• HALLOWEEN 2023 Updated

    Halloween is Tuesday, October 31st, and the spooky, eerie holiday has some of your favorite country stars getting into costume, while others are recalling their favorite Halloween candy or memories of Halloweens past.

    Click HERE to download Halloween liners.



    Audio / Billy Currington reminisces about his childhood Halloween memories.


    Billy Currington (Halloween) OC: …Halloween. :17
    “You know, when I was a kid, I loved the trick and the treat. I loved dressing up. I was always wanting to be Dracula. That was my favorite guy. But, of course, who doesn’t love going door-to-door and getting these buckets of candy? [laughs] So, love, love Halloween.”

    Audio / Brothers Osborne’s John Osborne loves Halloween.


    Brothers Osborne (Halloween) OC: …I love it! :20
    “Halloween’s awesome! Halloween reminds you of when you’re a kid. Every year when it starts getting cold and the leaves start turning, and I think it’s just something that we carry from childhood, is carrying around that bag of candy and carving pumpkins and dressing up like whatever in the world you want to dress up as and walking around. I love it!”

    Audio / Brothers Osborne’s TJ and John Osborne talk about dressing up like zombies for Halloween.


    Brothers Osborne (zombie costume) OC: (John) …was so fun! :29
    TJ: “Literally, you can dress up like a zombie and drag your foot behind you all day and make weird noises, and everyone finds that completely acceptable.” [laughs] JOHN: “One year I dressed up as a ‘90s redneck zombie with a mullet wig and an Alan Jackson denim coat. I never once broke character. That’s part of the thing — you can actually not break character and get away with it. And everywhere I went, even when I ordered a drink, I ordered it like a zombie that was falling apart. [laughs] It was so fun!”

    Audio / Brothers Osborne’s John Osborne talks about carving pumpkins with their dad when they were growing up.


    Brothers Osborne (carving pumpkins) OC: …or something. :25
    “With our dad every year, we would go looking for pumpkins, and we would all get our own pumpkin to carve, and he would buy the biggest pumpkin that they had. It was huge. I mean, it was way too big for any one person, but he would love carving. He’s kind of an artsy guy. He was a great drawer and stuff, and he would carve the most terrifying, vicious looking, scary pumpkin you’d ever seen in your life, and it would be massive. It would be like on a 50-pound pumpkin or something.”

    Audio / Brothers Osborne talk about their favorite Halloween candy.


    Brothers Osborne (Halloween candy) OC: (John) …go stale. [laughs] :34
    TJ: “I would say, Snickers, Baby Ruth, Kit Kat and Reese’s too.” JOHN: “I always hated those houses that would give you bad candy, though. You’re like, ‘C’mon. Step it up.’ Spend the extra dollar on a bag, you know?” TJ: “A house when we were growing up used to give out whole candy bars. It was the best. You were like, ‘That house – that’s the honey hole of candy.’” JOHN: “I love it, and I love like at the end, like three or four days after Halloween you would see what candy was left, and it was always like those crappy cheap candies, and they would just go stale.” [laughs]

    Audio / Dalton Dover talks about his favorite Halloween costume as a child.


    Dalton Dover (Halloween costume) OC: …and everything. :09
    “One year I dressed up as a Whoopie Cushion, and like I just walked around. I had the tongue up here and the body was all round and stuff. It was really cool. I had fart noises and everything.”

    Audio / Dalton Dover reveals his favorite Halloween candy.


    Dalton Dover (Halloween candy) OC: …for sure. :10
    “My favorite Halloween candy…hmmmm…I don’t like candy corn, but I would have to say probably I love when I find Reece’s Cups in my kids’ baskets. For sure.”

    Audio / Darius Rucker talks about his favorite Halloween costumes.


    Darius Rucker (Halloween costumes) OC: …was very funny. (laughs) :41
    My favorite costume was easy, and I bet, from the time I was six to the time I was 13, of those seven years, I went as a football player because you’re coming from football practice to go out (laughs) and trick-or-treat. So, instead of like, you know, putting on some other costume. Just put your pads back on and go as a football player. So, most years I went as a football player. And I don’t dress much anymore, but my favorite costume I ever had was (son) Jack dressed up as Darth Vader and I was Luke Skywalker. And he just, I guess he was six and he was walking along telling everybody I’m his father. It was very funny. (laughs) It was very funny.” (laughs)

    Audio / Dierks Bentley talks about the Halloweens of his childhood.


    Dierks Bentley (Halloween) OC: … …around home. [laughs]  :23
    “Oh, when I was a kid, I was all into fireworks. Growing up in Arizona, we couldn’t get ’em, so we’d have ’em shipped in illegally. I still remember the name of the guy we’d call. His name was Joe, and he’d bring in, ship ’em in a package with no writing on ’em. We were all about M-80s in the mailboxes and bottle rocket wars. To me, as a kid, Halloween was fireworks, was blowing up stuff around home. [laughs]”

    Audio / Eric Church recalls his favorite Halloween costume.


    Eric Church (Halloween) OC: …Franklin Street. 1:18
    “My favorite Halloween costume really came, I remember when I got a little older my first year of college, there’s this thing they do every year in Chapel Hill, North Carolina – Halloween on Franklin Street. We drove down from Boone, North Carolina. I had a bunch of friends that went to University of North Carolina, and we didn’t have costumes and didn’t realize until we were on the way that we had to have costumes. So, we stopped at a costume place in Greensboro, North Carolina. It’s Halloween, so there’s a run on everything and couldn’t find anything. And we end up getting sent around, driving  around town. We end up finding this hole in the wall place, but they had the full costume, Sesame Street outfits. The real deal. The real ones [with] feathers and fur. We were Elmo, Cookie Monster and I was Big Bird, and the Big Bird was the actual Big Bird. It’s about 7-foot-4, and yiou looked out of the body and then you had these straps that went on since the head was a lot higher. There’s a lot of beer involved in Franklin Street, so we get down there and as the night went on, my straps broke, so the head would pivot. And so, I would be walking one way and the head would be facing the other, and it just became this funny…I didn’t know the head was on backwards. I had no idea. I see out of the body, so I’m just kinda walking around and people were talking to my ass-end. [laughs] The whole time peiople’d come up and start talking and go, ‘Hey, turn around.’ And I’d turn around, and they’d go, ‘No turn around.’ It was a mess. That year, there was no other Big Bird on Franklin Street.”



    Jon Langston (Halloween) OC: …memorable Halloween. :59
    “So we played a show a few years ago in Baton Rouge and I go off stage and I come back on stage for the encore. I don’t know this until midway through the song, I’m just into the crowd, like I’m engaged. I’m in the zone, and I just see everyone, like everybody else behind me but me and I’m like what’s going on. I turn around and each of them has a different huge mask on, like one of those stuffed animal masks, like my drummer has a dinosaur head on. My guitar players, one of ‘em has monkey head on, the other has a unicorn head on. And my bass player has like a, I think a dog or cat head or something like that. I couldn’t finish the song I was laughing so hard just seeing them playing with these like oversized huge mask heads on Halloween night. That was funny. It was a good prank, so that was probably the most memorable Halloween.”



    Jon Pardi (Halloween) 1 OC: …the Superman. :15
    “Man, I went through phases of costumes – the Superman costume, then it was a ninja, then I was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle one year. I remember rockin’ the Superman.”



    Jon Pardi (Halloween candy) OC: …during Halloween. :06
    “Man! The candy corn is pretty good, and that’s seasonal, so it only kinda pops out during Halloween.”



    Jordan Davis (Halloween) OC: …jet black. :49
    “I can remember being really big into Power Rangers. I always liked the Red Ranger. I remember being Red Ranger one Halloween. I remember me and my br4other being big into the Ninja Turtles. I was Donatello one year, which I think was the purple turtle. I think, though, my favorite Halloween was I was in college and I went as Luigi from Mario and Luigi, and I actually grew a legit mustache and dyed it jet black and ran into an ex-girlfriend at the costume shop and completely forgot I had the mustache on. So, when Is saw her, she was like, ‘So, you’re going with a mustache nowadays, huh?’ [laughs] I remember being like, ‘I swear this is part of my Halloween costume.’ [laughs] When I dyed my mustache, my top lip was black for a week. Like I really did dye it jet black.”



    Jordan Davis (Halloween candy) OC: …some Starbursts. :21
    “My favorite Halloween candy [is] probably Reese’s or M&M’s, although I love the variety of Starburst. It’s one that I feel like I only eat at Halloween, because I feel like at Halloween one of the popular ones is the two-piece Starburst things. So, probably Reese’s, M&Ms and throw in some Starbursts.”



    Jordan Davis (no candy corn) OC: …they’re awful. :05
    “You know what I never got? The candy corns. I’ve never been a candy corn guy. I think they’re awful.”



    Josh Turner (Halloween costumes) OC: …pretty classic. :27
    “My favorite family costume was from a couple of years ago when I had my six-and-a-half-month-old beard going, and me and the whole family dressed up as Star Wars characters. So, I was a young Obi Wan Kenobi, Jennifer was Princess Leia, Colby and Marion were Storm Troopers, Hampton was Darth Vadar and Hawk was, I guess, pretty much still a baby, and he dressed up as Yoda. It was pretty classic.”

    Audio / Josh Turner talks about his favorite Halloween candy.


    Josh Turner (Halloween candy) OC: …can’t beat ‘em. :09
    “My favorite Halloween candy…hmmmm…that’s a tricky one. I’m going to have to go with Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Can’t beat ‘em.”

    Audio / Luke Bryan says you can tell a lot about your neighbors from what kind of Halloween candy they hand out.


    Luke Bryan (Halloween) OC: …your teeth. :21
    “You can find out a lot about your neighbors by what kind of candy they put out. So, well, like full bars of Snickers bars, that’s what, and Reese’s cups, [but] the old chocolate popcorn ball of stuff, that’s no good either, like Dots – you get Dots one time of year and they pull your teeth.”



    Luke Bryan (Halloween) 2 OC: …with all that. :33
    “My tradition for Halloween is Caroline picks the outfit. I never know what I’m wearing. So that day, I’ll talk to the neighbors ‘cause I have a tractor back there and I’ll go get my tractor and get a big long trailer, and then I’ll run down to…a couple miles from the farm, we’ve got a big hay farmer that keeps hay and you run in there and pay him for his hay bales. And I’ll load the hay up and get the hayride ready and we’ll take all the kids behind the tractor and have a fun Halloween with all that.”



    Luke Bryan (Halloween costumes) OC: …always has. :20
    “Me and Caroline did one year where I dressed up as the old lady, and she dressed up as, she called herself a dirty old man. So, she went around acting like an old man saying snide comments to everybody. That was a fun one. The main thing is Caroline is a big, she loves Halloween and always has.”

    Audio / Maddie & Tae's Taylor Kerr talks about the costumes that the duo will be wearing for Halloween this year.


    Maddie & Tae (Halloween 2023) OC: …in that costume. :56
    “Halloween is my favorite season of all-time. I live in spooky season all year round. I’m like a scary movie fanatic. If you need a good horror movie recommendation, I’m your girl. So, I have a lot of fun with costumes and stuff. One year my husband and I were Dwight and Angela (from The Office) for Halloween, and then we just like have so much fun with our costumes. So, last year, actually for Halloween we were a little family of hedgehogs (laughs) ‘cause we put a little hedgehog costume on Leighton, at the time she loved hedgehogs, so Josh and I got hedgehog onesies. And this year, Josh and I are gonna be park rangers because Leighton is going to be a pink dinosaur. She’s going through a major dino phase; she calls ‘em dinos. And it’s gonna be adorable. And Maddie actually just told me her family’s costume theme. Forrest is going to be little E.T., and then Jonah’s gonna be Elliott and Maddie’s going to be Gertie. I cannot wait to see them in that costume.”



    Maddie & Tae (Halloween) OC: …princesses. :24
    TAE: “Oooooh, Halloween [is] my favorite holiday. Anyone who knows me knows I love all things scary and gory, so especially on Halloween all the scary movies that come out in theaters, I am there every single time.” MADDIE: “And I never go with her because I hate scary things.” TAE: “You know what’s funny? As little girls, everyone wants to dress up as princesses, and I think I was a witch like six years in a row. I just wanted to be scary.” MADDIE: “Girl, I was like Jasmine and you know [other] princesses.”



    Mickey Guyton (Halloween) OC: …the costumes. :50
    “Growing up, my parents were very, very conservative Christian, and so they viewed Halloween as a pagan holiday. BUT, I got to go trick-or-treating once in my life, and I dressed as a clown because my mom made me this clown suit and that was the best. We were in Moody, Texas. It was all three of my siblings and myself and we had so much candy that it lasted for months and months. My parents eventually had to throw it away because we had so much candy. And it was one of the most amazing, magical experiences I’ve ever had, because I never got to celebrate freaking Halloween. I tell you what, this son of mine is gonna definitely going to be celebrating trick-or-treating. Like I can’t wait to dress him up in all of the costumes.”



    Parker McCollum (favorite Halloween candy) OC: …so good. :07
    “What I can eat like 6,000 of are Tootsie Rolls. If I eat one Tootsie Roll, I’m gonna eat 30. Man, they’re so good.”



    Priscilla Block (Halloween) OC: …you’re cooking. :52
    “You know what’s so funny about me? I’m not a huge candy girl. Is that shocking? Hit me with all the carbs! Hit me with all the pasta! Don’t love treats. It’s really crazy. I’m not a huge chocolate girl. I would say my favorite candy is a Cow Tail. I love to get them from the gas station. Yeah, it’s usually in a little long package and there’s like cream on the inside. Love it! That’s my favorite candy. Give me that and a piece of pizza. Trick or Treat do you have any pizza ‘cause it smells like pizza in this house. (laughs) That’s me going to the door. It smells like steak. Don’t want the Twizzler. Want the steak that you’re cooking!”



    Reba McEntire (Halloween as a child) OC: …right there. :35
    “The way we used to celebrate it when we were kids – we were out in the country; our nearest neighbor was a couple of miles away from us, so we’d gotta get dressed up and put on lipstick or whatever we could. We didn’t have Halloween costumes, and we’d walk down in the dark to Mr. and Mrs. Winslet’s house, and she’d feed us cookies and milk and then we’d walk back up in the dark. But Alice, Susie and I weren’t attentive enough to realize that Pake wasn’t with us in the group, and Pake would get up on the road going to the house and crawl up in a tree and scare the crap out of us. So, that was my Halloween memories right there.”




    Tyler Hubbard (Halloween candy) OC: …of childhood. :20
    “Ooooohhh—I’m a chocolate guy, so I do love just a good ole Reese’s or a good ole Snickers, but when it comes to classic Halloween candy, I still, I like ole candy corn. I do. I like candy corn. Well, it only comes around once or twice a year, well I guess once a year. Maybe it’s nostalgic, all that sugar, a couple of good cavities, remind you of childhood.”


    Audio / LINER Billy Currington (Halloween)


    “Trick or Treat, baby.”

    Audio / LINER Brad Paisley (Halloween)


    “Hey everybody, it’s Brad Paisley. Happy Halloween!”

    Audio / LINER Brothers Osborne (Halloween)


    “Hey! This is TJ, and I’m John, and we are Brothers Osborne. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Carrie Underwood (Halloween)


    “Hi! I’m Carrie Underwood, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Catie Offerman (Halloween)


    “Hey everybody, this is Catie Offerman, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Caylee Hammack (Halloween) 1


    “Hey y’all, I’m Caylee Hammack, wishing all of y’all a Happy Halloween. Boo!”


    Audio / LINER Caylee Hammack (Halloween) 2


    “Hey y’all! I’m Caylee Hammack, wishing all you goblins and gremlins out there a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Dalton Dover (Halloween)


    Hey, y’all, this is Dalton Dover. Happy Halloween!

    Audio / LINER Darius Rucker (Halloween)


    “Hey! What’s up, y’all? This is Darius Rucker, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Dierks Bentley (Halloween)


    “Hey! It’s Dierks Bentley, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Eric Church (Halloween)


    “Hey! This is Eric Church, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”



    “Hey y’all! I’m Jon Langston. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Pardi (Halloween)


    “Hey it’s Jon Pardi. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Jordan Davis (Halloween)


    “Hey! I’m Jordan Davis, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”



    Audio / LINER Josh Ross (Halloween)


    “Hey y’all, this is Josh Ross. Happy Halloween!”

    Audio / LINER Josh Turner (Halloween)


    “Hey Y’all, I’m Josh Turner, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Kacey Musgraves (Halloween)


    “Hey! It’s Kacey Musgraves, and I hope you have a Happy Halloween.”


    Audio / LINER Keith Urban (Halloween)


    “Hey everyone, this is Keith Urban, wishing you a very spooky, happy Halloween. Boo!”

    Audio / LINER Kylie Morgan (Halloween)


    “Hey y’all, this is Kylie Morgan, wishing you a Happy Halloween. BOO!”

    Audio / LINER Luke Bryan (Halloween


    “Hey! What’s up, y’all? I’m Luke Bryan, wishing you a very Happy Halloween. Boo!”

    Audio / LINER Maddie & Tae (Halloween)


    “Hi! We’re Maddie & Tae. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Parker McCollum (Halloween)


    “Hey everybody, I’m Parker McCollum. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Priscilla Block (Halloween)


    “Hey y’all, this is Priscilla Block, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Reba McEntire (Halloween)


    “Hey everybody, this is Reba McEntire. Happy Halloween. Ooooooh”

    Audio / LINER Sam Hunt (Halloween)


    “Hey everybody! This is Sam Hunt. Happy Halloween!”

    Audio / LINER The War And Treaty (Halloween)


    Hey everybody. The War And Treaty here. Happy Halloween!

    Audio / LINER Travis Denning (Halloween)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Travis Denning. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Tyler Hubbard (Halloween)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Tyler Hubbard, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”


    Darius Rucker had a blast renovating an historic mansion in his hometown of Charleston, South Carolina for The Design Network earlier this year, and it turned out beautifully. He did casually mention, however, that he felt the 1700s home may be haunted.

    “Oh, I slept in there a couple nights, and you could feel it,” Darius says with a laugh. “You could feel it. You know it, but of course it is. It was built in the 1700s. The first night I was laying there, and I turned the TV off, and the TV goes into the ceiling. I turned the TV off, and I was there for three-minutes, and I could feel it. It’s an old house and it starts creaking and everything, and I got up and put my shoes on and ran back outside to my other house.”

    With an eye for design and innate love of Charleston, Darius and his design team tackled the restoration of this home one room at a time, while also stopping by some of the city’s finest establishments. He also showcased the best parts of Charleston’s vibrant culture, meeting up with local chefs, entrepreneurs, fishermen and friends as he highlights some of the top attractions in the area, from generations of tea growers to the many outdoor activities this city by the sea has to offer.

    “It’s always an honor when I get to showcase my hometown of Charleston to the world, and I’m thankful to The Design Network for such a great platform to do just that,” Darius said. “The team on this project was so talented and made it such a fun, creative process from start to finish. I can’t wait for everyone to see the transformation!”

    Darius recently released “Ol’ Church Hymn,” featuring trio Chapel Hart. He co-wrote the song with Ben Hayslip, Josh Miller and Greylan James.

    Audio / Darius Rucker says he feels the historic Charleston, South Carolina mansion he renovated for his TV show "Rucker's Reno," is haunted.


    Darius Rucker (Halloween House) OC: …other house. :29
    “Oh, I slept in there a couple nights, and you could feel it. (laughs) You could feel it. You know it, but of course it is. It was built in the 1700s. The first night I was laying there, and I turned the TV off, and the TV goes into the ceiling. I turned the TV off, and I was there for three-minutes, and I could feel it. It’s an old house and it starts creaking and everything, and I got up and put my shoes on and ran back outside to my other house.” (laughs)

    Video /

  • HALLOWEEN 2022

    Halloween is Monday, October 31st, and the spooky, eerie holiday has some of your favorite country stars getting into costume, while others are recalling their favorite Halloween candy or memories of Halloweens past.

    Click here to download Halloween liners.

    Audio / Billy Currington reminisces about his childhood Halloween memories.


    Billy Currington (Halloween) OC: …Halloween. :17
    “You know, when I was a kid, I loved the trick and the treat. I loved dressing up. I was always wanting to be Dracula. That was my favorite guy. But, of course, who doesn’t love going door-to-door and getting these buckets of candy? [laughs] So, love, love Halloween.”


    Audio / Brothers Osborne’s TJ and John Osborne talk about dressing up like zombies for Halloween.


    Brothers Osborne (zombie costume) OC: (John) …was so fun! :29
    TJ: “Literally, you can dress up like a zombie and drag your foot behind you all day and make weird noises, and everyone finds that completely acceptable.” [laughs] JOHN: “One year I dressed up as a ‘90s redneck zombie with a mullet wig and an Alan Jackson denim coat. I never once broke character. That’s part of the thing — you can actually not break character and get away with it. And everywhere I went, even when I ordered a drink, I ordered it like a zombie that was falling apart. [laughs] It was so fun!”

    Audio / Brothers Osborne’s TJ Osborne talks about one of his favorite childhood Halloween costumes.


    Brothers Osborne (Halloween costume) OC: (TJ) …I love it. :37
    TJ: “There was a costume I had when I was a kid that my dad made. I was a caterpillar, no, you were a caterpillar and I was a spider. And so I don’t know if you’re familiar with pipe insulation? It’s like these black tubes, and so I had these little black pipe insulators as my legs.” JOHN: “There were strings attached to him that would hold some of the black pipe insulators under his hands, and he’d put working gloves on the end of them and so when he’d raise his arms, all of the little spider legs would raise up with it. [laughs] I’m telling you, our parents were total hippies. They were just…” TJ: “Artsy-fartsy hippies. I love it.”



    Brothers Osborne (Halloween candy) OC: (John) …go stale. [laughs] :34
    TJ: “I would say, Snickers, Baby Ruth, Kit Kat and Reese’s too.” JOHN: “I always hated those houses that would give you bad candy, though. You’re like, ‘C’mon. Step it up.’ Spend the extra dollar on a bag, you know?” TJ: “A house when we were growing up used to give out whole candy bars. It was the best. You were like, ‘That house – that’s the honey hole of candy.’” JOHN: “I love it, and I love like at the end, like three or four days after Halloween you would see what candy was left, and it was always like those crappy cheap candies, and they would just go stale.” [laughs]

    Audio / Dierks Bentley talks about the Halloweens of his childhood.


    Dierks Bentley (Halloween) OC: … …around home. [laughs]  :23
    “Oh, when I was a kid, I was all into fireworks. Growing up in Arizona, we couldn’t get ’em, so we’d have ’em shipped in illegally. I still remember the name of the guy we’d call. His name was Joe, and he’d bring in, ship ’em in a package with no writing on ’em. We were all about M-80s in the mailboxes and bottle rocket wars. To me, as a kid, Halloween was fireworks, was blowing up stuff around home. [laughs]”

    Audio / Eric Church recalls his favorite Halloween costume.


