Father’s Day is Sunday, June 16th, and we have audio with many of your favorite country stars!

    Audio / John Osborne of Brothers Osborne talks about celebrating Father’s Day.


    Brothers Osborne (Father’s Day-John) OC: …It’s the best. :37
    “Father’s Day is funny because I look back and think about what Father’s Days, what we did with our dad, and I think he probably just wanted to play outside and be goofy. It’s the same thing that I want to do with my kids. Like for Father’s Day, I don’t want a trophy or anything like that. I just want to hang out with my kids. I want every day to be Father’s Day. If anything, I personally believe as a father, now celebrating my second Father’s Day, Mother’s Day is 100 times more important. They are like superheroes. We just get to join along for the ride. So, it’s a treat for us just to be allowed in the party as far as I’m concerned, but I’ve never been more proud to be a dad, and it’s the best.”

    Audio / John Osborne from Brothers Osborne talks about their dad's choice in music and how music permeated their lives.


    Brothers Osborne (Dad’s music) OC: (John) …anything else. :34
    “Our dad listened to everything from Hank Williams to Willie Nelson to even pop music like Mariah Carey and Tom Petty to Bob Seger. You name it and he listened to it, so we really didn’t think about specific genres. We really just kind of soaked it all in, so we listened to it all at one time. It was just music to us. There wasn’t a day in our house without the radio on or there wasn’t a weekend at our house that there wasn’t a party and people had their guitars out, so music to us is like eating and breathing. It’s just as essential as anything else.”

    Audio / Carrie Underwood talks about the two incredible fathers in her life.


    Carrie Underwood (Father’s Day) OC: …guy all around. 1:18
    “Well, I am very lucky in my life to have two incredible fathers – my own father and then I get to watch my husband be a father to our boys – strong, amazing men, I am very lucky to be around them. Mike as a dad is just super involved in our boys’ lives, very hands on. It takes a team, definitely, to be able to support my crazy life and Mike’s always running around doing a lot of charity things and he’s always meeting with people and he’s on different boards and stuff like that, so we’re very much switching off duties as far as taking boys here and there to school and  sports and to all the extra-curricular activities. I just love that I feel like we’re such a great team. I love it that he gets to now work with Isaiah on sports and things like that, and I know he loves it too. So, I think that’s one of my favorite qualities about Mike is just how hands on of a father he is and very willing to pick up the slack when I’m crazy busy. Obviously, he’s just a very Godly father, as well. He keeps God as the center of our family and gets to teach our boys all about that, as well. So, he’s just a great guy all around.”

    Audio / Caylee Hammack says her father is a good man.


    Caylee Hammack (Dad) OC: …forget that. 1:19
    “My dad has this really unnerving ability to be able to build anything at all just by thinking of it. He can look at something and build it in his mind and build it by hand, and it always works. I’ve always respected him for that. He’s a very hard worker.  He’s worked every day of his life. He’s also kind, even when he doesn’t have to be. He’s the type of guy who always gives money at the light to whoever it is on the street. One of my favorite moments with my dad was when we were driving to Macon, Georgia. I was playing a show that night, and we were driving up and we saw this dog and I could tell she was a mama dog. I could tell she had babies somewhere that she was trying to nurse, and she was so skinny. And I’m a bleeding heart. I get it from my Mama, and I just start crying, and I’m like, ‘That poor dog. She’s starving trying to feed her babies.’ I thought, ‘Poor dog.” And my dad doesn’t say anything, goes up two more blocks and pulls into the McDonalds. And he goes through and he asks me if I wanted anything, and I say no. I just think he’s hungry. He goes and he buys three or four burgers, and then he goes back to that block and he drives around until we find that dog to feed it to ‘em. I just remember looking at him, being like this is what a man is; this is what a good man does, and I’ll never forget that.”

    Audio / Dalton Dover wants to be a good father to his children.


    Dalton Dover (Father’s Day) OC: …is a virtue. :24f
    “So, like growing up, my grandpa was the closest thing to a dad to me, so I want to show my kids the love that I was never, I never got to call anybody Daddy. So I want to be able to show my kids a better life than what I had, which my life was great, but I want to be able to give my children more. I mean, I just want them to know you’re gonna make mistakes, but learn from ‘em, and like my mama taught me, patience is a virtue.”

    Audio / Dalton Dover says his grandfather taught him to be a man.


    Dalton Dover (Father’s Day-grandpa) OC: …I am today. :12
    “My grandfather taught me to be a man. He taught me that handshakes matter. He taught me so much that I could’ve never taught myself, you know? (He) definitely taught me to be a man, the man I am today.”

    Audio / Darius Rucker says his mother made him a good father to his three children.


    Darius Rucker (mother’s qualities makes him a great father) OC: …my mom. :45
    “She had a lot great qualities, but she was always, family was first for her. She was always a rock and making sure she took care of us and making sure we had things we needed to have to survive – food and clothes and a home – and seeing that and seeing how hard she worked and all the things she did just really made me the father that I am today. I mean, I’m so crazy and hands-on with my kids. I think it all comes from watching my mom have to struggle so much to support us. And so now, I don’t want me or my wife to ever have to struggle, and I don’t want my kids to ever want or wonder where I am or where there mom is. I want them to always know where we are and always be taken care of, and that all comes from my mom.”

    Audio / Dierks Bentley enjoys being both dad – to daughters Evie and Jordan and son Knox – and country music performer.


    Dierks Bentley (dad & performer) OC: …to do both. :28
    “When I get home, it’s a totally different reality that I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world. Just hanging with my girls and doing the things we do and seeing life through their eyes, it’s incredible. It takes a man to do it. It’s not a boys’ game. It takes a man to do it. I love the juxtaposition to be able to be that man and to also go on the road and act like I’m 13 years old and play video games all afternoon waiting for the fans to show up. So, it’s really a blessing to be able to do both.”


    Audio / Dierks Bentley, the father of three, is very grateful to his own dad for turning him on to country music as a kid.


    Dierks (Father’s Day) OC: …that’s for sure. :10
    “My dad was my biggest influence in country music because my dad loved country radio. So, we always drove around listening to country radio and George Strait, Hank Williams and Randy Travis and all these guys, so. Without him, I wouldn’t be doing this, that’s for sure.”

    Audio / Eric Church describes his father and the qualities he admires in him.


    Eric Church (Father’s Day) OC: …always admired. :29
    “My dad is a, I’m trying to find the right words to describe him. My dad is a great guy, honest guy, very call it like he sees it, which is where I get a lot of that. No BS. I’m gonna tell you how I feel whether you like it or not. I’m that guy, I’m me…My dad’s that way, so I get a lot of that from him. There’s also an honesty and an integrity that my dad carries himself with that I’ve always admired.”

    Audio / Jon Langston looks up to his father and hopes to become just like him.


    Jon Langston (Father’s Day) OC: …just fine. :16
    “My Dad has been my hero all my life. He’s the man I want to be one day when I grow up. I’m thankful for all he’s done for me and the sacrifices he’s made for our family. If I’m half the man he is one day, I’ll be just fine.”

    Audio / Jordan Davis talks about his children and how they light up his world.


