the day to wear the new dress or the guys had these crazy ties on or something like that. And it really wasn’t until, I think, I was able to kinda hit my high school years and kind of start to strengthen my faith that I realized how special that holiday was.”

    Audio / LINER Josh Ross (Easter)


    “Hey! I’m Josh Ross. Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Kylie Morgan (Easter)


    “Hey y’all, this is Kylie Morgan, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”


    Audio / LINER LBT (Easter)


    “Hey! We’re Little Big Town. Happy Easter.”


    Audio / LINER Maddie & Tae (Easter)


    “Hey, it’s Maddie & Tae, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”




    Maddie & Tae (Easter) OC: (Maddie) …hope and joy. :51
    TAE: “Easters growing up for the Dye fam, my side, is  when I was younger, we’d go to my grandparents a lot and we’d do the whole Easter egg hunt and we’d go to church. My parents would always dress us up in these really cute springy outfits. But, yeah, Easter with family is always so much fun.” MADDIE: “Our Easter was very similar. My grandma would always get us this white chocolate cross with little flowers on it. It was so delicious. And me and my sister typically had matching dresses, which annoyed me at the time, but looking back it was precious. But Easter for us, Tae and I love us some Jesus! That is our favorite dude ever! (TAE: “That’s what Easter means.”) And so Easter is all about praising Jesus for his sacrifice so that we can know God and Him and just live a life full of purpose and hope and joy.”

    Audio / LINER Parker McCollum (Easter)


    “Hey, this is Parker McCollum. Happy Easter, everyone.”


    Audio / LINER Priscilla Block (Easter)


    “Hey, it’s Priscilla Block, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”


    Audio / LINER Reba McEntire (Easter)


    “Hey everybody, this is Reba McEntire, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”


    Audio / LINER Travis Denning (Easter)


    “Hey y’all, I’m Travis Denning. Happy Easter.”

  • NEWS AND NOTES: Kacey Musgraves, Mickey Guyton, Maddie & Tae, Keith Urban, Luke Bryan

    Kacey Musgraves made a surprise appearance and joined Zach Bryan for a duet of their massive hit, “I Remember Everything,” during the kick off date of his The Quittin’ Time Tour in Chicago.

    Mickey Guyton is set to announce this year’s CMT Music Awards on CBS Mornings on Wednesday (March 13th). The 2024 CMT Music Awards will air live from the Moody Center in Austin, Texas on April 7th.

    Maddie & Tae have been added to the lineup for the Voices of America Country Music Fest in West Chester, Ohio this summer. The four-day festival, which takes place August 8th – 11th, will also feature performances from headliners Keith Urban, Sam Hunt, Jason Aldean and Ernest, as well as Brett Young, Michael Ray, Chase Matthew, Larry Fleet and others.

    Keith Urban and Luke Bryan are among the headliners at this year’s Golden Sky Music Festival in Sacramento, California this fall. The three-day festival, taking place October 18th-20th, will also feature performances by headliner Thomas Rhett, as well as Travis Denning, Kylie Morgan, Riley Green, Clint Black, Elle King, Bailey Zimmerman, Ashley McBryde and others. Go to goldenskyfestival.com for more information.

    Shania Twain is part of Mattel’s Global Role Model Barbie campaign, which is spotlighting groundbreaking women with one-of-a-kind commemorative Barbies. Viola Davis, Helen Mirren and Kylie Minogue are also being honored with these role model dolls, which, unfortunately, are not available for purchase.

    Shania Twain is in Abu Dahbi for International Women’s Day as part of Forbes Women International Women’s Day Summit.





    While we are currently celebrating Woman’s Month, Friday (March 8th) is International Women’s Day, which is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. International Women’s Day has been observed since the early 1900’s.

    Many of your favorite female country artists are also celebrating this day in honor of women everywhere and of their influences and inspirations.

    Audio / Carrie Underwood talks about her amazing professional influences.


    Carrie Underwood (Musical influences) OC: …do it too. :54
    “I think my biggest influences musically, or career-wise, would have to be women like Reba, like Dolly, like Faith Hill, like Martina McBride. You see all of these women just juggle everything masterfully and many of them are moms and they’re superstars and they’re talented, and you know, I know how hard they work because I’m in their shoes somewhat and doing the same juggling. You know, you have the kids and the career and you’re just trying to crush everything you do and being pulled in a million different directions. And to see women like that who are just beautiful and smart and strong and talented, knowing that they have come first and they’re still getting to do what they love and they’re still getting to be the mom and the wife and all the things – that’s just such an inspiration to me and just lets me know that I can do it too.”