    Eric Church (Halloween) OC: …Franklin Street. 1:18
    “My favorite Halloween costume really came, I remember when I got a little older my first year of college, there’s this thing they do every year in Chapel Hill, North Carolina – Halloween on Franklin Street. We drove down from Boone, North Carolina. I had a bunch of friends that went to University of North Carolina, and we didn’t have costumes and didn’t realize until we were on the way that we had to have costumes. So, we stopped at a costume place in Greensboro, North Carolina. It’s Halloween, so there’s a run on everything and couldn’t find anything. And we end up getting sent around, driving  around town. We end up finding this hole in the wall place, but they had the full costume, Sesame Street outfits. The real deal. The real ones [with] feathers and fur. We were Elmo, Cookie Monster and I was Big Bird, and the Big Bird was the actual Big Bird. It’s about 7-foot-4, and yiou looked out of the body and then you had these straps that went on since the head was a lot higher. There’s a lot of beer involved in Franklin Street, so we get down there and as the night went on, my straps broke, so the head would pivot. And so, I would be walking one way and the head would be facing the other, and it just became this funny…I didn’t know the head was on backwards. I had no idea. I see out of the body, so I’m just kinda walking around and people were talking to my ass-end. [laughs] The whole time people’d come up and start talking and go, ‘Hey, turn around.’ And I’d turn around, and they’d go, ‘No turn around.’ It was a mess. That year, there was no other Big Bird on Franklin Street.”

    Audio / Jon Langston talks about his favorite Halloween show a few years ago when his band surprised him on stage.


    “So we played a show a few years ago in Baton Rouge and I go off stage and I come back on stage for the encore. I don’t know this until midway through the song, I’m just into the crowd, like I’m engaged. I’m in the zone, and I just see everyone, like everybody else behind me but me and I’m like what’s going on. I turn around and each of them has a different huge mask on, like one of those stuffed animal masks, like my drummer has a dinosaur head on. My guitar players, one of ‘em has monkey head on, the other has a unicorn head on. And my bass player has like a, I think a dog or cat head or something like that. I couldn’t finish the song I was laughing so hard just seeing them playing with these like oversized huge mask heads on Halloween night. That was funny. It was a good prank, so that was probably the most memorable Halloween.”

    Audio / Jon Pardi talks about his favorite Halloween costumes as a child.


    Jon Pardi (Halloween) 1 OC: …the Superman. :15
    “Man, I went through phases of costumes – the Superman costume, then it was a ninja, then I was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle one year. I remember rockin’ the Superman.”

    Audio / Jon Pardi reveals his favorite Halloween candy.


    Jon Pardi (Halloween candy) OC: …during Halloween. :06
    “Man! The candy corn is pretty good, and that’s seasonal, so it only kinda pops out during Halloween.”



    Jordan Davis (Halloween) OC: …jet black. :49
    “I can remember being really big into Power Rangers. I always liked the Red Ranger. I remember being Red Ranger one Halloween. I remember me and my br4other being big into the Ninja Turtles. I was Donatello one year, which I think was the purple turtle. I think, though, my favorite Halloween was I was in college and I went as Luigi from Mario and Luigi, and I actually grew a legit mustache and dyed it jet black and ran into an ex-girlfriend at the costume shop and completely forgot I had the mustache on. So, when Is saw her, she was like, ‘So, you’re going with a mustache nowadays, huh?’ [laughs] I remember being like, ‘I swear this is part of my Halloween costume.’ [laughs] When I dyed my mustache, my top lip was black for a week. Like I really did dye it jet black.”



    Jordan Davis (Halloween candy) OC: …some Starbursts. :21
    “My favorite Halloween candy [is] probably Reese’s or M&M’s, although I love the variety of Starburst. It’s one that I feel like I only eat at Halloween, because I feel like at Halloween one of the popular ones is the two-piece Starburst things. So, probably Reese’s, M&Ms and throw in some Starbursts.”


    Audio / A few weeks ago, Jordan Davis told us they were going shopping for Eloise and Lochlan's costumes.


    Jordan Davis (Halloween 2022) OC: …this Halloween. :35
    “We actually just figured out Eloise’s Halloween costume, because we’re going Halloween shopping this afternoon. So, she’s probably going to pick out the same exact thing as she did last year. She’s heavy into PAW Patrol, so she’s either going to be Skye or Rubble. Locklan, he’s still fighting the walking thing, so he’s crawling everywhere. And I actually found a spider suit for him, where he has like all these legs and he truly is going to look like a spider crawling on the ground. So, those are our two (laughs), we’re gonna have a PAW Patrol and we’re gonna have a spider this Halloween.”



    Jordan Davis (no candy corn) OC: …they’re awful. :05
    “You know what I never got? The candy corns. I’ve never been a candy corn guy. I think they’re awful.”

    Audio / Josh Turner and his family (including wife Jennifer and their four sons) enjoy dressing up as a family for Halloween. The multi-platinum selling star says his favorite family costumes was a few years ago when they dressed up as Star Wars characters.


    Josh Turner (Halloween costumes) OC: …pretty classic. :27
    “My favorite family costume was from a couple of years ago when I had my six-and-a-half-month-old beard going, and me and the whole family dressed up as Star Wars characters. So, I was a young Obi Wan Kenobi, Jennifer was Princess Leia, Colby and Marion were Storm Troopers, Hampton was Darth Vadar and Hawk was, I guess, pretty much still a baby, and he dressed up as Yoda. It was pretty classic.”



    Josh Turner (Halloween candy) OC: …can’t beat ‘em. :09
    “My favorite Halloween candy…hmmmm…that’s a tricky one. I’m going to have to go with Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Can’t beat ‘em.”

    Audio / Luke Bryan says you can tell a lot about your neighbors from what kind of Halloween candy they hand out.


    Luke Bryan (Halloween) OC: …your teeth. :21
    “You can find out a lot about your neighbors by what kind of candy they put out. So, well, like full bars of Snickers bars, that’s what, and Reese’s cups, [but] the old chocolate popcorn ball of stuff, that’s no good either, like Dots – you get Dots one time of year and they pull your teeth.”

    Audio / Luke Bryan talks about his Halloween traditions.


    Luke Bryan (Halloween) 2 OC: …with all that. :33
    “My tradition for Halloween is Caroline picks the outfit. I never know what I’m wearing. So that day, I’ll talk to the neighbors ‘cause I have a tractor back there and I’ll go get my tractor and get a big long trailer, and then I’ll run down to…a couple miles from the farm, we’ve got a big hay farmer that keeps hay and you run in there and pay him for his hay bales. And I’ll load the hay up and get the hayride ready and we’ll take all the kids behind the tractor and have a fun Halloween with all that.”

    Audio / Luke Bryan says his wife Caroline usually pick out his Halloween costumes.


    Luke Bryan (Halloween costumes) OC: …always has. :20
    “Me and Caroline did one year where I dressed up as the old lady, and she dressed up as, she called herself a dirty old man. So, she went around acting like an old man saying snide comments to everybody. That was a fun one. The main thing is Caroline is a big, she loves Halloween and always has.”

    Audio / Maddie & Tae sit on opposite sides of the fence when it comes to scary movies.


    Maddie & Tae (Halloween) OC: …princesses. :24
    TAE: “Oooooh, Halloween [is] my favorite holiday. Anyone who knows me knows I love all things scary and gory, so especially on Halloween all the scary movies that come out in theaters, I am there every single time.” MADDIE: “And I never go with her because I hate scary things.” TAE: “You know what’s funny? As little girls, everyone wants to dress up as princesses, and I think I was a witch like six years in a row. I just wanted to be scary.” MADDIE: “Girl, I was like Jasmine and you know [other] princesses.”

    Audio / Mickey Guyton was raised in a very religious household, so she didn’t really celebrate Halloween and only went trick-or-treating one time.


    Mickey Guyton (Halloween) OC: …the costumes. :50
    “Growing up, my parents were very, very conservative Christian, and so they viewed Halloween as a pagan holiday. BUT, I got to go trick-or-treating once in my life, and I dressed as a clown because my mom made me this clown suit and that was the best. We were in Moody, Texas. It was all three of my siblings and myself and we had so much candy that it lasted for months and months. My parents eventually had to throw it away because we had so much candy. And it was one of the most amazing, magical experiences I’ve ever had, because I never got to celebrate freaking Halloween. I tell you what, this son of mine is gonna definitely going to be celebrating trick-or-treating. Like I can’t wait to dress him up in all of the costumes.”

    Audio / Parker McCollum says his favorite Halloween candy is…Tootsie Rolls.


    Parker McCollum (favorite Halloween candy) OC: …
    “What I can eat like 6,000 of are Tootsie Rolls. If I eat one Tootsie Roll, I’m gonna eat 30. Man, they’re so good.”

    Audio / Priscilla Block says she’s not a huge candy/sweet person, but instead, give her all the carbs.


    Priscilla Block (Halloween) OC: …you’re cooking. :52
    “You know what’s so funny about me? I’m not a huge candy girl. Is that shocking? Hit me with all the carbs! Hit me with all the pasta! Don’t love treats. It’s really crazy. I’m not a huge chocolate girl. I would say my favorite candy is a Cow Tail. I love to get them from the gas station. Yeah, it’s usually in a little long package and there’s like cream on the inside. Love it! That’s my favorite candy. Give me that and a piece of pizza. Trick or Treat do you have any pizza ‘cause it smells like pizza in this house. 9laughs) That’s me going to the door. It smells like steak. Don’t want the Twizzler. Want the steak that you’re cooking!”


    Audio / Reba McEntire, who is selling out shows all over the place on her current tour, says her Halloweens as a child involved lipstick, walking, milk, cookies and her brother scaring the daylights out of her and her sisters.


    Reba McEntire (Halloween as a child) OC: …right there. :35
    “The way we used to celebrate it when we were kids – we were out in the country; our nearest neighbor was a couple of miles away from us, so we’d gotta get dressed up and put on lipstick or whatever we could. We didn’t have Halloween costumes, and we’d walk down in the dark to Mr. and Mrs. Winslet’s house, and she’d feed us cookies and milk and then we’d walk back up in the dark. But Alice, Susie and I weren’t attentive enough to realize that Pake wasn’t with us in the group, and Pake would get up on the road going to the house and crawl up in a tree and scare the crap out of us. So, that was my Halloween memories right there.”

    Audio / Travis Denning talks about his favorite – and probably most embarrassing – Halloween costume.


    Travis Denning (Halloween costume) OC: …Busch Light. :21
    “Honestly, I think one of my most proud and embarrassed Halloween costumes is I went as Terry from Reno 9-1-1. I had the roller skates, the short-shorts, the tied-up shirt. Looking back, it wasn’t the manliest thing I ever did, but it got a lot of laughs. And I think that year my favorite candy I ever had was Busch Light.”

    Audio / Tyler Hubbard reveals his favorite Halloween candy.


    Tyler Hubbard (Halloween candy) OC: …of childhood. :20
    “Ooooohhh—I’m a chocolate guy, so I do love just a good ole Reese’s or a good ole Snickers, but when it comes to classic Halloween candy, I still, I like ole candy corn. I do. I like candy corn. Well, it only comes around once or twice a year, well I guess once a year. Maybe it’s nostalgic, all that sugar, a couple of good cavaties, remind you of childhood.”

    Audio / Tyler Hubbard talks about his favorite family Halloween costume, and he reveals what they're going to dress as this year.


    Tyler Hubbard (Halloween 2022) OC: …Here we go. :30
    “For Halloween, one of my favorite costumes – I have a family and three kids, so we can kind of be something together. I think it was last year, no the year before, we were Toy Story, so I was Woody, and that was, I don’t know, I just think of that picture of us sitting on the front porch, all of our costumes. Anyways, it’s quite a trip. And this year, we’re actually, the kids want to be Peter Pan. For some reason, they love Peter Pan, the old throwback classic, so we’re all gonna be Peter Pan. I think I’m going to be Captain Hook, and Happy Halloween. Here we go.”



    Audio / LINER Billy Currington (Trick or Treat)


    “Trick or Treat, baby.”

    Audio / LINER Brothers Osborne (Halloween)


    “Hey! This is TJ, and I’m John, and we are Brothers Osborne. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Carrie Underwood (Halloween)


    “Hi! I’m Carrie Underwood, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Catie Offerman (Halloween)


    “Hey everybody, this is Catie Offerman, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Caylee Hammack (Halloween) 1


    “Hey y’all, I’m Caylee Hammack, wishing all of y’all a Happy Halloween. Boo!”

    Audio / LINER Caylee Hammack (Halloween) 2


    “Hey y’all! I’m Caylee Hammack, wishing all you goblins and gremlins out there a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Darius Rucker (Halloween)


    “Hey! What’s up, y’all? This is Darius Rucker, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Dierks Bentley (Halloween)


    “Hey! It’s Dierks Bentley, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Eric Church (Halloween)


    “Hey! This is Eric Church, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Langston (Halloween)


    “Hey y’all! I’m Jon Langston. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Jordan Davis (Halloween)


    “Hey! I’m Jordan Davis, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Josh Turner (Halloween)


    “Hey Y’all, I’m Josh Turner, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Kacey Musgraves (Halloween)


    “Hey! It’s Kacey Musgraves, and I hope you have a Happy Halloween.”


    Audio / LINER Keith Urban (Halloween)


    “Hey everyone, this is Keith Urban, wishing you a very spooky, happy Halloween. Boo!”


    Audio / LINER Kylie Morgan (Halloween)


    “Hey y’all, this is Kylie Morgan, wishing you a Happy Halloween. BOO!”


    Audio / LINER Luke Bryan (Halloween)


    “Hey! What’s up, y’all? I’m Luke Bryan, wishing you a very Happy Halloween. Boo!”

    Audio / LINER Maddie & Tae (Halloween)


    “Hi! We’re Maddie & Tae. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Parker McCollum (Halloween)


    “Hey everybody, I’m Parker McCollum. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Priscilla Block (Halloween)


    “Hey y’all, this is Priscilla Block, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Reba McEntire (Halloween)


    “Hey everybody, this is Reba McEntire. Happy Halloween. Ooooooh”

    Audio / LINER Sam Hunt (Halloween)


    “Hey everybody! This is Sam Hunt. Happy Halloween!”

    Audio / LINER Travis Denning (Halloween)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Travis Denning. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Tyler Hubbard (Halloween)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Tyler Hubbard, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”


    Jordan Davis and his wife Kristen have already started getting their two young children ready for Halloween. In fact, they’re going shopping today (October 6th) for costumes for Eloise (3 years old) and Locklan (1 year old).

    “We actually just figured out Eloise’s Halloween costume, because we’re going Halloween shopping this afternoon,” says Jordan. “So, she’s probably going to pick out the same exact thing as she did last year. She’s heavy into PAW Patrol, so she’s either going to be Skye or Rubble. Locklan, he’s still fighting the walking thing, so he’s crawling everywhere. And I actually found a spider suit for him, where he has like all these legs and he truly is going to look like a spider crawling on the ground. So, those are our two (laughs), we’re gonna have a PAW Patrol and we’re gonna have a spider this Halloween.”

    Jordan is currently making his way up the country charts with his latest single, “What My World Spins Around.”


    Audio / Jordan Davis talks about the Halloween costumes he and his wife will get for their two young children this year.


    Jordan Davis (Halloween 2022) OC: …this Halloween. :35
    “We actually just figured out Eloise’s Halloween costume, because we’re going Halloween shopping this afternoon. So, she’s probably going to pick out the same exact thing as she did last year. She’s heavy into PAW Patrol, so she’s either going to be Skye or Rubble. Locklan, he’s still fighting the walking thing, so he’s crawling everywhere. And I actually found a spider suit for him, where he has like all these legs and he truly is going to look like a spider crawling on the ground. So, those are our two (laughs), we’re gonna have a PAW Patrol and we’re gonna have a spider this Halloween.”


    Darius Rucker really got into the Halloween spirit by spooking some visitors to the Madame Tussauds Wax Museum in Nashville. Check out the “My Masterpiece” singer and his great impression of a wax figure below.

    Video /

  • HALLOWEEN 2021

    Halloween is Sunday, October 31st, and the holiday has some of your favorite country stars getting into costumes, while others are recalling memories of Halloweens past.


    Audio / Alan Jackson used to take his now grown daughters trick-or-treating when they were young children, but he recalls one costume that he hated. It was an infant costume that made one of the girls look like a little peapod.


    AJ (Halloween) OC: …cute, but…[laughs] :17
    “Aww, I remember some, when they were infants, they had like these little, they looked like a little pea pod, you know, or something. It’s like a little green pea or something. And I thought man, that’s awful. But Denise liked it, and I guess it was cute, but…(laughs).”

    Audio / Billy Currington reminisces about his childhood Halloween memories.


    Billy Currington (Halloween) OC: …Halloween. :17
    “You know, when I was a kid, I loved the trick and the treat. I loved dressing up. I was always wanting to be Dracula. That was my favorite guy. But, of course, who doesn’t love going door-to-door and getting these buckets of candy? [laughs] So, love, love Halloween.”

    Audio / Brandon Lay says since his father was a preacher, their Halloween activities were church-related.


    Brandon Lay (Halloween) OC: …let Ryder do. :26
    “You know, my dad was a preacher, so Halloween for me (ha) was a little different than most kids. We always had something going on at church, so I think I was usually a character from the Bible and walk around the gym and just try to get as much candy as I can. It sounds a little weird, but I kinda was robbed of the trick-or-treating experience – thanks a lot Mom and Dad – but I’m not bitter about it or anything. We’ll see what we let Ryder do.”

    Audio / Brothers Osborne’s TJ and John Osborne talk about dressing up like zombies for Halloween.


    Brothers Osborne (zombie costume) OC: (John) …was so fun! :29
    TJ: “Literally, you can dress up like a zombie and drag your foot behind you all day and make weird noises, and everyone finds that completely acceptable.” [laughs] JOHN: “One year I dressed up as a ‘90s redneck zombie with a mullet wig and an Alan Jackson denim coat. I never once broke character. That’s part of the thing — you can actually not break character and get away with it. And everywhere I went, even when I ordered a drink, I ordered it like a zombie that was falling apart. [laughs] It was so fun!”

    Audio / Brothers Osborne’s John Osborne talks about carving pumpkins with their dad when they were growing up.


    Brothers Osborne (carving pumpkins) OC: …or something. :25
    “With our dad every year, we would go looking for pumpkins, and we would all get our own pumpkin to carve, and he would buy the biggest pumpkin that they had. It was huge. I mean, it was way too big for any one person, but he would love carving. He’s kind of an artsy guy. He was a great drawer and stuff, and he would carve the most terrifying, vicious looking, scary pumpkin you’d ever seen in your life, and it would be massive. It would be like on a 50-pound pumpkin or something.”

    Audio / Brothers Osborne talk about their favorite Halloween candy.


    Brothers Osborne (Halloween candy) OC: (John) …go stale. [laughs] :34
    TJ: “I would say, Snickers, Baby Ruth, Kit Kat and Reese’s too.” JOHN: “I always hated those houses that would give you bad candy, though. You’re like, ‘C’mon. Step it up.’ Spend the extra dollar on a bag, you know?” TJ: “A house when we were growing up used to give out whole candy bars. It was the best. You were like, ‘That house – that’s the honey hole of candy.’” JOHN: “I love it, and I love like at the end, like three or four days after Halloween you would see what candy was left, and it was always like those crappy cheap candies, and they would just go stale.” [laughs]

    Audio / Dierks Bentley talks about the Halloweens of his childhood.


    Dierks Bentley (Halloween) OC: … …around home. [laughs]  :23
    “Oh, when I was a kid, I was all into fireworks. Growing up in Arizona, we couldn’t get ’em, so we’d have ’em shipped in illegally. I still remember the name of the guy we’d call. His name was Joe, and he’d bring in, ship ’em in a package with no writing on ’em. We were all about M-80s in the mailboxes and bottle rocket wars. To me, as a kid, Halloween was fireworks, was blowing up stuff around home. [laughs]”

    Audio / Eric Church recalls his favorite Halloween costume.


    Eric Church (Halloween) OC: …Franklin Street. 1:18
    “My favorite Halloween costume really came, I remember when I got a little older my first year of college, there’s this thing they do every year in Chapel Hill, North Carolina – Halloween on Franklin Street. We drove down from Boone, North Carolina. I had a bunch of friends that went to University of North Carolina, and we didn’t have costumes and didn’t realize until we were on the way that we had to have costumes. So, we stopped at a costume place in Greensboro, North Carolina. It’s Halloween, so there’s a run on everything and couldn’t find anything. And we end up getting sent around, driving  around town. We end up finding this hole in the wall place, but they had the full costume, Sesame Street outfits. The real deal. The real ones [with] feathers and fur. We were Elmo, Cookie Monster and I was Big Bird, and the Big Bird was the actual Big Bird. It’s about 7-foot-4, and yiou looked out of the body and then you had these straps that went on since the head was a lot higher. There’s a lot of beer involved in Franklin Street, so we get down there and as the night went on, my straps broke, so the head would pivot. And so, I would be walking one way and the head would be facing the other, and it just became this funny…I didn’t know the head was on backwards. I had no idea. I see out of the body, so I’m just kinda walking around and people were talking to my ass-end. [laughs] The whole time people’d come up and start talking and go, ‘Hey, turn around.’ And I’d turn around, and they’d go, ‘No turn around.’ It was a mess. That year, there was no other Big Bird on Franklin Street.”

    Audio / Jon Langston talks about his favorite Halloween show a few years ago when his band surprised him on stage.


    Jon Langston (Halloween show) OC: …memorable Halloween. :59
    “So we played a show a few years ago in Baton Rouge and I go off stage and I come back on stage for the encore. I don’t know this until midway through the song, I’m just into the crowd, like I’m engaged. I’m in the zone, and I just see everyone, like everybody else behind me but me and I’m like what’s going on. I turn around and each of them has a different huge mask on, like one of those stuffed animal masks, like my drummer has a dinosaur head on. My guitar players, one of ‘em has monkey head on, the other has a unicorn head on. And my bass player has like a, I think a dog or cat head or something like that. I couldn’t finish the song I was laughing so hard just seeing them playing with these like oversized huge mask heads on Halloween night. That was funny. It was a good prank, so that was probably the most memorable Halloween.”

    Audio / Jon Pardi talks about his favorite Halloween costumes as a child.


    Jon Pardi (Halloween) 1 OC: …the Superman. :15
    “Man, I went through phases of costumes – the Superman costume, then it was a ninja, then I was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle one year. I remember rockin’ the Superman.”

    Audio / Jon Pardi reveals his favorite Halloween candy.


    Jon Pardi (Halloween candy) OC: …during Halloween. :06
    “Man! The candy corn is pretty good, and that’s seasonal, so it only kinda pops out during Halloween.”



    Jordan Davis (Halloween) OC: …jet black. :49
    “I can remember being really big into Power Rangers. I always liked the Red Ranger. I remember being Red Ranger one Halloween. I remember me and my br4other being big into the Ninja Turtles. I was Donatello one year, which I think was the purple turtle. I think, though, my favorite Halloween was I was in college and I went as Luigi from Mario and Luigi, and I actually grew a legit mustache and dyed it jet black and ran into an ex-girlfriend at the costume shop and completely forgot I had the mustache on. So, when Is saw her, she was like, ‘So, you’re going with a mustache nowadays, huh?’ [laughs] I remember being like, ‘I swear this is part of my Halloween costume.’ [laughs] When I dyed my mustache, my top lip was black for a week. Like I really did dye it jet black.”



    Jordan Davis (Halloween candy) OC: …some Starbursts. :21
    “My favorite Halloween candy [is] probably Reese’s or M&M’s, although I love the variety of Starburst. It’s one that I feel like I only eat at Halloween, because I feel like at Halloween one of the popular ones is the two-piece Starburst things. So, probably Reese’s, M&Ms and throw in some Starbursts.”