    Jordan Davis (thing he most enjoys about being a dad) OC: …in the world. :24
    “Coming home, having like just a kid excited to see you. It’s like the bad day fixer times 10, you know. I think it makes you realize what’s really important, no matter what it is. You come home from a write where you’re tired or you come home from the road and you’re worn out and you just want to take a nap, but you see the kids and you’re like, ‘Alright. Never mind. I wanna go play wiffle ball in the backyard.’ I don’t know. Seeing them light up when they see you – there’s no better feeling in the world.”



    Jordan Davis (Father’s Day) OC: …my music. :45
    “The thing I love most about my Dad is just his overall love of life. He’s a guy that’s worked hard and is now at a point where he can enjoy it, and he’s living every day to the fullest. That’s something that I’m very thankful that I’ve seen my Dad do and something to learn from. So, that’s probably my favorite quality about the old man, and just the hard work too. My dad ran a furniture business in Shreveport for a long time with his Dad. It was great to grow up and see a guy work hard and helped his Dad build a business from the ground up to a very successful business, and that’s something that I even try to carry over into my music.”

    Audio / Jordan Davis talks about getting his kids outside, which is something his father did for him.


    Jordan Davis (what he wants to pass on to his kids) OC: …is special. :31
    “My dad got us outside; he got us outdoors early, you know? We didn’t have to like to hunt and fish, but you were going to the camp. You didn’t have to hunt if you didn’t want to, but you were going to the camp and be outside, and I really want to continue that with them. We’ve got a hunting camp in Arkansas, and you know just getting them around the fire and just getting them to small town living in Arkansas is special.”



    Josh Turner (Father’s Day) OC: …one of ‘em.  1:05
    “As far as talent and potential, my oldest three, especially, they could do anything they wanted to do if they put their mind to it and their heart was there. My oldest [Hampton] is incredible at playing mandolin. Colby, we kind of noticed him turn the corner lately with the fiddle, and Marion is actually playing a ukulele that’s tuned like the top four strings on a guitar, so in essence, he’s learning how to play guitar. They’ve just kind of started incorporating some singing into some playing, so they’re starting the whole singing and playing at the same time kind of thing, and not only that, they’re even learning to play songs together on their individual instruments. So, it’s amazing to see how much they can learn in such a short amount of time. It makes me realize how much I missed out on when I was that age, ‘cause I did take some music lessons growing up and everything, but I think they feed off of each other honestly. I think that’s why they’re getting so good is because they’re all doing it, not just one of ‘em.”

    Audio / Kylie Morgan says she got her work ethic from her father.


    Kylie Morgan (Father’s Day) OC: …work for it. :29
    “I think what I most admire about my dad is the fact of how hard he works. He’s definitely given me that from the beginning. I’ve seen the struggles and the ups and the downs and the late nights and the early mornings that he’s done my whole life to support our family, and that’s truly given me a sense of accomplishment, even from a young age that I knew I was going to be a hard worker. And he told me even from when I was little, he said, ‘Baby, you can have anything you want. You’ve just got to work for it.’”

    Audio / Luke Bryan talks about the life lessons his father taught him.


    Luke Bryan (Father’s Day-life lessons) OC: …live by that. :46
    “Well, my dad was, I always just go back to the life lessons that always started either in a fishing boat or hunting somewhere, and that’s why I’ve always kind of been a champion of those types of behaviors certainly with your boys and your children because you get to spend time and hand down values. My dad was always big on just hard work and being good to people and a handshake is the contract. A handshake is your bond, your word. His famous saying always was, ‘Do something right the first time and you won’t have to go back and do it over again.’ I won’t say I batted a thousand perfectly on that, but I’ve kind of tried to live by that.”



    Maddie & Tae (Father’s Day) OC: …for Father’s Day. :26
    “So, for Father’s Day, I made my Dad – I think it was right before I moved to Nashville – I made my Dad this little photo book where it had like his quotes that have stuck with me my whole life and then some pictures, and it was really funky. It looks horrible. It’s not put together, but that’s one of his favorite gifts that he’s ever gotten, and I cherish that ugly photo book thing that I made for him for Father’s Day.

    Audio / Mickey Guyton says her husband Grant is a very present father to their son, Grayson.


    Mickey Guyton (husband Grant as a dad) OC: …hands-on dad. :33
    “The quality I most admire about my husband as a father is he is a very hands-on dad, and he’s been a hands-on dad since the very beginning since I found out I was pregnant. And like he would go and get me a fresh juice and ginger every single day, and then once my son Grayson was born, it’s crazy, like he just wants to be there every step of the way. Like we are a very equal household when it comes to taking care of our son, and I think that is the best thing ever is to watch him be such a hands-on dad.”

    Audio / Parker McCollum and his wife Hallie Ray are so excited to become parents.


    Parker McCollum (feeling about becoming a dad) OC: …over the moon. :28
    “Heck, right now it’s real quiet and sleep good and real rested, and all that stuff. It probably won’t be that way for much longer. Man, we are so blessed. Hallie Ray’s like a prodigy mom. She was born to be a mother, like that is her calling. She wants to do that so bad. That’s all she’s ever talked about she wants to be a mama. The fact that it’s going so well, and God’s been so good to us, and he’s healthy, I’m just excited about it and she is too. She’s over the moon.”



    Parker McCollum (male influences) OC: …a good place. :50
    “As far as my Dad, he’s like a real-life superhero. I mean the most incredible, self-disciplined, work ethic. I get my entire work ethic, I think, from him and my granddad, who’s actually my mom’s dad. I’m so lucky the kind of people that I come from, like I had no choice to go out and work hard and try to be successful. My brother definitely – that creative, artistic side of my brain I think it really was…he kind of catered to that when I was a kid. He really put a lot of emphasis on me showing that some love and some attention in trying to be creative and write songs and stuff. But I just think my work ethic and kind of drive to do things the right way come from my dad and my granddad, for sure. Just lucky to have that. I always say if everybody had a granddad like I had, the world would be a really good place.”

    Audio / Priscilla Block talks about her father.


    Priscilla Block (father) OC: …from my dad. :49
    “So, my dad has honestly been my rock star, my whole life. He was the one to bring me to Nashville when I was 15, once I wrote my first song. He’s just really supported me. He was the one driving me to all of my try-outs for every single show I tried out for. And my dad’s taught me a lot. He’s a hard worker, and that’s where my work ethic comes from is my dad. You know, I’m one of five kids, and he always found a way…there was a lot of rough times growing up, and he always found a way to pull through and just keep going, and I think that’s why I stayed in Nashville as long as I have – it comes from my dad.”

    Audio / Sam Hunt says his favorite time of the day with his family of four.


    Sam Hunt (his two kids) OC: …bit of it. :20
    “I still just sit there and look at ‘em sometimes in the morning at breakfast like, ‘how did this happen?’ It feels like overnight. We’ve got two now. There are four of us sitting here, or four of us in the car when we’re driving down the road. Two years ago, it was just Hannah and I. But it’s going great. I think breakfast is my favorite time of the day. We get up and sit around the table we’re having a blast. I’m loving every bit of it.”

    Audio / Sam Hunt says his father taught him a lot about being a man and knowing the right thing.


    Sam Hunt (Father’s Day) OC: …he’s great. :27
    “I’m obviously biased about my parents, but I’ve been around a lot of great men of integrity, but he is by far the best man that I know. He’s just taught me so much about being a man, doing the right thing, knowing the difference between right and wrong. And even though I don’t always follow his lead, I definitely know better because of him, and that means a whole lot to me. I was just really fortunate to have him as a dad, and he’s great.”