    Audio / Carrie Underwood talks about her biggest female influence – her Mom.


    Carrie Underwood (biggest female influence) OC: …ever had. :25
    “I would say my biggest female influence would have to be my Mom. She was the first person that I was around that really taught me what it was like to be a woman, to be a Mom, to be a wife, to be a daughter and a sister. And just watching her and how she did everything with grace and integrity and she’s so strong. I mean, she was just the best role model anybody could have ever had.”

    Audio / LINER Carrie Underwood (IWD)


    “Hey, this is Carrie Underwood, and today is International Women’s Day. Let’s celebrate and encourage the achievements of women and girls around the world today and every day.”

    Audio / LINER Carrie Underwood (NWM)


    “Hi, this is Carrie Underwood, and March is National Women’s month. Celebrate and encourage the achievements of women and girls everywhere today and every day.”

    Audio / LINER Catie Offerman (International Women's Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Catie Offerman. Happy International Women’s Day. This is such a special chance for all of us to celebrate each other and all the women around the globe and all their amazing accomplishments. We love you!”

    Audio / Caylee Hammack talks about her professional inspirations, including Loretta Lynn, Dolly Parton, Reba McEntire and more.


    Caylee Hammack (Loretta Lynn and professional inspirations) OC: …look up to. :31
    “My first concert ever was Loretta Lynn. I was 13 years old and I got to see her in Columbus, Georgia. I begged my Dad to bring me, and I just remembered sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to see what she’d sing or say next. Loretta Lynn has been such an inspiration to me and all of the women who came before me – Patsy Cline, Tammy Wynette, Dolly Parton, Reba McEntire, all the way to Miranda Lambert and the legends of today. It’s unreal how many amazing women I have been given in this world to look up to.”

    Audio / Caylee Hammack talks about seeing Loretta Lynn in concert when she was 13 years old.


    Caylee Hammack (Loretta Lynn) OC: …should listen. :28
    “My female idol growing up was Loretta Lynn. I was 13 when I got to see her live in-concert for the very first time. It was my first concert ever, and I will always remember sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to just see what she was gonna sing or say next. The power she had on stage is something you don’t see much; there’s a magic there. I think that when a woman tells her story – a woman like Loretta Lynn – everyone should listen.”

    Audio / Caylee Hammack talks about the women in country music who have become her friends and supportive country music family.


    Caylee Hammack (Miranda, Ashley, Tenille) OC: …more grateful. :46
    “I could on and on about Loretta Lynn and Patsy Cline and Tammy Wynette and Reba and Dolly, but I want to actually mention a few friends that I’ve recently made in this year of quarantine and that’s Miranda Lambert and Ashley McBryde and Tenille Townes, these women that I’ve really gotten to connect with over this time in random group messages and such. I‘m just so very grateful that not only do I have women that have paved the way for us coming up in the country music industry, but I also have amazing women around me that I get to celebrate every single time that they put a new song out or win an award. I feel like I’ve found a family in country music, in the women of country music and I just couldn’t be more grateful.”

    Audio / During a backstage press conference at the CMA Awards a few years ago, Kacey Musgraves talked about being inspired by two of her idols, Loretta Lynn and Dolly Parton, and hoped she could carry that inspiration on in her own music.


    Kacey Musgraves (women in Country Music) OC: …of it all. :37
    “I look at people like Loretta Lynn and Dolly Parton, songwriters who were sassy and intelligent and beautiful and also intelligent and humorous. They inspired me, and if I can be at all any part of that in carrying that on, then I feel like,  that’s just the icing on the cake for me, and I feel like I’ve done my job.”

    Audio / Kacey Musgraves talks about meeting the legendary Loretta Lynn.


    Kacey Musgraves (Loretta Lynn) OC: …was amazing. :26
    “I’ll never forget getting to meet her and open for her. It was just something I’ll never forget. I was so excited to meet Loretta. I mean, what can you say to her that no one else has said? You can’t, so I just shook her hand and held her hand and said, ‘You can’t understand how much you inspire me. Thank you.’ It was crazy. She was sitting there in her ballgown looking all like a country barbie doll. It was amazing.”

    Audio / LINER Kylie Morgan (IWD)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Kylie Morgan. Happy International Women’s Day, which is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Celebrate yourself and others on this special day. Let’s Go Girls!”

    Audio / Kylie Morgan explains what International Women’s Day means to her.