    Audio / Josh Turner and his family (including wife Jennifer and their four sons) enjoy dressing up as a family for Halloween. The multi-platinum selling star says his favorite family costumes was a few years ago when they dressed up as Star Wars characters.


    Josh Turner (Halloween costumes) OC: …pretty classic. :27
    “My favorite family costume was from a couple of years ago when I had my six-and-a-half-month-old beard going, and me and the whole family dressed up as Star Wars characters. So, I was a young Obi Wan Kenobi, Jennifer was Princess Leia, Colby and Marion were Storm Troopers, Hampton was Darth Vadar and Hawk was, I guess, pretty much still a baby, and he dressed up as Yoda. It was pretty classic.”



    Josh Turner (Halloween candy) OC: …can’t beat ‘em. :09
    “My favorite Halloween candy…hmmmm…that’s a tricky one. I’m going to have to go with Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Can’t beat ‘em.”

    Audio / We all know Lauren Alaina loves to dress up, but she also loved to come up with costumes for her brother. She says one of her favorite costumes was when she dressed up her brother…as her.


    Lauren Alaina (Halloween-brother) OC: …mad about that! :19
    “I always would dress my brother up too, and I’d say not my best costume, but his best costume when I put makeup all over him and made him, he looked JUST LIKE ME, but I put extensions in his hair and a little hat on his head and I put makeup on him and my cheerleading outfit. It fit him. I was so mad about that!”

    Audio / Luke Bryan says you can tell a lot about your neighbors from what kind of Halloween candy they hand out.


    Luke Bryan (Halloween) OC: …your teeth. :21
    “You can find out a lot about your neighbors by what kind of candy they put out. So, well, like full bars of Snickers bars, that’s what, and Reese’s cups, [but] the old chocolate popcorn ball of stuff, that’s no good either, like Dots – you get Dots one time of year and they pull your teeth.”

    Audio / Luke Bryan says his wife Caroline usually pick out his Halloween costumes.


    Luke Bryan (Halloween costumes) OC: …always has. :20
    “Me and Caroline did one year where I dressed up as the old lady, and she dressed up as, she called herself a dirty old man. So, she went around acting like an old man saying snide comments to everybody. That was a fun one. The main thing is Caroline is a  big, she loves Halloween and always has.”

    Audio / Maddie & Tae sit on opposite sides of the fence when it comes to scary movies.


    Maddie & Tae (Halloween) OC: …princesses. :24
    TAE: “Oooooh, Halloween [is] my favorite holiday. Anyone who knows me knows I love all things scary and gory, so especially on Halloween all the scary movies that come out in theaters, I am there every single time.” MADDIE: “And I never go with her because I hate scary things.” TAE: “You know what’s funny? As little girls, everyone wants to dress up as princesses, and I think I was a witch like six years in a row. I just wanted to be scary.” MADDIE: “Girl, I was like Jasmine and you know [other] princesses.”

    Audio / Mickey Guyton was raised in a very religious household, so she didn’t really celebrate Halloween and only went trick-or-treating one time.


    Mickey Guyton (Halloween) OC: …the costumes. :50
    “Growing up, my parents were very, very conservative Christian, and so they viewed Halloween as a pagan holiday. BUT, I got to go trick-or-treating once in my life, and I dressed as a clown because my mom made me this clown suit and that was the best. We were in Moody, Texas. It was all three of my siblings and myself and we had so much candy that it lasted for months and months. My parents eventually had to throw it away because we had so much candy. And it was one of the most amazing, magical experiences I’ve ever had, because I never got to celebrate freaking Halloween. I tell you what, this son of mine is gonna definitely going to be celebrating trick-or-treating. Like I can’t wait to dress him up in all of the costumes.”

    Audio / Parker McCollum says his favorite Halloween candy is…Tootsie Rolls.


    Parker McCollum (favorite Halloween candy) OC: …
    “What I can eat like 6,000 of are Tootsie Rolls. If I eat one Tootsie Roll, I’m gonna eat 30. Man, they’re so good.”

    Audio / Priscilla Block says she’s not a huge candy/sweet person, but instead, give her all the carbs.


    Priscilla Block (Halloween) OC: …you’re cooking. :52
    “You know what’s so funny about me? I’m not a huge candy girl. Is that shocking? Hit me with all the carbs! Hit me with all the pasta! Don’t love treats. It’s really crazy. I’m not a huge chocolate girl. I would say my favorite candy is a Cow Tail. I love to get them from the gas station. Yeah, it’s usually in a little long package and there’s like cream on the inside. Love it! That’s my favorite candy. Give me that and a piece of pizza. Trick or Treat do you have any pizza ‘cause it smells like pizza in this house. 9laughs) That’s me going to the door. It smells like steak. Don’t want the Twizzler. Want the steak that you’re cooking!”

    Audio / Reba McEntire recalls what her boyfriend, actor Rex Linn, did to scare her last year.


    Reba McEntire (Halloween-Rex) OC: …lot of fun. :43
    “Rex, Rex Linn my boyfriend, his favorite holiday is Halloween. Last year he ordered from Costco a 7-foot werewolf with a motion sensor in it and he put it in my bathroom. And then when I walked in there, it moved and growled at me. I was very upset. I said, ‘Everybody who had anything to do with it, you’re all fired!’ Then I started giggling. Then I was pretty flattered that he went to all that trouble to scare me, and then we took it to every place we could to scare everybody else. We had a blast with it. We love Halloween. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to have a Halloween party last year because of COVID, but I have no idea what he’s got planned this year, but I’m sure it’s gonna be a lot of fun.”

    Audio / Travis Denning talks about his favorite – and probably most embarrassing – Halloween costume.


    Travis Denning (Halloween costume) OC: …Busch Light. :21
    “Honestly, I think one of my most proud and embarrassed Halloween costumes is I went as Terry from Reno 9-1-1. I had the roller skates, the short-shorts, the tied-up shirt. Looking back, it wasn’t the manliest thing I ever did, but it got a lot of laughs. And I think that year my favorite candy I ever had was Busch Light.”





    Audio /


    LINER Billy Currington (Trick or Treat)
    “Trick or Treat, baby.”

    Audio /


    LINER Brandon Lay (Halloween)
    “Hey everybody! This is Brandon Lay, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio /


    LINER Brothers Osborne (Halloween)
    “Hey! This is TJ, and I’m John, and we are Brothers Osborne. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio /


    LINER Carrie Underwood (Halloween)
    “Hi! I’m Carrie Underwood, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio /


    LINER Caylee Hammack (Halloween) 1
    “Hey y’all, I’m Caylee Hammack, wishing all of y’all a Happy Halloween. Boo!”

    Audio /


    LINER Caylee Hammack (Halloween) 2
    “Hey y’all! I’m Caylee Hammack, wishing all you goblins and gremlins out there a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio /


    LINER Darius Rucker (Halloween)
    “Hey! What’s up, y’all? This is Darius Rucker, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio /


    LINER Dierks Bentley (Halloween)
    “Hey! It’s Dierks Bentley, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio /


    LINER Eric Church (Halloween)
    “Hey! This is Eric Church, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio /


    LINER Jon Langston (Halloween)
    “Hey y’all! I’m Jon Langston. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio /


    LINER Jordan Davis (Halloween)
    “Hey! I’m Jordan Davis, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio /


    LINER Josh Turner (Halloween)
    “Hey Y’all, I’m Josh Turner, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio /


    LINER Kacey Musgraves (Halloween)
    “Hey! It’s Kacey Musgraves, and I hope you have a Happy Halloween.”


    Audio /


    LINER Luke Bryan (Halloween)
    “Hey! What’s up, y’all? I’m Luke Bryan, wishing you a very Happy Halloween. Boo!”

    Audio /


    LINER Maddie & Tae (Halloween)
    “Hi! We’re Maddie & Tae. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio /


    LINER Parker McCollum (Halloween)
    “Hey everybody, I’m Parker McCollum. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio /


    LINER Priscilla Block (Halloween)
    “Hey y’all, this is Priscilla Block, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio /


    LINER Reba McEntire (Halloween)
    “Hey everybody, this is Reba McEntire. Happy Halloween. Ooooooh”

    Audio /


    LINER Sam Hunt (Halloween)
    “Hey everybody! This is Sam Hunt. Happy Halloween!”

    Audio /


    LINER Travis Denning (Halloween)
    “Hey y’all, it’s Travis Denning. Happy Halloween.”



    Jon Pardi gets into the Halloween spirit for the new installment of his “Pardi Time” online show. He dons his famous white Elvis Presley jumpsuit and gets into character.

    Also in the show, his pal JEremiah goes ghost-hunting, there’s an epic costume party and a date-night with his soon-to-be-bride Summer.





  • HALLOWEEN 2020

    Halloween is Saturday, October 31st, and the holiday, which may be a little different this year with a global pandemic, has some of your favorite country stars getting into costumes, while others are recalling memories of Halloweens past.

    Audio / Adam Hambrick talks about one of his favorite Halloween costumes as a kid.


    Adam Hambrick (Halloween) OC: …five-years-old. :10
    “My grandmother made me a Ghostbusters jumpsuit, and I had the proton backpack and I went as Peter Venkman, the Ghostbuster, when I was five-years-old.”

    Audio / Alan Jackson used to take his now grown daughters trick-or-treating when they were young children, but he recalls one costume that he hated. It was an infant costume that made one of the girls look like a little peapod.


    AJ (Halloween) OC: …cute, but…[laughs] :17
    “Aww, I remember some, when they were infants, they had like these little, they looked like a little pea pod, you know, or something. It’s like a little green pea or something. And I thought man, that’s awful. But Denise liked it, and I guess it was cute, but…(laughs).”

    Audio / Billy Currington reminisces about his childhood Halloween memories.


    Billy Currington (Halloween) OC: …Halloween. :17
    “You know, when I was a kid, I loved the trick and the treat. I loved dressing up. I was always wanting to be Dracula. That was my favorite guy. But, of course, who doesn’t love going door-to-door and getting these buckets of candy? [laughs] So, love, love Halloween.”


    Audio / Brandon Lay says since his father was a preacher, their Halloween activities were church-related.


    Brandon Lay (Halloween) OC: …let Ryder do. :26
    “You know, my dad was a preacher, so Halloween for me (ha) was a little different than most kids. We always had something going on at church, so I think I was usually a character from the Bible and walk around the gym and just try to get as much candy as I can. It sounds a little weird, but I kinda was robbed of the trick-or-treating experience – thanks a lot Mom and Dad – but I’m not bitter about it or anything. We’ll see what we let Ryder do.”

    Audio / Brothers Osborne’s TJ and John Osborne talk about dressing up like zombies for Halloween.


    Brothers Osborne (zombie costume) OC: (John) …was so fun! :29
    TJ: “Literally, you can dress up like a zombie and drag your foot behind you all day and make weird noises, and everyone finds that completely acceptable.” [laughs] JOHN: “One year I dressed up as a ‘90s redneck zombie with a mullet wig and an Alan Jackson denim coat. I never once broke character. That’s part of the thing — you can actually not break character and get away with it. And everywhere I went, even when I ordered a drink, I ordered it like a zombie that was falling apart. [laughs] It was so fun!”

    Audio / Brothers Osborne’s John Osborne talks about carving pumpkins with their dad when they were growing up.


    Brothers Osborne (carving pumpkins) OC: …or something. :25
    “With our dad every year, we would go looking for pumpkins, and we would all get our own pumpkin to carve, and he would buy the biggest pumpkin that they had. It was huge. I mean, it was way too big for any one person, but he would love carving. He’s kind of an artsy guy. He was a great drawer and stuff, and he would carve the most terrifying, vicious looking, scary pumpkin you’d ever seen in your life, and it would be massive. It would be like on a 50-pound pumpkin or something.”

    Audio / Brothers Osborne talk about their favorite Halloween candy.


    Brothers Osborne (Halloween candy) OC: (John) …go stale. [laughs] :34
    TJ: “I would say, Snickers, Baby Ruth, Kit Kat and Reese’s too.” JOHN: “I always hated those houses that would give you bad candy, though. You’re like, ‘C’mon. Step it up.’ Spend the extra dollar on a bag, you know?” TJ: “A house when we were growing up used to give out whole candy bars. It was the best. You were like, ‘That house – that’s the honey hole of candy.’” JOHN: “I love it, and I love like at the end, like three or four days after Halloween you would see what candy was left, and it was always like those crappy cheap candies, and they would just go stale.” [laughs]

    Audio / Brothers Osborne’s TJ Osborne talks about one of his favorite childhood Halloween costumes.


    Brothers Osborne (Halloween costume) OC: (TJ) …I love it. :37
    TJ: “There was a costume I had when I was a kid that my dad made. I was a caterpillar, no, you were a caterpillar and I was a spider. And so I don’t know if you’re familiar with pipe insulation? It’s like these black tubes, and so I had these little black pipe insulators as my legs.” JOHN: “There were strings attached to him that would hold some of the black pipe insulators under his hands, and he’d put working gloves on the end of them and so when he’d raise his arms, all of the little spider legs would raise up with it. [laughs] I’m telling you, our parents were total hippies. They were just…” TJ: “Artsy-fartsy hippies. I love it.”

    Audio / Darius Rucker loves Halloween, especially because it’s his kids’ favorite holiday.


    Darius (Halloween) OC: …I’m into. :06
    “Halloween’s big for me, because the kids love it. It’s my kids’ favorite holiday, so anything they’re into, I’m into.”

    Audio / Dierks Bentley talks about the Halloweens of his childhood.


    Dierks Bentley (Halloween) OC: … …around home. [laughs]  :23
    “Oh, when I was a kid, I was all into fireworks. Growing up in Arizona, we couldn’t get ’em, so we’d have ’em shipped in illegally. I still remember the name of the guy we’d call. His name was Joe, and he’d bring in, ship ’em in a package with no writing on ’em. We were all about M-80s in the mailboxes and bottle rocket wars. To me, as a kid, Halloween was fireworks, was blowing up stuff around home. [laughs]”

    Audio / Eric Church recalls his favorite Halloween costume.


    Eric Church (Halloween) OC: …Franklin Street. 1:18
    “My favorite Halloween costume really came, I remember when I got a little older my first year of college, there’s this thing they do every year in Chapel Hill, North Carolina – Halloween on Franklin Street. We drove down from Boone, North Carolina. I had a bunch of friends that went to University of North Carolina, and we didn’t have costumes and didn’t realize until we were on the way that we had to have costumes. So, we stopped at a costume place in Greensboro, North Carolina. It’s Halloween, so there’s a run on everything and couldn’t find anything. And we end up getting sent around, driving  around town. We end up finding this hole in the wall place, but they had the full costume, Sesame Street outfits. The real deal. The real ones [with] feathers and fur. We were Elmo, Cookie Monster and I was Big Bird, and the Big Bird was the actual Big Bird. It’s about 7-foot-4, and yiou looked out of the body and then you had these straps that went on since the head was a lot higher. There’s a lot of beer involved in Franklin Street, so we get down there and as the night went on, my straps broke, so the head would pivot. And so, I would be walking one way and the head would be facing the other, and it just became this funny…I didn’t know the head was on backwards. I had no idea. I see out of the body, so I’m just kinda walking around and people were talking to my ass-end. [laughs] The whole time peiople’d come up and start talking and go, ‘Hey, turn around.’ And I’d turn around, and they’d go, ‘No turn around.’ It was a mess. That year, there was no other Big Bird on Franklin Street.”

    Audio / Jon Langston talks about his favorite Halloween show a few years ago when his band surprised him on stage.


    Jon Langston (Halloween show) OC: …memorable Halloween. :59
    “So we played a show a few years ago in Baton Rouge and I go off stage and I come back on stage for the encore. I don’t know this until midway through the song, I’m just into the crowd, like I’m engaged. I’m in the zone, and I just see everyone, like everybody else behind me but me and I’m like what’s going on. I turn around and each of them has a different huge mask on, like one of those stuffed animal masks, like my drummer has a dinosaur head on. My guitar players, one of ‘em has monkey head on, the other has a unicorn head on. And my bass player has like a, I think a dog or cat head or something like that. I couldn’t finish the song I was laughing so hard just seeing them playing with these like oversized huge mask heads on Halloween night. That was funny. It was a good prank, so that was probably the most memorable Halloween.”

    Audio / Jon Pardi talks about his favorite Halloween costumes as a child.


    Jon Pardi (Halloween) 1 OC: …the Superman. :15
    “Man, I went through phases of costumes – the Superman costume, then it was a ninja, then I was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle one year. I remember rockin’ the Superman.”

    Audio / Jon Pardi reveals his favorite Halloween candy.


    Jon Pardi (Halloween candy) OC: …during Halloween. :06
    “Man! The candy corn is pretty good, and that’s seasonal, so it only kinda pops out during Halloween.”



    Jordan Davis (Halloween) OC: …jet black. :49
    “I can remember being really big into Power Rangers. I always liked the Red Ranger. I remember being Red Ranger one Halloween. I remember me and my br4other being big into the Ninja Turtles. I was Donatello one year, which I think was the purple turtle. I think, though, my favorite Halloween was I was in college and I went as Luigi from Mario and Luigi, and I actually grew a legit mustache and dyed it jet black and ran into an ex-girlfriend at the costume shop and completely forgot I had the mustache on. So, when Is saw her, she was like, ‘So, you’re going with a mustache nowadays, huh?’ [laughs] I remember being like, ‘I swear this is part of my Halloween costume.’ [laughs] When I dyed my mustache, my top lip was black for a week. Like I really did dye it jet black.”



    Jordan Davis (Halloween candy) OC: …some Starbursts. :21
    “My favorite Halloween candy [is] probably Reese’s or M&M’s, although I love the variety of Starburst. It’s one that I feel like I only eat at Halloween, because I feel like at Halloween one of the popular ones is the two-piece Starburst things. So, probably Reese’s, M&Ms and throw in some Starbursts.”



    Jordan Davis (no candy corn) OC: …they’re awful. :05
    “You know what I never got? The candy corns. I’ve never been a candy corn guy. I think they’re awful.”

    Audio / Josh Turner and his family (including wife Jennifer and their four sons) enjoy dressing up as a family for Halloween. The multi-platinum selling star says his favorite family costumes was a few years ago when they dressed up as Star Wars characters.


    Josh Turner (Halloween costumes) OC: …pretty classic. :27
    “My favorite family costume was from a couple of years ago when I had my six-and-a-half-month-old beard going, and me and the whole family dressed up as Star Wars characters. So, I was a young Obi Wan Kenobi, Jennifer was Princess Leia, Colby and Marion were Storm Troopers, Hampton was Darth Vadar and Hawk was, I guess, pretty much still a baby, and he dressed up as Yoda. It was pretty classic.”


    Audio / We all know Lauren Alaina loves to dress up, but she also loved to come up with costumes for her brother. She says one of her favorite costumes was when she dressed up her brother…as her.


    Lauren Alaina (Halloween-brother) OC: …mad about that! :19
    “I always would dress my brother up too, and I’d say not my best costume, but his best costume when I put makeup all over him and made him, he looked JUST LIKE ME, but I put extensions in his hair and a little hat on his head and I put makeup on him and my cheerleading outfit. It fit him. I was so mad about that!”

    Audio / Luke Bryan says you can tell a lot about your neighbors from what kind of Halloween candy they hand out.


    Luke Bryan (Halloween) OC: …your teeth. :21
    “You can find out a lot about your neighbors by what kind of candy they put out. So, well, like full bars of Snickers bars, that’s what, and Reese’s cups, [but] the old chocolate popcorn ball of stuff, that’s no good either, like Dots – you get Dots one time of year and they pull your teeth.”

    Audio / Luke Bryan talks about his Halloween traditions.


    Luke Bryan (Halloween) 2 OC: …with all that. :33
    “My tradition for Halloween is Caroline picks the outfit. I never know what I’m wearing. So that day, I’ll talk to the neighbors ‘cause I have a tractor back there and I’ll go get my tractor and get a big long trailer, and then I’ll run down to…a couple miles from the farm, we’ve got a big hay farmer that keeps hay and you run in there and pay him for his hay bales. And I’ll load the hay up and get the hayride ready and we’ll take all the kids behind the tractor and have a fun Halloween with all that.”

    Audio / Luke Bryan says his wife Caroline usually pick out his Halloween costumes....and if you follow her on Instagram, you know she's already been testing out new costumes.


    Luke Bryan (Halloween costumes) OC: …always has. :20
    “Me and Caroline did one year where I dressed up as the old lady, and she dressed up as, she called herself a dirty old man. So, she went around acting like an old man saying snide comments to everybody. That was a fun one. The main thing is Caroline is big, she loves Halloween and always has.”

    Audio / Maddie & Tae sit on opposite sides of the fence when it comes to scary movies.


    Maddie & Tae (Halloween) OC: …princesses. :24
    TAE: “Oooooh, Halloween [is] my favorite holiday. Anyone who knows me knows I love all things scary and gory, so especially on Halloween all the scary movies that come out in theaters, I am there every single time.” MADDIE: “And I never go with her because I hate scary things.” TAE: “You know what’s funny? As little girls, everyone wants to dress up as princesses, and I think I was a witch like six years in a row. I just wanted to be scary.” MADDIE: “Girl, I was like Jasmine and you know [other] princesses.”

    Audio / Mickey Guyton was raised in a very religious household, so she didn’t really celebrate Halloween and only went trick-or-treating one time.


    Mickey Guyton (Halloween) OC: …the costumes. :50
    “Growing up, my parents were very, very conservative Christian, and so they viewed Halloween as a pagan holiday. BUT, I got to go trick-or-treating once in my life, and I dressed as a clown because my mom made me this clown suit and that was the best. We were in Moody, Texas. It was all three of my siblings and myself and we had so much candy that it lasted for months and months. My parents eventually had to throw it away because we had so much candy. And it was one of the most amazing, magical experiences I’ve ever had, because I never got to celebrate freaking Halloween. I tell you what, this son of mine is gonna definitely going to be celebrating trick-or-treating. Like I can’t wait to dress him up in all of the costumes.”

    Audio / Parker McCollum says his favorite Halloween candy is…Tootsie Rolls.


    Parker McCollum (favorite Halloween candy) OC: …
    “What I can eat like 6,000 of are Tootsie Rolls. If I eat one Tootsie Roll, I’m gonna eat 30. Man, they’re so good.”

    Audio / Travis Denning talks about his favorite – and probably most embarrassing – Halloween costume.


    Travis Denning (Halloween costume) OC: …Busch Light. :21
    “Honestly, I think one of my most proud and embarrassed Halloween costumes is I went as Terry from Reno 9-1-1. I had the roller skates, the short-shorts, the tied-up shirt. Looking back, it wasn’t the manliest thing I ever did, but it got a lot of laughs. And I think that year my favorite candy I ever had was Busch Light.”


    Audio / LINER Adam Hambrick (Halloween)


    “Hey! This is Adam Hambrick. Happy Halloween.”


    Audio / LINER Billy Currington (Trick or Treat)


    “Trick or Treat, baby.”

    Audio / LINER Brandon Lay (Halloween)


    “Hey everybody! This is Brandon Lay, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Brothers Osborne (Halloween)


    “Hey! This is TJ, and I’m John, and we are Brothers Osborne. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Carrie Underwood (Halloween)


    “Hi! I’m Carrie Underwood, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Caylee Hammack (Halloween) 1


    “Hey y’all, I’m Caylee Hammack, wishing all of y’all a Happy Halloween. Boo!”