    Audio / Travis Denning says his father is his best friend.


    Travis Denning (Father’s Day) OC: …for sure. :43
    “My dad – I call him ‘Diamond Dave’ and a lot of other people do too. Honestly, I don’t know if I drink more with anybody else more than my Dad. I think a super cool thing now is getting older and knowing that I’m starting to get more and more sustained as a human that it’s like my parents get to be friends now with me and my sister, which is such a cool thing. And so, yeah, me and my Dad – we love music and we love heavy metal and we love all that. We get to go to concerts and football games and drink beer and just enjoy that cool part of a father and a son and a mother and a son where now we get to be friends and it’s really cool. My Dad is my best friend, for sure.”

    Audio / Tyler Hubbard says being a father to his three children is a huge gift to him.


    Tyler Hubbard (Father’s Day) OC: …just so special. 1:01
    “Well, I think being a dad is one of the most special gifts in the world. I’m getting to watch kids grow up – a big responsibility, but also a lot of joy. I mean, so much fun, and to have three little kids, man, it’s a house full of energy. It’s a whole lot of fun. And one of the coolest things about it that I’ve found is it helps me kind of channel my inner child. It takes me back to being a kid and how much fun just jumping on the trampoline and playing basketball and playing outside and all that really is and how good it is for us. I’ve lost that for quite a few years, getting wrapped up in my career and working hard and just prioritizing that over being a kid and just playing. So, it’s been really healthy and helpful to me to have these kids running around to just kind of channel that little boy inside of me and the person that I want to be and it’s been really healthy and really fun and kind of re-energized me creatively as well as a songwriter and as an artist. So, I’m really thankful to be a dad. Love those three little kids more than anything in the world, and it’s just so special.”

    Audio / Vince Gill talks about the qualities he hopes for his children.


    Vince Gill (Father’s Day) OC: …feels like. :33
    “Kindness-hopefully make them kind and that’s all we got. Five great kids, a couple of grandkids. Those grandkids are the complete light of my life. You know, they just show up and the rest of the world can kiss my you-know-what. (laughs)  I say, ‘We’re just gonna go swing in the backyard; we’re gonna wrestle on the bed; we’re gonna eat those Goldfish (crackers), you know? And nothing else kind of seems to matter. And then I think what I love seeing, more than anything, for my kid to finally understand what it means to love, and it’s awesome to see my kid finally get it what that unconditional love really looks like and feels like.”




    Audio / LINER Alan Jackson (Father’s Day)


    “Hey, I’m Alan Jackson, wishing you a Happy Father’s Day.”


    Audio / LINER Billy Currington (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everybody! I’m Billy Currington, wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day!”

    Audio / LINER Brad Paisley (Father’s Day)


    Hi! This is Brad Paisley, wishing all the dads out there a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Brothers Osborne (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! This is TJ, and I’m John, and we are Brothers Osborne, wishing all you fathers out there a very Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Bryce Leatherwood (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everybody, this is Bryce Leatherwood. This is to all the Dads out there, I’m wishing you a Happy Father’s Day. Thank y’all for what y’all do, and God bless.”

    Audio / LINER Carrie Underwood (Father’s Day)


    “Hey, I’m Carrie Underwood, wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Catie Offerman (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everybody! This is Catie Offerman. For all you fathers out there, Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Caylee Hammack (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all! This is Caylee Hammack. For all you Dads out there, Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Chrissy Metz (Father’s Day)


    “Hey, this is Chrissy Metz, wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Dalton Dover (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Dalton Dover, wishing you a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Darius Rucker (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! What’s up? This is Darius Rucker wishing you a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Dillon James (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Dillon James. To all the Dads out there, Happy Father’s Day.”


    Audio / LINER Eric Church (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! This is Eric Church, wishing you a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Langston (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Jon Langston, wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Pardi (Happy Father’s Day)


    “Jon Pardi here. Happy Father’s Day to all you father’s out there.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Pardi (Father’s Day) beer


    “Hey! It’s Jon Pardi, wishing all the fathers out there a very Happy Father’s Day. Here’s to you,  Senior.  Insert beer can opening sample (sound effect). (laughs)

    Audio / LINER Jordan Davis (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! I’m Jordan Davis, wishing you all a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Josh Ross (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Josh Ross. To all the dads out there, wishing you a Happy Father’s Day.”


    Audio / LINER Josh Turner (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all! This is Josh Turner, and I just want to wish all you father’s out there a Happy Father’s Day!”

    Audio / LINER Kacey Musgraves (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! It’s Kacey Musgraves. Happy Father’s Day!”

    Audio / LINER Keith Urban (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everyone! It’s Keith Urban, wishing all you Dads out there a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Kylie Morgan (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Kylie Morgan. Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER LBT (Father’s Day)


    “Hi! This is Little Big Town, wishing all you father’s a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Luke Bryan (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! This is Luke Bryan, wishing all the Fathers out there a very Happy Father’s Day. Here’s to you, Dad.”

    Audio / LINER Maddie & Tae (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everybody! I’m Maddie and I’m Tae, wishing all you fathers out there a Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Mickey Guyton (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everybody, this is Mickey Guyton, wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Parker McCollum (Father’s Day)


    “Hey Everybody, I’m Parker McCollum, wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day.”


    Audio / LINER Priscilla Block (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! It’s Priscilla Block. For all you fathers – Happy Father’s Day!”


    Audio / LINER Sam Hunt (Father’s Day)


    “Hey! This is Sam Hunt. To all you fathers out there, Happy Father’s Day!”

    Audio / LINER Shania Twain (Father’s Day)


    “Hi! This is Shania Twain. Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER The War And Treaty (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everybody! We are The War And Treaty, and to all the fathers out there all around the world – Happy Father’s Day to you.”

    Audio / LINER Timothy Wayne (Father's Day)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Timothy Wayne, wishing all the fathers out there a very Happy Father’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Travis Denning (Father’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Travis Denning, wishing all you fathers out there a very Happy Father’s Day. Happy Father’s Day, Diamond Dave.”

    Audio / LINER Vince Gill (Father’s Day)


    “Hey everybody! It’s Vince, and I just wanted to wish you a Happy Father’s Day. Wish mine was still around.”


    Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for honoring and mourning the U.S. military personnel who have died while serving in the United States armed forces. It is observed on the last Monday of May.

    Memorial Day, originally known as Decoration Day, originated after the American Civil War to commemorate the fallen Union soldiers of the Civil War. However, by the turn of the 20th century, Memorial Day honored Americans who have sacrificed their lives in all wars.


    Audio / LINER Brad Paisley (Memorial Day)


    Audio / LINER Brothers Osborne (Memorial Day)


    “Hey y’all, we’re Brothers Osborne. Please take time to remember all those who made the ultimate sacrifice during this Memorial Day Weekend.”

    Audio / LINER Bryce Leatherwood (Memorial Day)




    “Hi Everyone! This is Carrie Underwood, please take time to remember all those who made the ultimate sacrifice during this Memorial Day Weekend.”

    Audio / LINER Caylee Hammack (Memorial Day)


    “It’s Caylee Hammack, taking time to remember those we’ve lost on this Memorial Day weekend.”