    Kylie Morgan (International Women’s Day) OC: …so young. :21
    “For me, International Women’s Day is not only about women supporting women but also looking up to other women. And the very first tiny woman, actually, I ever looked up to was Shirley Temple. Not only was she a child star, but she never let her age hold her back. And I feel like I continue to grow up with that mentality and why I started my career so young.”

    Audio / Prior to the Grammy Awards a few years ago, Little Big Town’s Karen Fairchild talked about their nominated song, “The Daughters,” and its message.


    LBT (Grammys 2020) OC: …speaking about. 1:28
    “We put it out as a moment to kind of kick off the record Nightfall, and we just love the song so much and we’ve had so many opportunities to share it on television and lots of radio opportunities. For it to just get nominated for Country Song of the Year by a Duo or Group, that’s an incredible category to be in because that’s any collaboration that’s been done on any country record plus by any duo or group. It encompasses so many incredible performances, that it really, it’s an absolute honor for that song to have gone all the way to the Grammys. Just so cool. It speaks to the message too. It speaks to how important that message is. We’re still talking about it all the time – equal play, equal play. We’re talking about it in just the way women are treated, and we need the champions out there for the daughters and that’s the heart of the song. Luckily, we’re in a band with two guys that believe in that, but there’s a lot of people out there that need that reminder that it’s not an equal playing field. It still isn’t. It’s time for us to change it so that the next generation doesn’t know what we’re speaking about.”

    Audio / The late Loretta Lynn talks about two of her songs that had a big impact.


    Loretta Lynn (which songs had most impact) OC: …double hits. :10
    “‘You Ain’t Woman Enough (To Take My Man)’ and ‘Fist City’ is another one. They both hit women, you know? I wrote them about other women at the time and myself too, so I think that’s why they were double hits.”

    Audio / Maddie & Tae talk about some of the women they most admire.


    Maddie & Tae (women most admire) OC: (Maddie) …everybody! :43
    “I definitely can’t pick just one inspiring woman in my life, because I’ve been blessed by many. (TAE INTERRUPTS) Yeah, I was gonna say Tae is definitely one that inspires me always for many different reasons. You are really good at living in the moment, I feel like; very good at being present and I always pick that up from you every time we hang out. (TAE SAYS, “Your joy inspires me.”) My mom, she is just a baddie and amazing. I would say our manager Haley. She is just so great at balancing work life and family life, and I really admire that. And I would say, I don’t know. All the women in my life – my sister, my sister-in-laws, my mother-in-law. I love ‘em all. My grandma…everybody!”

    Audio / Maddie Font of Maddie & Tae talks about her admiration for Carrie Underwood.


    Maddie & Tae (Carrie Underwood) OC: …her friendship. :23
    “I really, really love and admire Carrie Underwood. I love that she balances family and her work life so well, and she really, really took us under her wing on her Cry Pretty Tour back in 2019 and just really gave us once-in-a-lifetime moments. So, I will always be grateful for her and her friendship.”

    Audio / Mickey Guyton talks about the female country artists she admired growing up.


    Mickey Guyton (on pursuing a career as a singer) OC: …all those people. :50
    “It wasn’t like something where I was like, ‘Dad, I want to be a professional singer.’ It wasn’t until I was older when I finally admitted it. When you say something like that, it’s pretty crazy. What are we normally supposed to be? We’re supposed to be a teacher, a doctor, a lawyer, go to school and for me to even say that was just kind of crazy. So, I took an interest in singing. I started doing solos in the church choir or the school had a talent show. I’d bring my boom box, and I’d sing ‘I Will Always Love You.’ I was just mesmerized by big-voiced women, so from LeAnn, I started listening to Dolly and Patsy Cline and Patty Loveless and Reba McEntire and Faith Hill and Martina McBride, all those people.”

    Audio / Priscilla Block talks about Dolly Parton.


    Priscilla Block (Dolly Parton) OC: …me some Dolly. :19

    “Hey-this is Priscilla Block, and I would say one female country legend that I look up to would be Dolly Parton. I love how honest she is, and she’s always just embraced who she is as a woman, and I love that so much, you know. Big hair, big hoops and you know what’s next. I love me some Dolly.”

    Audio / Priscilla Block says she is inspired by her mother.


    Priscilla Block (Mom) OC: …in the butt. :25
    “I would honestly say one of the most inspiring women in my life is my mom because she raised five kids, and honestly had no clue what she was doing, but kind of always just made life so fun. She was there when we needed to laugh and when we needed to cry, and she was also there when we needed a little kick in the butt.”