    Audio / LINER Caylee Hammack (Halloween) 2


    “Hey y’all! I’m Caylee Hammack, wishing all you goblins and gremlins out there a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Chrissy Metz (Halloween)


    Audio / LINER Darius Rucker (Halloween)


    “Hey! What’s up, y’all? This is Darius Rucker, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Dierks Bentley (Halloween)


    “Hey! It’s Dierks Bentley, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Eric Church (Halloween)


    “Hey! This is Eric Church, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Langston (Halloween)


    “Hey y’all! I’m Jon Langston. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Jordan Davis (Halloween)


    “Hey! I’m Jordan Davis, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Josh Turner (Halloween)


    “Hey Y’all, I’m Josh Turner, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Kacey Musgraves (Halloween)


    “Hey! It’s Kacey Musgraves, and I hope you have a Happy Halloween.”


    Audio / LINER Luke Bryan (Halloween)


    “Hey! What’s up, y’all? I’m Luke Bryan, wishing you a very Happy Halloween. Boo!”

    Audio / LINER Maddie & Tae (Halloween)


    “Hi! We’re Maddie & Tae. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Parker McCollum (Halloween)


    “Hey everybody, I’m Parker McCollum. Happy Halloween.”


    Audio / LINER Sam Hunt (Halloween)


    “Hey everybody! This is Sam Hunt. Happy Halloween!”

    Audio / LINER Travis Denning (Halloween)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Travis Denning. Happy Halloween.”

  • HALLOWEEN 2019: Adam, AJ, Billy, Brandon, Brothers O, Clare, Dierks, Eric, Langston, Pardi, Jordan, Josh, Luke, Maddie & Tae, Travis and more!

    Halloween is Thursday, October 31st, and the holiday has some of your favorite country stars getting into costumes, while others are recalling memories of Halloweens past.

    Audio / Adam Hambrick talks about one of his favorite Halloween costumes as a kid.


    Adam Hambrick (Halloween) OC: …five-years-old. :10
    “My grandmother made me a Ghostbusters jumpsuit, and I had the proton backpack and I went as Peter Venkman, the Ghostbuster, when I was five-years-old.”

    Audio / Alan Jackson used to take his now grown daughters trick-or-treating when they were young children, but he recalls one costume that he hated. It was an infant costume that made one of the girls look like a little peapod.


    AJ (Halloween) OC: …cute, but…[laughs] :17
    “Aww, I remember some, when they were infants, they had like these little, they looked like a little pea pod, you know, or something. It’s like a little green pea or something. And I thought man, that’s awful. But Denise liked it, and I guess it was cute, but…(laughs).”

    Audio / Billy Currington reminisces about his childhood Halloween memories.


    Billy Currington (Halloween) OC: …Halloween. :17
    “You know, when I was a kid, I loved the trick and the treat. I loved dressing up. I was always wanting to be Dracula. That was my favorite guy. But, of course, who doesn’t love going door-to-door and getting these buckets of candy? [laughs] So, love, love Halloween.”

    Audio / Brandon Lay says since his father was a preacher, their Halloween activities were church-related.


    Brandon Lay (Halloween) OC: …let Ryder do. :26
    “You know, my dad was a preacher, so Halloween for me (ha) was a little different than most kids. We always had something going on at church, so I think I was usually a character from the Bible and walk around the gym and just try to get as much candy as I can. It sounds a little weird, but I kinda was robbed of the trick-or-treating experience – thanks a lot Mom and Dad – but I’m not bitter about it or anything. We’ll see what we let Ryder do.”

    Audio / Brothers Osborne’s TJ and John Osborne talk about dressing up like zombies for Halloween.


    Brothers Osborne (zombie costume) OC: (John) …was so fun! :29
    TJ: “Literally, you can dress up like a zombie and drag your foot behind you all day and make weird noises, and everyone finds that completely acceptable.” [laughs] JOHN: “One year I dressed up as a ‘90s  redneck zombie with a mullet wig and an Alan Jackson denim coat. I never once broke character. That’s part of the thing — you can actually not break character and get away with it. And everywhere I went, even when I ordered a drink, I ordered it like a zombie that was falling apart. [laughs] It was so fun!”

    Audio / Brothers Osborne’s John Osborne talks about carving pumpkins with their dad when they were growing up.


    Brothers Osborne (carving pumpkins) OC: …or something. :25
    “With our dad every year, we would go looking for pumpkins, and we would all get our own pumpkin to carve, and he would buy the biggest pumpkin that they had. It was huge. I mean, it was way too big for any one person, but he would love carving. He’s kind of an artsy guy. He was a great drawer and stuff, and he would carve the most terrifying, vicious looking, scary pumpkin you’d ever seen in your life, and it would be massive. It would be like on a 50-pound pumpkin or something.”

    Audio / Brothers Osborne talk about their favorite Halloween candy.


    Brothers Osborne (Halloween candy) OC: (John) …go stale. [laughs] :34
    TJ: “I would say, Snickers, Baby Ruth, Kit Kat and Reese’s too.” JOHN: “I always hated those houses that would give you bad candy, though. You’re like, ‘C’mon. Step it up.’ Spend the extra dollar on a bag, you know?” TJ: “A house when we were growing up used to give out whole candy bars. It was the best. You were like, ‘That house – that’s the honey hole of candy.’” JOHN: “I love it, and I love like at the end, like three or four days after Halloween you would see what candy was left, and it was always like those crappy cheap candies, and they would just go stale.” [laughs]

    Audio / Clare Dunn talks about Halloween when she was a kid.


    Clare Dunn (Halloween) OC: …and stuff. :23
    “Halloween was always hit and miss. I mean it’s five miles to my nearest neighbor. So, for us if we wanted to go trick-or-treating or whatever, some of the country kids a couple of years would all band together and we’d drive around in vehicles from house to house to house. So, we’d all pile into a pickup and then we’d go annoy our neighbors for candy and stuff.”

    Audio / Dierks Bentley talks about the Halloweens of his childhood.


    Dierks Bentley (Halloween) OC: … …around home. [laughs]  :23
    “Oh, when I was a kid, I was all into fireworks. Growing up in Arizona, we couldn’t get ’em, so we’d have ’em shipped in illegally. I still remember the name of the guy we’d call. His name was Joe, and he’d bring in, ship ’em in a package with no writing on ’em. We were all about M-80s in the mailboxes and bottle rocket wars. To me, as a kid, Halloween was fireworks, was blowing up stuff around home. [laughs]”

    Audio / Eric Church recalls his favorite Halloween costume.


    Eric Church (Halloween) OC: …Franklin Street. 1:18
    “My favorite Halloween costume really came, I remember when I got a little older my first year of college, there’s this thing they do every year in Chapel Hill, North Carolina – Halloween on Franklin Street. We drove down from Boone, North Carolina. I had a bunch of friends that went to University of North Carolina, and we didn’t have costumes and didn’t realize until we were on the way that we had to have costumes. So, we stopped at a costume place in Greensboro, North Carolina. It’s Halloween, so there’s a run on everything and couldn’t find anything. And we end up getting sent around, driving  around town. We end up finding this hole in the wall place, but they had the full costume, Sesame Street outfits. The real deal. The real ones [with] feathers and fur. We were Elmo, Cookie Monster and I was Big Bird, and the Big Bird was the actual Big Bird. It’s about 7-foot-4, and yiou looked out of the body and then you had these straps that went on since the head was a lot higher. There’s a lot of beer involved in Franklin Street, so we get down there and as the night went on, my straps broke, so the head would pivot. And so, I would be walking one way and the head would be facing the other, and it just became this funny…I didn’t know the head was on backwards. I had no idea. I see out of the body, so I’m just kinda walking around and people were talking to my ass-end. [laughs] The whole time peiople’d come up and start talking and go, ‘Hey, turn around.’ And I’d turn around, and they’d go, ‘No turn around.’ It was a mess. That year, there was no other Big Bird on Franklin Street.”

    Audio / Jon Langston talks about his favorite Halloween show a few years ago when his band surprised him on stage.


    Jon Langston (Halloween show) OC: …memorable Halloween. :59
    “So we played a show a few years ago in Baton Rouge and I go off stage and I come back on stage for the encore. I don’t know this until midway through the song, I’m just into the crowd, like I’m engaged. I’m in the zone, and I just see everyone, like everybody else behind me but me and I’m like what’s going on. I turn around and each of them has a different huge mask on, like one of those stuffed animal masks, like my drummer has a dinosaur head on. My guitar players, one of ‘em has monkey head on, the other has a unicorn head on. And my bass player has like a, I think a dog or cat head or something like that. I couldn’t finish the song I was laughing so hard just seeing them playing with these like oversized huge mask heads on Halloween night. That was funny. It was a good prank, so that was probably the most memorable Halloween.”

    Audio / Jon Pardi talks about his favorite Halloween costumes as a child.


    Jon Pardi (Halloween) 1 OC: …the Superman. :15
    “Man, I went through phases of costumes – the Superman costume, then it was a ninja, then I was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle one year. I remember rockin’ the Superman.”

    Audio / Jon Pardi reveals his favorite Halloween candy.


    Jon Pardi (Halloween candy) OC: …during Halloween. :06
    “Man! The candy corn is pretty good, and that’s seasonal, so it only kinda pops out during Halloween.”



    Jordan Davis (Halloween costumes) OC: …jet black. :49
    “I can remember being really big into Power Rangers. I always liked the Red Ranger. I remember being Red Ranger one Halloween. I remember me and my br4other being big into the Ninja Turtles. I was Donatello one year, which I think was the purple turtle. I think, though, my favorite Halloween was I was in college and I went as Luigi from Mario and Luigi, and I actually grew a legit mustache and dyed it jet black and ran into an ex-girlfriend at the costume shop and completely forgot I had the mustache on. So, when Is saw her, she was like, ‘So, you’re going with a mustache nowadays, huh?’ [laughs] I remember being like, ‘I swear this is part of my Halloween costume.’ [laughs] When I dyed my mustache, my top lip was black for a week. Like I really did dye it jet black.”



    Jordan Davis (Halloween candy) OC: …some Starbursts. :21
    “My favorite Halloween candy [is] probably Reese’s or M&M’s, although I love the variety of Starburst. It’s one that I feel like I only eat at Halloween, because I feel like at Halloween one of the popular ones is the two-piece Starburst things. So, probably Reese’s, M&Ms and throw in some Starbursts.”



    Jordan Davis (no candy corn) OC: …they’re awful. :05
    “You know what I never got? The candy corns. I’ve never been a candy corn guy. I think they’re awful.”

    Audio / Josh Turner and his family (including wife Jennifer and their four sons) enjoy dressing up as a family for Halloween. The multi-platinum selling star says his favorite family costumes was a few years ago when they dressed up as Star Wars characters.


    Josh Turner (Halloween costumes) OC: …pretty classic. :27
    “My favorite family costume was from a couple of years ago when I had my six-and-a-half-month-old beard going, and me and the whole family dressed up as Star Wars characters. So, I was a young Obi Wan Kenobi, Jennifer was Princess Leia, Colby and Marion were Storm Troopers, Hampton was Darth Vadar and Hawk was, I guess, pretty much still a baby, and he dressed up as Yoda. It was pretty classic.”



    Josh Turner (Halloween candy) OC: …can’t beat ‘em. :09
    “My favorite Halloween candy…hmmmm…that’s a tricky one. I’m going to have to go with Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Can’t beat ‘em.”

    Audio / Luke Bryan says you can tell a lot about your neighbors from what kind of Halloween candy they hand out.


    Luke Bryan (Halloween) OC: …your teeth. :21
    “You can find out a lot about your neighbors by what kind of candy they put out. So, well, like full bars of Snickers bars, that’s what, and Reese’s cups, [but] the old chocolate popcorn ball of stuff, that’s no good either, like Dots – you get Dots one time of year and they pull your teeth.”

    Audio / Luke Bryan talks about his Halloween traditions.


    Luke Bryan (Halloween) 2 OC: …with all that. :33
    “My tradition for Halloween is Caroline picks the outfit. I never know what I’m wearing. So that day, I’ll talk to the neighbors ‘cause I have a tractor back there and I’ll go get my tractor and get a big long trailer, and then I’ll run down to…a couple miles from the farm, we’ve got a big hay farmer that keeps hay and you run in there and pay him for his hay bales. And I’ll load the hay up and get the hayride ready and we’ll take all the kids behind the tractor and have a fun Halloween with all that.”

    Audio / Luke Bryan says his wife Caroline usually pick out his Halloween costumes.


    Luke Bryan (Halloween costumes) OC: …always has. :20
    “Me and Caroline did one year where I dressed up as the old lady, and she dressed up as, she called herself a dirty old man. So, she went around acting like an old man saying snide comments to everybody. That was a fun one. The main thing is Caroline is big, she loves Halloween and always has.”

    Audio / Maddie & Tae sit on opposite sides of the fence when it comes to scary movies.


    Maddie & Tae (Halloween) OC: …princesses. :24
    TAE: “Oooooh, Halloween [is] my favorite holiday. Anyone who knows me knows I love all things scary and gory, so especially on Halloween all the scary movies that come out in theaters, I am there every single time.” MADDIE: “And I never go with her because I hate scary things.” TAE: “You know what’s funny? As little girls, everyone wants to dress up as princesses, and I think I was a witch like six years in a row. I just wanted to be scary.” MADDIE: “Girl, I was like Jasmine and you know [other] princesses.”

    Audio / Travis Denning talks about his favorite – and probably most embarrassing – Halloween costume.


    Travis Denning (Halloween costume) OC: …Busch Light. :21
    “Honestly, I think one of my most proud and embarrassed Halloween costumes is I went as Terry from Reno 9-1-1. I had the roller skates, the short-shorts, the tied-up shirt. Looking back, it wasn’t the manliest thing I ever did, but it got a lot of laughs. And I think that year my favorite candy I ever had was Busch Light.”


    Audio / LINER Adam Hambrick (Halloween)


    “Hey! This is Adam Hambrick. Happy Halloween.”


    Audio / LINER Billy Currington (Trick or Treat)


    “Trick or Treat, baby.”

    Audio / LINER Brandon Lay (Halloween)


    “Hey everybody! This is Brandon Lay, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Brothers Osborne (Halloween)


    “Hey! This is TJ, and I’m John, and we are Brothers Osborne. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Carrie Underwood (Halloween)


    “Hi! I’m Carrie Underwood, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Caylee Hammack (Halloween) 1


    “Hey y’all, I’m Caylee Hammack, wishing all of y’all a Happy Halloween. Boo!”

    Audio / LINER Caylee Hammack (Halloween) 2


    “Hey y’all! I’m Caylee Hammack, wishing all you goblins and gremlins out there a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Clare Dunn (Halloween)


    “Hey! This is Clare Dunn, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”


    Audio / LINER Darius Rucker (Halloween)


    “Hey! What’s up, y’all? This is Darius Rucker, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Dierks Bentley (Halloween)


    “Hey! It’s Dierks Bentley, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Eric Church (Halloween)


    “Hey! This is Eric Church, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Langston (Halloween)


    “Hey y’all! I’m Jon Langston. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Jordan Davis (Halloween)


    “Hey! I’m Jordan Davis, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Josh Turner (Halloween)


    “Hey Y’all, I’m Josh Turner, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Kacey Musgraves (Halloween)


    “Hey! It’s Kacey Musgraves, and I hope you have a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Luke Bryan (Halloween)


    “Hey! What’s up, y’all? I’m Luke Bryan, wishing you a very Happy Halloween. Boo!”

    Audio / LINER Maddie & Tae (Halloween)


    “Hi! We’re Maddie & Tae. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Parker McCollum (Halloween)


    “Hey everybody, I’m Parker McCollum. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Sam Hunt (Halloween)


    “Hey everybody! This is Sam Hunt. Happy Halloween!”

    Audio / LINER Travis Denning (Halloween)


    “Hey y’all, it’s Travis Denning. Happy Halloween.”


    Josh Turner and his family (including wife Jennifer and their four sons) enjoy dressing up as a family for Halloween. The multi-platinum selling star says his favorite family costumes was a few years ago when they dressed up as Star Wars characters.



    “My favorite family costume was from a couple of years ago when I had my six-and-a-half-month-old beard going, and me and the whole family dressed up as Star Wars characters. So, I was a young Obi Wan Kenobi, Jennifer was Princess Leia, Colby and Marion were Storm Troopers, Hampton was Darth Vadar and Hawk was, I guess, pretty much still a baby, and he dressed up as Yoda. It was pretty classic.”

    For more Halloween soundbites, click here.

    For Halloween Liners, click here.

    Audio / Josh Turner talks about his favorite Halloween costume.


    Josh Turner (Halloween costumes) OC: …pretty classic. :27
    “My favorite family costume was from a couple of years ago when I had my six-and-a-half-month-old beard going, and me and the whole family dressed up as Star Wars characters. So, I was a young Obi Wan Kenobi, Jennifer was Princess Leia, Colby and Marion were Storm Troopers, Hampton was Darth Vadar and Hawk was, I guess, pretty much still a baby, and he dressed up as Yoda. It was pretty classic.”

    Audio / Josh Turner reveals his favorite Halloween candy.


    Josh Turner (Halloween candy) OC: …can’t beat ‘em. :09
    “My favorite Halloween candy…hmmmm…that’s a tricky one. I’m going to have to go with Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Can’t beat ‘em.”




  • HALLOWEEN 2018: Adam, Alan, Billy, Brothers O, Clare, Darius, Dierks, Eric, Jon, Jon, Jordan, Luke, Maddie & Tae, Travis

    Halloween is Wednesday, October 31st, and the holiday has some of your favorite country stars getting into costumes, while others are recalling memories of Halloweens past.


    Audio / Adam Hambrick talks about one of his favorite Halloween costumes as a kid.


    Adam Hambrick (Halloween) OC: …five-years-old. :10
    “My grandmother made me a Ghostbusters jumpsuit, and I had the proton backpack and I went as Peter Venkman, the Ghostbuster, when I was five-years-old.”

    Audio / Alan Jackson used to take his now grown daughters trick-or-treating when they were young children, but he recalls one costume that he hated. It was an infant costume that made one of the girls look like a little peapod.


    AJ (Halloween) OC: …cute, but…[laughs] :17
    “Aww, I remember some, when they were infants, they had like these little, they looked like a little pea pod, you know, or something. It’s like a little green pea or something. And I thought man, that’s awful. But Denise liked it, and I guess it was cute, but…(laughs).”

    Audio / Billy Currington reminisces about his childhood Halloween memories.


    Billy Currington (Halloween) OC: …Halloween. :17
    “You know, when I was a kid, I loved the trick and the treat. I loved dressing up. I was always wanting to be Dracula. That was my favorite guy. But, of course, who doesn’t love going door-to-door and getting these buckets of candy? [laughs] So, love, love Halloween.”




    Brothers Osborne (Halloween candy) OC: (John) …go stale. [laughs] :34
    TJ: “I would say, Snickers, Baby Ruth, Kit Kat and Reese’s too.” JOHN: “I always hated those houses that would give you bad candy, though. You’re like, ‘C’mon. Step it up.’ Spend the extra dollar on a bag, you know?” TJ: “A house when we were growing up used to give out whole candy bars. It was the best. You were like, ‘That house – that’s the honey hole of candy.’” JOHN: “I love it, and I love like at the end, like three or four days after Halloween you would see what candy was left, and it was always like those crappy cheap candies, and they would just go stale.” [laughs]

    Audio / Brothers Osborne’s John Osborne talks about carving pumpkins with their dad when they were growing up.


    Brothers Osborne (carving pumpkins) OC: …or something. :25
    “With our dad every year, we would go looking for pumpkins, and we would all get our own pumpkin to carve, and he would buy the biggest pumpkin that they had. It was huge. I mean, it was way too big for any one person, but he would love carving. He’s kind of an artsy guy. He was a great drawer and stuff, and he would carve the most terrifying, vicious looking, scary pumpkin you’d ever seen in your life, and it would be massive. It would be like on a 50-pound pumpkin or something.”

    Audio / Brothers Osborne’s TJ and John Osborne talk about dressing up like zombies for Halloween.


    Brothers Osborne (zombie costume) OC: (John) …was so fun! :29
    TJ: “Literally, you can dress up like a zombie and drag your foot behind you all day and make weird noises, and everyone finds that completely acceptable.” [laughs] JOHN: “One year I dressed up as a ‘90s redneck zombie with a mullet wig and an Alan Jackson denim coat. I never once broke character. That’s part of the thing — you can actually not break character and get away with it. And everywhere I went, even when I ordered a drink, I ordered it like a zombie that was falling apart. [laughs] It was so fun!”

    Audio / Brothers Osborne’s TJ Osborne talks about one of his favorite childhood Halloween costumes.


    Brothers Osborne (Halloween costume) OC: (TJ) …I love it. :37
    TJ: “There was a costume I had when I was a kid that my dad made. I was a caterpillar, no, you were a caterpillar and I was a spider. And so I don’t know if you’re familiar with pipe insulation? It’s like these black tubes, and so I had these little black pipe insulators as my legs.” JOHN: “There were strings attached to him that would hold some of the black pipe insulators under his hands, and he’d put working gloves on the end of them and so when he’d raise his arms, all of the little spider legs would raise up with it. [laughs] I’m telling you, our parents were total hippies. They were just…” TJ: “Artsy-fartsy hippies. I love it.”

    Audio / Growing up on a working ranch where the nearest neighbor was about five miles away, Clare Dunn says trick-or-treating was hit-or-miss.


    Clare Dunn (Halloween) OC: …and stuff. :23
    “Halloween was always hit and miss. I mean it’s five miles to my nearest neighbor. So, for us if we wanted to go trick-or-treating or whatever, some of the country kids a couple of years would all band together and we’d drive around in vehicles from house to house to house. So, we’d all pile into a pickup and then we’d go annoy our neighbors for candy and stuff.”

    Audio / Darius Rucker loves Halloween, especially because it’s his kids’ favorite holiday.


    Darius (Halloween) OC: …I’m into. :06
    “Halloween’s big for me, because the kids love it. It’s my kids’ favorite holiday, so anything they’re into, I’m into.”

    Audio / Dierks Bentley talks about the Halloweens of his childhood.


    Dierks Bentley (Halloween) OC: … …around home. [laughs]  :23
    “Oh, when I was a kid, I was all into fireworks. Growing up in Arizona, we couldn’t get ’em, so we’d have ’em shipped in illegally. I still remember the name of the guy we’d call. His name was Joe, and he’d bring in, ship ’em in a package with no writing on ’em. We were all about M-80s in the mailboxes and bottle rocket wars. To me, as a kid, Halloween was fireworks, was blowing up stuff around home. [laughs]”

    Audio / Eric Church recalls his favorite Halloween costume.


    Eric Church (Halloween) OC: …Franklin Street. 1:18
    “My favorite Halloween costume really came, I remember when I got a little older my first year of college, there’s this thing they do every year in Chapel Hill, North Carolina – Halloween on Franklin Street. We drove down from Boone, North Carolina. I had a bunch of friends that went to University of North Carolina, and we didn’t have costumes and didn’t realize until we were on the way that we had to have costumes. So, we stopped at a costume place in Greensboro, North Carolina. It’s Halloween, so there’s a run on everything and couldn’t find anything. And we end up getting sent around, driving  around town. We end up finding this hole in the wall place, but they had the full costume, Sesame Street outfits. The real deal. The real ones [with] feathers and fur. We were Elmo, Cookie Monster and I was Big Bird, and the Big Bird was the actual Big Bird. It’s about 7-foot-4, and yiou looked out of the body and then you had these straps that went on since the head was a lot higher. There’s a lot of beer involved in Franklin Street, so we get down there and as the night went on, my straps broke, so the head would pivot. And so, I would be walking one way and the head would be facing the other, and it just became this funny…I didn’t know the head was on backwards. I had no idea. I see out of the body, so I’m just kinda walking around and people were talking to my ass-end. [laughs] The whole time peiople’d come up and start talking and go, ‘Hey, turn around.’ And I’d turn around, and they’d go, ‘No turn around.’ It was a mess. That year, there was no other Big Bird on Franklin Street.”