    Audio / LINER Dalton Dover (Memorial Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Dalton Dover, just taking the time to remember the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice this Memorial Day Weekend.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Langston (Memorial Day)


    “Hi! I’m Jon Langston. Take time to remember our fallen heroes during this Memorial Day weekend.”

    Audio / LINER Jordan Davis (Memorial Day) 1


    “Hey-I’m Jordan Davis, taking time to remember all of our fallen heroes on this Memorial Day weekend.”

    Audio / LINER Keith Urban (Memorial Day)


    “Hi everyone, this is Keith Urban. Now please take time to remember all those who sacrificed their lives during this Memorial Day Weekend.”

    Audio / LINER Kylie Morgan (Memorial Day Weekend)


    “Hey, this is Kylie Morgan, taking time to remember those we’ve lost on this Memorial Day Weekend.”

    Audio / LINER LBT (Memorial Day)


    “Hi! This is Little Big Town, take time to remember our fallen heroes during this Memorial Day Weekend.”

    Audio / LINER Luke Bryan (Memorial Day-fallen heroes)


    “Hey! It’s Luke Bryan. Please take time to remember our fallen heroes this Memorial Day.”

    Audio / LINER Maddie & Tae (Memorial Day)


    “Hey everybody. I’m Maddie & I’m Tae, and we’re Maddie & Tae. Take time to remember our fallen heroes during this Memorial Day weekend.”

    Audio / LINER Priscilla Block (Memorial Day)


    “Hey-this is Priscilla Block, taking time to remember those we’ve lost on this Memorial Day Weekend.

    Audio / LINER Parker McCollum (Memorial Day)


    “Hey everybody, I’m Parker McCollum, taking time to remember all of our fallen heroes during this Memorial Day weekend.”

    Audio / LINER The War And Treaty (Memorial Day)


    “We’re The War And Treaty, and we’re taking time to remember all those who made the ultimate sacrifice this Memorial Day Weekend. Salute to all my battle buddies.”

    Audio / LINER Timothy Wayne (Memorial Day Weekend)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Timothy Wayne. I just wanted to take time to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice this Memorial Day Weekend.”

    Audio / LINER Travis Denning (Memorial Day)


    “Hey y’all—it’s Travis Denning. Take time to remember our fallen heroes during this Memorial Day weekend.”



    Travis Denning is set to release his first full-length album, Roads That Go Nowhere, on Friday (May 24th). The Paul DiGiovanni and Jeremy Stover produced album features 15 tracks, 12 of which were written or co-written by Travis. It also includes features by HARDY and Josh Ross.

    While the Georgia native has released a few EPs, he’s had time to put together his debut album, and he says it’s everything he wanted it to be.

    “It feels pretty dead-on what I wanted to accomplish,” says Travis. “You know, I think the amount of time that we put into it, I don’t know, it feels like we checked pretty much all of the boxes. It just feels like a really solid country music album, and I think that’s just what was really important. The theme is there with the title track, the stories are there. I got to put enough of the creative things that I connect to where I come from in there that not a lot of people get to do, and for that I am super grateful. And then, of course, there’s some big rockin’, Nashville rock’n roll country on there. All that mixed together, it’s made what I consider a pretty well-rounded project.”

    Travis has tour dates through the fall. This spring and summer, he will support HARDY on his Quit!! tour.


    1. Why I’m Drinking (Josh Kerr, Jon Nite, Cole Taylor)
    2. I Know How It Sounds (Travis Denning, Will Bundy, Chase McGill)
    3. Better At Leaving (Travis Denning, Jared Hampton, Tripp Howell)
    4. Strawberry Wine And A Cheap Six Pack (Travis Denning, Thomas Archer, Paul DiGiovanni, Jerry Flowers)
    5. Going Places (Travis Denning, Paul DiGiovanni, Matt Mulhare, Jeremy Stover)
    6. Someone That Isn’t Me (Travis Denning, Paul DiGiovanni, Blake Pendergrass, Bobby Pinson)
    7. Southern Rock (Featuring HARDY) (Travis Denning, Jessi Alexander, Chase McGill)
    8. Love You Past That (Travis Denning, Bobby Pinson, Chris Stevens, Jeremy Stover)
    9. Things I’m Going Through (Jordan Dozzi, Matt Mulhare)
    10. Add Her To The List (Paul DiGiovanni, Bobby Pinson, Jeremy Stover)
    11. Roads That Go Nowhere (Travis Denning, Ben Foster, James McNair)
    12. The Sound Of A Beer Getting Cracked (Featuring Josh Ross) (Travis Denning, Will Bundy, Chase McGill)
    13. Can’t Find One (Travis Denning, Chase McGill, Chris Stevens, Jeremy Stover)
    14. Here And Her (Travis Denning, Ben Johnson, Cole Taylor)
    15. Ocmulgee River (Travis Denning)

      Audio / Travis Denning talks about his first full-length album.


      Travis Denning (new album) OC: …well-rounded project. :39
      “It feels pretty dead-on what I wanted to accomplish. You know, I think the amount of time that we put into it, I don’t know, it feels like we checked pretty much all of the boxes. It just feels like a really solid country music album, and I think that’s just what was really important. The theme is there with the title track, the stories are there. I got to put enough of the creative things that I connect to where I come from in there that not a lot of people get to do, and for that I am super grateful. And then, of course, there’s some big rockin’, Nashville rock’n roll country on there. All that mixed together, it’s made what I consider a pretty well-rounded project.”

      Audio / LINER Travis Denning (available this week)


      Hey y’all, it’s Travis Denning. My new album, Roads That Go Nowhere, is available this week.



    Travis Denning is gearing up to release his debut album, Roads That Go Nowhere, on May 24, but today he released a new track off the forthcoming album, “Add Her To The List.” Produced by Paul DiGiovanni and Jeremy Stover, the song is written by DiGiovanni, Stover and Bobby Pinson. It is one of the 15 tracks on the project that also includes features by HARDY and Josh Ross.

    “Add Her To The List” features a feather soft, atmospheric rock foundation and tells the story of someone who lives in a world of deep regret – racked with guilt over decisions they instantly wish they could take back. Says Denning, “I think it goes back to the Roads That Go Nowhere theme. It’s easy to look back and go, ‘That was a dead end, that one worked out, I got stuck in traffic on that one and I drove 100 miles an hour down that one.’ This song is almost totally parallel to that theme.”

    Travis has tour dates through the fall. This spring and summer, he will support HARDY on his Quit!! tour.