    Reba McEntire (on loving Loretta Lynn) OC: …I love Loretta Lynn. :22
    “Well, see what they would do, they’d play the rodeo. They would pull a trailer out and then the country music star for the night would come out and perform for the audience and then they would go over to the dance hall and put on a dance. That’s the first time I actually met her. I whipped off my belt for her to sign and man, I wish I still had that belt. I love Loretta Lynn.”



    Taylor Swift (Reba) OC: …factored in. :33
    “Reba is absolutely one of my favorite people on this planet. And yk, I think when you’re making your way up in the music industry, you have all these heroes and the reasons why they’re your heroes are one thing, and then as soon as you kind of get in the industry, your guidelines change a little bit. For me, my heroes now are great people first and great artists second – people that I just feel strive to be great people and kind people first before anything else gets factored in.”


    Kylie Morgan is sharing an autobiographical new song, “Two Night Stands,” available today. Known for her confessional storytelling and relatable lyrics, Kylie co-penned the track with Shane McAnally and Ben Johnson. Produced by McAnally and Johnson, the track follows her Making It Up As I Go album released last fall and featuring her hit single “If He Wanted To He Would.”

    “No one’s love story is perfect and ours is no exception… but it’s ours,” shares Kylie. “Here’s a little piece of our story that hasn’t ever been told, till now. Definitely the best bad decision I ever made.”

    Kylie’s latest track arrives just one week before second headlining run, the Making It Up As I Go Tour, kicks off February 29th in Grand Rapids, MI. Performing in major markets including Chicago, San Diego, Las Vegas and over a dozen more, her spring tour dates also include a high-profile festival appearance at Stagecoach, and a home state show in Oklahoma. Tickets are available now at www.kyliemorgan.com.

    Kylie Morgan’s Making It Up As I Go Tour Dates:
    2/29 – Grand Rapids, MI – Elevation
    3/1 – Chicago, IL – Joe’s on Weed St.
    3/2 – West Chester, OH – Lori’s Roadhouse
    3/21 – Fort Myers, FL – The Ranch Concert Hall & Saloon
    3/22 – Fort Walton Beach, FL – The Block
    4/12 – Columbus, OH – The Bluestone
    4/13 – Rootstown, OH – Dusty Armadillo
    4/19 – Vancouver, BC, Canada – Coast City Country Festival*
    4/20 – Tacoma, WA – Steel Creek
    4/21 – Portland, OR – Ponderosa Lounge & Grill
    4/23 – Roseville, CA – Goldfield Trading Post
    4/25 – San Diego, CA – Moonshine Beach
    4/26 – Las Vegas, NV – Stoney’s Rockin’ Country
    4/27 – Indio, CA – Stagecoach*
    5/3 – Oklahoma City, OK – Oklahoma Ranch
    5/4 – Omaha, NE – Barnato
    5/10 – Warrendale, PA – Jergel’s Rhythm Grille
    5/11 – Indianapolis, IN – 8 Second Saloon

    * = denotes festival appearance


    Audio / Kylie Morgan talks about her new song, "Two Night Stands."


    Kylie Morgan (Two Night Stands) OC: …10 years now. :46
    “So the idea behind my song, ‘Two Night Stands,’ actually comes from a two-part story. The first part comes from when I was on the road with Old Dominion this past fall, and my childhood best friend came out to support me one weekend. She is always such a good sport with letting me draw inspiration from her life. So, she told me she had a song idea for me, and she wanted me to write about the fact that every time she goes to a guy’s house, she knows they’re single, because they only have one night stand, aka there’s nowhere for her to charge her phone. (laughs) So, that was the original idea of ‘Two Night Stands.’ And then the second idea was the fact that there’s a little piece of honesty from Jay and I’s story – my husband – and that’s the fact that it was definitely just supposed to be a one-night stand, was not planning on being in a relationship or anything like that, and obviously, turned into a lot more and we’ve been together for almost 10 years now.”

    Audio / LINER Kylie Morgan (Two Night Stands) 1


    Audio / LINER Kylie Morgan (Two Night Stands) 2


    Audio / LINER Kylie Morgan (Two Night Stands) 3


    Audio / LINER Kylie Morgan (Two Night Stands) 4


    Audio / LINER Kylie Morgan (Two Night Stands) 5


    Audio / LINER Kylie Morgan (Two Night Stands) 6