    Audio / Jon Langston talks about his most memorable Halloween.


    Jon Langston (Halloween show) OC: …memorable Halloween. :59
    “So we played a show a few years ago in Baton Rouge and I go off stage and I come back on stage for the encore. I don’t know this until midway through the song, I’m just into the crowd, like I’m engaged. I’m in the zone, and I just see everyone, like everybody else behind me but me and I’m like what’s going on. I turn around and each of them has a different huge mask on, like one of those stuffed animal masks, like my drummer has a dinosaur head on. My guitar players, one of ‘em has monkey head on, the other has a unicorn head on. And my bass player has like a, I think a dog or cat head or something like that. I couldn’t finish the song I was laughing so hard just seeing them playing with these like over-sized huge mask heads on Halloween night. That was funny. It was a good prank, so that was probably the most memorable Halloween.”

    Audio / Jon Pardi reveals his favorite Halloween candy.


    Jon Pardi (Halloween candy) OC: …during Halloween. :06
    “Man! The candy corn is pretty good, and that’s seasonal, so it only kinda pops out during Halloween.”

    Audio / Jon Pardi talks about his favorite Halloween costumes as a child.


    Jon Pardi (Halloween) 1 OC: …the Superman. :15
    “Man, I went through phases of costumes – the Superman costume, then it was a ninja, then I was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle one year. I remember rockin’ the Superman.”



    Jordan Davis (Halloween costumes) OC: …jet black. :49
    “I can remember being really big into Power Rangers. I always liked the Red Ranger. I remember being Red Ranger one Halloween. I remember me and my brother being big into the Ninja Turtles. I was Donatello one year, which I think was the purple turtle. I think, though, my favorite Halloween was I was in college and I went as Luigi from Mario and Luigi, and I actually grew a legit mustache and dyed it jet black and ran into an e-girlfriend at the costume shop and completely forgot I had the mustache on. So, when Is saw her, she was like, ‘So, you’re going with a mustache nowadays, huh?’ [laughs] I remember being like, ‘I swear this is part of my Halloween costume.’ [laughs] When I dyed my mustache, my top lip was black for a week. Like I really did dye it jet black.”



    Jordan Davis (Halloween candy) OC: …some Starbursts. :21
    “My favorite Halloween candy [is] probably Reese’s or M&M’s, although I love the variety of Starburst. It’s one that I feel like I only eat at Halloween, because I feel like at Halloween one of the popular ones is the two-piece Starburst things. So, probably Reese’s, M&Ms and throw in some Starbursts.”



    Jordan Davis (no candy corn) OC: …they’re awful. :05
    “You know what I never got? The candy corns. I’ve never been a candy corn guy. I think they’re awful.”

    Audio / Luke Bryan says you can tell a lot about your neighbors from what kind of Halloween candy they hand out.


    Luke Bryan (Halloween) OC: …your teeth. :21
    “You can find out a lot about your neighbors by what kind of candy they put out. So, well, like full bars of Snickers bars, that’s what, and Reese’s cups, [but] the old chocolate popcorn ball of stuff, that’s no good either, like Dots – you get Dots one time of year and they pull your teeth.”

    Audio / Luke Bryan says his wife Caroline usually pick out his Halloween costumes.


    Luke Bryan (Halloween costumes) OC: …always has. :20
    “Me and Caroline did one year where I dressed up as the old lady, and she dressed up as, she called herself a dirty old man. So, she went around acting like an old man saying snide comments to everybody. That was a fun one. The main thing is Caroline is big, she loves Halloween and always has.”

    Audio / Luke Bryan talks about his Halloween traditions.


    Luke Bryan (Halloween) 2 OC: …with all that. :33
    “My tradition for Halloween is Caroline picks the outfit. I never know what I’m wearing. So that day, I’ll talk to the neighbors ‘cause I have a tractor back there and I’ll go get my tractor and get a big long trailer, and then I’ll run down to…a couple miles from the farm, we’ve got a big hay farmer that keeps hay and you run in there and pay him for his hay bales. And I’ll load the hay up and get the hayride ready and we’ll take all the kids behind the tractor and have a fun Halloween with all that.”

    Audio / Maddie & Tae sit on opposite sides of the fence when it comes to scary movies.


    Maddie & Tae (Halloween) OC: …princesses. :24
    TAE: “Oooooh, Halloween [is] my favorite holiday. Anyone who knows me knows I love all things scary and gory, so especially on Halloween all the scary movies that come out in theaters, I am there every single time.” MADDIE: “And I never go with her because I hate scary things.” TAE: “You know what’s funny? As little girls, everyone wants to dress up as princesses, and I think I was a witch like six years in a row. I just wanted to be scary.” MADDIE: “Girl, I was like Jasmine and you know [other] princesses.”

    Audio / Travis Denning talks about his favorite – and probably most embarrassing – Halloween costume.


    Travis Denning (Halloween costume) OC: …Busch Light. :21
    “Honestly, I think one of my most proud and embarrassed Halloween costumes is I went as Terry from Reno 9-1-1. I had the roller skates, the short-shorts, the tied-up shirt. Looking back, it wasn’t the manliest thing I ever did, but it got a lot of laughs. And I think that year my favorite candy I ever had was Busch Light.”


    Audio / LINER Adam Hambrick (Halloween)


    “Hey! This is Adam Hambrick. Happy Halloween.”


    Audio / LINER Billy Currington (Trick or Treat)


    “Trick or Treat, baby.”

    Audio / LINER Brandon Lay (Halloween)


    “Hey everybody! This is Brandon Lay, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Brothers Osborne (Halloween)


    “Hey! This is TJ, and I’m John, and we are Brothers Osborne. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Carrie Underwood (Halloween)


    “Hi! I’m Carrie Underwood, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Clare Dunn (Halloween)


    “Hey! This is Clare Dunn, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”


    Audio / LINER Darius Rucker (Halloween)


    “Hey! What’s up, y’all? This is Darius Rucker, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Dierks Bentley (Halloween)


    “Hey! It’s Dierks Bentley, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Eric Church (Halloween)


    “Hey! This is Eric Church, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Jon Langston (Halloween)


    “Hey y’all! I’m Jon Langston. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Jordan Davis (Halloween)


    “Hey! I’m Jordan Davis, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Josh Turner (Halloween)


    “Hey y’all, I’m Josh Turner, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Kacey Musgraves (Halloween)


    “Hey! It’s Kacey Musgraves, and I hope you have a Happy Halloween.”


    Audio / LINER Luke Bryan (Halloween)


    “Hey! What’s up, y’all? I’m Luke Bryan, wishing you a very Happy Halloween. Boo!”


    Audio / LINER Maddie & Tae (Halloween)


    “Hi! We’re Maddie & Tae. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Sam Hunt (Happy Halloween)


    “Hey everybody! This is Sam Hunt. Happy Halloween!”


    Audio / Billy Currington reminisces about his childhood Halloween memories.


    Billy Currington (Halloween) OC: …Halloween. :17
    “You know, when I was a kid, I loved the trick and the treat. I loved dressing up. I was always wanting to be Dracula. That was my favorite guy. But, of course, who doesn’t love going door-to-door and getting these buckets of candy? [laughs] So, love, love Halloween.”

    Audio / Brothers Osborne’s John Osborne talks about carving pumpkins with their dad when they were growing up.


    Brothers Osborne (carving pumpkins) OC: …or something. :25
    “With our dad every year, we would go looking for pumpkins, and we would all get our own pumpkin to carve, and he would buy the biggest pumpkin that they had. It was huge. I mean, it was way too big for any one person, but he would love carving. He’s kind of an artsy guy. He was a great drawer and stuff, and he would carve the most terrifying, vicious looking, scary pumpkin you’d ever seen in your life, and it would be massive. It would be like on a 50-pound pumpkin or something.”

    Audio / John and TJ Osborne talk about their favorite Halloween candy.


    Brothers Osborne (Halloween candy) OC: (John) …go stale. [laughs] :34
    TJ: “I would say, Snickers, Baby Ruth, Kit Kat and Reese’s too.” JOHN: “I always hated those houses that would give you bad candy, though. You’re like, ‘C’mon. Step it up.’ Spend the extra dollar on a bag, you know?” TJ: “A house when we were growing up used to give out whole candy bars. It was the best. You were like, ‘That house – that’s the honey hole of candy.’” JOHN: “I love it, and I love like at the end, like three or four days after Halloween you would see what candy was left, and it was always like those crappy cheap candies, and they would just go stale.” [laughs]

    Audio / Brothers Osborne’s TJ and John Osborne talk about dressing up like zombies for Halloween.


    Brothers Osborne (zombie costume) OC: (John) …was so fun! :29
    TJ: “Literally, you can dress up like a zombie and drag your foot behind you all day and make weird noises, and everyone finds that completely acceptable.” [laughs] JOHN: “One year I dressed up as a ‘90s redneck zombie with a mullet wig and an Alan Jackson denim coat. I never once broke character. That’s part of the thing — you can actually not break character and get away with it. And everywhere I went, even when I ordered a drink, I ordered it like a zombie that was falling apart. [laughs] It was so fun!”

    Audio / Canaan Smith says his Halloweens of today have changed dramatically since he was a child.


    Canaan Smith (Halloween) OC: …cornfields. :37
    “I grew up in a Christian family. We went to a private Christian school for a while, so they didn’t allow us to celebrate Halloween like I do now. We did what was called a Hallelujah Party instead, and you still dress up and still get all the candy, but you go to the high school gym. You play games, you just do, like cornhole and the dunking booth and all kinds of stuff and win prizes, but it was nothing ever scary. I think they had like rules about what outfits you could and couldn’t wear. But now I just love freaking myself out and going to, I love going to haunted houses and haunted cornfields.”

    Audio / Darius Rucker loves Halloween, especially because it’s his kids’ favorite holiday.


    Darius (Halloween) OC: …I’m into. :06
    “Halloween’s big for me, because the kids love it. It’s my kids’ favorite holiday, so anything they’re into, I’m into.”

    Audio / Dierks Bentley talks about the Halloweens of his childhood.


    Dierks Bentley (Halloween) OC: … …around home. [laughs]  :23
    “Oh, when I was a kid, I was all into fireworks. Growing up in Arizona, we couldn’t get ’em, so we’d have ’em shipped in illegally. I still remember the name of the guy we’d call. His name was Joe, and he’d bring in, ship ’em in a package with no writing on ’em. We were all about M-80s in the mailboxes and bottle rocket wars. To me, as a kid, Halloween was fireworks, was blowing up stuff around home. [laughs]”

    Audio / Easton Corbin says one of his favorite costumes as a kid was made by his grandmother.


    Easton Corbin (Halloween) OC: …pretty warm. :26

    “My grandma made a werewolf outfit for me, and I wore that one year. She got this fake hair and glued it to sweatpants and a sweatshirt. That was a hot outfit. I mean, it got pretty warm.”

    Audio / Eric Church recalls his favorite Halloween costume.


    Eric Church (Halloween) OC: …Franklin Street. 1:18
    “My favorite Halloween costume really came, I remember when I got a little older my first year of college, there’s this thing they do every year in Chapel Hill, North Carolina – Halloween on Franklin Street. We drove down from Boone, North Carolina. I had a bunch of friends that went to University of North Carolina, and we didn’t have costumes and didn’t realize until we were on the way that we had to have costumes. So, we stopped at a costume place in Greensboro, North Carolina. It’s Halloween, so there’s a run on everything and couldn’t find anything. And we end up getting sent around, driving around town. We end up finding this hole in the wall place, but they had the full costume, Sesame Street outfits. The real deal. The real ones [with] feathers and fur. We were Elmo, Cookie Monster and I was Big Bird, and the Big Bird was the actual Big Bird. It’s about 7-foot-4, and yiou looked out of the body and then you had these straps that went on since the head was a lot higher. There’s a lot of beer involved in Franklin Street, so we get down there and as the night went on, my straps broke, so the head would pivot. And so, I would be walking one way and the head would be facing the other, and it just became this funny…I didn’t know the head was on backwards. I had no idea. I see out of the body, so I’m just kinda walking around and people were talking to my ass-end. [laughs] The whole time peiople’d come up and start talking and go, ‘Hey, turn around.’ And I’d turn around, and they’d go, ‘No turn around.’ It was a mess. That year, there was no other Big Bird on Franklin Street.”

    Audio / Jon Pardi reveals his favorite Halloween candy.


    Jon Pardi (Halloween candy) OC: …during Halloween. :06
    “Man! The candy corn is pretty good, and that’s seasonal, so it only kinda pops out during Halloween.”

    Audio / Jon Pardi talks about his favorite Halloween costumes as a child.


    Jon Pardi (Halloween) 1 OC: …the Superman. :15
    “Man, I went through phases of costumes – the Superman costume, then it was a ninja, then I was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle one year. I remember rockin’ the Superman.”

    Audio / Jordan Davis talks about his favorite Halloween costumes over the years.


    Jordan Davis (Halloween costumes) OC: …jet black. :49
    “I can remember being really big into Power Rangers. I always liked the Red Ranger. I remember being Red Ranger one Halloween. I remember me and my br4other being big into the Ninja Turtles. I was Donatello one year, which I think was the purple turtle. I think, though, my favorite Halloween was I was in college and I went as Luigi from Mario and Luigi, and I actually grew a legit mustache and dyed it jet black and ran into an e-girlfriend at the costume shop and completely forgot I had the mustache on. So, when Is saw her, she was like, ‘So, you’re going with a mustache nowadays, huh?’ [laughs] I remember being like, ‘I swear this is part of my Halloween costume.’ [laughs] When I dyed my mustache, my top lip was black for a week. Like I really did dye it jet black.”

    Audio / Jordan Davis talks about his favorite Halloween candy.


    Jordan Davis (Halloween candy) OC: …some Starbursts. :21
    “My favorite Halloween candy [is] probably Reese’s or M&M’s, although I love the variety of Starburst. It’s one that I feel like I only eat at Halloween, because I feel like at Halloween one of the popular ones is the two-piece Starburst things. So, probably Reese’s, M&Ms and throw in some Starbursts.”

    Audio / Candy Corn is a pretty polarizing candy that only comes out around Halloween. Some love it; some hate it and neither opinion is wrong. Jordan Davis sides with the haters (don’t blame him), since he’s just not that into candy corn.


    Jordan Davis (no candy corn) OC: …they’re awful. :05
    “You know what I never got? The candy corns. I’ve never been a candy corn guy. I think they’re awful.”

    Audio / Lady Antebellum’s Dave Haywood recalls one of his most embarrassing Halloween costumes.


    Lady A (Dave Haywood costume memory) OC: …50 feet. :20
    “I was a die (1/2 of a pair of dice) for Halloween. I had a big cardboard box that I had painted white and had the polka dots and stuff. And I remember I was walking up this hill to go to this hill and literally fell back down the entire hill [laughter], rolling in this giant cardboard box that I couldn’t do anything about, because I rolled down about 50-feet.”

    Audio / Luke Bryan says wife Caroline always picks out their Halloween costumes.


    Luke Bryan (Halloween costumes) OC: …always has. :20
    “Me and Caroline did one year where I dressed up as the old lady, and she dressed up as, she called herself a dirty old man. So, she went around acting like an old man saying snide comments to everybody. That was a fun one. The main thing is Caroline is big, she loves Halloween and always has.”

    Audio / Luke Bryan says you can tell a lot about your neighbors from what kind of Halloween candy they hand out.


    Luke Bryan (Halloween) OC: …your teeth. :21
    “You can find out a lot about your neighbors by what kind of candy they put out. So, well, like full bars of Snickers bars, that’s what, and Reese’s cups, [but] the old chocolate popcorn ball of stuff, that’s no good either, like Dots – you get Dots one time of year and they pull your teeth.”

    Audio / Luke Bryan talks about his Halloween tradition.


    Luke Bryan (Halloween) 2 OC: …with all that. :33
    “My tradition for Halloween is Caroline picks the outfit. I never know what I’m wearing. So that day, I’ll talk to the neighbors ‘cause I have a tractor back there and I’ll go get my tractor and get a big long trailer, and then I’ll run down to…a couple miles from the farm, we’ve got a big hay farmer that keeps hay and you run in there and pay him for his hay bales. And I’ll load the hay up and get the hayride ready and we’ll take all the kids behind the tractor and have a fun Halloween with all that.”

  • HALLOWEEN LINERS 2017: Billy, Brandon, Brothers O, Canaan, Carrie, Clare, Darius, Dierks, Easton, Church, Paslay, Kacey, Lady A, Luke, Sam

    Audio /


    LINER Billy Currington (Trick or Treat)
    “Trick or Treat, baby.”

    Audio /


    LINER Brandon Lay (Halloween)
    “Hey everybody! This is Brandon Lay, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio /


    LINER Brothers Osborne (Halloween)
    “Hey! This is TJ, and I’m John, and we are Brothers Osborne. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio /


    LINER Canaan Smith (Halloween)
    “Hey! What’s up guys? I’m Canaan Smith. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio /


    LINER Carrie Underwood (Halloween)
    “Hi! I’m Carrie Underwood, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”


    Audio /


    LINER Clare Dunn (Halloween)
    “Hey! This is Clare Dunn, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”


    Audio /


    LINER Darius Rucker (Halloween)
    “Hey! What’s up, y’all? This is Darius Rucker, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio /


    LINER Dierks Bentley (Halloween)
    “Hey! It’s Dierks Bentley, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio /


    LINER Eric Church (Halloween)
    “Hey! This is Eric Church, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio /


    LINER Eric Paslay (Halloween)
    “Hey! This is Eric Paslay, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio /


    LINER Jordan Davis (Halloween)
    “Hey! I’m Jordan Davis, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio /


    LINER Kacey Musgraves (Halloween)
    “Hey! It’s Kacey Musgraves, and I hope you have a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio /


    LINER Lady A (Halloween)
    “Hey everybody! We are Lady Antebellum. Have a safe and Happy Halloween.”


    Audio /


    LINER Luke Bryan (Halloween)
    “Hey! What’s up, y’all? I’m Luke Bryan, wishing you a very Happy Halloween. Boo!”

    Audio /


    LINER Sam Hunt (Halloween)
    “Hey everybody! This is Sam Hunt. Happy Halloween!”

    Audio /


    LINER Tyminski (Halloween)
    “Hey everybody! I’m Tyminski, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”


    Dierks Bentley will be forgoing Monday night’s (October 31st) ASCAP Awards to dress up as Mr. Potato Head for Halloween. This year, his whole family – Dierks, wife Cassidy, daughters Evie and Jordan, as well as son Knox) will be going as some of the beloved characters from Toy Story.

    “The costumes are always picked out by our kids, and this year they wanted to do Toy Story. So, I thought maybe I’d get Woody. No. I thought maybe I’d get Buzz Lightyear. No. I got Mr. Potato Head. Yeah, I’m very cool. I’m gonna make him cool. I’m bringing sexy back to Mr. Potato Head. They’ve got a Mrs. Potato Head too, so Cass is Mrs. Potato Head. So, we’re going as the, yeah, Toy Story,” says Dierks. “Let’s see, so we’re Potato Heads, Evie is Little Bo Peep, Jordan is the cowgirl. I can’t think of her name. Jessie! Jordan is Jessie, and then Knox is Buzz Lightyear. We got a little Buzz Lightyear costume for him, which is pretty strong.”

    Some previous costumes for the Bentleys included The Wizard of Oz and Willy Wonka, where Cass was Violet and dressed as a big blueberry, while the girls went as Oompa Loompas.

    Dierks is set to perform on Good Morning America on Wednesday morning from Nashville, as well as on the 50th Annual CMA Awards, where he has four nominations, including Male, Album (Black), Video (“Somewhere on a Beach”) and Musical Event of the Year with Elle King for “Different for Girls.”

    Audio / Dierks Bentley talks about what he and his family (wife Cassidy, daughters Evie and Jordan and son Knox) will be going as for Halloween this year.


    Dierks Bentley (Halloween 2016) OC: …pretty strong. :57
    “The costumes are always picked out by our kids, and this year they wanted to do Toy Story. So, I thought maybe I’d get Woody. No. I thought maybe I’d get Buzz Lightyear. No. I got Mr. Potato Head. Yeah, I’m very cool. I’m gonna make him cool. I’m bringing sexy back to Mr. Potato Head. they’ve got a Mrs. Potato Head too, so Cass is Mrs. Potato Head. So, we’re going as the, yeah, Toy Story. But we’ve gone as The Wizard of Oz before. We did Willy Wonka one year, which was unfortunate for Cass ‘cause she had to dress up as Violet as a big blueberry. So, our outfits are terrible, but it’s fun because the kids pick ‘em out. Let’s see, so we’re Potato Heads, Evie is Little Bo Peep, Jordan is the cowgirl. I can’t think of her name. Jessie! Jordan is Jessie, and then Knox is Buzz Lightyear. We got a little Buzz Lightyear costume for him, which is pretty strong.”


  • HALLOWEEN 2016

    Halloween is Monday, and the holiday has some of your favorite country stars getting into costumes and recalling memories of Halloweens past.

    Audio / Billy Currington reminisces about his childhood Halloween memories.


    Billy Currington (Halloween) OC: …Halloween. :17
    “You know, when I was a kid, I loved the trick and the treat. I loved dressing up. I was always wanting to be Dracula. That was my favorite guy. But, of course, who doesn’t love going door-to-door and getting these buckets of candy? [laughs] So, love, love Halloween.”

    Audio / Brothers Osborne’s TJ and John Osborne talk about dressing up like zombies for Halloween.


    Brothers Osborne (zombie costume) OC: (John) …was so fun! :29
    TJ: “Literally, you can dress up like a zombie and drag your foot behind you all day and make weird noises, and everyone finds that completely acceptable.” [laughs] JOHN: “One year I dressed up as a ‘90s redneck zombie with a mullet wig and an Alan Jackson denim coat. I never once broke character. That’s part of the thing — you can actually not break character and get away with it. And everywhere I went, even when I ordered a drink, I ordered it like a zombie that was falling apart. [laughs] It was so fun!”

    Audio / Brothers Osborne (Halloween candy) OC: (John) …go stale. [laughs] :34


    TJ: “I would say, Snickers, Baby Ruth, Kit Kat and Reese’s too.” JOHN: “I always hated those houses that would give you bad candy, though. You’re like, ‘C’mon. Step it up.’ Spend the extra dollar on a bag, you know?” TJ: “A house when we were growing up used to give out whole candy bars. It was the best. You were like, ‘That house – that’s the honey hole of candy.’” JOHN: “I love it, and I love like at the end, like three or four days after Halloween you would see what candy was left, and it was always like those crappy cheap candies, and they would just go stale.” [laughs]

    Audio / Brothers Osborne’s John Osborne talks about carving pumpkins with their dad when they were growing up.