    1. Why I’m Drinking (Josh Kerr, Jon Nite, Cole Taylor)
    2. I Know How It Sounds (Travis Denning, Will Bundy, Chase McGill)
    3. Better At Leaving (Travis Denning, Jared Hampton, Tripp Howell)
    4. Strawberry Wine And A Cheap Six Pack (Travis Denning, Thomas Archer, Paul DiGiovanni, Jerry Flowers)
    5. Going Places (Travis Denning, Paul DiGiovanni, Matt Mulhare, Jeremy Stover)
    6. Someone That Isn’t Me (Travis Denning, Paul DiGiovanni, Blake Pendergrass, Bobby Pinson)
    7. Southern Rock (Featuring HARDY) (Travis Denning, Jessi Alexander, Chase McGill)
    8. Love You Past That (Travis Denning, Bobby Pinson, Chris Stevens, Jeremy Stover)
    9. Things I’m Going Through (Jordan Dozzi, Matt Mulhare)
    10. Add Her To The List (Paul DiGiovanni, Bobby Pinson, Jeremy Stover)
    11. Roads That Go Nowhere (Travis Denning, Ben Foster, James McNair)
    12. The Sound Of A Beer Getting Cracked (Featuring Josh Ross) (Travis Denning, Will Bundy, Chase McGill)
    13. Can’t Find One (Travis Denning, Chase McGill, Chris Stevens, Jeremy Stover)
    14. Here And Her (Travis Denning, Ben Johnson, Cole Taylor)
    15. Ocmulgee River (Travis Denning)


    Audio / LINER Travis Denning (Add Her To The List)


    Audio / LINER Brothers Osborne (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey! What’s up guys! We’re Brothers Osborne, wishing all you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Bryce Leatherwood (Mother's Day)


    “Hey everybody, this is Bryce Leatherwood. This goes out to all the Mamas out there who work hard every day. We love ya, and thank you for what y’all do every day. Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Carrie Underwood (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey everyone. I’m Carrie Underwood, wishing all you mothers out there a very, very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Catie Offerman (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Catie Offerman, wishing all of you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Caylee Hammack (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Caylee Hammack, sending this out to my mom and all the other mothers out there – I hope all of you have a wonderful Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Chrissy Metz (Mother’s Day)


    “Hi! It’s Chrissy Metz, wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Dalton Dover (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey, I’m Dalton Dover. Happy Mother’s Day, y’all.”

    Audio / LINER Darius (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, what’s up? This is Darius Rucker, hoping you have a Happy Mother’s Day.

    Audio / LINER Dierks (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey, y’all! This is Dierks Bentley, wishing all you mothers out there a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Dillon James (Mother's Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Dillon James, wishing you all a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Eric Church (Mother’s Day) 1


    “Hey everybody! This is Eric Church, wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER George Strait (Mother’s Day)


    “Hi! This is George Strait, wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Langston (Mother’s Day)


    Hi, I’m Jon Langston, wishing all the mothers a very Happy Mother’s Day. Love ya, Mom.

    Audio / LINER Jon Pardi (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Jon Pardi. I want to wish all the mamas out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Jordan Davis (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey! I’m Jordan Davis, wishing all the mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day. Love ya, Mom.”

    Audio / LINER Josh Ross (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, this is Josh Ross. Happy Mother’s Day.”


    Audio / LINER Josh Turner (Mother's Day)


    “Hi! This is Josh Turner, wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Kacey Musgraves (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey! It’s Kacey Musgraves. To all you mothers out there, Happy Mother’s Day!”


    Audio / LINER Keith Urban (Mother’s Day)


    “Hi everyone, it’s Keith Urban. Hoping all the mothers out there have a very, very Happy Mother’s Day. Love ya, Mom!”

    Audio / LINER Kylie Morgan (Mother’s Day)


    Hey y’all, this is Kylie Morgan, wishing all of you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER LBT (Mother’s Day)


    “(ALL) Hi! This is Little Big Town. (KIMBERLY) We want to wish all you mothers out there a Happy Mother’s Day. I love ya, Mama!”

    Audio / LINER Luke Bryan (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey! It’s Luke Bryan, hoping all you mothers out there have a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Maddie & Tae (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey everybody. I’m Maddie & I’m Tae and we’re Maddie & Tae, wishing all you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day. I love ya, Mom.”

    Audio / LINER Mickey Guyton (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey, this is Mickey Guyton, wishing all you mothers out there a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Parker McCollum (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey everybody, I’m Parker McCollum, wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Priscilla Block (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey, it’s Priscilla Block wishing all you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Sam Hunt (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey! This is Sam Hunt, wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Shania Twain (Mother’s Day)


    “Hi! This is Shania Twain. Happy Mother’s Day.”

    Audio / LINER Travis Denning (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Travis Denning, wishing all the mothers a very Happy Mother’s Day. Love you, Mom.”

    Audio / LINER Tyler Hubbard (Mother’s Day)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Tyler Hubbard, wishing all you mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.”



    Easter is this Sunday (March 31st), and we’ve got liners from some of your favorite country “peeps.”

    Audio / LINER Anne Wilson (Easter)


    “Hey, it’s Anne Wilson, wishing you a Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Brad Paisley (Easter)


    “Hey everybody, it’s Brad Paisley. Happy Easter.”


    Audio / LINER Brothers Osborne (Easter)


    “Hey, we’re Brothers Osborne. Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Carrie Underwood (Easter)


    “Hey everybody, this is Carrie Underwood, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Catie Offerman (Easter)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Catie Offerman, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Caylee Hammack (Easter)


    “Hey y’all, this is Caylee Hammack, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Chrissy Metz (Easter)


    “Hi, it’s Chrissy Metz, and I’m wishing you a very Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Dalton Dover (Easter)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Dalton Dover. Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Darius Rucker (Easter)


    “Hey y’all, what’s up? This is Darius Rucker. Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Dierks Bentley (Easter)


    “Hey, it’s Dierks Bentley, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Eric Church (Easter)


    “Hey everybody, it’s Eric Church, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Langston (Easter)


    “Hi, I’m Jon Langston, wishing you a Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Pardi (Easter)


    “Hi, it’s Jon Pardi. Happy Easter.”


    Audio / LINER Jordan Davis (Easter)


    “Hey, I’m Jordan Davis. Happy Easter.”



    Jordan Davis (Easter) OC: …that holiday was. :53
    “We would always have the Easter Egg Hunt before church. You know, my mom, she would dress us in these ridiculous, pastel-colored, gosh, good Lord, I’m sorry for saying this, but the worst part about Easter for me is some of the photos I have of what my mom dressed us in. It was hideous! But yeah, that was it growing up. We would have our Easter Egg Hunt, and I think for me early on, and probably like a lot of kids, Easter was another Sunday where it was a very mini, mini Christmas. We’d get some candy, every once in a while, we’d get a present, something that we wanted, we’d go to church, and everybody looked great. It was like the day to wear the new dress or the guys had these crazy ties on or something like that. And it really wasn’t until, I think, I was able to kinda hit my high school years and kind of start to strengthen my faith that I realized how special that holiday was.”

    Audio / LINER Josh Ross (Easter)


    “Hey! I’m Josh Ross. Happy Easter.”

    Audio / LINER Kylie Morgan (Easter)


    “Hey y’all, this is Kylie Morgan, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”


    Audio / LINER LBT (Easter)


    “Hey! We’re Little Big Town. Happy Easter.”


    Audio / LINER Maddie & Tae (Easter)


    “Hey, it’s Maddie & Tae, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”




    Maddie & Tae (Easter) OC: (Maddie) …hope and joy. :51
    TAE: “Easters growing up for the Dye fam, my side, is  when I was younger, we’d go to my grandparents a lot and we’d do the whole Easter egg hunt and we’d go to church. My parents would always dress us up in these really cute springy outfits. But, yeah, Easter with family is always so much fun.” MADDIE: “Our Easter was very similar. My grandma would always get us this white chocolate cross with little flowers on it. It was so delicious. And me and my sister typically had matching dresses, which annoyed me at the time, but looking back it was precious. But Easter for us, Tae and I love us some Jesus! That is our favorite dude ever! (TAE: “That’s what Easter means.”) And so Easter is all about praising Jesus for his sacrifice so that we can know God and Him and just live a life full of purpose and hope and joy.”

    Audio / LINER Parker McCollum (Easter)


    “Hey, this is Parker McCollum. Happy Easter, everyone.”


    Audio / LINER Priscilla Block (Easter)


    “Hey, it’s Priscilla Block, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”


    Audio / LINER Reba McEntire (Easter)


    “Hey everybody, this is Reba McEntire, wishing you a very Happy Easter.”


    Audio / LINER Travis Denning (Easter)


    “Hey y’all, I’m Travis Denning. Happy Easter.”

  • NEWS AND NOTES: Kacey Musgraves, Mickey Guyton, Maddie & Tae, Keith Urban, Luke Bryan

    Kacey Musgraves made a surprise appearance and joined Zach Bryan for a duet of their massive hit, “I Remember Everything,” during the kick off date of his The Quittin’ Time Tour in Chicago.

    Mickey Guyton is set to announce this year’s CMT Music Awards on CBS Mornings on Wednesday (March 13th). The 2024 CMT Music Awards will air live from the Moody Center in Austin, Texas on April 7th.

    Maddie & Tae have been added to the lineup for the Voices of America Country Music Fest in West Chester, Ohio this summer. The four-day festival, which takes place August 8th – 11th, will also feature performances from headliners Keith Urban, Sam Hunt, Jason Aldean and Ernest, as well as Brett Young, Michael Ray, Chase Matthew, Larry Fleet and others.

    Keith Urban and Luke Bryan are among the headliners at this year’s Golden Sky Music Festival in Sacramento, California this fall. The three-day festival, taking place October 18th-20th, will also feature performances by headliner Thomas Rhett, as well as Travis Denning, Kylie Morgan, Riley Green, Clint Black, Elle King, Bailey Zimmerman, Ashley McBryde and others. Go to goldenskyfestival.com for more information.

    Shania Twain is part of Mattel’s Global Role Model Barbie campaign, which is spotlighting groundbreaking women with one-of-a-kind commemorative Barbies. Viola Davis, Helen Mirren and Kylie Minogue are also being honored with these role model dolls, which, unfortunately, are not available for purchase.

    Shania Twain is in Abu Dahbi for International Women’s Day as part of Forbes Women International Women’s Day Summit.





    Mercury Nashville recording artist Travis Denning is releasing his debut album, Roads That Go Nowhere, on May 24th. The Paul DiGiovanni and Jeremy Stover produced album features 15 tracks, 12 of which were co-written by Denning. It also includes features by HARDY and Josh Ross. The title track, “Roads That Go Nowhere,” written by Denning, Ben Foster and James McNair, is out today.

    “‘Roads That Go Nowhere’ is a culmination of songs and stories that I really believe reflect where I’ve come from, what I’ve been through, and the places I’ve yet to go and where I want to go,” said Denning. “That’s with love, music, life, everything. I’m at that point in my life where I’m able to look back and reflect on the things that have gotten me here. A lot of them are positive and there are some negatives for sure. But I think that’s kind of everybody’s goal is to be able to look back and just be happy with the progress they’ve made and the potential they’ve still got. I wanted to take that mindset lyrically and production wise for the record that I’ve gotten to where I am, and I’ve had the successes I’ve had because I just stuck to the guns of what I enjoy doing. That’s being a guitar player, it’s trying to moonlight as a metalhead in country music and telling the stories about the things I have conviction about.”


    Denning has tour dates through the fall. This spring and summer, he will support HARDY on his Quit!! tour. Tour dates listed below. Tickets available HERE.

    Track List:

    1. Why I’m Drinking (Josh Kerr, Jon Nite, Cole Taylor) 
    2. I Know How It Sounds (Travis Denning, Will Bundy, Chase McGill) 
    3. Better At Leaving (Travis Denning, Jared Hampton, Tripp Howell) 
    4. Strawberry Wine And A Cheap Six Pack (Travis Denning, Thomas Archer, Paul DiGiovanni, Jerry Flowers) 
    5. Going Places (Travis Denning, Paul DiGiovanni, Matt Mulhare, Jeremy Stover)
    6. Someone That Isn’t Me (Travis Denning, Paul DiGiovanni, Blake Pendergrass, Bobby Pinson)
    7. Southern Rock (Featuring HARDY) (Travis Denning, Jessi Alexander, Chase McGill)
    8. Love You Past That (Travis Denning, Bobby Pinson, Chris Stevens, Jeremy Stover)
    9. Things I’m Going Through (Jordan Dozzi, Matt Mulhare) 
    10. Add Her To The List (Paul DiGiovanni, Bobby Pinson, Jeremy Stover) 
    11. Roads That Go Nowhere (Travis Denning, Ben Foster, James McNair) 
    12. The Sound Of A Beer Getting Cracked (Featuring Josh Ross) (Travis Denning, Will Bundy, Chase McGill) 
    13. Can’t Find One (Travis Denning, Chase McGill, Chris Stevens, Jeremy Stover)
    14. Here And Her (Travis Denning, Ben Johnson, Cole Taylor)
    15. Ocmulgee River (Travis Denning)

    Upcoming Tour Dates

    3/2 Tifton, GA Rhythm & Rib BBQ Fest
    4/19 Vancouver Coast City Country
    5/18 Hamler, OH Hamler Country Fest
    5/30 Rogers, AR Walmart AMP*
    5/31 Maryland Heights, MO Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre*
    6/1 Noblesville, IN Ruoff Music Center*
    6/6 Toronto Budweiser Stage*
    6/7 Saratoga Springs, NY Broadview Stage at SPAC*
    6/8 Darien Center, NY Darien Lake Amphitheater*
    6/14 Charlotte, NC PNC Music Pavilion*
    6/15 Raleigh, NC Coastal Credit Union Music Park*
    6/20 Holmdel, NJ PNC Bank Arts Center*
    6/21 Mansfield, MA Xfinity Center*
    6/22 Gilford, NH Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion*
    6/27 Camden, NJ Freedom Mortgage Pavilion*
    6/28 Bristow, VA Jiffy Lube Live*
    6/29 Bristol, TN Country Thunder Bristol
    7/25 Cincinnati, OH Riverbend Music Center*
    7/26 Yerington, NV Night In The Country
    7/27 Tinley Park, IL Credit Union 1 Amphitheatre*
    8/10 Hinckley, MN Grand Country Nights
    10/18 Sacramento, CA Golden sky Festival 2024
    *Supporting HARDY on his Quit!! tour


    Audio / Travis Denning talks about writing the title track of his new album, "Roads That Go Nowhere."


    Travis Denning (Roads That Go Nowhere) 1a  OC: …gone nowhere. :48
    “The title of the album is Roads That Go Nowhere, and I think the day that I wrote that song I knew that the birth and the scheme had been drawn for a full-length album. I wrote it during a week of kind of just a pivotal point in my life. I was about a month-and-a-half away from getting married, some changes had happened in my professional life and stuff. It was a week that I was kind of just thinking and reflecting and thankful and worried about the future and my life, anything of that nature, and I walked into the room with James McNair and Ben Foster. James threw out that title, and he wanted to write it kind of more upbeat, rocking like we made memories on them roads that go nowhere, and the second he said it, I knew. I said, ‘I think this is a bigger thing. I think it’s about all those roads that have gone nowhere.”