    Brothers Osborne (carving pumpkins) OC: …or something. :25
    “With our dad every year, we would go looking for pumpkins, and we would all get our own pumpkin to carve, and he would buy the biggest pumpkin that they had. It was huge. I mean, it was way too big for any one person, but he would love carving. He’s kind of an artsy guy. He was a great drawer and stuff, and he would carve the most terrifying, vicious looking, scary pumpkin you’d ever seen in your life, and it would be massive. It would be like on a 50-pound pumpkin or something.”

    Audio / Canaan Smith says his Halloweens of today have changed dramatically since he was a child.


    Canaan Smith (Halloween) OC: …cornfields. :37
    “I grew up in a Christian family. We went to a private Christian school for a while, so they didn’t allow us to celebrate Halloween like I do now. We did what was called a Hallelujah Party instead, and you still dress up and still get all the candy, but  you go to the high school gym. You play games, you just do, like cornhole and the dunking booth and all kinds of stuff and win prizes, but it was nothing ever scary. I think they had like rules about what outfits you could and couldn’t wear. But now I just love freaking myself out and going to, I love going to haunted houses and haunted cornfields.”

    Audio / Darius Rucker loves Halloween, especially because it’s his kids’ favorite holiday.


    Darius (Halloween) OC: …I’m into. :06
    “Halloween’s big for me, because the kids love it. It’s my kids’ favorite holiday, so anything they’re into, I’m into.”

    Audio / David Nail talks about his favorite part of Halloween.


    David Nail (favorite part of Halloween) OC: …it better. :14

    “My favorite thing about Halloween was just the excitement about picking out your costume and talking to your friends and fighting over if you’re going to be this or if they stole the idea from you and if you can do the idea better.”

    Audio / Dierks Bentley talks about the Halloweens of his childhood.


    Dierks Bentley (Halloween) OC: … …around home. [laughs]  :23
    “Oh, when I was a kid, I was all into fireworks. Growing up in Arizona, we couldn’t get ’em, so we’d have ’em shipped in illegally. I still remember the name of the guy we’d call. His name was Joe, and he’d bring in, ship ’em in a package with no writing on ’em. We were all about M-80s in the mailboxes and bottle rocket wars. To me, as a kid, Halloween was fireworks, was blowing up stuff around home. [laughs]”

    Audio / Easton Corbin says one of his favorite costumes as a kid was made by his grandmother.


    Easton Corbin (Halloween) OC: …pretty warm. :26

    “My grandma made a werewolf outfit for me, and I wore that one year. She got this fake hair and glued it to sweatpants and a sweatshirt. That was a hot outfit. I mean, it got pretty warm.”

    Audio / Eric Church recalls his favorite Halloween costume.


    Eric Church (Halloween) OC: …Franklin Street. 1:18
    “My favorite Halloween costume really came, I remember when I got a little older my first year of college, there’s this thing they do every year in Chapel Hill, North Carolina – Halloween on Franklin Street. We drove down from Boone, North Carolina. I had a bunch of friends that went to University of North Carolina, and we didn’t have costumes and didn’t realize until we were on the way that we had to have costumes. So, we stopped at a costume place in Greensboro, North Carolina. It’s Halloween, so there’s a run on everything and couldn’t find anything. And we end up getting sent around, driving  around town. We end up finding this hole in the wall place, but they had the full costume, Sesame Street outfits. The real deal. The real ones [with] feathers and fur. We were Elmo, Cookie Monster and I was Big Bird, and the Big Bird was the actual Big Bird. It’s about 7-foot-4, and yiou looked out of the body and then you had these straps that went on since the head was a lot higher. There’s a lot of beer involved in Franklin Street, so we get down there and as the night went on, my straps broke, so the head would pivot. And so, I would be walking one way and the head would be facing the other, and it just became this funny…I didn’t know the head was on backwards. I had no idea. I see out of the body, so I’m just kinda walking around and people were talking to my ass-end. [laughs] The whole time peiople’d come up and start talking and go, ‘Hey, turn around.’ And I’d turn around, and they’d go, ‘No turn around.’ It was a mess. That year, there was no other Big Bird on Franklin Street.”

    Audio / Jon Pardi talks about his favorite Halloween costumes as a child.


    Jon Pardi (Halloween) 1 OC: …the Superman. :15
    “Man, I went through phases of costumes – the Superman costume, then it was a ninja, then I was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle one year. I remember rockin’ the Superman.”

    Audio / Lady Antebellum’s Charles Kelley reveals one costume he’s always wanted to wear on Halloween.


    Lady A (Charles costume) OC: …an apple. :19
    CHARLES: “I want to be a banana. I think there’s something so funny and understated about a banana, especially when you’re 6’6” and like your little head’s popping through and you’re a banana.” DAVE: “Do they make ‘em your size?” CHARLES: “I’ve been known to sew a thing or two.” HILLARY: “That’s really random.” CHARLES: “I know. I’ve always wanted to dress up like something, just kind of funny like a banana or an apple.”

    Audio / Lady Antebellum’s Dave Haywood recalls one of his most embarrassing Halloween costumes.


    Lady A (Dave Haywood costume memory) OC: …50 feet. :20
    “I was a die (1/2 of a pair of dice) for Halloween. I had a big cardboard box that I had painted white and had the polka dots and stuff. And I remember I was walking up this hill to go to this hill and literally fell back down the entire hill [laughter], rolling in this giant cardboard box that I couldn’t do anything about, because I rolled down about 50-feet.” 

    Audio / Luke Bryan says you can tell a lot about your neighbors from what kind of Halloween candy they hand out.


    Luke Bryan (Halloween) OC: …your teeth. :21
    “You can find out a lot about your neighbors by what kind of candy they put out. So, well, like full bars of Snickers bars, that’s what, and Reese’s cups, [but] the old chocolate popcorn ball of stuff, that’s no good either, like Dots – you get Dots one time of year and they pull your teeth.”


    Audio / LINER Billy Currington (Trick or Treat, baby)


    “Trick or Treat, baby.” [laughs]

    Audio / LINER Brothers Osborne (Halloween)


    “Hey! This is TJ, and I’m John, and we are Brothers Osborne. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Canaan Smith (Halloween)


    “Hey! What’s up guys? I’m Canaan Smith. Happy Halloween.”


    Audio / LINER Clare Dunn (Halloween)


    “Hey! This is Clare Dunn, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”


    Audio / LINER Darius Rucker (Halloween)


    “Hey! What’s up, y’all? This is Darius Rucker, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER David Nail (Halloween)


    “Hey guys! It’s David Nail. Happy Halloween!”

    Audio / LINER Dierks Bentley (Halloween)


    “Hey! It’s Dierks Bentley, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Eric Church (Halloween)


    “Hey! This is Eric Church, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Eric Paslay (Halloween)


    “Hey! This is Eric Paslay, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Kacey Musgraves (Halloween)


    “Hey! It’s Kacey Musgraves, and I hope you have a Happy Halloween.”


    Audio / LINER Lady A (Halloween)


    “Hey everybody! We are Lady Antebellum. Have a safe and Happy Halloween.”


    Audio / LINER Sam Hunt (Halloween)


    “Hey everybody! This is Sam Hunt. Happy Halloween!”

  • HALLOWEEN 2015: AJ, Billy, Brothers Osborne, Canaan, Darius, David, Easton, Eric, Jon, Lady A, Luke, Scotty

    Halloween is Saturday, and the holiday has some of your favorite country stars getting into costumes, and they also recall memories of Halloweens past.

    Audio / Alan Jackson used to take his daughters trick-or-treating when they were young kids, but he recalls one costume that he hated. It was an infant costume that made one of the girls look like a little peapod.


    AJ (Halloween) OC: …cute, but…[laughs] :17
    “Aww, I remember some, when they were infants, they had like these little, they looked like a little pea pod, you know, or something. It’s like a little green pea or something. And I thought man, that’s awful. But Denise liked it, and I guess it was cute, but…(laughs).”

    Audio / Billy Currington reminisces about his childhood Halloween memories.


    Billy Currington (Halloween) OC: …Halloween. :17
    “You know, when I was a kid, I loved the trick and the treat. I loved dressing up. I was always wanting to be Dracula. That was my favorite guy. But, of course, who doesn’t love going door-to-door and getting these buckets of candy? [laughs] So, love, love Halloween.”

    Audio / Billy Currington (Trick or Treat)


    Billy Currington (Trick or Treat)
    “Trick or Treat, baby.” [laughs]

    Audio / Brothers Osborne’s John Osborne talks about carving pumpkins with their dad when they were growing up.


    Brothers Osborne (carving pumpkins) OC: …or something. :25
    “With our dad every year, we would go looking for pumpkins, and we would all get our own pumpkin to carve, and he would buy the biggest pumpkin that they had. It was huge. I mean, it was way too big for any one person, but he would love carving. He’s kind of an artsy guy. He was a great drawer and stuff, and he would carve the most terrifying, vicious looking, scary pumpkin you’d ever seen in your life, and it would be massive. It would be like on a 50-pound pumpkin or something.”

    Audio / Brothers Osborne talk about their favorite Halloween candy...and not so favorite.


    Brothers Osborne (Halloween candy) OC: (John) …go stale. [laughs] :34
    TJ: “I would say,  Snickers, Baby Ruth, Kit Kat and Reese’s too.” JOHN: “I always hated those houses that would give you bad candy, though. You’re like, ‘C’mon. Step it up.’ Spend the extra dollar on a bag, you know?” TJ: “A house when we were growing up used to give out whole candy bars. It was the best. You were like, ‘That house – that’s the honey hole of candy.’” JOHN: “I love it, and I love like at the end, like three or four days after Halloween you would see what candy was left, and it was always like those crappy cheap candies, and they would just go stale.” [laughs]

    Audio / Brothers Osborne’s TJ and John Osborne talk about dressing up like zombies for Halloween.


    Brothers Osborne (zombie costume) OC: (John) …was so fun! :29
    TJ: “Literally, you can dress up like a zombie and drag your foot behind you all day and make weird noises, and everyone finds that completely acceptable.” [laughs] JOHN: “One year I dressed up as a ‘90s redneck zombie with a mullet wig and an Alan Jackson denim coat. I never once broke character. That’s part of the thing — you can actually not break character and get away with it. And everywhere I went, even when I ordered a drink, I ordered it like a zombie that was falling apart. [laughs] It was so fun!”

    Audio / Canaan Smith says his Halloweens of today have changed dramatically since he was a child.


    Canaan Smith (Halloween) OC: …cornfields. :37
    “I grew up in a Christian family. We went to a private Christian school for a while, so they didn’t allow us to celebrate Halloween like I do now. We did what was called a Hallelujah Party instead, and you still dress up and still get all the candy, but  you go to the high school gym. You play games, you just do, like cornhole and the dunking booth and all kinds of stuff and win prizes, but it was nothing ever scary. I think they had like rules about what outfits you could and couldn’t wear. But now I just love freaking myself out and going to, I love going to haunted houses and haunted cornfields.”

    Audio / Darius Rucker loves Halloween, especially because it’s his kids’ favorite holiday.


    Darius (Halloween) OC: …I’m into. :06
    “Halloween’s big for me, because the kids love it. It’s my kids’ favorite holiday, so anything they’re into, I’m into.”

    Audio / David Nail talks about his favorite part of Halloween.


    David Nail (favorite part of Halloween) OC: …it better. :14
    “My favorite thing about Halloween was just the excitement about picking out your costume and talking to your friends and fighting over if you’re going to be this or if they stole the idea from you and if you can do the idea better.”

    Audio / David Nail wants to have the best candy in the neighbrhood.


    David Nail (Halloween candy) OC: …neighborhood. :19
    “My sister and I would always go out and hide in the trees and the bushes and scare the kids that would come up to our house, which was rare ‘cause we always had the crappiest candy ever. And when I can afford it, I’m gonna have the best dagum candy. I’m gonna blow everybody away. I’m gonna have a line. It’s gonna look like a George Strait meet-and-greet. It’ll be all the way around the neighborhood.”

    Audio / Dierks Bentley talks about the Halloweens of his childhood.


    Dierks Bentley (Halloween) OC: … …around home. [laughs]  :23
    “Oh, when I was a kid, I was all into fireworks. Growing up in Arizona, we couldn’t get ’em, so we’d have ’em shipped in illegally. I still remember the name of the guy we’d call. His name was Joe, and he’d bring in, ship ’em in a package with no writing on ’em. We were all about M-80s in the mailboxes and bottle rocket wars. To me, as a kid, Halloween was fireworks, was blowing up stuff around home. [laughs]”

    Audio / Easton Corbin has never dressed up for Halloween as an adult, but one of his favorite costumes as a kid was made by his grandmother.


    Easton Corbin (Halloween) OC: …pretty warm. :26
    “My grandma made a werewolf outfit for me, and I wore that one year. She got this fake hair and glued it to sweatpants and a sweatshirt. That was a hot outfit. I mean, it got pretty warm.”

    Audio / Eric Church recalls his favorite Halloween costume.


    Eric Church (Halloween) OC: …Franklin Street. 1:18
    “My favorite Halloween costume  really came, I remember when I got a little older my first year of college, there’s this thing they do every year in Chapel Hill, North Carolina – Halloween on Franklin Street. We drove down from Boone, North Carolina. I had a bunch of friends that went to University of North Carolina, and we didn’t have costumes and didn’t realize until we were on the way that we had to have costumes. So, we stopped at a costume place in Greensboro, North Carolina. It’s Halloween, so there’s a run on everything and couldn’t find anything. And we end up getting sent around, driving  around town. We end up finding this hole in the wall place, but they had the full costume, Sesame Street outfits. The real deal. The real ones [with] feathers and fur. We were Elmo, Cookie Monster and I was Big Bird, and the Big Bird was the actual Big Bird. It’s about 7-foot-4, and yiou looked out of the body and then you had these straps that went on since the head was a lot higher. There’s a lot of beer involved in Franklin Street, so we get down there and as the night went on, my straps broke, so the head would pivot. And so, I would be walking one way and the head would be facing the other, and it just became this funny…I didn’t know the head was on backwards. I had no idea. I see out of the body, so I’m just kinda walking around and people were talking to my ass-end. [laughs] The whole time peiople’d come up and start talking and go, ‘Hey, turn around.’ And I’d turn around, and they’d go, ‘No turn around.’ It was a mess. That year, there was no other Big Bird on Franklin Street.”

    Audio / Jon Pardi talks about his favorite Halloween costumes as a child.


    Jon Pardi (Halloween) 1 OC: …the Superman. :15
    “Man, I went through phases of costumes – the Superman costume, then it was a ninja, then I was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle one year. I remember rockin’ the Superman.”

    Audio / Lady Antebellum’s Charles Kelley reveals one costume he’s always wanted to wear on Halloween.


    Lady A (Charles costume) OC: …an apple. :19
    CHARLES: “I want to be a banana. I think there’s something so funny and understated about a banana, especially when you’re 6’6” and like your little head’s popping through and you’re a banana.” DAVE: “Do they make ‘em your size?” CHARLES: “I’ve been known to sew a thing or two.” HILLARY: “That’s really random.” CHARLES: “I know. I’ve always wanted to dress up like something, just kind of funny like a banana or an apple.”

    Audio / Lady Antebellum’s Dave Haywood recalls one of his most embarrassing Halloween costumes.


    Lady A (Dave Haywood costume memory) OC: …50 feet. :20
    “I was a die (1/2 of a pair of dice) for Halloween. I had a big cardboard box that I had painted white and had the polka dots and stuff. And I remember I was walking up this hill to go to this hill and literally fell back down the entire hill [laughter], rolling in this giant cardboard box that I couldn’t do anything about, because I rolled down about 50-feet.”

    Audio / Luke Bryan says you can tell a lot about your neighbors from what kind of Halloween candy they hand out.


    Luke Bryan (Halloween) OC: …your teeth. :18
    “You can find out a lot about your neighbors by what kind of candy they put out. So, well, like full bars of Snickers bars, that’s what, and Reese’s cups, [but] the old chocolate popcorn ball of stuff, that’s no good either, like Dots – you get Dots one time of year and they pull your teeth.”

    Audio / Luke Bryan says you can tell a lot about your neighbors from what kind of Halloween candy they hand out.


    Scotty McCreery (favorite costume and memory) OC: …was happening. :19
    “My favorite Halloween memory would have to be me in my gorilla costume running down the street chasing some little girl I was friends with. I knew her, but I was scaring her half to death. My favorite costume, though, would have to be my Elvis Presley costume. I think I was about 10 years old when that was happening.”

  • HALLOWEEN LINERS: Brothers Osborne, Canaan, Church, Clare, Darius, David, Dierks, Kacey, Kelleigh, Lady A, Paslay, Sam, Scotty

    Audio / LINER Brothers Osborne (Halloween)


    “Hey! This is TJ, and I’m John, and we are Brothers Osborne. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Canaan Smith (Halloween)


    “Hey! What’s up guys? I’m Canaan Smith. Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Clare Dunn (Halloween)


    “Hey! This is Clare Dunn, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Darius Rucker (Halloween)


    “Hey! What’s up, y’all? This is Darius Rucker, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio /


    “Hey guys! It’s David Nail. Happy Halloween!”

    Audio / LINER Dierks Bentley (Halloween)


    “Hey! It’s Dierks Bentley, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Eric Church (Halloween)


    “Hey! This is Eric Church, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Eric Paslay (Halloween)


    “Hey! This is Eric Paslay, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Kacey Musgraves (Halloween)


    “Hey! It’s Kacey Musgraves, and I hope you have a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Kelleigh Bannen (Halloween)


    “Hey! This is Kelleigh Bannen, wishing you a very scary and Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / Lady A (Halloween)


    “Hey everybody! We are Lady Antebellum. Have a safe and Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Sam Hunt (Halloween)


    Hey everybody! This is Sam Hunt. Happy Halloween!”

    Audio / LINER Scotty McCreery


    “Hey! This is Scotty McCreery. Have a safe and Happy Halloween.”

  • HALLOWEEN 2014: Billy, Brothers Osborne, Darius, David, Dierks, Easton, Eric, Jon, Kelleigh, Lady A, LBT, Luke, Scotty and more (AUDIO)

    Halloween is Friday, and the holiday has some of your favorite country stars getting into costumes, and they also recall memories of Halloweens past.

    Audio / Billy Currington (Halloween)

    AUDIO: Billy Currington reminisces about his childhood Halloween memories.

    Billy Currington (Halloween) OC: …Halloween. :17
    “You know, when I was a kid, I loved the trick and the treat. I loved dressing up. I was always wanting to be Dracula. That was my favorite guy. But, of course, who doesn’t love going door-to-door and getting these buckets of candy? [laughs] So, love, love Halloween.”

    Audio / Brothers Osborne (zombie costume)

    AUDIO: Brothers Osborne’s TJ and John Osborne talk about dressing up like zombies for Halloween.

    Brothers Osborne (zombie costume) OC: (John) …was so fun! :29
    TJ: “Literally, you can dress up like a zombie and drag your foot behind you all day and make weird noises, and everyone finds that completely acceptable.” [laughs] JOHN: “One year I dressed up as a ‘90s redneck zombie with a mullet wig and an Alan Jackson denim coat. I never once broke character. That’s part of the thing — you can actually not break character and get away with it. And everywhere I went, even when I ordered a drink, I ordered it like a zombie that was falling apart. [laughs] It was so fun!”

    Audio / Brothers Osborne (carving pumpkins)

    AUDIO: Brothers Osborne’s John Osborne talks about carving pumpkins with their dad when they were growing up.

    Brothers Osborne (carving pumpkins) OC: …or something. :25
    “With our dad every year, we would go looking for pumpkins, and we would all get our own pumpkin to carve, and he would buy the biggest pumpkin that they had. It was huge. I mean, it was way too big for any one person, but he would love carving. He’s kind of an artsy guy. He was a great drawer and stuff, and he would carve the most terrifying, vicious looking, scary pumpkin you’d ever seen in your life, and it would be massive. It would be like on a 50-pound pumpkin or something.”

    Audio / Darius Rucker (Halloween)

    AUDIO: Darius Rucker loves Halloween, especially because it’s his kids’ favorite holiday.

    Darius (Halloween) OC: …I’m into. :06
    “Halloween’s big for me, because the kids love it. It’s my kids’ favorite holiday, so anything they’re into, I’m into.”

    Audio / Darius Rucker (Halloween 2014)

    AUDIO: Darius Rucker says he and his son Jack are still trying to figure out their Halloween costumes for trick-or-treating.

    Darius Rucker (Halloween 2014) OC: …something cool. :22
    “We’re talking about costumes. We have a couple of ideas. Still the greatest one we ever had was when I was, when he was Darth Vadar and I was Luke Skywalker, and we were walking around and he would look at everyone and go, ‘I’m his father.’ That was a very, very good one. But, we’re talking about a couple of things. We’re talking about Ninja Turtles or we’re talking about pro wrestlers, but nobody would know who we were. So, the Ninja Turtles are the winner right now, but we’ll come up with something cool.”

    Audio / David Nail (favorite part of Halloween)

    AUDIO: David Nail talks about his favorite part of Halloween.

    David Nail (favorite part of Halloween) OC: …it better. :14

    “My favorite thing about Halloween was just the excitement about picking out your costume and talking to your friends and fighting over if you’re going to be this or if they stole the idea from you and if you can do the idea better.”

    Audio / David Nail (Halloween candy)

    AUDIO: David Nail talks about Halloween candy.

    David Nail (Halloween candy) OC: …neighborhood. :19
    “My sister and I would always go out and hide in the trees and the bushes and scare the kids that would come up to our house, which was rare ‘cause we always had the crappiest candy ever. And when I can afford it, I’m gonna have the best dagum candy. I’m gonna blow everybody away. I’m gonna have a line. It’s gonna look like a George Strait meet-and-greet. It’ll be all the way around the neighborhood.”

    Audio / Dierks Bentley (Halloween)

    AUDIO: Dierks Bentley talks about the Halloweens of his childhood.

    Dierks Bentley (Halloween) OC: … …around home. [laughs]  :23
    “Oh, when I was a kid, I was all into fireworks. Growing up in Arizona, we couldn’t get ’em, so we’d have ’em shipped in illegally. I still remember the name of the guy we’d call. His name was Joe, and he’d bring in, ship ’em in a package with no writing on ’em. We were all about M-80s in the mailboxes and bottle rocket wars. To me, as a kid, Halloween was fireworks, was blowing up stuff around home. [laughs]”

    [[9]AUDIO: Easton Corbin has never dressed up for Halloween as an adult, but one of his favorite costumes as a kid was made by his grandmother.

    Easton Corbin (Halloween) OC: …pretty warm. :26
    “My grandma made a werewolf outfit for me, and I wore that one year. She got this fake hair and glued it to sweatpants and a sweatshirt. That was a hot outfit. I mean, it got pretty warm.”

    Audio / Eric Church (Halloween)

    AUDIO: The Outsiders’ Eric Church recalls his favorite Halloween costume.