    Audio / Travis Denning talks about the inspiration behind the title track of his forthcoming album, Roads That Go Nowhere.


    Travis Denning (Roads That Go Nowhere) 1a  OC: …for everything. :40
    “It just poured out, every little detail of it, and we kind of broke those little taboo Nashville rules, like we sang about being a singer. And I think what’s come out of that of just being true and not worrying about the tiny little rules of writing this song, I think it’s become a more relatable song because it came strictly from where we came from. I started thinking back on my career – the success I’ve had, the success I haven’t, the success I’m still hoping to have – and I just realized how many paths I’ve been down to get to those points, and yeah, I just knew this song was the thing and it was gonna be the anchor for everything.”



    Each year on February 14th, many people exchange cards, candy, gifts or flowers with their special someone. The day of romance we call Valentine’s Day is named for a Christian martyr and dates back to the 5th century.

    Over 190 million Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged annually, making Valentine’s Day the second-most popular greeting-card-giving occasion.

    We’ve got some thoughts and feelings and more about love, romance and marriage from several of your favorite country artists. A few are new and some have become our favorites over the years. Which country stars are romantic? Which ones have a good reason to celebrate the holiday that’s all about love?


    Reba McEntire teams up with Sonic to bring a limited edition Sweetheart Meal — complete with her favorite Tater Tots — for Valentine’s Day.


    Audio / Alan Jackson talks about his love for wife, Denise, over the years.


    AJ (Valentine’s Day) OC: …continue to. :24

    “We got a lot of history together now, and we’re happier than we’ve ever been. So, she’s still beautiful, and she’s always inspired songs. I mean, one of my early hits was a song called ‘I’d Love You All Over Again,’ I wrote for her for our 10th anniversary. I mean, there’s been a zillion songs that have pieces of our good days and bad days inspired, and they continue to.”

    Audio / Billy Currington recalls his first real Valentine’s Day.


    Billy Currington (Valentine’s Day memory) OC: …took off running. :21
    “Yeah, I remember my first girlfriend. I was in first or second grade, but anyway, I remember it was Valentine’s Day and your mom going, ‘You’ve got to give your girlfriend something, and you’ve got to go give it to her.’ I’ll never forget — we got her a box of chocolates or whatever it was. I remember going down to her classroom and knocking on the door, getting her to come to the door. I remember handing it to her, and then I took off running.”

    Audio / Carrie Underwood is all about the chocolate most couples give each other on Valentine’s Day.


    Carrie Underwood (Valentine’s Day-chocolate) OC: …white chocolate. :14
    “Chocolate’s every woman’s friend – in their time of need or in their time of happiness or in their time of sadness or madness, chocolate is my friend. Anything with caramel in it, ooooooooh. White chocolate’s good too. You can’t beat some good white chocolate.”

    Audio / Before tying the knot with wife Cassady, Dierks Bentley says Valentine's Day wasn't always a pleasant holiday for him.


    Dierks Bentley (Valentine’s Day) 1 OC: …want to. :19

    “Well, before, as a single guy in the past, if you were dating someone, it’s that holiday that comes along where you have to really like stamp out on paper exactly where the relationship really stands. You don’t want to undershoot it ’cause then you’ll be in trouble, you know, if you don’t give the right present or don’t say the right things, you’re gonna be in the doghouse. But then if you overstate your hand, then you’re moving the relationship way faster than you actually want to.”



    Dierks Bentley (Valentine’s Day-most interesting gift he’s given his wife) OC: …formulate yourself. 1:19
    “When ‘What Was I Thinkin’’ was released in 2003, I didn’t know what my life would look like, and all of a sudden, I found myself out on the road full-time, just gone. So, the place where I was staying, I had some friends pack it up and move it into a storage facility…and in there I found some letters that she and I had written back and forth when we were dating. I was working at The Nashville Network and she was working out in San Francisco and found some letters I had written her and I’d gotten back and some stuff she’d sent me, including a CD of songs she’d been listening to, back when you made CD mixes and there’s like these three hearts on that CD. I just found that it was so meaningful for me those gifts you give each other before any money, before anything else was going on, just music, giving of mixtapes was so cool. She reminded me of a mixtape that I had sent her. I’d sent it to her via FedEx, because it was so important she get this as quickly as possible. This was sadly before, I guess we had internet back then, but you really couldn’t send songs over the internet. I think the most interesting thing I’ve given her and she’s given me was just mixtapes, because there’s nothing like music to put into words and the thoughts you have in your head that you can’t formulate yourself.”

    Audio / Dierks Bentley talks about the love you have for your children.


    Dierks Bentley (Valentine’s Day) 2 OC: …could before. :28

    “You get married and that’s a long-term, bigger image of what love can be. Then you have a child, and your heart gets spread so thin and it’s so vulnerable, like it’s a really tough, tough feeling, and it can kill you. It can really be painful at times, and at the same time, it’s so great. But it definitely stretches your heart…and it doesn’t change anything, it just makes your heart, I think it just makes it bigger. I think you just find that you can love more than you ever thought you could before.”

    Audio / Eric Church says his wife, Katherine, loves him in spite of, and for, his fallibilities.


    Eric Church (Valentine’s) OC: …love song is. :19

    “True love to me is when you love a person in spite of all their fallibilities, and for me, I have a lot of ‘em. I’m definitely at times hard to love, and that’s what’s great about Katherine and the way she loves me. She loves me in spite of those things and really for those things.”

    Audio / George Strait talks about love.


    George Strait (Love) OC: …go ‘round. :14
    “If you don’t have love, I mean what do you have? You know, you have love for your wife or your husband or your children or your dogs or your horses or your golf clubs, you know? Love is what makes the world go ‘round.”

    Audio / Jon Pardi says he has learned a lot about love and about Valentine’s Day from his wife, Summer.


    Jon Pardi (Valentine’s Day – Summer) OC: …for you. (laughs) :35
    “One thing Summer has taught me is that gifts are cool, diamonds, blah, blah, blah, but to take your time and clear your mind and write something about what she means to you on a card is probably the most least expensive and the biggest price you can give her is just to write and tell her how much you love her on a little card. That’s what she taught me for Valentine’s Day, so I just do that. It’s way cheaper. (laughs) And of course, I always say to her, ‘Babe, every day is Valentine’s Day for you.’” (laughs)


    Audio / Jordan Davis talks about meeting his wife in New Orleans. They were both there attending separate weddings.


    Jordan Davis (meeting wife) OC: …here we are. :47
    “My college roommate was getting married in New Orleans. My wife was in New Orleans for a totally separate wedding. Both wedding parties were staying at the same hotel, so we met, the first time, in the lobby of the hotel. I’m actually wearing a necklace that has the coordinates to that hotel. Then the next day, me and my brother walk into a bar in New Orleans, and her and her friends were sitting in the corner, and I was like, ‘Hey-that’s the girl from the lobby.’ She was actually dating somebody at the time. But we kind of exchanged numbers and stayed in contact, and about two months later, a month later, she came into town for CMA Music Fest and told me that she no longer had a boyfriend, and here we are.”

    Audio / Jordan Davis reveals the Valentine’s Day tradition he and his wife enjoy every year, however THIS year, he’s touring overseas, so it might be a little hard to find an Olive Garden in Europe.


    Jordan Davis (Valentine’s Day tradition) OC: …happy Valentine’s. (laughs)
    “When it comes to Valentines, Kristen is way more romantic than I am. I’m not a very romantic guy. I have worked on it.  I’ve tried to get a little bit better over the years. Kristen loves chocolate so she’s good for a big chocolate box, but here’s our thing about Valentine’s Day, and this is the God’s honest truth. We’ve been going to Olive Garden on Valentine’s Day since we met. We’ve continued that tradition. I think it started with her and a friend, they used to always go to Olive Garden on Valentine’s Day before they started dating, or before they got in a relationship. So, we have carried that out, so this year will be our, I believe our eighth Valentines in a row where we go in for endless salad and bread sticks. So, if its Valentine’s Day, and you’re at an Olive Garden, we could be next to each other. So, yeah, hope to see somebody out there at the table next to us just hammering on some breadsticks. So, happy Valentine’s.” (laughs)


    Audio / Jordan Davis talks about a couple of his favorite love songs.


    Jordan Davis (love song) OC: …well done! :25
    “I guess Valentine’s Day gets you to thinking about love songs. You know, me and my wife’s first dance was ‘I’m Gonna Lose You’ [by] John Legend and Meghan Trainor. I think that’s just an amazing love song. I think also a love song that I heard the other day? ‘Strawberry Wine’ from Deana Carter? Great love song. I listened to that a lot. Ooooh Deana Carter. Well done.”


    Audio / Josh Turner says his wife would call him a romantic, but since they have four children, it takes a bit of work to make time for each other.


    Josh Turner (Romantic) OC: …long time to come. :26
    “If you ask my wife Jennifer if I was a romantic, she would definitely say, ‘Yes,’ but she knows that sometimes my hectic schedule and our busy lifestyles can kind of interfere with the romantic side of things. But we do try to make efforts towards being together and having adult conversations and taking time away from the children and doing things that husbands and wives do, so we’ll definitely try to continue that for a long time to come.”



    Keith Urban (Nicole support) OC: …very important. :17
    “I feel very blessed that I have the support of my family like I do. It’s a beautiful thing having two artists because we understand the passion and the responsibility of what we get to do. It’s very important.”



    Kylie Morgan (Valentine’s Day) OC: …I’ve ever had. :33
    “Man, I will say my husband Jay Allen, who is also a country music artist if you guys haven’t heard of him, he is the most romantic person I’ve ever met in my entire life, truly. For Valentine’s Day, gosh, two years ago, I came home to the entire house being lit with tiny candles, a whole dinner made with my favorite bottle of wine, and this was even before he proposed. So, a lot of people thought that he was gonna pop the question that night, but he saved that for a later time. But it was the most magical Valentine’s Day I’ve ever had.”

    Audio / Little Big Town’s Kimberly Schlapman says falling in love with her husband, Stephen Schlapman, came as a big surprise.


    Little Big Town (Kimberly falling in love) OC: …healed me. 1:20
    Kimberly: “Well, I wasn’t planning on falling in love, at all. I didn’t want to…I wasn’t sure that I ever would.  So, my husband now and I were just really good friends, and after my late husband died all my friends were calling me, all the time. Just checking up on me. He was just an old friends. We had known each other for about six years and he started calling me just like everybody else did.  But, he started calling me more than everybody else did [laughs]. We had both been through similar losses, he hadn’t lost a mate but he had lost a close friend, so we kind of bonded over that. I grieved, kind of, at him a lot. He took my grief, I had a lot of grief left, and he just took it and listened and accepted it and was so understanding and let me talk about my late husband all the time. We still talk about him a lot, and he’s totally fine with it. He says that, that made me who he fell in love with and he never minds if I bring anything from the past up which is just really sweet. I was shocked, I remember when I first realized that I was having feelings. I just thought, OK, this is so weird.  What is this?  I haven’t felt this in a long, long, time. This is weird. But, eventually I allowed myself and it’s been the most beautiful gift of my life. It pulled me out of the deepest hole that I’ve ever been in and healed me.”

    Audio / Little Big Town’s Karen Fairchild and Jimi Westbrook had a chemistry performing together, but it wasn’t until they each found themselves single…at the same time…that sparks flew romantically. The pair, who wed in 2006, have a son, Elijah.


    Little Big Town (Jimi & Karen fell in love) OC: (Kimberly) …to be together. :48

    JIMI: “We were in the band a long time before there was ever anything which is interesting. I think there was always something underlying there that we were kind of trying to ignore. And then when the opportunity came, when all of us, ended up single kind of at the same time, a very strange turn of events for the band in a lot of different ways. And those feelings, you were able to come out with them finally. It was like, we’re single. Let’s get together. And, you know, she has a beautiful heart and she’s absolutely gorgeous and I just love her dearly.”

    PHILLIP: “Get a room!” [laughs]

    KIMBERLY: “They’re a perfect match. They really are. They were meant to be together.”



    Little Big Town (Phillip – reasons fell in love) OC: …real love. :17
    “I think everything that I had gone through before had prepared me to be ready to see that there was genuine love there for me, and my Rebecca.  So, it was just a great time, I wouldn’t have been ready before I met her…Now it’s just been a really great journey to heal through the past and to know real love.”



    Luke Bryan (married college sweetheart) OC: …married. :27
    ”I married my college sweetheart. We dated back in college and broke up for nearly six years, and while I was off doing my Nashville stuff and touring and writing songs, she was finishing getting her career kind of going. Man, we just kinda bumped into each other one night, and it was like bam, here we are married.”

    Audio / Luke Bryan talks about his favorite love song.


    Luke Bryan (love song with Caroline) OC: …That’s it! :11
    “Caroline and I, we had a love song in college. It was Lenny Kravitz’ [starts singing] ‘I just can’t get you off of my mind.’ That’s it!”

    Audio / Maddie & Tae’s Taylor Kerr talks about her husband, songwriter Josh Kerr. The pair are just about to celebrate their fourth anniversary as a married couple (they got married February 21st, 2020).


    Maddie & Tae (Tae talking about husband Josh) OC: …that way, you know? :45
    “From the moment I met Josh, he never shied away from sharing what’s on his heart. For me, sharing what’s on my heart is sometimes hard, but he always created the environment and dynamic of it’s totally normal to open up and let people to see that side of you. And so, the more we spent time together, the more I kind of adopted that mindset of like, ‘Okay, I can be vulnerable. I can take risks. I can put myself out there and maybe get rejected, but maybe it could be awesome.’ Our relationship is that to a T. I was skeptical at first and I was scared, and he was scared. And we both just, we went all in, and I felt so safe to go there with him and he’s always made me feel that way, you know?”

    Audio / Travis Denning wrote two songs about his now-wife Madison Montgomery and released them ahead of their wedding last year – “Second Best Thing” and “New Year’s Kiss.”


    Travis Denning (writing 2 songs for Madison) OC: …that way. :40
    “I had the title ‘Second Best Thing’ I think right when me and Madison started dating and really started getting serious. It’s funny to look back that I wrote a song about getting married that early in our relationship, but for as creepy as that might sound (laughs), I mean, it’s just the truth. I knew really fast that we were going to spend the rest of our life together, and then I later wrote ‘New Year’s Kiss’ just recalling that kind of initial moment that I knew we’d probably end up being more than just friends. I recorded them a while ago and have just been holding on for the right moment to put them out, and I wanted this to kind of feel like a gift to her, and I hope it comes off that way.”