    Eric Church (Halloween) OC: …Franklin Street. 1:18
    “My favorite Halloween costume  really came, I remember when I got a little older my first year of college, there’s this thing they do every year in Chapel Hill, North Carolina – Halloween on Franklin Street. We drove down from Boone, North Carolina. I had a bunch of friends that went to University of North Carolina, and we didn’t have costumes and didn’t realize until we were on the way that we had to have costumes. So, we stopped at a costume place in Greensboro, North Carolina. It’s Halloween, so there’s a run on everything and couldn’t find anything. And we end up getting sent around, driving  around town. We end up finding this hole in the wall place, but they had the full costume, Sesame Street outfits. The real deal. The real ones [with] feathers and fur. We were Elmo, Cookie Monster and I was Big Bird, and the Big Bird was the actual Big Bird. It’s about 7-foot-4, and yiou looked out of the body and then you had these straps that went on since the head was a lot higher. There’s a lot of beer involved in Franklin Street, so we get down there and as the night went on, my straps broke, so the head would pivot. And so, I would be walking one way and the head would be facing the other, and it just became this funny…I didn’t know the head was on backwards. I had no idea. I see out of the body, so I’m just kinda walking around and people were talking to my ass-end. [laughs] The whole time peiople’d come up and start talking and go, ‘Hey, turn around.’ And I’d turn around, and they’d go, ‘No turn around.’ It was a mess. That year, there was no other Big Bird on Franklin Street.”

    Audio / Jon Pardi (Halloween)

    AUDIO: Jon Pardi talks about his favorite Halloween costumes as a child.

    Jon Pardi (Halloween) 1 OC: …the Superman. :15
    “Man, I went through phases of costumes – the Superman costume, then it was a ninja, then I was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle one year. I remember rockin’ the Superman.”

    Audio / Jon Pardi (Halloween candy)

    AUDIO: Jon Pardi reveals his favorite Halloween candy.

    Jon Pardi (Halloween candy) OC: …during Halloween. :06
    “Man! The candy corn is pretty good, and that’s seasonal, so it only kinda pops out during Halloween.” 

    Audio / Kelleigh Bannen (Halloween)

    AUDIO: Kelleigh Bannen and her husband, Jeff, have two pugs – Rugby and Cabell – who they like to dress up for Halloween.

    Kelleigh Bannen (Halloween) OC: …to say. :31
    “Target is one of the best places to get dog costumes on the cheap. Last year, we had a landshark and a caterpillar [laughs], and they’ve been a bumblebee. And for me, it’s about that moment when the three to four-year-old child who’s walking around the neighborhood too realizes that your dog is also dressed like a pumpkin and so is he, and he loses his mind over it. So, it’s all about the comedic value for us with the dogs and the costumes. But I am that person, I’m embarrassed to say.”

    Audio / Lady A (Dave Haywood costume memory)

    AUDIO: Lady Antebellum’s Dave Haywood recalls one of his most embarrassing Halloween costumes.

    Lady A (Dave Haywood costume memory) OC: …50 feet. :20
    “I was a die (1/2 of a pair of dice) for Halloween. I had a big cardboard box that I had painted white and had the polka dots and stuff. And I remember I was walking up this hill to go to this hill and literally fell back down the entire hill [laughter], rolling in this giant cardboard box that I couldn’t do anything about, because I rolled down about 50-feet.” 

    Audio / LBT (Halloween 2014)

    AUDIO: The members of Little Big Town talk about what they and their children are going to dress up as for Halloween.

    LBT (Halloween 2014) OC: (Kimberly) …on costumes. :49
    PHILLIP: “For our house, my daughter Penelopi, she wanted us to be a vampire family. I’ve got a Dracula thing, she’d have a cape; she’s got this beautiful dress with velvet, what is that velvet? [Dracula laugh; Kimberly laughs] JIMI: “Elijah thinks I’m putting on green tights as Peter Pan, but it ain’t happening.” KIMBERLY: “C’mon, Jimi.” KAREN: “Elijah’s gonna be Captain Hook, and he wants daddy to be Peter Pan.” JIMI: “Not happening. I’ll be Smee.” [LAUGHTER] KIMBERLY: “Karen should be Peter Pan. You should be Peter Pan, Karen, and Jimi can be Tinkerbell.” [LAUGHS] JIMI: “It’s getting worse.” KIMBERLY: “We’re gonna do the Frozen theme at our house.” JIMI: “Of course.” KIMBERLY: “My little girl [Daisy] is going to be Anna, she wants me to be Elsa, and she wants my husband to be Olaf.” JIMI: “Which one’s the cold, freezy one?” KIMBERLY: “Elsa. That’s going to me…a ha.” JIMI: “That’s you…” KIMBERLY: “I’m going to have to work on costumes.”

    Audio / Luke Bryan (Halloween)

    AUDIO: Luke Bryan says you can tell a lot about your neighbors from what kind of Halloween candy they hand out.

    Luke Bryan (Halloween) OC: …your teeth. :21
    “We’re looking forward to trick-or-treating, and doing it in our neighborhood. You can find out a lot about your neighbors by what kind of candy they put out. So, well, like full bars of Snickers bars, that’s what, and Reese’s cups, [but] the old chocolate popcorn ball of stuff, that’s no good either, like Dots – you get Dots one time of year and they pull your teeth.”

    Audio / Scotty McCreery (Halloween candy)

    AUDIO: Scotty McCreery talks about his favorite Halloween candy.

    Scotty McCreery (Halloween candy) OC: …basket. :05
    “My favorite candy is a Tootsie Roll. You cannot go wrong with Tootsie Rolls in the Halloween basket.”

    Audio / Scotty McCreery (favorite costume and memory)

    AUDIO: Scotty McCreery talks about his favorite childhood Halloween costume.

    Scotty McCreery (favorite costume and memory) OC: …was happening. :19
    “My favorite Halloween memory would have to be me in my gorilla costume running down the street chasing some little girl I was friends with. I knew her, but I was scaring her half to death. My favorite costume, though, would have to be my Elvis Presley costume. I think I was about 10 years old when that was happening.”


  • HALLOWEEN LINERS 2014: Darius, David, Dierks, Church, Paslay, Kacey, Kelleigh, Lady A, Sam, Scotty

    Audio / LINER Darius (Halloween)

    LINER Darius Rucker (Halloween)
    “Hey! What’s up, y’all? This is Darius Rucker, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.” 

    Audio / LINER David Nail (Halloween)

    LINER David Nail (Halloween)
    “Hey guys! It’s David Nail. Happy Halloween!”

    Audio / LINER Dierks Bentley (Halloween)

    LINER Dierks Bentley (Halloween)
    “Hey! It’s Dierks Bentley, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Eric Church (Halloween)

    LINER Eric Church (Halloween)
    “Hey! This is Eric Church, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Eric Paslay (Halloween)

    LINER Eric Paslay (Halloween)
    “Hey! This is Eric Paslay, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Kacey Musgraves (Halloween)

    LINER Kacey Musgraves (Halloween)
    “Hey! It’s Kacey Musgraves, and I hope you have a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Kelleigh Bannen (Halloween)

    LINER Kelleigh Bannen (Halloween)
    “Hey! This is Kelleigh Bannen, wishing you a very scary and Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Lady A (Halloween)

    LINER Lady A (Halloween)
    “Hey everybody! We are Lady Antebellum. Have a safe and Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Sam Hunt (Halloween)

    LINER Sam Hunt (Halloween)
    Hey everybody! This is Sam Hunt. Happy Halloween!”

    Audio / LINER Scotty McCreery (Halloween)

    LINER Scotty McCreery (Halloween)
    “Hey! This is Scotty McCreery. Have a safe and Happy Halloween.”

  • HALLOWEEN AUDIO: Alan Jackson, Billy Currington, Brothers Osborne, Darius Rucker, David Nail, Easton Corbin, Eric Church, Jon Pardi, Kelleigh Bannen, Lady A, Luke Bryan, Scotty McCreery (AUDIO)

    Halloween is Thursday, and the holiday has some of your favorite country stars getting into costumes, and they also recall memories of Halloweens past.

    Audio / AJ (Halloween)

    AUDIO: Alan Jackson used to take his daughters trick-or-treating when they were young kids, but he recalls one costume that he hated. It was an infant costume that made one of the girls look like a little peapod.

    AJ (Halloween) OC: …cute, but…[laughs] :17
    “Aww, I remember some, when they were infants, they had like these little, they looked like a little pea pod, you know, or something. It’s like a little green pea or something. And I thought man, that’s awful. But Denise liked it, and I guess it was cute, but…(laughs).”

    Audio / Billy Currington (Halloween)

    AUDIO: Billy Currington reminisces about his childhood Halloween memories.

    Billy Currington (Halloween) OC: …Halloween. :17
    “You know, when I was a kid, I loved the trick and the treat. I loved dressing up. I was always wanting to be Dracula. That was my favorite guy. But, of course, who doesn’t love going door-to-door and getting these buckets of candy? [laughs] So, love, love Halloween.”

    Audio / Brothers Osborne (Halloween)

    AUDIO: Brothers Osborne’s TJ and John Osborne talk about last year’s Halloween in which TJ scared the crap out of kids.

    Brothers Osborne (Halloween) OC: …coming by. :52
    JOHN: “Halloween’s awesome. Halloween reminds you of when you were a kid. Every year when it starts getting cold and the leaves start turning, I think there’s just something that we carry from childhood is carrying around that bag of candy and carving pumpkins, and dressing up like whatever in the world you want to dress up as and walking around, I love it. Still to this day, we’ll carve pumpkins. Last year at our house, I dressed up like a werewolf or something or a zombie, and TJ had a chainsaw without the chain on it so people would come up to our house and get candy. As soon as they would grab candy, he would start the chainsaw and jump out and chase them out to the street. It was so much fun.”

    TJ: “We had to be careful because we live right off Music Row so we had to make sure no cars were coming, because they would run as fast as they could away from the house and run dead out in front of some cars that were coming by.”

    Audio / Darius Rucker (Halloween)

    AUDIO: Darius Rucker loves Halloween, especially because it’s his kids’ favorite holiday.

    Darius (Halloween) OC: …I’m into. :06
    “Halloween’s big for me, because the kids love it. It’s my kids’ favorite holiday, so anything they’re into, I’m into.”

    Audio / David Nail (favorite part of Halloween)

    AUDIO: David Nail talks about his favorite part of Halloween.

    David Nail (favorite part of Halloween) OC: …it better. :14
    “My favorite thing about Halloween was just the excitement about picking out your costume and talking to your friends and fighting over if you’re going to be this or if they stole the idea from you and if you can do the idea better.”

    Audio / David Nail (Halloween candy)

    AUDIO: David Nail talks about Halloween candy.

    David Nail (Halloween candy) OC: …neighborhood. :19
    “My sister and I would always go out and hide in the trees and the bushes and scare the kids that would come up to our house, which was rare ‘cause we always had the crappiest candy ever. And when I can afford it, I’m gonna have the best dagum candy. I’m gonna blow everybody away. I’m gonna have a line. It’s gonna look like a George Strait meet-and-greet. It’ll be all the way around the neighborhood.”

    Audio / Dierks Bentley (Halloween)

    AUDIO: Dierks Bentley talks about the Halloweens of his childhood.

    Dierks Bentley (Halloween) OC: … …around home. [laughs]  :23
    “Oh, when I was a kid, I was all into fireworks. Growing up in Arizona, we couldn’t get ’em, so we’d have ’em shipped in illegally. I still remember the name of the guy we’d call. His name was Joe, and he’d bring in, ship ’em in a package with no writing on ’em. We were all about M-80s in the mailboxes and bottle rocket wars. To me, as a kid, Halloween was fireworks, was blowing up stuff around home. [laughs]”

    Audio / Easton Corbin (Halloween)

    AUDIO: Easton Corbin has never dressed up for Halloween as an adult, but one of his favorite costumes as a kid was made by his grandmother.

    Easton Corbin (Halloween) OC: …pretty warm. :26
    “My grandma made a werewolf outfit for me, and I wore that one year. She got this fake hair and glued it to sweatpants and a sweatshirt. That was a hot outfit. I mean, it got pretty warm.”

    Audio / Eric Church (Halloween)

    AUDIO: Eric Church recalls his favorite Halloween costume.

    Eric Church (Halloween) OC: …Franklin Street. 1:18
    “My favorite Halloween costume  really came, I remember when I got a little older my first year of college, there’s this thing they do every year in Chapel Hill, North Carolina – Halloween on Franklin Street. We drove down from Boone, North Carolina. I had a bunch of friends that went to University of North Carolina, and we didn’t have costumes and didn’t realize until we were on the way that we had to have costumes. So, we stopped at a costume place in Greensboro, North Carolina. It’s Halloween, so there’s a run on everything and couldn’t find anything. And we end up getting sent around, driving  around town. We end up finding this hole in the wall place, but they had the full costume, Sesame Street outfits. The real deal. The real ones [with] feathers and fur. We were Elmo, Cookie Monster and I was Big Bird, and the Big Bird was the actual Big Bird. It’s about 7-foot-4, and yiou looked out of the body and then you had these straps that went on since the head was a lot higher. There’s a lot of beer involved in Franklin Street, so we get down there and as the night went on, my straps broke, so the head would pivot. And so, I would be walking one way and the head would be facing the other, and it just became this funny…I didn’t know the head was on backwards. I had no idea. I see out of the body, so I’m just kinda walking around and people were talking to my ass-end. [laughs] The whole time peiople’d come up and start talking and go, ‘Hey, turn around.’ And I’d turn around, and they’d go, ‘No turn around.’ It was a mess. That year, there was no other Big Bird on Franklin Street.”

    Audio / Jon Pardi (Halloween) 1

    AUDIO: Jon Pardi talks about his favorite Halloween costumes as a child.

    Jon Pardi (Halloween) 1 OC: …the Superman. :15
    “Man, I went through phases of costumes – the Superman costume, then it was a ninja, then I was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle one year. I remember rockin’ the Superman.”

    Audio / Kelleigh Bannen (Halloween)

    AUDIO: Kelleigh Bannen and her husband, Jeff, have two pugs – Rugby and Cabell – who they like to dress up for Halloween.

    Kelleigh Bannen (Halloween) OC: …to say. :31
    “Target is one of the best places to get dog costumes on the cheap. Last year, we had a landshark and a caterpillar [laughs], and they’ve been a bumblebee. And for me, it’s about that moment when the three to four-year-old child who’s walking around the neighborhood too realizes that your dog is also dressed like a pumpkin and so is he, and he loses his mind over it. So, it’s all about the comedic value for us with the dogs and the costumes. But I am that person, I’m embarrassed to say.”

    Audio / Lady A (Dave Haywood costume memory)

    AUDIO: Lady Antebellum’s Dave Haywood recalls one of his most embarrassing Halloween costumes.

    Lady A (Dave Haywood costume memory) OC: …50 feet. :20
    “I was a die (1/2 of a pair of dice) for Halloween. I had a big cardboard box that I had painted white and had the polka dots and stuff. And I remember I was walking up this hill to go to this hill and literally fell back down the entire hill [laughter], rolling in this giant cardboard box that I couldn’t do anything about, because I rolled down about 50-feet.”

    Audio / Luke Bryan (Halloween)

    AUDIO: Luke Bryan says you can tell a lot about your neighbors from what kind of Halloween candy they hand out.

    Luke Bryan (Halloween) OC: …your teeth. :21
    “We’re looking forward to trick-or-treating, and doing it in our neighborhood. You can find out a lot about your neighbors by what kind of candy they put out. So, well, like full bars of Snickers bars, that’s what, and Reese’s cups, [but] the old chocolate popcorn ball of stuff, that’s no good either, like Dots – you get Dots one time of year and they pull your teeth.”

    Audio / Scotty McCreery (favorite candy)

    AUDIO: Scotty McCreery talks about his favorite Halloween candy.

    Scotty McCreery (Halloween candy) OC: …basket. :05
    “My favorite candy is a Tootsie Roll. You cannot go wrong with Tootsie Rolls in the Halloween basket.”

  • HALLOWEEN LINERS: Darius, David, Dierks, Eric Church, Eric Paslay, Kacey, Kelleigh, Lady Antebellum, Scotty (AUDIO)

    Audio / LINER Darius (Halloween)

    LINER Darius (Halloween)
    “Hey! What’s up, y’all? This is Darius Rucker, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER David Nail (Halloween)

    LINER David Nail (Halloween)

    “Hey Guys! It’s David Nail. Happy Halloween!”

    Audio / LINER Dierks Bentley (Halloween)

    LINER Dierks Bentley (Halloween)
    “Hey! It’s Dierks Bentley, wishing you a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Eric Church (Halloween)

    LINER Eric Church (Halloween)
    “Hey! This is Eric Church, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Eric Paslay (Halloween)

    LINER Eric Paslay (Halloween)
    “Hey! This is Eric Paslay, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Kelleigh Bannen (Halloween)

    LINER Kelleigh Bannen (Halloween)
    “Hey! This is Kelleigh Bannen, wishing you a very scary and Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Scotty McCreery (Halloween)

    LINER Scotty McCreery (Halloween)
    “Hey! This is Scotty McCreery. Have a safe and Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Kacey Musgraves (Halloween)

    LINER Kacey Musgraves (Halloween)
    “Hey! It’s Kacey Musgraves, and I hope you have a Happy Halloween.”

    Audio / LINER Lady A (Halloween)

    LINER Lady A (Halloween)
    “Hey everybody! We are Lady Antebellum. Have a safe and Happy Halloween.”


    Little Big Town‘s video for “Tornado” will make its world premiere on CMT on Wednesday, October 31st at 6:00 a.m. ET on CMT, repeating every hour throughout music hours.  Leading up to the Halloween-timed premiere, fans can visit CMT and CMT.com for an exclusive trailer launching this Saturday, October 27, as well as a special countdown clock that will run until the video’s debut.

                “Tornado” was filmed in Watertown, Tennessee, and is a highly symbolic, visually eerie and thrilling portrayal of Little Big Town’s latest single and title track “Tornado.” Actor and friend of the band, Johnathon Schaech (That Thing You Do!, Takers, Prom Night) serves as co-star and brooding antagonist to Little Big Town’s sexy and commanding foursome.  With visuals that portray a classic Americana landscape and with dramatic fashion styling, the video of “Tornado” yields the power of its name and is the tale of a woman scorned. “Tornado” was directed by Shane Drake, who has also worked with such artists as Kelly Clarkson, Daughtry and Panic at the Disco.

                Little Big Town will be featured on CMT all week long and will appear on CMT RADIO LIVE WITH CODY ALAN to promote the world premiere on Tuesday, October 30th. “Tornado” will also be highlighted during CMT TOP 20 COUNTDOWN as a Bonus Video on Friday, November 2nd.  The video premiere will be promoted across all of CMT’s digital platforms including CMT.com, CMT Pure, CMT Mobile and over 3 million social media fans.

                Fans can also expect more big news from Little Big Town on Wednesday, October 31st regarding the band’s 2013 tour plans and an exclusive offer from CMT. Check littlebigtown.com and CMT.com at 10 a.m. CT for the news.

  • HALLOWEEN AUDIO: Darius, Dierks, Alan, Lady A, Luke, Jon, Kelleigh (AUDIO)

    Halloween is right around the corner, and the holiday has some of your favorite country stars getting into costumes, and recalling memories of Halloweens past.

    AUDIO:  Dierks Bentley talks about the Halloweens of his childhood.

    Dierks Bentley (Halloween) OC: … …around home. [laughs]  :23
    “Oh, when I was a kid, I was all into fireworks. Growing up in Arizona, we couldn’t get ’em, so we’d have ’em shipped in illegally. I still remember the name of the guy we’d call. His name was Joe, and he’d bring in, ship ’em in a package with no writing on ’em. We were all about M-80s in the mailboxes and bottle rocket wars. To me, as a kid, Halloween was fireworks, was blowing up stuff around home. [laughs]”

    AUDIO: Lady Antebellum’s Dave Haywood recalls one of his most embarrassing Halloween costumes.

    Lady A (Dave Haywood costume memory) OC: …50 feet. :20
    “I was a die (1/2 of a pair of dice) for Halloween. I had a big cardboard box that I had painted white and had the polka dots and stuff. And I remember I was walking up this hill to go to this hill and literally fell back down the entire hill [laughter], rolling in this giant cardboard box that I couldn’t do anything about, because I rolled down about 50-feet.” 

    AUDIO: Alan Jackson used to take his daughters trick-or-treating when they were young kids, but he recalls one costume that he hated. It was an infant costume that made one of the girls look like a little peapod.

    AJ (Halloween) OC: …cute, but…[laughs] :17
    “Aww, I remember some, when they were infants, they had like these little, they looked like a little pea pod, you know, or something. It’s like a little green pea or something. And I thought man, that’s awful. But Denise liked it, and I guess it was cute, but…(laughs).”

    AUDIO: Darius Rucker loves Halloween, especially because it’s his kids’ favorite holiday.

    Darius (Halloween) OC: …I’m into. :06
    “Halloween’s big for me, because the kids love it. It’s my kids’ favorite holiday, so anything they’re into, I’m into.”

    AUDIO: Darius Rucker talks about his favorite Halloween costume, and what, or should we say who, he’s going to dress as this year.

    Darius Rucker (Halloween 2012) OC: …make it happen. [laughs] :25
    “Last year, er the year before, was my favorite one. My son was Darth Vadar and I was Luke Skywalker, and he would walk around saying, ‘I am his father.’ [laughs] That was, that was funny. [The kids] are doing something, but this year, I’m going as Brad Paisley. We haven’t decided what that entails yet, but I know it’s got a Justin Bieber wig involved, and I’m going as Brad [with] some sideburns. I’ll make it happen. [laughs

    AUDIO: Luke Bryan says you can tell a lot about your neighbors from what kind of Halloween candy they hand out.

    Luke Bryan (Halloween) OC: …your teeth. :21
    “We’re looking forward to trick-or-treating, and doing it in our neighborhood. You can find out a lot about your neighbors by what kind of candy they put out. So, well, like full bars of Snickers bars, that’s what, and Reese’s cups, [but] the old chocolate popcorn ball of stuff, that’s no good either, like Dots – you get Dots one time of year and they pull your teeth.”

    AUDIO: Jon Pardi talks about his favorite Halloween costumes as a child.

    Jon Pardi (Halloween) 1 OC: …the Superman. :15
    “Man, I went through phases of costumes – the Superman costume, then it was a ninja, then I was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle one year. I remember rockin’ the Superman.”

    AUDIO: Jon Pardi reveals his favorite Halloween candy.

    Jon Pardi (Halloween candy) OC: …during Halloween. :06
    “Man! The candy corn is pretty good, and that’s seasonal, so it only kinda pops out during Halloween.” 

    AUDIO: Jon Pardi will be onstage for Halloween this year, and he tells us his plans for him and his band, The All Nighters.

    Jon Pardi (Halloween 2012) OC: …as a group. :10

    “We’re playing in Cincinnati on Halloween, and I alays try to get the band – because my band is supercool and we always work together – so, I think we’re going to be pirates again. We’re usually always pirates, something we can do as a group.”

    AUDIO: Kelleigh Bannen and her husband, Jeff, have two pugs – Rugby and Cabell – who they like to dress up for Halloween.

    Kelleigh Bannen (Halloween) OC: …to say. :31
    “Target is one of the best places to get dog costumes on the cheap. Last year, we had a landshark and a caterpillar [laughs], and they’ve been a bumblebee. And for me, it’s about that moment when the three to four-year-old child who’s walking around the neighborhood too realizes that your dog is also dressed like a pumpkin and so is he, and he loses his mind over it. So, it’s all about the comedic value for us with the dogs and the costumes. But I am that person, I’m embarrassed to say.”

  • HALLOWEEN LINERS: Darius, Dierks, Church, Eric Paslay, Kelleigh (AUDIO)


    “Hey! What’s up, y’all? This is Darius Rucker, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.” 

    “Hey! It’s Dierks Bentley, wishing you a Happy Halloween.” 

    “Hey! This is Eric Church, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.” 

    “Hey! This is Eric Paslay, wishing you a very Happy Halloween.”

    “Hey! This is Kelleigh Bannen, wishing you a very scary and Happy Halloween.”


    Halloween is right around the corner, and the holiday has some of your favorite country stars getting into costumes, and recalling memories of Halloweens past.

    As a child, Dierks Bentley says Halloween was all about fireworks and blowing up stuff around his home. “Growing up in Arizona, we couldn’t get ’em, so we’d have ’em shipped in illegally. We were all about M-80s in the mailboxes and bottle-rocket wars.” As a father of two girls, he now takes costume pointers from his daughter Evie.

    Audio:  Dierks Bentley talks about the Halloweens of his childhood.

    Dierks Bentley (Halloween) OC: … …around home. [laughs]  :23

    “Oh, when I was a kid, I was all into fireworks. Growing up in Arizona, we couldn’t get ’em, so we’d have ’em shipped in illegally. I still remember the name of the guy we’d call. His name was Joe, and he’d bring in, ship ’em in a package with no writing on ’em. We were all about M-80s in the mailboxes and bottle rocket wars. To me, as a kid, Halloween was fireworks, was blowing up stuff around home. [laughs]”

    Audio: Dierks Bentley reveals what he and the rest of his family will be dressing up as this Halloween.

    Dierks Bentley (2011 Halloween) OC: …know about. :45

    “Evie’s got, uh, yeah, she’s already got her Halloween costume picked out. She’s decided what everyone’s gonna be this year in our family. So, she’s gonna be The Little Mermaid, and then her younger sister’s gonna be a crab. I think his name is Sebastian. I don’t know The Little Mermaid that well, but she’s decided Jordan’s gonna be the crab. And she wants me to be Swiper, who’s a character from a TV show called Dora, The Explorer. So, I don’t think they make mid-30-year-old male Swiper costumes, so if any fans want to submit one, or if you see me in Joanne’s fabric store putting together like a superhero kind of costume, that’s because I love my daughter and that’s who she wants me to be. She’s in charge. I think she has Cassie going as Dora. So, maybe there’s something secretive thing going on between Dora and Swiper that we don’t know about.”

    FYI: Swiper’s description is “a sneaky fox with a blue mask and gloves, who is the antagonist of the TV series and appears in nearly every episode.As his name implies, Swiper steals or attempts to steal key items that help Dora on her adventures. Clever as he is, Swiper never manages to take Dora completely by surprise; an ominous ‘whisking’ sound is always audible just prior to his appearances…he is also considered a master of disguises.”

  • NEWS AND NOTES: Reba McEntire, Luke Bryan, Luke Grimes, Carrie Underwood, Chris Stapleton, Parker McCollum

    Backstage at her Grand Ole Opry appearance, Reba McEntire was presented with a plaque for her song “Fancy.” It has been certified double-platinum and has more than 400 Million Streams.

    Luke Bryan was hosts the new special, DOLLY PARTON – FROM RHINESTONES TO ROCK & ROLL, on Tuesday (November 7th) at 10:01pm ET/9:01pm CT. The one-hour special , which features an in-depth interview with ABC News’ Robin Roberts, features appearances by Sting, Pat Benatar and husband Neil Giraldo, Keith Urban, Darius Rucker, Jordan Davis, Miranda Lambert, Lainey Wilson, Jelly Roll, Carly Pearce, Luke Combs and Cody Johnson, among others.


    Luke Grimes is scheduled to perform on ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live (check local listings) on Wednesday (November 8th).

    Carrie Underwood is offering fans a special limited edition green vinyl of her Christmas album, My Gift. The new special edition version will include all 11 tracks from the 2020 version of the album, as well as three additional songs including “Favorite Time of Year,” “All Is Well” and “Let There Be Peace/Something In The Water” that she performed on her HBO MAX special, My Gift: A Christmas Special From Carrie Underwood. Click here for more information.


    If you are looking to purchase a vinyl copy of Chris Stapleton‘s new album, Higher, you’ll be able to choose from SIX different color variants: translucent milky clear, cola bottle clear, opaque baby pink, opaque bone, opaque brown and standard black. Higher, featuring the superstar’s latest single “White Horse,” is available on Friday (November 10th).


    Parker McCollum showed CMT his tour bus, complete with recliners, bunks, drinks, Halloween candy and a humidifier, which has been a game changer for him. Check it out below.





  • NEWS AND NOTES: Reba McEntire, Brothers Osborne, Jon Pardi, Darius Rucker, George Strait, Mickey Guyton

    Reba McEntire‘s new book, Not That Fancy: Simple Lessons on Life, Love, Eating and Dusting Off Your Boots, has landed on the New York Times Best Sellers List.

    Reba McEntire joined her fellow Voice coach Gwen Stefani as she receives her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame last week.


    Jon Pardi appears on CMT’s Hot 20 Countdown talking about his new single, “Cowboys And Plowboys” with Luke Bryan. Tune in on Saturday (October 21st) and Sunday (October 22nd) at 9am ET/8am CT.


    Darius Rucker appears on The Kelly Clarkson Show on Monday (October 23rd). He talks about his new album, Carolyn’s Boy, his favorite Halloween costume, Halloween candy and if he believes in ghosts. Check your local listings for times.



    Brothers Osborne will perform on ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live on Monday (October 23rd). NFL greats and sports commentators Terry Bradshaw and Howie Long, as well as actor-comedian Ronny Chieng, will also appear on the show. (check local listings for times)

    George Strait and Jon Pardi will take part in a tribute show celebrating the late singer-songwriter-musician-producer Keith Gattis at Nashville’s Brooklyn Bowl November 28th. Sheryl Crow, Wade Bowen, Randy Houser, Dean Dillon, Jack Ingram and Kendell Marvel, among others will also perform.

    Comedian Nate Bargatze appeared on NBC’s TODAY Show on Monday to talk about his first time hosting Saturday Night Live (this weekend), his Be Funny comedy tour and much more.



    Mickey Guyton recorded a new holiday duet with Michael Bolton. “Christmas Isn’t Christmas” is out now and will be featured on the pop singer’s new album, Christmas Time, which will be available November 3rd.

  • NEWS AND NOTES: Darius, Kip, Chrissy, Travis

    Darius Rucker, Miranda Lambert and Luke Combs will headline the C2C Festival next year. The three-day event on March 11th – March 13th, 2022, will take place in Dublin, Ireland; London, England and Glasgow, Scotland, and will also feature performances by Kip Moore, Ashley McBryde, Brett Young, Scotty McCreery, Russell Dickerson, Tenille Townes, Runaway June, Calista Clark, Hailey Whitters and Flatland Cavalry.


    Chrissy Metz will make a special appearance in The Muppets first-ever Halloween special, Muppets Haunted Mansion, October 8th on Disney+. Alfonso Ribeiro, Danny Trejo, Sasheer Zamata and Jeannie Mai will also appear.


    Travis Denning has released an acoustic version of his single, “ABBY,” from The Outdoor Channel. Check it out below.


  • CHRISTMAS 2020: Brothers Osborne

    We all received an early Christmas present around Halloween when Brothers Osborne released their album, Skeletons. When it comes to the holidays, the duo love the sights and sounds of Christmas.

    “I love the overall feel and look at that time of year, because it’s starting to get really cold then and everything’s coming to a halt. It stays dark, so you have a lot of Christmas lights. I just love Christmas lights – they put you in such an amazing mood,” says John Osborne. “Just the sounds, like all the Christmas music and even shopping, which is quite possibly one of the most hectic things to do during the holidays. Even if we have all our shopping done, we’ll still go to the mall just because it’s so alive and vibrant and the colors and the music and the lights. I just love it. It’s a bit sensory overload, but I kinda dig that.”

    Brothers Osborne are currently climbing the country charts with “All Night.”



    Brothers Osborne (feel of Christmas) OC: …dig that. :36
    “I love the overall feel and look at that time of year, because it’s starting to get really cold then and everything’s coming to a halt. It stays dark so you have a lot of Christmas lights. I just love Christmas lights – they put you in such an amazing mood. Just the sounds, like all the Christmas music and even shopping, which is quite possibly one of the most hectic things to do during the holidays. Even if we have all our shopping done, we’ll still go to the mall just because it’s so alive and vibrant and the colors and the music and the lights. I just love it. It’s a bit sensory overload, but I kinda dig that.”


    Lauren Alaina and her partner Gleb Savchenko delivered the Jive to Elvis Presley’s “Hound Dog” AND during a dance-off with The Bachelorette’s Hannah Brown, performed the sexy Salsa…and she slayed it, even if she didn’t win the dance-off. She and Gleb scored 24 out of 30 points, and the pair is safe to dance another week.

    Make sure to tune in to Dancing With the Stars on Monday (November 11th) at 8pm ET/7pm CT on ABC to watch Lauren and her partner Gleb AND don’t forget to ADD (or convert) her new single, “Getting Good.”

    CUTS 1-8:

    CUT 1: LINER Lauren Alaina (Tune Into DWTS)
    “Hey y’all, it’s Lauren Alaina. Don’t forget to tune in to Dancing With the Stars on ABC on Monday.”

    CUT 2: Lauren Alaina (Hello)

    CUT 3: Lauren Alaina (How Are You)
    “Hey! Thank you. How are you?”

    CUT 4: Lauren Alaina talks about learning two dances for this week – the jive and the salsa.

    Lauren Alaina (learning the jive and salsa)
    OC: …having a blast. :44

    CUT 5: During their Halloween-themed show last week, Lauren Alaina revealed she had four hurt ribs. We asked her how she was feeling this week.

    Lauren Alaina (ribs healing)
    OC: ….rest, rest, rest. :17

    CUT 6: Lauren Alaina talks about her friend, Ally Brooke, who for the second time was in the bottom two contestants to go home. She ended up staying, and Lauren says she’d be lost without her on Dancing With the Stars.

    Lauren Alaina (Ally on the show-hard to see people go) OC: …really hard. :44

    CUT 7: Lauren Alaina looks forward to next week’s show, as it is boy band and girl band week.

    Lauren Alaina (next week)
    OC: …their songs. :37

    CUT 8: Lauren Alaina (Thank you guys)
    “Thank you, guys. Have a good day.”





    Audio / CUT 1 LINER Lauren Alaina (tune into DWTS)


    Audio / CUT 2 Lauren Alaina (Hello)


    Audio / CUT 3 Lauren Alaina (I'm Good. How Are You?)


    Audio / CUT 4 Lauren Alaina (learning jive and salsa)


    Audio / CUT 5 Lauren Alaina (ribs healing)


    Audio / CUT 6 Lauren Alaina (Ally on the show-hard to see people go)


    Audio / CUT 7 Lauren Alaina (next week)


    Audio / CUT 8 Lauren Alaina (Thank you guys)


    Lauren Alaina and her partner Gleb Savchenko delivered a stunning cotemporary performance to “The Other Side,” a beautiful new song and reflection of faith composed by the young star while coping with the loss of her stepfather, Sam Ramker. Lauren danced to the deeply personal song in remembrance of Sam on the one-year anniversary of his passing. Lauren, who wrote the song with Jon Nite and Zach Kale, says, “I wrote ‘The Other Side’ in Sam’s memory. I wanted to create a song that did him justice.” She continues, “He couldn’t hear me sing without crying because he was so proud of me… I wrote this song so that he can live on, and never be forgotten.”

    Encouraged by Savchenko to dance as though she was speaking to her stepdad, Lauren and her partner gave a moving performance drawing 26 out of 30 points, the couple’s highest score thus far in the competition. “The Other Side” follows Lauren’s recently released single, “Getting Good,” playing on country radio now.

    Make sure to tune in to Dancing With the Stars on Monday (October 28TH) at 8pm ET/7pm CT on ABC to watch Lauren and her partner Gleb dance on a special Halloween-themed show AND don’t forget to ADD (or convert) her new single, “Getting Good.”

    CUTS 1-9:

    CUT 1: LINER Lauren Alaina (Tune Into DWTS)
    “Hey y’all, it’s Lauren Alaina. Don’t forget to tune in to Dancing With the Stars on ABC on Monday.”

    CUT 2: Lauren Alaina (Hello)

    CUT 3: Lauren Alaina (How Are You)
    “Hey! Thank you. How are you?”

    CUT 4: Lauren Alaina reveals she rehearsed her contemporary dance so much because she wanted to focus on thinking about her stepfather during her emotional dance this past week on Dancing With the Stars.

    Lauren Alaina (thinking about stepfather during dance)
    OC: …through it. :34

    CUT 5: It was such an emotional moment for Lauren, especially after her dance when she went over to her mother.

    Lauren Alaina (emotional)
    OC: ….really, really proud of her. :26

    CUT 6: Lauren Alaina talks about what she did following her emotional performance on Dancing With the Stars – went to dinner with her family and friends, just want her stepfather would have wanted her to do.

    Lauren Alaina (what she did following her dance)
    OC: …that was nice. :36

    CUT 7: Lauren Alaina says she’s grown in ways she never would had it not been for Dancing With the Stars.

    Lauren Alaina (what she’s learned about herself during the DWTS process) OC: …in my life. 1:38

    CUT 8: Lauren Alaina loves to dress up, so she says she’s so pumped for Halloween night on Dancing With the Stars.

    Lauren Alaina (looking forward to Halloween night) OC: …in my element this week. :23

    CUT 9: Lauren Alaina (Thank you guys)
    “Thank you, guys. Have a good day.”




    Audio /


    CUT 1: LINER Lauren Alaina (Tune Into DWTS)
    “Hey y’all, it’s Lauren Alaina. Don’t forget to tune in to Dancing With the Stars on ABC on Monday.”

    Audio /


    CUT 2: Lauren Alaina (Hello)

    Audio /


    CUT 3: Lauren Alaina (How Are You)
    “Hey! Thank you. How are you?”

    Audio / CUT 4: Lauren Alaina reveals she rehearsed her contemporary dance so much because she wanted to focus on thinking about her stepfather during her emotional dance this past week on Dancing With the Stars.


    Lauren Alaina (thinking about stepfather during dance)
    OC: …through it. :34

    Audio / CUT 5: It was such an emotional moment for Lauren, especially after her dance when she went over to her mother.


    Lauren Alaina (emotional)
    OC: ….really, really proud of her. :26

    Audio / CUT 6: Lauren Alaina talks about what she did following her emotional performance on Dancing With the Stars – went to dinner with her family and friends, just want her stepfather would have wanted her to do.


    Lauren Alaina (what she did following her dance)
    OC: …that was nice. :36

    Audio / CUT 7: Lauren Alaina says she’s grown in ways she never would had it not been for Dancing With the Stars.


    Lauren Alaina (what she’s learned about herself during the DWTS process) OC: …in my life. 1:38


    Audio / CUT 8: Lauren Alaina loves to dress up, so she says she’s so pumped for Halloween night on Dancing With the Stars.


    Lauren Alaina (looking forward to Halloween night) OC: …in my element this week. :23


    Audio / CUT 9: Lauren Alaina (Thank you guys)


    “Thank you, guys. Have a good day.”


    David Nail is making his way up the country charts with his latest single, “Night’s On Fire,” a song written by Jonathan Singleton and Deric Ruttan. The first release from his forthcoming album, which David once described as his “lovemaking record,” is really heating up.

    “There’s just always kind of been a little buzz about it. It was a song I fought really hard for. I knew it had a lot of potential, much like ‘Whatever She’s Got.’ It just really had kind of all of the variables that you need nowadays,” says David. “It’s a very common theme throughout the song, but I felt like just lyrically they were very creative and had a fresh take on it.”

    David has plans for Halloween – he’ll be setting the night on fire with a show in Birmingham, Alabama on Saturday.

    Audio / David Nail says his latest single, “Night’s On Fire,” has so much potential.


    David Nail (fought for Night’s On Fire) OC: …take on it. :30
    “There’s just always kind of been a little buzz about it. It was a song I fought really hard for. I knew it had a lot of potential, much like ‘Whatever She’s Got.’ It just really had kind of all of the variables that you need nowadays. And also, I just loved, it’s a very common theme throughout the song, but I felt like just lyrically they were very creative and had a fresh take on it.”


    Jon Pardi has hit the Top 40 with his latest single, “Head Over Boots,” which he co-wrote with hit tunesmith Luke Laird. It’s the first release from his forthcoming album due out next year. He said he was looking to come up with a good love song, especially for his female fans.

    “I was sitting in Spring Branch, Texas at my dad’s house, and I started kinda strummin’ this little old sounding country thing in his living room and I recorded it on my phone,” says Jon. “I was thinking, ‘Man, I need a good love song for the ladies out there.’ So, I came up with ‘Head Over Boots,’ and I went to Luke Laird and we kind of threw out the title and we came up with a cool little old school modern new love song, and it’s my first love song on Country radio.”

    Jon is currently headlining his All Time High Tour with Brothers Osborne, and he makes stops in Auburn Friday night (October 30th) and Perdido Key, Florida on Halloween night.

    Audio / Jon Pardi talks about the concept behind his latest single, "Head Over Boots."


    Jon Pardi (Head Over Boots) OC: …on Country radio. :24
    “I was sitting in Spring Branch, Texas at my dad’s house and I started kinda strummin’ this little old sounding country thing in his living room and I recorded it on my phone. I was thinking man, I need a good love song for the ladies out there. So, I came up with ‘Head Over Boots’ and I went to Luke Laird and we kind of threw out the title and we came up with a cool little old school modern new love song, and it’s my first love song on Country radio.”


    Video / Jon Pardi Head Over Boots lyric video


    Lady Antebellum threw a costume party at a new Nashville hotspot, City Winery, to celebrate the recent No. 1 success of their single “Bartender” in Nashville on Wednesday (October 29th). After speaking with the media, the trio donned some alcohol-inspired costumes and performed their chart-topping hit, along with co-writer Rodney Clawson.

    “We thought with the No. 1 party being so close to Halloween, we might as well keep it loose and fun,” says Lady A’s Hillary Scott. “We’ve been known to dress up when we’ve had shows on Halloween anyway. Charles was Ronnie Dunn, Dave was Kix Brooks (Brooks & Dunn) and I was Reba one year, so we love to have fun with that.”

    Adds Dave Haywood, ““It’s close to Halloween, and it’s a bar themed day, so we thought a couple alcohol-inspired costumes for this year for us.”

    Lady A has stormed the country charts with their latest single, “Freestyle.,” and just released the video for the tune on Wednesday.

    You can catch Lady Antebellum performing during next week’s CMA Awards, where they’re up for Vocal Group of the Year and Music Video of the Year for “Bartender.”

    Audio / Lady A (Bartender #1 party)

    AUDIO: Lady Antebellum attended a costume-inspired No. 1 party for their recent hit, “Bartender.”

    Lady A (Bartender #1 party) OC: (DAVE) …for us. :31
    HILLARY: “We thought with the No. 1 party being so close to Halloween, we might as well keep it loose and fun. We’ve been known to dress up when we’ve had shows on Halloween anyway. Charles was Ronnie Dunn, Dave was Kix Brooks (Brooks & Dunn) and I was Reba one year, so we love to have fun with that. My little girl is a pig. She looks awesome. She looks awesome.” [laugh] DAVE: “Costume.” CHARLES: “Her costume is pretty awesome.” DAVE: “It’s close to Halloween, and it’s a bar-themed day, so we thought a couple alcohol-inspired costumes for this year for us.”

    Audio / Lady A (Bartender #1)

    AUDIO: Lady Antebellum’s Hillary Scott says the band felt very encouraged after “Bartender” went to No. 1.

    Lady A (Bartender #1) 2 OC: …for sure. :23
    “This one for sure we were so excited about it, it was the first time we’d ever written with Rodney our co-writer and it was, I don’t know I think after you know taking a little bit of a break coming back with playing a tour, going out on tour writing on that tour and then having the first single just do so well it was just a big pat on the back I think and encouragement that we were headed in the right direction for the rest of the record. So, this one is very sweet for sure.”



    The video for Kelleigh Bannen’s single, “Sorry on the Rocks,” went live on CMT.com on Monday (November 5th). The “house” it was shot in was originally a barn, before it was turned into someone’s cool home. “I found out from Paul Worley, my producer, it used to be like a dance hall, and there was music,” says Kelleigh. “So, it was not really a venue, but it hosted these dances and parties, so that’s kind of cool that was the setting [for the video].”

    Last week, Kelleigh was featured on the CW’s Hart of Dixie during the show’s Halloween party episode as their band. A handful of her songs were used during the show, and they liked her so much, another one of her songs will be used in Tuesday night’s (November 6th) episode of the popular show (8pm ET).

    Kelleigh Bannen (where video was shot) OC: …the setting. :25
    “We shot it at this barn off of Estes in town here in Nashville. Actually, I found out from Paul Worley, my producer, it used to be like a dance hall, and there was music. He said my co-producer on my project, Jerry Smith, he’s like, ‘I’m sure Jerry played there back in the ‘70s.’ So, it was not really a venue, but it hosted these dances and parties, so that’s kind of cool that was the setting.”

    Video / Kelleigh Bannen On "The First Video Shoot"


    In the latest webisode — just in time for Halloween — we learn that Kelleigh Bannen has quite the sweet tooth; a love that has her husband taking extreme measures…by hiding it!

    Kelleigh’s debut single, “Sorry on the Rocks,” is currently heading up the country charts!

    Video / Kelleigh Bannen On "Candy"


    Kelleigh Bannen makes her television debut in the CW’s Hart of Dixie on Tuesday (October 30th). The “Sorry on the Rocks” singer will appear as the “country band” in the Halloween-themed episode of the show. “We’re playing a couple of songs on camera while the story’s unfolding sort of around us at this local party at this local club,” Kelleigh explains. “It was fun. I really didn’t have to act. I just had to lip-synch really well.”

    Kelleigh had to be in makeup at 4am and was on the set until after 6pm shooting her scenes, which made for a long day. What made up for the long hours on the soundstage was the catering. “You’re working this kind of really long day in the soundstage, and it’s dark and you kind of don’t even know what time it is, and they keep bringing out new food, like there’s new trays of food that keep showing up,” she says. “Amazing sliders and fries and then berries and whipped cream. I was attacking the berries and the cream.”

    Fans will see her perform her debut single “Sorry on the Rocks,” as well as “Be a Man,” which will appear on her forthcoming album, due out next year.

    AUDIO: Kelleigh Bannen describes her appearance in the CW’s Hart of Dixie Halloween episode.

    Kelleigh Bannen (Hart of Dixie) OC: …really well. [laughs] :21
    “They were looking for a country band to play a country band in their show, so actually, it’s a Halloween episode, and we’re playing a couple of songs on camera while the story’s unfolding sort of around us at this local party at this local club. It was fun. I really didn’t have to act. I just had to lip-synch really well.” [laughs]”

    AUDIO: Kelleigh Bannen really enjoyed the catering on the set of the CW’s Hart of Dixie.

    Kelleigh Bannen (Hart of Dixie catering) OC: …the cream. :23

    “The catering that they had was awesome. You’re working this kind of really long day in the soundstage, and it’s dark and you kind of don’t even know what time it is, and they keep bringing out new food, like there’s new trays of food that keep showing up. Amazing sliders and fries and then berries and whipped cream. I was attacking the berries and the cream.”


    Little Big Town gives their fans a “thrill” when they perform for fans on Halloween.

    Video / Little Big TV - Episode 36
